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TEEN: - Complete The Christmas Wish (Epilogue FINALLY up)


Badass office lady
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
It's been a while since I've posted any fic here, hasn't it? Anyway, I decided this Christmas I'd write a seasonal fic, and I had two choices: A Christmas Carol, retold with Giovanni instead of Scrooge, and an original character fic, with a more original storyline. As much as the world could use another one of my infamous non-sequitur Giovanni fanfictions, I decided to go with the second choice, mainly because my school's fall play got me Christmas Carol-ed out. A little overview of my characters: Nekou is my original character (not at all based on me! Seriously!) and Hitoshi... well, if you've seen the Himeno manga, yes, it's THAT Hitoshi. Every other character in this story is, well, the same as they are from the show.
(And for fans of my Giovanni fics, fear not- the same weirdness has crept into this story.) Enjoy!
Chapter 1

It was a cold, snowy December night in Celadon City, and Christmas was in the air, so much you could not only see and hear it, but feel, taste, and smell it. Lights gleamed from the department store, as holiday shoppers rushed in and out. Among this crowd was Nekou and her longtime boyfriend, Hitoshi.
"Hitoshi, you are officially the greatest boyfriend I have ever had. This was terrific!" Hitoshi, arms full of packages, looked over to Nekou. "What do you mean, Nekou? I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had."
"Exactly," Nekou replied to him, somewhat cryptically. "Either way... it was so great to spend the day shopping with you." She stopped. "But," she said, lowering her voice- though she realized it would hardly be heard by any of the busy shoppers that surrounded them, it was still best to take certain precautions- "explain to me again how you got Namba to let you get off today?" The idea of not having anything to do was common to Nekou- her department, Covert Ops, rarely ever did anything of consequence in the chilly winter months, and she was frequently forced, as with her colleagues, to either end up doing everyone else's work, or find some other means of killing time. However, Hitoshi, being a lab Rattata, as was the common nickname for those unlucky enough to find themseves running errands for Research, was pretty much always busy, and the idea of "spare time" was foreign to most of them. Especially with Namba around.
"We're about to get that taken care of," Hitoshi said, smirking. Inside, he wondered how he was going to break it to Nekou there would be no anniversary gift the next year. And I'd been saving since September, but I blew it all on a few hours Christmas shopping... Hitoshi thought... If Namba would just give me that raise I've been asking him about...
"Oh, no, Hitoshi, you didn't..." Before she could say anything else, Hitoshi grabbed her hand, and ran quickly through the crowd, nearly knocking over several shoppers before finally slowing down. "Hito- what are you doing...?" Nekou's shock was cut off by the fresh shock of feeling a stabbing pain in her shoulder. "Kali..." Her ever present Sneasel, her constant travel companion, was clinging to her, panicked. "You really can't do that, girl. You know that."
"Problem, Nekou?" Hitoshi asked.
"Nah, Kali was just... acting up again. But who understands those things, anyway? I mean, she's rode on my shoulder since I don't know when, and... well, I'm not even sure I know what the heck she's up to sometimes. Now, what ARE we doing, anyway?"
Her question was answered when Hitoshi ducked into a small storefront. The smaller shops in Celadon were dwarfed by the huge department store, and if you blinked, you'd miss them. "What is this place?" A delicious smell wafted through the establishment.
"If Namba's to be believed, the best coffeeshop in Celadon City," Hitoshi replied.
"Oh, no, Hito, you didn't...'
"Hey, the way to Namba's heart is through his stomach. Said he'd let me go if I brought him back a dozen of this place's Christmas gingerbread men. I guess they're really good... I dunno, who knows what he's ever thinking?"
"Well," Nekou said, "the coffee here really smells delicious, and we could all use some caffiene now... how about some lattes, my treat?" Hitoshi gave her a somewhat sad look. Nekou immediately knew why. By her rank's standards, Nekou was pretty well off, though she had no idea why- Covert Operations, being the most disorganized department of Team Rocket by far, never really had any directors, a fact accepted by all for some reason. As a result (which has yet to be understood by anyone, including the author), Giovanni found himself reluctantly taking all of middle management's responsibilities. They were field agents in everything but name and the occasional recon job.
This would be why Nekou's comparably high pay was a mystery. Pacifists weren't normally accepted in Team Rocket. Especially not of the excessively cheerful variety.
Hitoshi, on the other hand, was frequently broke. By theory, he was a "lab assistant". By practice, he was "Hey! You weird blonde! Go get me some coffee!". Hence, he wasn't really paid much. Research paid in terms of the scientific method- the amount of money you found yourself paid was directly proportional to the amount of science you found yourself doing. Hitoshi (aka Weird Blonde) was positive using the crappy coffeemaker in the break room was a science unto itself, but alas, could not convince Namba of such. So was fixing the printer. Or the mecha. Or Namba's car. Apparently, being a grease Mankey wasn't a science either.
Needless to say, Nekou always felt kinda guilty treating Hitoshi to things, when she knew he wanted to do the same for her.
"Oh... I'm sorry, Hitoshi. If you don't want anything... that's fine too. We can just get the cookies..."
"Nah, it's fine, Nekou. Coffee would be great... I'll go find the table, you can go order at the register."
"Okay," Nekou said, as Hitoshi wandered off to get a table. He sat down, and sighed. If Nekou could move up in the two short years since she'd joined Team Rocket, why couldn 't he? He'd been around far longer, and still hadn't seen even the slightest pay raise... Over the speakers, Frank Sinatra crooned Christmas carols. Oh the weather outside is frightful...
Nekou sat down next to Hitoshi. "Hey, Hito, cheer up! It's Christmas!"
Hitoshi looked up at her. "Yeah, guess you're right... still, things are so hard on me right now..."
"Yeah, but we all go through our tough times once in a while. Hey, they say now's a time of miracles... one just might come to you."
"Aw, look, a pair of snowbirds," A waitress had finally arrived at their table. "Let's see... Sneasel girl... You'd be the one who ordered two grande lattes and a dozen cookies, right?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"Well, it just so happens we have a special this month. Buy a latte, get a free Christmas cookie. They're world famous, you know." The waitress handed them each a paper wrapped cookie. Hitoshi's was a star shape; Nekou's was a tree, complete with little candies for the ornaments. "I'll be back later with the bill," she said.
"Well, Hitoshi, I guess we can finally find out if Namba's-" Hitoshi was already halfway through his cookie before she could finish her sentence. "Men," Nekou sighed. "These really are great, Nekou. They're almost magical, you know, how good they are. And... minty."
Nekou bit into her cookie. It was very tasty, with a hint of peppermint. "I've never had cookies like this before," she said, continuing to take little nibbles of the confection in direct contrast to Hitoshi's gluttony. She gazed out the window, as the snow blew about... An Articuno snowfall, they called it in Cerulean City, where she lived... and it was said that magic could happen on this night...
A pretty children's tale, she always figured, but kinda sentimental. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if maybe there was some magic in the world... at Christmastime, at the very least...
"Hey, Nekou," Hitoshi said, between sips of his coffee, "where's that Sneasel?"
"Huh? Kali?" Nekou looked furiously at either side of her, and under the table. Kali was nowhere to be found. "Kali..." She heard some shocked gasps. Looking in their direction, she realized Kali was vainly clawing at the glass on a display of some baked good. She managed to squint enough to make out "Gourmet Cat Treats" on the sign over the display through her foggy glasses. Nekou shot up from her seat and dragged the angry Sneasel back to their table. She hadn't been this mortified since some snotty Elites found her dream diary and agreed together that it'd be funny to post the entries on the MySpace of a certain Black Tulip... God, it took her weeks to live THAT one down.
Only at least her bizzaro subconcious wasn't being revealed to the enquiring minds of half of Team Rocket this time around. Still, Kali's misbehavior was just as embarrassing to her as a Sneasel trainer...
"Kali, those treats look tasty, but they're for Cat Pokemon. You're a... cat-rabbit-thing. I'm not sure that counts." Kali gave her a sad look. "Here, have some of my cookie." She broke off a bit of it and the Sneasel proceded to gratefully munch away at it. "Man," she said to Hitoshi, who was trying to comfort her, "I really wish I could understand Pokemon. They're so..."
"Irrational?" Hitoshi asked.
"Yeah, that's the word," Nekou said.
"At least you have a chance to use yours," Hitoshi said. "The last time I got to use Charizard was when Namba told me to go and burn some documents." Nekou didn't ask why, though she was puzzled. With Research, it was really best not to. "And then he said I didn't burn them fast enough... I don't care what he thinks anymore, at this point, though." Nekou put her arm around him. "I just wish I could pick up some more money soon... maybe a holiday bonus, you know?" The waitress returned to their table. "You guys enjoy the food?"
"Oh, it was wonderful," Nekou replied. "And those are the most delicious peppermint cookies..."
"Did you say peppermint?" the waitress asked. "Well, it's your lucky day, then. We only make 20 of those a day... they're wishing cookies."
"Wishing cookies?" Hitoshi asked.
"Yes. When you eat them, you make a wish, and it'll come true. It's an old family tradition. Sign here," she said, pointing to the line on the bill. Nekou did so.
As they left the cafe, Nekou couldn't help but think about what the waitress said. Wishing cookies... And the Articuno snow. No, Nekou thought, there's no way. Tales like that may entertain the wee ones at the yuletide, but Nekou knew reality all too well. There was magic in the world... just not enough for people like her and Hitoshi.

