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The Canadian Elections - Read (Left-wing especially) BEFORE you get a heart attack.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
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Ok. First, the shocker (for those of you who have not been keeping up to date).

The Conservative Party will (almost certainly) win.

Yes, I know, that's a shock to all of you Americans. And Mozz and GM (and any other friends) are probably secretly gloating about it.

Now, let me explain a few things.

1.1 - This will almost certainly be a MINORITY government. While the conservatives will have more votes than any other party, the (Canadian) Center (Liberals) + Left (NDP, Bloc) should still have more seat than the conservatives.

1.2 - The liberals are losing ground over a series of scandals. The conservatives aren't winning because Canada has suddenly gone religious nuts (more on that later) - the conservatives are winnign because they're about the only credible alternative to the liberals, who have been in power too long and gotten rather corrupt.

1.3 - The Conservatives have distanced themselves from the vast majority of socially conservative ideals they used to present. Their leader, Stephen Harper, had made it expressively clear that he does not intend to touch aborption even with a ten foot pole. He has also promised (though of course, that is a politician's promise) to NOT use the notwithstandign clause in regard to gay marriage. (The notwithstanding clause is a clause of the constitution which allows the government to bypass Supreme Court rulings striking down certain laws as unconstitutional. The old marriages law were struck down as unconstitutial by the SC). Essentialy, the conservatives have gone from being a right-wing party very close to the republicans to being a center-right that's not particularly far from the position, say, Kerry used to defend.

1.4 - In closing, unless the conservatives manage to get a majority (rather unlikely), they most likely will not last all that long as a government, and it is entirely possible that the liberals will come back in strength soon.
Are the "conservatives" in favor of private health care options for those that can afford it?
The liberals claim they are. They tried an American style scare-campaign, though, so take that with a grain (or shitload) of salt.

The conservatives themselves have not really said anything one way or the other that I know of.

In any event, decisions regarding health care laws are mostly a provincial-level issue. Ottawa can force the hands of the provinces on various things - but the conservatives made their whole campaign on returning autonomy to provinces.
Damian Silverblade said:
Ottawa can force the hands of the provinces on various things - but the conservatives made their whole campaign on returning autonomy to provinces.
Can they run for office in America? PLEASE??
Yeah, I thought you'd like that notion.

And by the way, this thread is called "preemptive strike" against any conservatives (ie, you) who might have wished to start a thread on the Canadian election AFTER the result showed up :-D
I voted for the Conservatives a couple hours ago. We'll see how it turns out. :)
Preliminary results :

Out of 308 seats, 155 needed for a majority government :

Conservative party (Right-centerish) - 124 (+26) - 36.5% (+6.9%)
Liberal party (Center-ish) - 103 (-30) - 30.1% (-6.6%)
Bloc Québécois (Mostly left-ish) - 51 (-3) - 10.6% (-1.8%)
New Democratic Party (strong left) - 29 (+10) - 17.3% (+1.6%)
Green Party (mostly left) - 0 (+0%) ; - 4.5% (+0.2%)
Independants - 1 (-3) - 0.5% (+0.0%)

EDIT : These are still slightly shifting, of course. Bloc has been vascilating between 50 and 51 all night ; the NDP between 29 and 30, the CP around 120-odds, the Libs around 105).

It is, however, a good estimate of the end results.

Of random interest, the Communist Party collected 0.02% of votes, trailling behind their sister-party, the Marxist-Leninist (0.06%), which is tied with the Marijuana Party (0.06%).

Random fact : despite almost (I tried it once - and this was in 2005) - never smoking pot, I did vote for the Marijuana Party in 2001, due to the abysymal lack of wortwhile candidates. (I voted Green in the 2004 and 2006 elections, tho)


EDIT II : If the result posted above are the final ones, then you will have 154 vote totals to Bloc+Liberals, and 154 total to the New Dems+Independants+Conservatives. And, since the speaker (from the winning party) does NOT get to vote except as a tiebreaker, the liberals and Bloc together can pull down the Conservatives without any help.

Which means that the Conservatives need to get either Liberal or Bloc approval for any law they want passed through.
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