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- #1
The Pichu Bros., and the Kanto Trio
"The Duel for an Open Fire"
The snow fell quietly on this starry night, covering the trees, the ground, and the roof of a lone log cabin with a white blanket. However, the various colored lights lining the cabin's roof gave the snow and the festive greenery complimenting the lights tinges of green, pink, orange, red and blue.
Inside the cabin, the atmosphere was even more festive: greenery lined the walls, a decorated Christmas tree stood in one corner, and more lights were wired among the greenery. But the most telling sign of the festive occasion were the sounds of three voices--two male, one female--and an acoustic guitar performing various songs of the season.
On the twelveth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... the eldest of the three occupants sang, adding a flourish on his instrument for emphasis.
Twelve shiny Treeckos! a orange-haired girl sang as she wrapped a blanket around her.
And all the stuff we listed! a boy with messy black hair chimed in.
"Ash! That's not how the song goes!" the girl snapped.
"But Misty...I'm not in the mood to list all that other stuff!" the boy retorted.
"It's the last verse, so sing it right!"
"But we've sang everything once already!"
"Just sing it right!"
"But we can get to the Pikachu for my journey faster!"
"Just sing it how it goes, please?"
"Can't we forget about days 2-11?"
"SING IT!!!!!!!"
"ENOUGH!!!" the guitar player snapped, adding a loud strum that silenced the escalating argument. He pausd to wipe the sweat forming on his tan skin, then readied his instrument to play some more. "It's the last verse, so just sing it the right way, Ash..." he sighed before starting the verse again. On the twelveth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
Twelve shiny Treeckos! Misty started,
Eleven Torchics jumping, Ash dryly sang.
Ten Pokedexes,
Nine Meowths a-dancing,
Eight Leader's badges,
Seven Goldeen swimming,
Six Ponytas neighing,
FIVE POKE BALLS!!!! all three singers chorused.
Four Pidgeotto calls, Ash sang with renewed enthusiasm
Three Pokeblocks, Misty sang.
Two cool trainer hats,
And a Pikachu for my journey! everyone sang together before dissolving into a fit of laughter.
"Great rendition, Brock!" Misty smiled as she patted the older boy on one shoulder, who got up to put the guitar on a stand nearby his bed.
"That's one of my favorites..." Brock replied as he changed into some red and brown pinstripe pajamas. "But now it's time for bed..."
"Night, guys..." Ash yawned as he threw on a nightshirt and climbed into his bed.
"Night, Ash..." Misty replied as she too changed into her nightgown, switched the lights inside the house off, and climbed into bed.
Several hours later...
For a while, all was quiet...then the wind and snow began picking up outside, making the doors and windows of the cabin rattle with the whistling wind. But, the one that felt the cold the most turned out to be Misty. She tried everything--sleeping under the covers didn't help, because the cold could still get in. Pulling the covers over her head meant that her feet would get cold. Doing the opposite meant the wind would be felt on her face.
She sat up for a moment to wonder why the cabin had suddenly just gotten cold--only to find that the fire in the fireplace had gone out. She eased herself from her bed far enough to poke Brock on the shoulder. "Hey..."
"Hm?" Brock sleepily asked.
"Can you go see if there's any firewood left?" Misty asked.
"Okay..." Brock groggily replied as he climbed from his bed and trudged over to the wood box by the fireplace. Closer inspection showed that a tiny twig was all that remained of the firewood. "There's nothing left but a twig..." he reported back to Misty, who groaned in reply. "But I can go out and get some more!" he offered as he ran to the dresser, changed into a shirt and vest, then threw a coat, gloves and boots over that. With that, he left his housemates to try and sleep as he traversed into the snow.
Inside a pine tree not too far from the cabin, a different kind of seasonal celebration was underway as the tree's occupants, a pair of Pichu, celebrated the grand haul of nuts they had stored for the winter. The elder of the two, which wore a red vest with his name--Chisa--on it; was already engrossed in enjoying a nut as a reward for all the hard work he and his sibling had done to create the stash. But his brother, who wore a blue vest with his name--Kogata--on it; was a bit hesitant to try one of the nuts.
<It's okay, little brother...the nuts won't hurt you.> Chisa smiled in between bites of a nut.
