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The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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Friend of the ABC
Mar 22, 2003
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Read...and BE CONVERTED!

Hilarious. >D

Let the record show that on this day, September 4th, in the Year of Our Noodly Overseer 2005, I have converted to Pastafarianism. The Great One has touched me with his holy Noodly Appendage, and I have never been happier. I shall, of course, be buying myself a full wardrobe of pirate regalia as soon as time permits. RAmen!

EDIT: The Flying Spaghetti Monster game
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I do not feel that the Flying Spaghetti Monster will judge me poorer for failure to wear the full pirate outfit, however I do wear the eye-patch and spread the word of Him.

- Trip
America's Funniest Home Videos was better when he hosted them. XD
Blasphemy! No spreading...er...Sagetism in this thread! >O It is only for the true believers, who have been touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Trip - Of course He won't. :D The Noodly one loves all His children.
Please do. Everyone's life is greatly enchanced after being touched by His Noodly Appendage. And our Heaven has a stripper factory and a beer volcano! :D

(...I'm just looking for excuses to use the phrase 'noodly appendage' now. XD)
Birdboy2000 said:
I'm not worshipping a floating Tangela. :p

But He is clearly superior to Tangela. I mean, He has two meatballs! :O Does Tangela? I think not.


In Lord Saget's heaven, we have abundant football-to-crotch shots! Top THAT~!
In Pastafarian Heaven, we have free Italian food. And we all get our own deluxe cloud with a lovely view of mortal indiscretions.

EDIT: Oh, and He would appreciate it if everyone were to sign this petition. If you do so, He will touch you most favorably with His Noodly Appendage.
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