...to be continued...
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Neku, this is really good!!! I love your descriptions of some of the things that go on in Research. xD Poor Hitoshi!!

I can't wait to read more!
Ooh, just wait until Chapter 2, when we learn what happens to Nekou.

At the risk of giving too much away...
I drew a lot of inspiration from Mystery Dungeon for this story. Only Nekou's still human...

It should be up tomorrow.
Chapter 2

The next day- at headquarters

"Nekou! You won't believe it!"
It was Christmas Eve, and Nekou was simply minding her own business on her way to grab something to drink, Kali happily snoozing in hter backpack, when Hitoshi accosted her in the hallway. "Eh? Hitoshi? What happened?"
"Lookie here!" He waved a bit of paper in front of Nekou's face.
"Um... what, Hitoshi? Paper's not exactly what you'd call a miracle of science, you know, I doubt you'll get any brownie points for it..."
"No, no, Nekou, Namba gave me this holiday bonus! And it's bigger than I'd expected!"
Nekou stared at him. "So?"
"Remember those cookies? I'm starting to wonder if they really WERE wishing cookies." Hitoshi cracked a rare grin.
"Hito, that's just a story told to entertain the children. Do you honestly think cookies can grant wishes? I mean, they're not like, genies, or anything... I'm sure Namba had that bonus planned all along. Maybe that's why he kept turning down your requests-"
Hitoshi stared at Nekou disapprovingly. "You know what your problem is, Nekou? You've forgotten the spirit of Christmas, haven't you? Even Namba knows it- he made me decorate the tree in his office. But you- don't you even believe miracles can believe at this time of the year?"
"Don't get me wrong," Nekou replied. "I believe in miracles. That's how I know none have ever happened for me."
"Nekou- you can't say that... not on Christmas Eve, of all days..."
Nekou was prepared to reply when her phone rang. "Hello? Oh, you again. Yeah, I'll be down there to fix your printer, sit tight, okay Matt?" She put it away. "Someone's printer went on the fritz again over in the offices. I guess since no one else can fix it... See ya, Hitoshi." She scurried off to the scene of the malfunction. But not before she heard a mysterious voice call to her.
"Hey! Lady!" It was coming from somewhere behind her. Nekou quickly spun around. No one was there. "Hm. Weird," she said, continuing on.
"Sneasel lady! Down here!" Nekou turned around again, and nearly jumped when she saw a pair of familiar red eyes staring up at her. Too familiar, in fact. "Whoa, you can understand me?" the eyes' owner said. "Miracle of miracles. Usually when I try to talk to human types, they don't understand... I ask for food, they pat my head, I say I'm tired, they bring me food..."
Nekou was so shocked she had a very hard time saying what came next. "You're a..."
"Persian, yeah. What? You act like you've never seen one before..." It proceeded to lick its paw and begin cleaning itself.
"I've seen lots of them- well, so to speak," Nekou replied, "but they've never talked to me before." She still couldn't get past the shock of it all.
"Talk?" it asked. "You mean, as in, human talk? Who said I was talking? Not that way, at least."
"So you're... meowing... at me?" Nekou hoped this was some kind of sick joke, or something.
"If that's what you call it," Persian replied.
"Like the Babelfish..." Nekou said, noticing the curious, puzzled look on the cat's face. "Oh, nothing, it's a human thing, you wouldn't get it. You wouldn't happen to be... that Persian, would you?" she finally asked.
"No, I snuck in here off the street, I'm a stray with more diseases than you'd care to think of. Of COURSE I'm that Persian, would I be around here if I wasn't?"
Nekou nearly fainted when she heard this. The runaway train of thought going through her head was something like this: So I ate the magic Christmas cookie, Hitoshi was right, it does come true, and now it's acting like some kind of Pokemon-to-human Babelfish and the first thing that decides to talk to me is the boss's stupid cat and now there are at least five people staring at me because I'm conversing with it and all they hear is meow meow meow... wonderful, just wonderful. True to her worries, she overheard someone mutter, "Hey, she's talking to that Persian. I think she's finally lost it."
"SHUT UP!" Nekou yelled. "I seem to speak cat now, okay?" Nekou realized quickly her cryptic remark wasn't the best thing to say now, and made her case for her sanity even worse. "Er... I have a special bond with cats..." Shocked, the unfortunate bystander and his colleagues wasted no time turning in the other direction and getting away. "Well, thanks, that's REAL GREAT, you getting me embarrassed in front of- oh," she stopped, remembering whose Pokemon she was talking to and wondering if it was right to talk to him this way. "Um.. sorry. Should I call you anything special-?" she asked, embarrassed. As long as she could talk to it... she might as well not screw up. She'd heard that cats had telepathic bonds with her owners- she wasn't about to risk learning if this was true.
"Just Persian will do. You humans and your names... No matter what, I'm always Persian." Nekou was shocked. The way she'd seen it just walking around, it always seemed to her the cat thought it owned the place. But that was cats in general, of course... and Persian took after its human well. "Er... okay," Nekou said. "So, er, something you wanted to ask me? Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered to call me in this hall..."
"Yeah, I was wondering... this is the time of the year you humans call Christmas, right? I mean, my human's been really stressed out about it..." Nekou didn't know how to react to this...
"Whoa, whoa, if you think I'm about to go and tell him about the true meaning of Christmas for you, and save the day, that's not about to happen. See, I'm pretty low on the proverbial totem pole around here, and there's no way-"
"No, no. Aren't miracles supposed to happen this time of year, if I'm not mistaken?'
Oh, here we go again, miracles, Nekou thought.
"So they say. Wait, Giov- your human... was talking about miracles AND Christmas in the same sentence? Are you sure it was 'Christmas' and not something else? Doesn't seem like him at all..."
"Yeah, he said it to me, last week, right after you left, actually. Something about, "It'll be a miracle if Usagi can actually pull off anything worthwhile by Christmas."
This was not something Nekou needed to hear was said about her on Christmas Eve.
"Oh, that's fantastic," Nekou said, "You know, Persian, maybe there's a REASON he waited to tell you that till after I'd left... Anyway, what's this miracle you were asking about?"
"You've got a Sneasel. I know about it. I've seen it. She's always on your shoulder. You know what I'm talking about?"
"Oh, yeah," Nekou replied. "Kali, you mean-"
"Just Sneasel to me, though, remember. Names mean nothing to us... For me, you're just a human my human calls Usagi."
"It's Nekou. If your human ever ends up in my boat, inform him I have a first name, and I'd be more than happy if he used it, okay? About the Sneasel?"
"She's hot."
Nekou was shocked by the bluntness of Persian's reply. "Excuse me? You just called MY Sneasel HOT? Isn't there some secretary with a cute Delcatty, or something... I mean, MY Sneasel? It's not even really a cat..."
"Yeah, and Skitty and Wailord can breed. So can we. Breeding groups, lady. Look them up sometime. Anyway... I think I'm in love with her, and... well, if she's around right now, I'd like to admit my feelings to her."
Nekou couldn't believe this. Of all the potential mates out there for Kali... Persian fell in love with her. THAT Persian, as she'd put it earlier.Given all the horrible things his "human" (Nekou wasn't the least bit surprised they talked about their owners like that) had said about Nekou herself, why was this cat in love with her Sneasel? Not to mention... if the Sneasel and the Persian were seen together, Giovanni would most likely place the blame on Nekou for destroying the purity of his beloved companion, or something... God knew Nekou got the blame 90% of the time for everything else. This HAD to be stopped. NOW.
"Erm... your human wouldn't like that much. Because he doesn't like me much."
"Makes no difference," Persian said, "I agree with him- you're an idiot. But your Sneasel doesn't seem so bad herself..." Oh, and you would know, Nekou thought, resisting the temptation to kick him across the hall. So much for guilt by association. "Okay, so you don't care there's a risk I might end up in trouble for this, because you love my Sneasel... Besides, she's not with me now," Nekou lied, even though she'd felt the sleeping weasel-thing roll over in her backpack.
"Then take me to her. My human's busy alternately biting people's heads off and feeling sorry for himself. He'll never know. Just let me admit my love for her, and it'll be done. Come on. It's Christmas, you know. A time for giving."
"Oh, don't tell me you heard THAT from your human too."
"Actually, I did. Just yesterday, he said, 'I wish this Christmas, these morons would just give me some peace and quiet'."
Nekou wasn't shocked in the least. "Fine," Nekou said, "tell you what, give me two hours. That's it. Go back to your human, be emotional support for him or something, then track me down again, I'll probably be hanging around the lab. You won't have trouble running off from him again, will you?"
"None at all."
"Okay. Then we have a deal." Nekou sighed. The freaks... I get ALL the freaks... all of them.
Elsewhere, Sebastian happily hummed Christmas carols as he hoped to spread a little holiday cheer to a close friend... "Hm? What are you doing? Oh, Persian, did you decide to go and roam about again?" Having left as Nekou asked, Persian was now staring up at Sebastian with his big red "innocent kitty" eyes. "You know Giovanni really doesn't want you doing that. It's not safe. There are freaks around here, you know," he said.
"Mrrow mrrow." (were Nekou nearby, she would have heard, "you should know.")
"Well, it just so happens I'm on the way to your owner... how about you come with me. You've got him worried sick about you, you know."
Persian sniffed at the package Sebastian was carrying. "Mrow?" Although Persian had proved himself to be quite intelligent around Nekou, he was still a cat, and being a cat, instinctually always had food and the attainment thereof on his mind. And in this case, his vocalization translated simply to "Food?"
"Not for you," Sebastian replied. "Just some Christmas cookies. Human food, see? Namba was kind enough to give me his leftovers."
And little did Nekou know at that very moment, as she retreated to the quietest place in headquarters to think Persian's request over, that the strange circumstances that Hitoshi and her shared would soon find their way to another unwitting person...

To be continued...
This is so good!!! Giovanni's Persian and Nekou's Sneasel? xD I can't WAIT to see how this turns out. I love it.

I LOL'd when Namba made poor Hitoshi decorate the tree in his office. And when Persian said that Sebastian would know about the "freaks" around the place. I love reading your stuff!!! :D More, more, MORE!

Feed me. <3
Believe me, I laughed as I wrote it. It's pretty much a parody of all the sappy Christmas specials you see this time of year, with these romances and supernatural happenings and whatnot. Only I write it, so it comes out warped.

Chapter 3 being written as we speak. Though it will have to broken up into two chapters, methinks... it's rather long. There's a hilarious bit about Namba in it, though.

Getting in touch with our inner Persian, are we?
I look forward to it!!

By the way,
were you hinting that perhaps there is a peppermint cookie in the leftovers of Namba's batch? Because that's the little impression I got at the end of Chapter 2 there.

Spoiler tags because I don't want to give away any ideas to the other people reading this.

I highly anticipate your next chapter(s).

This is a great fanfic so far, Neku.

I love the story. Cookies and Chirstmas wishes, it's perfect. Also, I always find it interesting when humans are able to communicate with Pokemon for some reaon. :)

And apparently, Giovanni's Persian is exactly the way I pictured he would be (except for the crush on Nekou's Sneasel, hehe, that was too funny!!). XD
I look forward to it!!

