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The Fantastic Fifteen *SU's closed!!!*

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Sir Red

Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Normally, I sit for an hour and think of big boy words to use in my big complicated plot. This time it's different. I don't feel like writing out a long one. So, to keep it simple, here are two words to describe this RP:

Pokemon, Adventure

But, this is not your average journey RP. No, no, no, no, no, no, no......no. There will be three kids from the five different regions. They will band together and venture through their corresponding part of the Pokemon world, while the others do the same. Eventually, they will meet up, and there will be this big dramatic battle with all the bad guys and crap. But, that's not all. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Many surprises await. So, sign up, or I will hunt you down.

1.Keep romance very, very, very.......very simple.
2.Keep cursing to a minimum.
3.Be respectful of other Rpers and their skills.
4.Please, don't get off topic.
5.Be logical. Basically, don't get crazy and do virtually impossible things.6.No godmodding and if you read the rules, put Bayleef is teh best somewhere in your sign-up.

Slots Open:

1. Mike Thompson
2. Karen Greene
3. Jade Isamune

1. Justin Gaines
2. Jummy Roloson
3. April Aularia

1. Blaire Amos
2. Ursula Jones
3. Eliot Nadel

1. Jonathan Azwraith Warsong Breeze IV
2. Jakku Ebansu
3. Noa Alor

1. Craig Schwarzman
2. Cole Jacobson
3. Rose Brown

Yeah, so, reason I didn't take a slot, IS because I don't know which region to pick.


History (optional, as in the anime, and games, they didn't give much of the hero's background):

My sign-up:

Name: Noa Alor
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6tZbJMYB2...AAEM/yS-Qu8dpdl8/s400/anime%2525252520boy.jpg
Personality: He is kind-hearted, strong-willed and brave. Noa will do anything to help his friends. He reaches out to most everyone, and isn't afraid to take risks. He stands up for what he believes in, and won't back down. He is giving, and knows the difference between wants and needs. Noa is really attached to nature and down to earth. He loves spending time outside. He is a ladies' man as well.
History: Like I said, this is optional, so I'm not going to write very much. He lived the normal life of a Pokemon protagonist, except with a father.
Other: Aren't I the best for making this RP?
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Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Craig Schwarzman

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: Comparable to the protagonist of B/W (known as Black, Blair or Hilbert), but without the hat, and a tartan shirt with dark black trousers and charcoal-grey suede shoes.

Personality: Intelligent and collected, but not always willing to trust people on a whim. In other words, he has a habit of being wary of others.

History (optional, as in the anime, and games, they didn't give much of the hero's background): Just another trainer, from Driftveil City, Unova.

Other: Bayleef (unlike its prevo) is teh best. And yes, yes, you are.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Accepted! I'll put you up on the Unova list.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Hmm... Are the first Pokemon just normal starters, or any basic Pokemon from that region. Because the former could drastically affect his history.

Name: Cole Jacobson
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Cole is slightly tall for his age, enough so that he gives off a slightly commanding aura. He is extremely thin, with no trace of fat anywhere on his body. You could literally count his ribs through his skin, and nearly every bone of his is visible from outside. No matter how much Cole eats, he never seems to put on much more weight or get any fatter. Believe me, he's tried. Cole has a slightly pale complexion that gets even paler when he's afraid. Because of Cole's thinness, his face appears slightly bony and prominent.

Cole has somewhat short dark brown hair. In the winter his hair appears black, although if you look closely you can see that it is still just an extremely dark brown. Cole's hair grows relatively fast in the front, so his eyes are normally covered a little by his hair. Cole does nothing to keep his hair out of his eyes, although as a small child he used to. Cole stopped once he realized how idiotic it looked to have his entire forehead exposed.

Cole has pure brown eyes that are several shades lighter than his hair. It's rumored that a single glare from Cole's eyes can quiet a whole room, although he tries his best to dispel these rumors. He's never said that it isn't true, though. Cole's eyes also almost radiate intelligence, and no one could ever guess how short-sighted he is. Cole normally wears contacts, although from time to time you might see him wearing glasses or neither.

And now, onto Cole's clothing. His attire is rather plain. It's normally just a plain white or red T-shirt and slightly faded jeans that have seen a lot of use. He wears a silver and gold digital wristwatch on his left wrist and an Xtransceiver on his right. Cole also has black running shoes on his feet and wears plain white socks, as well as a backpack containing his laptop on his back.

Personality: Cole has a more... interesting personality than most, as you'll see.
Cole considers himself a bit of a loner, although he has met plenty of people more introverted than himself. He prefers the company of a book or his laptop to the company of a large group of people, and sometimes gets pretty short-tempered when in the middle of a large crowd, so be careful if you see him in public. Cole also has a bit of a silver tongue, and can manipulate people with words. However, this silver tongue turns to lead when Cole is afraid and acid when he's angry, giving the impression of three different personalities.

First, there's cunning, manipulative Cole Jacobson, modest and slightly charming, as well as mysterious. He generally stays away from crowds and stays calm in even the most dangerous situations. He's a good leader and pretty strategic for someone of his age, and can inspire confidence in those around him.

Second, there's quiet, quick-to-flee Cole. He generally tries to stay clear of any awkward situation and diverts attention from himself in any way possible, whether it's changing the subject or rushing into a different room for a few minutes. Because of this, Cole is considered slightly shady, always avoiding conversations when possible. Even when he has to talk, Cole tends to leave the actual talking to someone else, although he listens attentively.