<If you say so...> Kogata tensely grabbed a nut, carefully cracked the shell, and nibbled on the nut inside. <Say...this is good!>
<I told ya!> Chisa replied, until a sudden earthquake jolted him from his spot by the nuts. <Huh?> he asked, only to be jolted by another, and another, until he felt their home heading downwards into the snow, sending him and Kogata sliding out of the entrance hole into the cold night.
<What happened, Chisa?> Kogata asked as he dug himself from the snow.
<I want to know what happened to our tree!> Chisa demanded, showing his brother the stump where their home once stood.
<Maybe that tan human over there cut it?> Kogata asked, pointing out Brock in the distance, carrying the log to the cabin.
<Yeah! We can follow him and take it back! Come on!> With that, the two Pichus scampered off through the snow, making sure to follow Brock's footprints.
Back at the cabin...
"I'm back!" Brock called as he entered the cabin and set the log on the fireplace, unaware that two Pichus had followed him inside.
"All right!" Ash and Misty were quickly out of bed and by the fireplace, waiting intently as Brock grabbed the lighter from the mantel. All three didn't even see the two Pichus that hid by the wood box.
<What's the human going to do with that sword, Chisa?> Kogata asked as Brock retrived the lighter.
Chisa was about to answer when a sudden flash of colored light blinded him! He rubbed his eyes to focus on the twinkling lights that now illuminated the room, as well as the human about to do something with the "sword" Kogata had seen. He gasped with he saw a tiny flame emerge from the tip of the lighter. <That sword can make fire!>
Kogata burst out laughing. <You've been playing too many Nintendo games, big brother!> he giggled as the flame disappeared from the lighter.
<I'm not kidding, our tree's about to burn, and all our food with it!> Chisa snapped. <Come on!> With that, he lead Kogata onto the log and hopped in the entranceway hole to salvage any nuts that they could.
<I'd rather give the human a good kicking as payback for him stealing our tree!> Kogata retorted as he scampered off the log and onto the floor, where he had a good angle to hit Brock's backside with a kick. Despite numerous attempts, he just couldn't get in range to kick Brock.
<You can kick the human later, we have to save our tree!> Chisa cried as he dragged Kogata back behind the wood box, all the while watching as the lighter's flame touched the log, setting it ablaze. <Let's use that bucket of water over there!> With that, he dashed to a bucket by the wood box, drank a small amount of water, and spat it on the flames. Kogata followed, spitting his share on the dying flames while his brother reloaded.
But the human occupants in the house had no idea their fire was going out at all...they just continued their celebration as if nothing had happened; despite the fact it was past midnight.
"Can we sing another carol?" Ash asked as he settled in his place on the floor, oblivious that the fire in the fireplace was mysteriously going out.
"Well..." Brock was a little hesitant. It WAS past midnight, after all.
"Please?" Ash begged. "I can't sleep!"
"Me neither!" Misty agreed.
"Oh, okay..." Brock laughed as retrieved his guitar and tuned up. "If it'll help you sleep, I'll play carols till I go to sleep!"
"I'll lead!" Misty volunteered. She waited as Brock played an introduction, then belted out a chorus of Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa-la-la-la-la, la la...la...la...
"What's the matter?" Brock asked, stopping his song out of curiosity. It wasn't like Misty to suddenly slow down in the middle of a carol.
"Did you guys see the wood moving?" Misty asked, all the while eying the log as it magically moved across the floor.
Ash rubbed his eyes, amazed at what he was seeing as the log snaked over his lap. "I can't believe my eyes!"
"It's going under Brock's chair..." Misty noted, tracking the log's route. "By the Christmas tree...on the table, eating the ham we were gonna eat tomorrow, under your bed, Ash, and heading for the door!"
Ash sprinted to the door and opened it, but not before snatching the log. "I'll take this, thank you!" he smiled as he closed the door behind the Pichus.
<We did it!> Chisa smiled as he romped through the snow. <We have...our...tree...back...> He stopped and felt above him for a moment, only to feel air. <Weird...our tree's gone!>
<The humans took it back, big brother!> Kogata agreed, motioning for Chisa to follow.
After coming around to a window, Chisa motioned to Kogata to stand on him so he could see inside. But this proved impossible, so Kogata had to stand on Chisa.
<What are the humans doing?> Chisa asked, all the while trying to hold his sibling up.