By the way,
were you hinting that perhaps there is a peppermint cookie in the leftovers of Namba's batch? Because that's the little impression I got at the end of Chapter 2 there.

And guess who the lucky eater is...
(hopes smiley attempt doesn't give too much away)

Question: Nekou doesn't seem like a Mary Sue, does she? This is a worry I get quite often.

And guess who the lucky eater is...
(hopes smiley attempt doesn't give too much away)

Question: Nekou doesn't seem like a Mary Sue, does she? This is a worry I get quite often.

Well, it would either be
Giovanni or Sebastian
. Either way, I'm on the edge of my seat!!!

Trust me, Nekou is far from achieving Mary Sue status. And that's a good thing. xD
I won't tell yet. Though, with the eyes, it could just as easily be Wobbuffet. You never know.

And it's good to know she's not a MS (I just read so many things saying the fastest way to having a MS is to write with an original character, so I've always been rather insecure.)
I won't tell yet. Though, with the eyes, it could just as easily be Wobbuffet. You never know.

And it's good to know she's not a MS (I just read so many things saying the fastest way to having a MS is to write with an original character, so I've always been rather insecure.)

I know how you feel, and it's especially hard to write a character that's modeled after yourself (I have SO much trouble with this), because it's hard to give them flaws and have them make mistakes because you want to see them succeed and have the upper hand in things.

But I think I've got it under control. *nod* And so do you. Nekou's awesome. xD
You mean Ria? She's more human than some of the ANIME characters, actually. You're fine, trust me.

And thanks. Nekou thanks you, too. (I just kinda put my own self in her situation, and what I'd do, she does. Most of the time.)
Here's a pic of Nekou (in super-cuddly chibi mode) for all those curious. (attached)

Apologies in advance for the double post.

And yeah, I was talking about Ria...she's the only one kinda modeled after me. As far as looks, anyways. But I've only created two original pokemon characters, and one of them has of yet not seen the light of day outside of my sketchbook.

When can we expect the next chapter? I'm not rushing you! I just really like this fic. ^o^
Now, in fact.
Chapter 3

