In Akagi's room there is a computer. There are some reports there which add a bit to the backstory...
The origin of the universe
is the Big Bang.
I conjecture that the
Shin'ō of old was also born
in some kind of explosion.
Of course
that is the power of (a) Pokémon,
and probably is the legendary Pokémon
that is referred to as a god.
It is not to capture a god,
but to obtain the power of a god......
Legendary Pokémon......
The legendary power that
gave birth to Shin'ō
cannot be used at will
when (the) Pokémon
is captured in a (Poké) ball.
However, if one has the red chain,
one can tie down the legendary Pokémon
and can be controlled at will......
The red chain...
The Pokémon of the three lakes
and the Pokémon of Mt. Tengan
are somehow connected.
By capturing the 3 Pokémon
the power that restrains
the Pokémon of Mt. Tengan will disappear.
Furthermore, if we take the crystals (結晶) / blood (血漿)
from the Pokémon of the lake
and make (a) red chain from that,
it will be possible to summon (the) legendary Pokémon
and control it as one pleases.
うちゅうの はじまりは
だいばくはつ から
おおむかましの シンオウも
なにかしらの ばくはつ により
うまれたと すいそくする
それは ポケモンの ちからであり
かみと いわれ つたえられる
しんわの ポケモンであろう
かみを つかまえるのではなく
かみのちからを てにいれる……
The origin of the universe
is the Big Bang.
I conjecture that the
Shin'ō of old was also born
in some kind of explosion.
Of course
that is the power of (a) Pokémon,
and probably is the legendary Pokémon
that is referred to as a god.
It is not to capture a god,
but to obtain the power of a god......
シンオウを うみだしたと される
その でんせつの ちから
ボールで とらえたところで
ポケモンの ちからは
じざいに はっきできない
だが あかいくさりを もてば
しんわの ポケモンを つなぎとめ
じざいに あやつれる……
Legendary Pokémon......
The legendary power that
gave birth to Shin'ō
cannot be used at will
when (the) Pokémon
is captured in a (Poké) ball.
However, if one has the red chain,
one can tie down the legendary Pokémon
and can be controlled at will......
3つの みずうみの ポケモンと
テンガンざんの ポケモンは
どこかで むすびついている
3びきの ポケモンを とらえることで
テンガンざんの ポケモンを
おさえていた ちからは きえる
さらに みずうみの ポケモンたちから
けっしょうを とりだし それで
あかいくさりを つくれば
しんわの ポケモンすら よびだし
おもいのままに あやつれるだろう……
The red chain...
The Pokémon of the three lakes
and the Pokémon of Mt. Tengan
are somehow connected.
By capturing the 3 Pokémon
the power that restrains
the Pokémon of Mt. Tengan will disappear.
Furthermore, if we take the crystals (結晶) / blood (血漿)
from the Pokémon of the lake
and make (a) red chain from that,
it will be possible to summon (the) legendary Pokémon
and control it as one pleases.