<One of them's playing with a stringy thing...> Kogata noted, pointing out Brock strumming on the guitar. <But they look like they're singing a song!>
<What song?>
<It sounds like "Deck the something, and a bunch of fa la la's">
Chisa doubled over laughing, sending Kogata into the snow. <That's the silliest song I've ever heard!> Kogata laughed too, just for the sake of it.
Back inside the cabin...
"Ah..." Ash sighed as he warmed his hands before the fire. "Nice and warm..." His solitude was interrupted when a clump of snow landed on the fire with a SPLUT! Confused, he looked up the chimney, only to get more snow in his face!
"What was that?" Misty asked as Ash cleaned the snow from his face.
"I'm going to find out..." Ash assured Misty as he started up the chimney. After catching a few snowballs in his arms, he managed to make it to the top, where he spotted the two Pichus pushing snowballs down the chimney, not sending the next one down until they heard the previous one go SPLUT! By now, Ash's face was covered in snow, so much so Kogata had to wipe it away from his face.
Just as they saw who was behind the snow and tried to flee, Ash caught them by the tail. "I'm taking you for a little ride, boys!" he smiled as he rolled the Pichu Bros. into a snowball and heaved it at a rock, being careful to listen for the SPLUT! before descending down the chimney.
<Now what do we do, big brother?> Kogata asked as he dug himself from the snow. <Those mean old humans won't let us have our tree back!>
<Then I have an idea!> Chisa began, mtioning for his brother to come closer. After secretly explaining the plan, he hurried to the top of a hill, built a snowball, and sent it down the hill, where it grew larger and larger. Once his snowball was away, Chisa whistled to Kogata, who knocked on the door three times, then hurried away as the snowball approached...
"I wonder who that could be?" Kogata heard Brock say as the now giant snowball rumbled closer and closer to the cabin. He and Chisa raced in the cabin, grabbed the log, and hurried out just as Brock opened the door. "Yes?" The ensuing SPLUT! could be heard a mile away.
<We did it!> Kogata smiled as he and Chisa walked by the flailing legs of Ash, Misty, and Brock in the snow. This gave him an idea...he romped up to where Brock was in the wall of snow, wound up, and delivered a swift kick to his backside. He smiled as he heard Brock say "Oof!" in pain...now he had his revenge against the humans...and if they came back to bother him and Chisa next year, they would be ready!
"The Duel for an Open Fire"
The snow fell quietly on this starry night, covering the trees, the ground, and the roof of a lone log cabin with a white blanket. However, the various colored lights lining the cabin's roof gave the snow and the festive greenery complimenting the lights tinges of green, pink, orange, red and blue.
Inside the cabin, the atmosphere was even more festive: greenery lined the walls, a decorated Christmas tree stood in one corner, and more lights were wired among the greenery. But the most telling sign of the festive occasion were the sounds of three voices--two male, one female--and an acoustic guitar performing various songs of the season.
On the twelveth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... the eldest of the three occupants sang, adding a flourish on his instrument for emphasis.
Twelve shiny Treeckos! a orange-haired girl sang as she wrapped a blanket around her.
And all the stuff we listed! a boy with messy black hair chimed in.
"Ash! That's not how the song goes!" the girl snapped.
"But Misty...I'm not in the mood to list all that other stuff!" the boy retorted.
"It's the last verse, so sing it right!"
"But we've sang everything once already!"
"Just sing it right!"
"But we can get to the Pikachu for my journey faster!"
"Just sing it how it goes, please?"
"Can't we forget about days 2-11?"
"SING IT!!!!!!!"
"ENOUGH!!!" the guitar player snapped, adding a loud strum that silenced the escalating argument. He pausd to wipe the sweat forming on his tan skin, then readied his instrument to play some more. "It's the last verse, so just sing it the right way, Ash..." he sighed before starting the verse again. On the twelveth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
Twelve shiny Treeckos! Misty started,
Eleven Torchics jumping, Ash dryly sang.
Ten Pokedexes,
Nine Meowths a-dancing,
Eight Leader's badges,
Seven Goldeen swimming,
Six Ponytas neighing,
FIVE POKE BALLS!!!! all three singers chorused.
Four Pidgeotto calls, Ash sang with renewed enthusiasm
Three Pokeblocks, Misty sang.
Two cool trainer hats,
And a Pikachu for my journey! everyone sang together before dissolving into a fit of laughter.
"Great rendition, Brock!" Misty smiled as she patted the older boy on one shoulder, who got up to put the guitar on a stand nearby his bed.