Having found a quiet place (hard to do during the holidays, she'd admit) Nekou laid her backpack down and opened it up. An annoyed-looking Kali popped up out of the bag.
"Well, thank you SO much. I just missed my big chance."
Nekou was shocked. "Oh, so it works for you too. Great."
"Hey, you said at the cafe, and I quote, 'I really wish I could understand Pokemon.' You got it, girl. Weird things happen at Christmas. I've seen all your TV specials. Blankets make dead trees come back to life, hearts grow two sizes, fat men fly... I'd say being able to understand us is pretty normal, by those standards."
Nekou really was not liking Kali right now. "You're pretty catty, aren't you? I'm starting to understand why Persian likes you so much..."
"Whoa there. Before you start asking me any questions, why don't you hear me out?"
Nekou had no desire to do so. "Oh, I've got questions, Kali.What were you thinking last night? You know how embarrassing that was? In the cafe?"
Kali climbed out of Nekou's backpack and sat down next to her. "Let's start this from the beginning," Kali said, "because it's a long story." Oh, I bet it is, Nekou thought.
"First of all, our feelings are mutual." Nekou's mouth fell open. "No. You're kidding, right Kali? If it's okay for me to call you that... or is just Sneasel fine?"
"Nah, keep the Kali. Remember how I'd run off last year at the New Year's Ball?"
"How could I forget?" Nekou asked.
"We kinda... well, I tripped over him, he growled at me and whatnot, and then... I don't know, we just fell in love. I introduced myself, begged him not to hurt me, he felt kinda sorry for me and was like, oh, I've seen your human. He thought I should find you before I was stepped on or something and... well, we looked for you together. And on the way... we talked."
"And in the end, you somehow came to the conclusion you were both made for each other."
"Pretty much. Opposites attract, you know. He's refined and lives a pretty boring life, actually... I'm a bit neurotic and more feral, and have an exciting life with you... Besides, I like cats with power."
Oh brother, Nekou thought. "Power? He's just a cat..."
"Yeah, but he gets milk whenever he wants it."
"You don't drink milk!"
"Kali, if I ever find little Sneasel cubs..."
"Not gonna happen. We haven't had a chance to get that far. Yet-" "Yet?!" Nekou protested. "-Anyway, that's why I was clawing at that glass. I didn't want those treats for myself. I really... just wanted to buy him something. You've bought so much for the people you care about, and I want to buy something too. Was that so bad?"
"Oh," Nekou said, a little embarrassed she'd been so hard on Kali. "I guess I understand..."
"I hope so," Kali replied, still annoyed. "Hey... about those cookies."
Nekou suddenly remembered she'd given Kali a bit of her cookie to munch in the café.
"Don't tell me your wish was..."
"For Persian to stop being such a pussy-"
"What? He's a cat! -and admit his feelings for me. And it seems it came true. But it couldn't have if you hadn't eaten that cookie. How else would Persian be able to talk you into finding me for him?"
There was a paradox here, Nekou realized. She ate a cookie. So had Kali (well, a bit of one, but given that Sneasel had small bodies, it was the equivalent of a full human cookie). And Hitoshi. Hitoshi got a pay raise, and her speaking to Hitoshi led to the escaped Persian noticing her in the hall, thus allowing him to get her attention. Kali's cookie was the reason Persian wanted to speak to her. And were it not for Nekou's cookie, all she would have heard was "mrrow mrrow mrrow" and get the assumption Persian was simply lost and needed returning to Giovanni. Which wasn't quite what he wanted at all.
"Whoa," Nekou said. "So these cookies are all... connected in some way. Everyone who eats them... affects another wisher's wish. Wow. Maybe the cookies chose us, or something."
"Yeah, blows my little Sneasel mind, too. So now that we've decided that these are the Christmas Cookies of Fate, let's just get business taken care of," Kali said.
"Having fun?" a voice from somewhere asked Nekou. Nekou looked up. It was Hitoshi, with a bag full of what Nekou guessed was candy.
"Oh my God, Hitoshi, don't sneak up on me like that again. Where'd you come from? And what's in the bag?"
"I heard some freak was conversing with a Sneasel. Since there aren't that many Sneasel trainers around here, I figured it was you. And the bag is Wendy's annual holiday reminder candy she gives out to everybody around this time of year as a reminder to get their paperwork done before the new year. Namba decided he was going to go on a diet all of a sudden and just left this bag out for anyone who wanted it. Here, have a candy cane. I've got tons if you want more."
"After we bought him those cookies? What happened?" Nekou asked. It wasn't like Namba to suddenly diet, either... must be the water, she figured.
"Well, I gave them to him this morning... Professor Sebastian just happened to be stopping by around that time, and I basically saw him hand them over to Sebastian. All the cookies, too. He didn't even touch them."
"Weird. Oh, Hitoshi, I'm sorry I doubted the cookies!"
"What? Um, Nekou, before this gets further... just remember, there is a spoon."
"No, no. See... well, I understand Pokemon now."
"Good to know. So, how'd you find out?"
"Huh? You don't mean..."
"Uh-huh. It talked to me... well, not in the sense of human talk, but the 'mrow' stuff it usually does. You know. But it came out in words. Not meows."
"Hm, Sebastian was only in there to ask Namba if he'd seen it... guess he'd escaped or something, and, well..."
"Yeah, it explains a lot. I don't ever see Persian actually being able to roam freely. Anyway... he asked me for a little favor."
Nekou whispered Persian's request into Hitoshi's ear. "WHAT?!" Hitoshi exclaimed, upon hearing it.
"Nekou, you know there's no way... You know what the boss would think of that... there's no way."
"Believe me," Nekou said, "I already brought that up. Persian couldn't care less about me... he only seems to care about himself. No real surprise there. And to top it all off, Kali just informed me the feelings are mutual."
"No. You know, Nekou, I just think Kali's a bit of a gold digger..."
Hitoshi quickly regretted saying this when he found Kali brandishing her sharp claws. "Just kidding, Kali... really now."
"Look what I found wandering about headquarters..." Sebastian entered Giovanni's office with Namba's cookies and an embarrassed Persian following behind him. "Mrrooow," Persian said, staring at his human with big, innocent kitty eyes. This was the same expression that popped up when, say, Persian'd been caught clawing the furniture. Or knocking over the antique vase. It was a familiar one.
"Thought you could escape, did you? When it's so much warmer in here... look, Persian, the fire's going, and all, and you want to..." Giovanni trailed off as reality hit him in the form of the paperwork on his desk. "Oh... that."
"Hm, end of year paperwork," Sebastian commented. "Nice pile there. You got twice the stuff I did for a change."
"Yes, Wendy left me her little Christmas present, and the candy, too. She seems to think she can bribe me with peppermint candy-" he reached into the bag for a candy cane "-and she's absolutely right."
"Namba sends his Christmas greetings," Sebastian said, offering him a cookie. "Rather, he dumped these on me. The day before Christmas, and he tells me he's going on a diet... I will never understand that man... Problem? It's only paperwork..." Giovanni looked a bit more depressed than he typically did. Which was saying a lot. He munched thoughtfully at the Christmas cookie he'd taken from Sebastian. "Hm. Minty. That's odd. Sebastian... we're best friends... I'm just wondering... honestly, do you ever get lonely this time of year?"
"Me? Well, no, not really... I've always been a bit of a loner... Except you of course."
"I don't know if it's a bad thing, but I can't help but feel a little under the weather this year."
Sebastian was surprised. Rarely, if ever, did Giovanni show his feelings, even to him. He almost felt a little worried. It just wasn't like him...
"What do you mean? You can't be that lonely..."
"I'm not, usually. But everyone around here just seems so much happier at this time of year... except me."
"You're not completely alone... I mean, you've got me. And I think Persian counts. Possibly."
"You don't get it, Sebastian. Mother always taught me I had to rely on myself if I wanted to get anywhere, and I've taken that to heart, with good reason. You're the only two real friends I've got. That's fine... but I'm lacking in something..."
"Christmas spirit?"
"That's it. It's hard to have it, when you're surrounded by morons and the like. The last five people in here were only here to ask about a raise, and usually, when I'm left Christmas presents by the few who do buy me something... it's usually to hint about a bit of money in return. Just for once, I want to hear someone honestly wish me a merry Christmas."
