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The "F" Word. Now a six letter word.


Jun 11, 2004
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It's an Anime fan's worst thing to hear, even scarier then Al Khan and 4kids.....It's, the Filler.

Now, some shows, like Keroro Gunsou, have entertaining fillers.

Others, like Naruto, are 1/3 mindless fillers.

Pokemon however, is a mixed bag. Some fillers are great, such as Dues and Don'ts, Claydol Big and Tall.

Other's, like Whichever Way the Wind Blows are downright terrible.

However, this thread is to discuss what would make a perfect filler in your opinion for the Shinou region ( if the team stays the same, but we won't get into that now). Try to keep the episode in reason at least.

Here are some ideas I will share with you....

Elekable and Casey! In a Pinch Hit!
Casey wants to teach the Electabuzz mascot, Elekable, baseball as it has forgotten since it evolved from an Electabuzz. Ash and Casey's Pokemon play against Brock and May's, until Team Rocket interrupts. It is up to Ash and Casey to defeat their Pokemon in a baseball match. Unfortunately, Corphish's rowdy behavior threatens to make them lose.

Pokemon Olympics! Go for the Gold!

The annual Shinou Pokemon olympics begin, and Ash decides to enter with his Sceptile, Charizard, and Snorlax. The contest is a triathalon of Running, Flying, and Swimming. Can Ash and his Pokemon work together to deafeat the reigning champion?

You Can Do It Bonsly? Go Forth Courageously!
Bonsly, Manene, Munchlax, and Aipom are seperated from the group. The Pokemon are lost in a big city, and everyone but Bonsly is critically injured. Can Bonsly step up and take charge?


You get the point, this is a fun little thread to come up with some cool filler ideas.
I really really really hope that Casey doesn't show up in the series again, oh please God no.

What would be a good filler in my opinion?

Another Team Rocket episode (like Meowth Rules).

You really can't beat the season 1 fillers though. Those were great.
When I look back on the season 1 fillers, I noticed we didn't get alot.

But the ones we did get (Paras episode), were downright terrible.

However, I did enjoy the pre-Indigo fillers.

EDIT: I didn't want to bring Charizard back, but non of Ash's other Pokemon he can fly on.
Ah, how could I forget about him.

But for the writers, Charizard > Pidegeot.

Ash really needs a Flying Pokemon he can ride on next gen.
ZoraJolteon said:
I'd much prefer a Casey reapperence to even more Charizard.

See I like Charizard, cause he kicks all kinds of ass and once beat a Magmar IN THE VERY HEART OF THE VOLCANO ITSELF.

Casey sucks and can't sing worth a shit.

The only characters I would dislike seeing more than Casey are Todd and Richie, both of whom suck and I can't fucking stand and just thinking about them pisses me off.
Heh, someone has been on Pokemopolis alot.

I actually kinda like Ritchie, at least he is diffrent in Ash by lightyears in intelligence.

I just want Casey to come back cause she has awesome Pokemon.

And if we get a Snap sequel for the Wii, expect Todd to come back fast!
...Casey is awesome. How can anyone possibly be annoyed by her? :O Todd and Richie aren't annoying to me either. Either Chrisby has a thing against recurring characters or I tolerate too much.

I also liked the Paras filler. :X

Every filler in Shinou should require one or more of the following: crossdressing, conflict or a strong connection between one or more of the main cast with the filler character or Pokémon, an entertaining battle, the main cast in swim suits, actual danger, the main cast Pokémon away from the main cast humans, or a concept from the games, an introduction for the episode following which isn't a filler, or a recurring charater or rival.

My expectations are much too low.
I'd rather have as little filler as possible and have more fillers geared toward character development. The fact there's almost none for the main group kind og urks me. We know more about TR than our heroes.
Sorry, Chrisby but I have to suggest this one:

Snap in the Mountains, Digging for the Mystery!
The gang runs into Snap in the mountains who is studying the ruins of an ancient city arched on the hill in hopes to get a photo to proove the legend of the legendary wolf-man protector (aka, Lucario). Team rocket interfers with them but get defeated by a 'mysterious creature'. They were never able to proove its exisitance, but Snap and the others learn about the people and gain respect for the legend.

Why would I want this? Because we need a pokemon Snap 2 (with freedom of movement) for the Wii, and that would give small hope towards it!

Other than that... um I don't know enough about the current new monsters in the game..
Most likely Pokemon Snap Wii will proceed Snap's return (although, I'm still puzzled why they brought him back in Johto.)
I totally despised Todd and oh God if he is going to come back to promote the new Pokemon Snap game then those are going to be some painful episodes.

Also I don't hate all the recurring characters; I thought Duplica was pretty cool.
I want Nicolai to come back. I so thought he was gonna be the new Casey, he's cool!

And I want that Fisherman from the Whiscash episode to come back, along with the old man from the Claydol episode.
I'd like to see a reappearance of Delibird, although I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen since they left him in Johto.

I'd like to maybe see a cooking contest between the trainers. Has there been Pokemon ikebana yet? That would be cool to see, with a Roselia or Kirlia or something.
fruitsmoothierevenge said:
I'd like to see a reappearance of Delibird, although I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen since they left him in Johto.

Delibird gave Jessie and James an Aggron and Charizard by mistake (Meant for Butch and Cassidy) which they used against the Pewter Gym in a match with Ash and Brock only a half dozen or so eps ago.
fruitsmoothierevenge said:
I'd like to maybe see a cooking contest between the trainers. Has there been Pokemon ikebana yet? That would be cool to see, with a Roselia or Kirlia or something.

That happened already. There was that Sneasel/Mr. Mime restaurant competition in early BF.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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