"That's one of my favorites..." Brock replied as he changed into some red and brown pinstripe pajamas. "But now it's time for bed..."
"Night, guys..." Ash yawned as he threw on a nightshirt and climbed into his bed.
"Night, Ash..." Misty replied as she too changed into her nightgown, switched the lights inside the house off, and climbed into bed.
Several hours later...
For a while, all was quiet...then the wind and snow began picking up outside, making the doors and windows of the cabin rattle with the whistling wind. But, the one that felt the cold the most turned out to be Misty. She tried everything--sleeping under the covers didn't help, because the cold could still get in. Pulling the covers over her head meant that her feet would get cold. Doing the opposite meant the wind would be felt on her face.
She sat up for a moment to wonder why the cabin had suddenly just gotten cold--only to find that the fire in the fireplace had gone out. She eased herself from her bed far enough to poke Brock on the shoulder. "Hey..."
"Hm?" Brock sleepily asked.
"Can you go see if there's any firewood left?" Misty asked.
"Okay..." Brock groggily replied as he climbed from his bed and trudged over to the wood box by the fireplace. Closer inspection showed that a tiny twig was all that remained of the firewood. "There's nothing left but a twig..." he reported back to Misty, who groaned in reply. "But I can go out and get some more!" he offered as he ran to the dresser, changed into a shirt and vest, then threw a coat, gloves and boots over that. With that, he left his housemates to try and sleep as he traversed into the snow.
Inside a pine tree not too far from the cabin, a different kind of seasonal celebration was underway as the tree's occupants, a pair of Pichu, celebrated the grand haul of nuts they had stored for the winter. The elder of the two, which wore a red vest with his name--Chisa--on it; was already engrossed in enjoying a nut as a reward for all the hard work he and his sibling had done to create the stash. But his brother, who wore a blue vest with his name--Kogata--on it; was a bit hesitant to try one of the nuts.
<It's okay, little brother...the nuts won't hurt you.> Chisa smiled in between bites of a nut.
<If you say so...> Kogata tensely grabbed a nut, carefully cracked the shell, and nibbled on the nut inside. <Say...this is good!>
<I told ya!> Chisa replied, until a sudden earthquake jolted him from his spot by the nuts. <Huh?> he asked, only to be jolted by another, and another, until he felt their home heading downwards into the snow, sending him and Kogata sliding out of the entrance hole into the cold night.
<What happened, Chisa?> Kogata asked as he dug himself from the snow.
<I want to know what happened to our tree!> Chisa demanded, showing his brother the stump where their home once stood.
<Maybe that tan human over there cut it?> Kogata asked, pointing out Brock in the distance, carrying the log to the cabin.
<Yeah! We can follow him and take it back! Come on!> With that, the two Pichus scampered off through the snow, making sure to follow Brock's footprints.
Back at the cabin...
"I'm back!" Brock called as he entered the cabin and set the log on the fireplace, unaware that two Pichus had followed him inside.
"All right!" Ash and Misty were quickly out of bed and by the fireplace, waiting intently as Brock grabbed the lighter from the mantel. All three didn't even see the two Pichus that hid by the wood box.
<What's the human going to do with that sword, Chisa?> Kogata asked as Brock retrived the lighter.
Chisa was about to answer when a sudden flash of colored light blinded him! He rubbed his eyes to focus on the twinkling lights that now illuminated the room, as well as the human about to do something with the "sword" Kogata had seen. He gasped with he saw a tiny flame emerge from the tip of the lighter. <That sword can make fire!>
Kogata burst out laughing. <You've been playing too many Nintendo games, big brother!> he giggled as the flame disappeared from the lighter.
<I'm not kidding, our tree's about to burn, and all our food with it!> Chisa snapped. <Come on!> With that, he lead Kogata onto the log and hopped in the entranceway hole to salvage any nuts that they could.
<I'd rather give the human a good kicking as payback for him stealing our tree!> Kogata retorted as he scampered off the log and onto the floor, where he had a good angle to hit Brock's backside with a kick. Despite numerous attempts, he just couldn't get in range to kick Brock.
<You can kick the human later, we have to save our tree!> Chisa cried as he dragged Kogata back behind the wood box, all the while watching as the lighter's flame touched the log, setting it ablaze. <Let's use that bucket of water over there!> With that, he dashed to a bucket by the wood box, drank a small amount of water, and spat it on the flames. Kogata followed, spitting his share on the dying flames while his brother reloaded.