"You could really just get someone in here and-"
"Sebastian, I know what you're about to say, and no. You don't order holiday greetings. It's just not the same. And it's not the same when you do it either. We've known each other since childhood, and, well... that makes it all the more depressing."
Sebastian quickly realized there was not much left he could do to console his friend. He thought up a quick excuse to get out without seeming like he was just running for the sake of not ending up with a drunken Giovanni on his hands. Which was what was likely to happen, if he stuck around much longer. It was always too convenient that eggnog didn't seem like it contained liquor at the time.
"I suppose I'd better be getting back to the labs, before Namba starts hatching plans to shoot down Santa Claus or something, like he does every year."
"What, Sebastian?"
"That, my dear Giovanni, is a tale for another day... just know he almost got some grunts to try and blast a nonexistent sleigh out of the sky last year until I stepped in to stop him."
"The war did strange things to that old man's mind."
"Indeed it did. A merry Christmas to you." And with that, Sebastian quickly got out of the office, noticing just before he left the bottle of nog was already half empty. Just in the nick of time, he realized. Heehee. Nick. Like St. Nick, he thought to himself. Look, Sebastian made a funny. It was at that moment Sebastian realized it was probably a good time for him to be laying off the eggnog himself.
"So, I guess our consensus is that we grant Persian's wish, then, Hitoshi?" Nekou and Hitoshi had talked things over for quite a while now, and both decided it wouldn't hurt, assuming only Persian, Nekou, and Hitoshi knew what was happening.
"Yeah. I mean, Persian's done a lot for us-"
"What? What are you talking about, Hitoshi? He's just the boss's cat."
"Okay, a lot for me. Although I don't think Persian was ever thinking of me that time he decided claw those curtains... still, it got me out of the trouble I was in."
"Distracting Giovanni really isn't that hard to do, Hitoshi. Anyway... I guess it is Christmas, after all. And Kali's wish is going to be granted either way. Those cookies are the cookies of fate. And if I don't do my part... I don't want to think of what will happen next."
"Um, Nekou..." Hitoshi's cell phone rang. "Hello? Oh, okay, I'll be down there right away, Doctor."
Hitoshi put the phone away. "Namba wants me in his office. This doesn't bode well."
"How come?"
"Let's say Namba has his... Christmas traditions, shall we? See ya, Nekou."
"Now, most of you know why you're here..." Namba stared down the group of puzzled agents in his office. Most were veterans of Namba's "Christmas tradition" and had no desire to be there at the time. "Every Christmas, the six most ominous words in the English language are spoken all over... Those words are 'Santa Claus is coming to town.'
Hitoshi knew where this was headed. He looked over to the "assistant" next to him. "Go find Professor Sebastian," Hitoshi said. "I'll ask a bunch of questions to stall him." The assistant nodded and crept out of the office.
"According to intel I have on this Mr. Claus, in the form of a seemingly innocuous children's song, he sees you when you're sleeping, and he knows when you're awake. This only points to one thing: he is clearly an enemy spy. Your task, as we have attempted to accomplish every year, is to eliminate this Claus person... Hopefully, my meddling superior won't cause us any problems, if all goes right this year. We only have one shot at this, and it's tonight, Christmas Eve. Now-" Namba pointed to a chart, "if we look at these diagrams, we see that Claus's craft is propelled by a Stantler- type creature called a reindeer... These creatures have the power of flight... now... oh, Hitoshi, you had a question."
"Yes sir. Um, have you ever considered that perhaps your intelligence is a bit.. faulty, Doctor? I mean, there's also word that he leaves presents for all the good boys and girls..."
"All a cover, my boy. Of course he has to have a front for his activity. But no man could honestly be that generous... yes, what is it NOW, Hitoshi?"
"Sir, wouldn't you say there's a definite possibility that Santa Claus... isn't a real person? Maybe a conglomerate of various historical figures, a saint here, a fictional character there? A clever hoax, if you will?"
"You ask this question every year. Yes, Hitoshi, there is a Santa Claus. And he's out to kill us all. You'll notice his first name is an anagram of Satan... don't you find this the least bit suspicious? A codename, perhaps?"
Hitoshi took a deep breath. If all went well, he could hold off Namba long enough for his friend to track down Sebastian. He just hoped Namba wouldn't catch on to his stall tactics.
Nekou had fallen asleep shortly after Hitoshi's departure. She was tired, to say the least. And she didn't expect a cold, wet nose to wake her up.
"Wha..." She opened her eyes to see that Persian was nudging her. "You've been sleeping on the job..." Persian taunted.
"I don't know if you missed the memo, cat, but Covert Operations tends to be lacking in those. Which is why we're doing everyone else's." Nekou pulled herself up and looked down at Persian. "So, the two hours is gone already. Time sure does fly when you're sleeping. How'd you find me?"
"Scent. Humans are pretty easy for us to track. I believe you have someone who might like to see me..."
"Oh- yes." Nekou poked Kali. "Kali... wake up..."
"No, I'm too young to die... what, what's going on?"
Nekou reminded herself not to ask Kali about her dream. "Er, Kali, someone here wants to... see you."
"Tell them they can bite me. Sneasel need sixteen hours of sleep a day..." Kali slunk back into Nekou's bag and curled back up.
"Funny, it's the same with us." A familiar voice made Kali pop up out of the bag.
"Yeah, me. It's been too long, Sneasel. You know... if you still want to be bitten, I can take care of that for you."
Kali climbed out of Nekou's bag and walked over to Persian. It was then Nekou realized Persian was at least twice Kali's size. Good thing Persian decided he liked her, Nekou thought to herself.
"Sneasel... every time I see you... I want to tell you one thing... but then my human shuts me up. But now that we're alone, I can finally tell you my true feelings."
Although Kali knew what was ahead for her, she acted surprised nonetheless. "What are you talking about?"
"Sneasel, the truth is... I love you. But alas, our love is a forbidden one... I'm a spoiled Persian, and you're but a scruffy little Sneasel... tell me, will we ever be?"
"One day, I'm sure. But for now... we have dreams..." The two Pokemon spent some time staring longingly at each other.
Nekou was going to be sick. "Okay, don't you think that's about enough, Shakespeare? Really, I think you got your point across quite well, and I'm about to vomit, quite honestly." Kali looked up from nuzzling Persian to glare at her.
"Leave it to a human like you to break up true love. Right. I see where you're going there."
"No, no... I'm all for true love," Nekou realized this was a bit of a mis-statement- she was still apprehensive about Kali and Persian's affections for each other- but she was being honest. "Still... you've escaped, right? Your human's going to go looking for you again, I'm sure. And it wouldn't look good for any of us if he caught you with Sneasel, would it?"
"I guess you're right... but we both got our Christmas miracle, didn't we?"
This made Nekou think. She supposed love was its own miracle. "Yes. You did."
"You humans are strange, but you're really not so bad when it comes down to it. But there's one more little thing I need from you."
"What is it now?" Nekou asked. Persian seemed to be full of demands.
"It's not me... it's my human. He's feeling a little... what is it when humans want other humans to care about them?"
"Lonely?" Nekou finished.
"Yeah. Lonely, during this time of the year. I was wondering if you could help him..."
Nekou wasn't ready to take Persian up on this one. "Whoa, whoa. Getting you to Sneasel was one thing. Your human's a totally different beast. I didn't mean that the wrong way," Nekou added.
"Please? I think humans aren't supposed to be lonely at this time of year... Christmas... aren't I right?"
Even though it clearly wasn't intentional, Nekou realized Persian's question was one of the most thoughtful things she'd ever heard. No one said this was going to be easy... but still, Nekou knew inside Persian was right. And, well, even if trying to wish Giovanni a merry Christmas without getting her head bitten off was going to be a nearly impossible task, it would be worth it. Christmas miracles could work for anyone, after all, she'd just discovered that. And she knew that some people were just waiting for theirs to happen.
To be continued...
You had me ROLLING with laughter. Nanba wants to eliminate Santa Claus. This is officially my FAVORITE fanfic because of that alone. Rarely do I ever laugh aloud when I'm reading, but Neku my dogs are looking at me like I'm crazy.

