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Team Darkeve


Sep 30, 2006
Reaction score
This team will start real registration one month after D/P hits the US. That way you guys will have enough time to train. Heres how it all goes: I only accept the best players, over wi-fi, and you will be given missions (A.K.A.- battle over wi-fi to spread our reputation or catch a pokemon) you will also be given rewards for completing these missions ( A.K.A.- rare or elusive pokemon and/or expensive items.) Just because you post here doesn't mean you'll be on the team.... Give me reasons why you should be on my team and I could consider you for battle registration. Give me your current team and levels in your posts...... Level 100 pokemon wont mean youll be in the team either. Well, that's enough talking. After every few posts I will give out who is ready for battle registration AFTER ONE MONTH D/P HITS THE US.
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And I hope you realise that mods can see the post you deleted. ;-)
Dude, first, caaaaaalm it down, you really shouldn't get on the bad side of those with power within your first ten posts. But don't suck up either.

Anyway... I dunno about just giving it one month. Maybe two, two and a half is more like it, to allow people to build up their teams. Sure, after getting to Pal Park, we can import already perfectly-raised Pokémon from RSEFRLG, but I for one would definitely like to test out some of the new guys, too. I know I wanna test out Booburn and Elekible for certain. Maybe Dainose, too. With all of these new evolutions, some of the old Pokémon that were previously ignored are certainly going to be looking a whole lot better. I might start raising some of them myself, as well.

Anyway, off of that, a reason for me to join this would be that I know the typechart like the back of my hand, and I'm certainly eager to use new combinations of Pokémon and moves... I'm an avid breeder, hell, I've got tons of eggs just sitting in Ruby and FireRed, too, just waiting to be hatched.

So, yeah. I should be ready by the time it's released.
TTEchidna, you've made it to the battle test.......
Um, If you want, I could make you a team logo/banner and make a better website for you. As for teams, I'll be more than ready in anyone's month or two, seeing as I can easily beat the game in two-three weeks if I use my weekends right/days. I'll be trading over my beloved Fire Red pokemon which i'm currently training at this moment to prep them for the long awaited DP Adventure.
Ok Realist, your on charge of banner duties and website. (I only had a few minutes to scrap it together) Just tell me your fire red pokemon and youll prob be on the team :) Im ttly sure
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I'm in Australia, but there should only be a couple weeks gap between US and Aus right? But anyway... should breeze through the game in a week or so (made it through Sapphire overnight OMZ.) I could help with breeding, egg moves and so on. Dex Filling is my speciality. Access to all GBA pkmn games. Currently training my emerald team (PM for details) and I have already picked out my D/P team with advantages against every type (again PM for details) Hmm...what else? Uhh...Quite good at contests if that helps and I think that's about it. Oh and Just so you know, I keep my teams at about lvl 75-85. I don't like to train to level 100.
Your ready for battle registration too.... Im not 100% picky on this subject, its mostly the battle registration that will decide....
If I continue to train, my team will consist of:

????(Looking someone to fill my Butterfree's spot)
My team consists of:

I notice you borrowed my userpage's style for it. Nice choice there, yes indeed.

Might wanna list out the moves, though, and the area met. I tried to clean it up a bit for ya, but since I don't know those, I'm not gonna touch them.

I think your team's quite good, though, and could certainly give many a run for their money.

...you do realize, though, that because that Sneasel's already at level 100, you won't be able to evolve it when it gets into D/P.

Just curious, though... Does that Larvitar happen to have Outrage or Thrash? And your team's a bit gender-misbalanced. What if, say, you encounter someone who has a female Pokémon with Cute Charm, and use a move that makes contact with it? Or even a female Pokémon with Attract...?

I'm not saying that it's bad or anything, I'm just saying that you oughta have some balance between them. And you'll want some others once D/P comes here, I'd imagine. I'm certainly gonna try to add some like Lucario to my final team, and Everide isn't looking too bad either. I was actually planning to evolve my Kirlia into one.
heh i didnt know how to do the gender, so i do have lots of females, and my sneasel is level 99, i mustv put down 100 :(.
I also have an entire d/p team figured out.....;
I didnt put down the moves because you have to find them out on your own.......
Oh and thanx for cleaning up my blog.

I officially made a flyer for you guyz to print and post anywhere if you want to, Im going on a trip to tricities all weekend and Ill be posting them EVERYWHERE:

The Official Pokemon Diamond/Pearl wireless/wifi club! Battle for glory and Ultimate prizes!!! Give two good reasons that we should even consider you for registration and if you do well, one month after the d/p release we’ll battle you. Only one battle, only one chance. If you do well, you’re in!!!! You’ll get great prizes, such as uber starters (A.K.A. a Torchic that knows fire spin and fire blast) or level 40+ level Pokemon, Pokemon you don’t have, and expensive items. For more information, go to:
www.teamdarkeve.homestead. com or
just go to bulbagarden.net forums and in the general discussion section look for TeamDarkeve.


Feel free to jazz it up!! I did, but it didnt show when I copied it..
So you wont hear from me for 2 or 3 days, but I have added one final thing for Team Darkeve...
Oh and anyone who wants to get in post in the registration forum there, try not to post as much here anymore.....
Ill be back in 2 days... Have a great weekend, and use my site to the limits with everyone you know.
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Sorry bout that. It's end of school term here and assignments for all my classes have built up. I should be back regularly next week though.
XD375 (conveniently located below me) doesn't understand just how big our *underground* operations really are....
I feel bad for him.....
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