It's a fact of life that any healthy government needs an ample supply of money in order to have any power whatsoever, and taxing people is one of the most efficient ways to supply this money to the government, even though - regrettably - it is not very efficient as all. Either way, we are taxed whether we like it or not, from the taxes on our property to the taxes on the groceries we purchase.
However, the people cannot be deprived of a large chunk of their necessary income without the government giving just as much back to the people as it can. On the other hand, the government needs to establish a minimum standard to keep itself afloat amidst whatever might be going on in the world and within the nation at the time. In a similar regard, this areas of one's life where a tax should be required is a matter up for definition as well, with several contested proposals whirling into the mixture.
So I ask you: how much tax is enough tax? Should we err towards allowing the people more money or the government? Which aspects of a person's expenditures should be accountable for a tax? Personally, I feel that taxes should be kept on the low end of the spectrum (what percentage that is depends on the nation), but it should be able to be thriftily raised should the times call for it. As for which areas should be taxed, I would say almost everything except for medical expenses, where taxes should be levied considering how necessary that is for the well-being of that nation and the ability of the populus to work.
However, the people cannot be deprived of a large chunk of their necessary income without the government giving just as much back to the people as it can. On the other hand, the government needs to establish a minimum standard to keep itself afloat amidst whatever might be going on in the world and within the nation at the time. In a similar regard, this areas of one's life where a tax should be required is a matter up for definition as well, with several contested proposals whirling into the mixture.
So I ask you: how much tax is enough tax? Should we err towards allowing the people more money or the government? Which aspects of a person's expenditures should be accountable for a tax? Personally, I feel that taxes should be kept on the low end of the spectrum (what percentage that is depends on the nation), but it should be able to be thriftily raised should the times call for it. As for which areas should be taxed, I would say almost everything except for medical expenses, where taxes should be levied considering how necessary that is for the well-being of that nation and the ability of the populus to work.