I hope Nekou's going to be alright, because if she goes to wish Giovanni a Merry Christmas right now, he's going to be drunk. Or close to it...LOL.

*I* want to give Gio a hug. Right now. Poor lonely guy.

I like your take on the relationship between Giovanni and Sebastian, how they've known each other for so long and they're quite close. I hope you'll write more about that outside of this story, as well. Cause it's good!

I LOOOOOVE this fic. It was so funny, the whole way through! Nanba's christmas tradition. Persian needs to stop being a pussy. Sebastian made a funny.

I really can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Yeah, my work is... stupid funny. You might call it satire though.. Satire in the Terry Pratchett/Douglas Adams sense of satire. Not so much political, but making light of human failings/weakness. You know. And yeah.. Literature is finally getting to me. CURSE YOU JONATHON SWIFT!!! And more black comedy, too. My comedy can be pretty cruel.

And I've always figured the two would have to be friends. They've got SO much in common... The way I see it, Sebastian is the calm voice of reason.

I also laughed my head off writing the Namba scenes. He steals the show Chapter 4. And I hope Nekou's new situation doesn't seem too overwrought... it IS a Christmas fic, so of course, in accordance with the Laws Of Christmas, it must feature one emotional scene...

Yes, I plan on writing more Researchershipping. Given I created it...
LOL, Laws of Christmas...but you're exactly right.

Really, now, Nanba is about to steal the show? xD I can't wait!!!
And here it is... the final chapter.
Well, not really, there's an Epilogue in the works, but those NEVER count, do they?
(Be warned- it's a LONG one.)