But the human occupants in the house had no idea their fire was going out at all...they just continued their celebration as if nothing had happened; despite the fact it was past midnight.
"Can we sing another carol?" Ash asked as he settled in his place on the floor, oblivious that the fire in the fireplace was mysteriously going out.
"Well..." Brock was a little hesitant. It WAS past midnight, after all.
"Please?" Ash begged. "I can't sleep!"
"Me neither!" Misty agreed.
"Oh, okay..." Brock laughed as retrieved his guitar and tuned up. "If it'll help you sleep, I'll play carols till I go to sleep!"
"I'll lead!" Misty volunteered. She waited as Brock played an introduction, then belted out a chorus of Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa-la-la-la-la, la la...la...la...
"What's the matter?" Brock asked, stopping his song out of curiosity. It wasn't like Misty to suddenly slow down in the middle of a carol.
"Did you guys see the wood moving?" Misty asked, all the while eying the log as it magically moved across the floor.
Ash rubbed his eyes, amazed at what he was seeing as the log snaked over his lap. "I can't believe my eyes!"
"It's going under Brock's chair..." Misty noted, tracking the log's route. "By the Christmas tree...on the table, eating the ham we were gonna eat tomorrow, under your bed, Ash, and heading for the door!"
Ash sprinted to the door and opened it, but not before snatching the log. "I'll take this, thank you!" he smiled as he closed the door behind the Pichus.
<We did it!> Chisa smiled as he romped through the snow. <We have...our...tree...back...> He stopped and felt above him for a moment, only to feel air. <Weird...our tree's gone!>
<The humans took it back, big brother!> Kogata agreed, motioning for Chisa to follow.
After coming around to a window, Chisa motioned to Kogata to stand on him so he could see inside. But this proved impossible, so Kogata had to stand on Chisa.
<What are the humans doing?> Chisa asked, all the while trying to hold his sibling up.
<One of them's playing with a stringy thing...> Kogata noted, pointing out Brock strumming on the guitar. <But they look like they're singing a song!>
<What song?>
<It sounds like "Deck the something, and a bunch of fa la la's">
Chisa doubled over laughing, sending Kogata into the snow. <That's the silliest song I've ever heard!> Kogata laughed too, just for the sake of it.
Back inside the cabin...
"Ah..." Ash sighed as he warmed his hands before the fire. "Nice and warm..." His solitude was interrupted when a clump of snow landed on the fire with a SPLUT! Confused, he looked up the chimney, only to get more snow in his face!
"What was that?" Misty asked as Ash cleaned the snow from his face.
"I'm going to find out..." Ash assured Misty as he started up the chimney. After catching a few snowballs in his arms, he managed to make it to the top, where he spotted the two Pichus pushing snowballs down the chimney, not sending the next one down until they heard the previous one go SPLUT! By now, Ash's face was covered in snow, so much so Kogata had to wipe it away from his face.
Just as they saw who was behind the snow and tried to flee, Ash caught them by the tail. "I'm taking you for a little ride, boys!" he smiled as he rolled the Pichu Bros. into a snowball and heaved it at a rock, being careful to listen for the SPLUT! before descending down the chimney.
<Now what do we do, big brother?> Kogata asked as he dug himself from the snow. <Those mean old humans won't let us have our tree back!>
<Then I have an idea!> Chisa began, mtioning for his brother to come closer. After secretly explaining the plan, he hurried to the top of a hill, built a snowball, and sent it down the hill, where it grew larger and larger. Once his snowball was away, Chisa whistled to Kogata, who knocked on the door three times, then hurried away as the snowball approached...
"I wonder who that could be?" Kogata heard Brock say as the now giant snowball rumbled closer and closer to the cabin. He and Chisa raced in the cabin, grabbed the log, and hurried out just as Brock opened the door. "Yes?" The ensuing SPLUT! could be heard a mile away.
<We did it!> Kogata smiled as he and Chisa walked by the flailing legs of Ash, Misty, and Brock in the snow. This gave him an idea...he romped up to where Brock was in the wall of snow, wound up, and delivered a swift kick to his backside. He smiled as he heard Brock say "Oof!" in pain...now he had his revenge against the humans...and if they came back to bother him and Chisa next year, they would be ready!