The Christmas Wish- Chapter 4

Nekou watched as Persian trotted off. "Wait!" Nekou said, running ahead of him to stop him. "What kind of... things... does your human like? You know, besides making things go boom and causing pain?"
"Not much. Though he does look at those... what is it, when a human stares at the little white things?"
"Painkillers?" Nekou asked, wondering where she'd be able to find Vicodin in such short time. "No, they don't stare at those, they take them. Books, you mean? He likes reading?"
"Yes, that's it, books. He likes to read. He's always reading, actually."
"Okay, so books. Anything else I should know?"
"Nothing you can't assume about him at this time of the year."
Nekou thought for a second. "So, drunk, pissed off at the world, and not in a very happy place?"
"More or less. You know, you're much brighter than what the human makes you out to be."
"WHAT?! Get back here, you stupid cat, I'll make a coat out of-" Nekou noticed several people were now staring at her. "Let's just all agree we didn't hear or see any of this, shall we?"
Sebastian was working his way through Wendy's "Christmas present" when Hitoshi's friend walked into his office.
"Can I help you?" Sebastian asked, annoyed.
"It's Namba, sir. He's..."
"Don't tell me. The Santa Claus thing again, right?"
"Yes, sir."
"Oh, God. Not again. Every... damn... year... won't he ever get the hint?"
"No, I don't think so."
"What is this for you? Your third year now?"
"Fourth, sir."
"Ohhh... Well, you know the drill. I'll be down there in a minute or two. Just keep stalling him with your stupid questions and I'll put an end to it, don't worry. Now hurry back before he knows you're missing."
Sebastian seriously wished this would end some time. Namba had to be the only senior citizen he knew of who not only believed in Santa Claus, but actually thought he was out to kill everyone.
Nekou dug through her pile of Christmas presents in her bag. They were all there, all right... Hitoshi's, Kali's, the Quiet Chick from Covert Ops who never really talked (which would be why Nekou liked her so much)... but nothing for Giovanni. Of course, Nekou as a habit didn't shop for anyone outside of her circle of two close colleagues and one Sneasel, not having known in advance a cat would ask her to wish his human happy holidays, but even then, Nekou felt a little stupid. It nearly crossed her mind to run over down the road to the local drugstore, but then, drugstores were a sanctuary for last minute Christmas shoppers, and she sincerely doubted a singing Magikarp was at the top of the Rocket leader's Christmas wish list...
"Books, books. Persian said books," Nekou mumbled to herself. "I bought Hitoshi that one... he won't know if he comes up one gift short, will he? Geez, I let myself get into the stupidest things..." Breathing a sigh of relief, she pulled the book out of the bottom of the bag. It was a paperback, bought only because it was on clearance and because Nekou thought Hitoshi could use the advice inside. She briefly panicked when she realized the gift wrap was at her apartment in Cerulean, waiting for Hitoshi and Nekou's gift exchange Christmas morning. Oh, crap. Not in the mood to get too annoyed, as the previous events of the day had been so surreal she wasn't sure if this was a dream or not, she thought up her alternatives. She looked over to the trash can. There it was, sitting there, a copy of the Viridian City Times that someone had tossed in there earlier. It looks cheap, but whatever. Newspapers were cut to about the right size to be wrapping paper, anyway... Grabbing some tape, she got to work on the present.
"You ran off again, Persian."
"What am I going to do with you?"
"Mrrow? (nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle)"
"You know, Persian, it's days like these I wish I spoke cat."
Hitoshi rolled his eyes. It had been nearly ten minutes now, and Namba still wouldn't let up.
"No, sir, I never said you were stupid. All I said was, well, Santa Claus isn't a real person."
"I'm afraid, Hitoshi, you've fallen into the same trap of disbelief as both my superiors, who have chosen to stick their heads in the sand like some stupid Doduo and ignore this threat to our very existence... Every year, Sebastian comes out here and orders me to stop... Far be it from me to speak ill of my betters, but nonetheless, it is a mistake that may very well one day prove to be a grave one... Remember, they laughed at Einstein, but then he invented electricity..."
Hitoshi wasn't about to touch that one with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole.
"But we must not fall into that trap! This year, we will destroy Santa!"
Hitoshi restrained, with much effort, his urge to laugh at Namba's comment.
"What I've been trying to say, sir, is that, well, it isn't possible. Santa does kind of exist... you could say, in our hearts."
"Oh... So Santa Claus is actually some code name for a biological weapon... That enters from the bloodstream. Why didn't you say so in the first place? From whence does this Santa Claus come?"
Hitoshi had now set his brain to filter out Namba's idiocy, and consequently heard only the last part of what Namba had said.
"Well, most people will tell you he's from the North Pole..."
"The North Pole, is it? Some group of devious minds aiming to eliminate us?"
"They say there's elves there, sir. They make toys," Hitoshi said, playing into Namba's hand perfectly.
"Elves. Sounds like some kind of lower echelon agents-" Namba was cut off by Sebastian's entrance.
"Ah, Namba. I see you just won't let some holiday traditions die..."
Having decided that The Quiet Chick didn't really need a Christmas card, Nekou was now standing outside the door to Giovanni's office, wondering if she would get second thoughts. No, Nekou realized, a promise is a promise. Even if it was to a cat. Besides, everyone should have a Christmas miracle. She knocked. "Come in," a drunk sounding voice said. Nekou was thankful for this- it was her sign she should tread lightly. She cracked the door a bit, peeked in through the crack in case any weapons were currently out (she'd heard stories), and entered once she was sure the coast was clear.
"Oh. Just you, Usagi. Why are you showing up here on Christmas Eve, as if I don't know?"
"Um.. excuse me?"
"You want a raise, don't you? I wasn't born yesterday... you're going to assume I'm in a decent, charitable mood, and beg for money..."
Nekou felt a little insulted by Giovanni's insinuation she was merely another money-grubbing agent... though a few spare dollars certainly wouldn't hurt, she wasn't that low. In fact, the thought hadn't crossed her mind until now.
"No sir, of course not. I just came in here... well, I was worried you might be a bit lonely on Christmas Eve." She smiled as best she could, though she wondered if she'd make it out unharmed. The fact that he seemed to have a thoughtful look at this point was kind of a good sign to her, though she wasn't sure if he was thinking of what she'd said or how to kill her without making too much of a mess. Nekou slowly began backing off.
"Of course, sir, if you just want me to, you know, leave... I can do that, too."
"No." Nekou was frozen in her steps. Well, I always wanted to die on Christmas Eve, she thought to herself. I guess I picked a bad time to spread some Christmas joy... thus ends the tragically short life of-
"Is that a present you've got there, Miss Usagi?" Nekou was pulled out of her horrified stupor.
"This?" she said, flustered. Talking to a drunken Giovanni was like walking through a verbal minefield, complete with the risk of life and limb. "Yes, sir. I can always take it back, if that's a problem..."
"Not some stupid bribe, or anything? Just a Christmas present? I know you could use a raise right now... it seems unusual of you to come in here on Christmas Eve and not even ask for the slightest holiday bonus... Not even a naïve agent like you would be that selfless... There must be some reason, some ulterior motive, for you to be in here."
Nekou was sweating now. She'd never in her short life expected to be put on the spot over a little Christmas present. But it was happening. Noticing Persian's head poking out from behind the desk, she gave him a desperate look. "Can't help you here," Persian said ("mrrrow."), then nuzzled his human's leg like he always did, purring. This affectionate gesture was returned with a scratch behind the ears. "Well, Miss Usagi? I'm waiting." Nekou stared at the spot where Persian was earlier hiding out. How could he just ditch her like that? Then she remembered what he'd said: "I agree with him, you're an idiot. But your Sneasel doesn't seem so bad herself." She was stupid to fool herself into thinking Persian ever had any concern for her welfare- he only even bothered speaking to her because she was a direct pipeline to that hot Sneasel. Now she wondered if Persian shared the same sadistic streak as his human, and this was all some sick setup he'd devised.
"Any time, Usagi."
"No. There's not," she said, regaining composure. She had to be strong... after all, didn't she once doubt the possibility of Christmas miracles, too? Just last night, in fact... and until a few hours ago today. She wasn't about to see someone else doubt the magic of Christmas, as clichéd as it sounded. She stared at the floor, determined not to let the icy glare pointed her way break her again... Her gift held firmly in her hands, she slowly approached the desk (funny, it never seemed this huge before, she realized) and slid it across, then smiled warmly (though it really didn't hide the fact she was completely terrified), taking a few steps back. "It's just that... well, sir, I guess you could say no one should be alone at Christmas time. That's all there is to it, really. And it seems like it's so lonely up here."
Another glare froze her on the spot. She went totally silent, her expression once again blank. A tense quiet suddenly filled the room.
"I'm touched," Giovanni said, finally breaking the heavy silence that hung like clouds. Nekou wasn't sure if it was sincere or sarcasm, given he used the same ambiguous tone he always did around most everyone in these situations. "I'm glad you-"
"Thank you," he said, the words cutting like a razor. Again, Nekou couldn't quite tell the exact intention behind the words.
"Um." Nekou was confused about what to do next.
"Well, get out. I think you should have gotten the hint from my words there..." It was rather cryptic, in Nekou's opinion. Still... an order was an order, she supposed. At least she was still alive. She turned and headed for the door, then spun around.
"Oh, I forgot-"
"What is it now?"
No... don't let it get to you...
"Merry Christmas, sir.." she finally managed, though leaving wasn't looking like such a bad idea now. She was certainly pushiing it a bit more than was probably good for her. As she opened the door, Persian looked up at his human, as if to say, "Well?"
"A merry Christmas to you too... Nekou."
Nekou was too thrilled. He used my first name... That had to be a first for her. Elated, she flew out. She wasn't sure at this point if she was happy about the first name thing, or the fact she was pretty much completely in one piece, or just that it was Christmas. She was pretty sure, though, that in the last few tense minutes, a Christmas miracle had happened for both of them.
"Professor, you'll never believe what Hitoshi just told me!"
"Oh really? I assure you, Namba, I'm ready for it."
"Apparently, we should be going after these North Pole people!"
Sebastian glanced over at Hitoshi and mouthed what looked like "what did you tell him this time?"
"Is that so? And what would this North Pole be like?"
"I don't know, but from what Hitoshi has told me, their agents are called elves... they spend their time working on toys, doubtless a codeword for their weapons... I wouldn't be surprised if they were like Team Aqua or Team Magma, quite honestly-"
"Really, Namba? Having had a normal childhood, unlike you, apparently, I will be the first to tell you that the North Pole is not a secret organization, but an area said to be in the more frigid, far north areas of the Hoenn region... Elves are the fantasy creatures said to work in Santa's shop, and toys are exactly that-"
But just as Sebastian was enlightening Namba to the true nature of Santa's toys, the doctor had launched a tirade against Hitoshi.
"You misinformed me, boy! You told me Santa Claus was a biological agent..."
"Let me handle this, Namba." Sebastian walked up to Hitoshi. "Now, what did you tell Dr. Namba, exactly?"
"All I did, Professor, was explain to him that Santa exists in our hearts, because he's the spirit of Christmas..."
"Ah. You see, Namba? A reference, it would seem, to the classic Viridian City Times editorial now known as 'Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus', wherin the editor assured a tot that Santa was indeed real... I'll gladly pull it off the Internet for you, if you wish to see it."
"Ah! There you are, look! The Viridian City Times verified it! It must be true! Yes, Sebastian, you just go on hiding from the sickening truth while a madman flies our skies tonight... Botch, ready the cannon..." As poor Butch began correcting Namba's error, Sebastian twitched with rage.
"Ever since I got my position here, Namba, I have patiently put up with your hijinks every December 24th..." Sebastian, although tiny, was still relatively tall compared to the aged Namba, and took advantage of this, grabbing Namba by his tie, and pulling him closer until he was an inch away from him. "Don't push your luck... I may look small and unthreatening, but you'd be dreadfully wrong. I don't need to elaborate there-" he surveyed the terrified expression on Namba's face- "do I, Doctor?" Namba shook his head no. "Good for you. Now, what are you going to do?" He let go of Namba's tie. Namba fell to the hard laboratory floor, limp from fear. He pulled himself back up.
"Disregard those prior orders..." Namba said, still shaking.
"I won't be seeing this again next year, will I, Namba? You'll celebrate Christmas like everyone else, won't you?"
Namba was dumbstruck. "Yes... normal Christmas..."
"Cookies and caroling and cocoa?"
"Yes... cookies and caroling..."
"And no more blowing up Santa Claus?"
"No more blowing up Claus..."
"Good boy." Sebastian turned and left Namba, who was still shaking from Sebastian's threats. "And you're all dismissed," Sebastian added, to the relieved room. "Best Christmas wishes, Namba."
Giovanni stared at the package on his desk. He hadn't moved it since Nekou left it there earlier. "Well, Persian? Should I open it... or pretend it doesn't exist?"
"Mrow." Persian perked his ears up. "Mrrooow."
"It seems innocuous enough... Is that gift wrap... today's newspaper? That's the sports section..." A headline chroncling the tragic season Viridian's football team was experiencing perfectly stretched across the package. "The Nidoking are choking in playoffs? Again? One more 'rebuilding' year and I am selling them..." Persian meowed loudly, as if to tell him professional football was not the current issue at hand. "She could have chosen a better section to wrap this in, Persian."
He tore away the bad news covering the present and flung it into the fireplace. It missed terribly. "A book. She certainly did her homework before she showed up, then..." Giovanni could have sworn Persian winked at him, but passed that off as an effect of the alcohol. He gave the cover a quick look. "I can't say I agree with the sentiments of this title... but it seems to be a good read..."
Persian was confused, as usual. "Mrrow?"

To be continued in the epilogue...
xD That was great!!! Of course, you already knew that.

The scene where Nekou gives Giovanni his present was extremely well written. Of course the Nanba/Santa Claus thing was hilarious, and I love the menacing Sebastian. Apparently even HIS famous patience wears thin sometimes, and that's a good thing to capture his more emotional side, since in the anime he's mostly shown with one expression and somewhat of a monotone.

I love all the little things you put in, like the location of the North Pole in the pokemon world and the Nidokings as the Viridian Football Team. I don't know why...I just eat that kind of stuff up. xD

I can't wait to read the epilogue. It's been a pleasure reading your fanfic.
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