Finally, there's bold, quick-tempered Cole. He gets carried away in conversations, which generally makes chitchat deteriorate slowly into an argument. This personality slightly enjoys conflict, and will listen in and laugh softly at any argument. This version of Cole is the rarest, as he tries to keep out of arguments of any kind.

Cole is mortally afraid of heights, although sometimes this fear drives him to explore the highest areas possible. Contradictory, I know. He is very noble, and will do anything to resolve most fights quickly.
History (optional, as in the anime, and games, they didn't give much of the hero's background): Just a normal kid from Nimbasa City, Unova.
Other: Bayleef is (not) teh best.
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Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Accepted! And yes, we will all be getting a starter.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Blaire Almos

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blaire has long blond hair that is almost always in a ponytail; the ponytail reaching the end of her back. She wears an orange tanktop with removable straps. She usually wears dark skinny jeans and some black boots. Blaire is tall. She wears a golden charm bracelet on her right wrist, with charms containing gems. Her eyes are a sparkly blue-green that can convince people to do almost anything. Blaire is very skinny too, but not anorexic-like.

Personality: Blaire is kind and caring, but, when she's angry, you'll want to be far far away from her. Blaire is naïve, timid, and a bit shy, but she can be brave when it is time to. She cares more about others than her own self, which can get her into quite some trouble. No matter how afraid she is, she will try and stand up for her friends or what she thinks is right.

History: Blaire is from Hoenn (I only chose Hoenn because I could possibly get my favourite Pokémon, Mudkip? If not, I choose Unova.)

Other: Bayleef (it IS cute..) is teh best.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name; Jonathan Azwraith Warsong Breeze IV
gender; male

appearance; green bandana, brown hair and golden eyes. he wear an unusual, pirate-like outfit and a green boots. he got a lot of scar in his left hand. he got a body like a profesional swimmer, strong and flexible.

personality; he act just like a pirate. hes rough, tough, love rum and often get mad when hes called with his middle name. he actually pretty funny if you know him long enough. just try your best to hide his rum and he wont cause any problem. and dont forget, hes a pirate, he'll do every dirty tricks justto get what he wants, and hes not really loyal with his friends. so you might get in trouble if youre around him

history; he's a former pirate from sinnoh. and he thinks that bayleef is teh best
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

All accepted! Llednar, your character is from Sinnoh, right?
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Eliot Nadel

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: At exactly six feet two, Eliot's a little tall for his age. He has fairly long blue hair, mostly because he hates the barber's shop (He's worried about getting his ears chopped off.) He usually dresses in formal styles, usually wearing a tuxedo vest, button up shirt, tie, slacks, and dress shoes. He always wears a pair of pink heart-shaped sunglasses.

Personality: Eliot is a hedonist to the core. He loves women (Whom he shamelessly flirts with), money (Which he spends lavishly), and candy (Which he eats little but.) However, he can be genuinely nice, and even selfless at times. He is extremely spirited and outgoing too, and likes to make friends with everyone. He also loves kittens, and is truly dedicated to spreading love throughout the world. Finally, he has an extremely poetic manner of speaking, which he got from looking through his father's Serious Business.

History:Eliot was born to Ben, a teenage girl who get pregnant, and put him up for adoption. His father, Bilbo, went to the orphanage, and had all the children fight, and adopted Eliot because he won, though only because he hid under the couch cushions. He saw a lot of his father's back, as Bilbo had Serious Business he needed to work on. This led him to seek female attention to fill the gap. Despite this, he idolized his father for his serious business. He recently set out on a pokemon journey to make his father proud.

Other: Bayleef is the man, even if he smells funny. Also, he's from Unova.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Accepted! HS, what region are you from?
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Unova. Says so in other. How'll we choose starters, anyway? Does it have to be a starter from the games, or can we choose any basic pokemon?
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Ursula Jones
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Fairly tall with tanned skin and blue eyes. She wears her brunette hair in the style of a short Bob. She dresses formally for some reason, a white long sleeved shirt and a black vest-top, along with a black pencil skirt. She looks much older than she actually is, and can be easily mistaken for someone 5 years older than she is.
Personality: Ursula is intelligent, cool and collected. However she lacks in common sense sometimes, not seeing things when they're under her nose. She is very academical and is obsessed with creating the perfect movepool for her pokemon, and making them strong as possible. Coming from a rich family, she can appear a bit spoiled if things don't go her way, and her attempts to be 'nice' to people are few and far between. However, once she has a strong bond of friendship with somone, she tries not to let them down. Coming from Hoenn she loves the sun too!
History: Ursula was put forward a year because of her academical prowess, and her teachers thought she was ready to go on a journey at 9. She did try to start out, but was attacked by a wild Masquerain. Ever since then Bug-types have scared Ursula witless.
Other: Her father is always on about why Bayleef is teh best. She agrees to an extent.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Accepted! And we will all, HS, be getting a starter from our region.
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Tyler Algon
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: (What are you some kind of petefile? JK) Tyler is tall with short brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a red baseball hat with a Pokeball on it. He also wears a blue t-shirt and jeans.
Personality: Well..... To put it simple, he is funny, brave and ambisious :D
History (optional, as in the anime, and games, they didn't give much of the hero's background): Now this is a story all about how Tyler's life got turned right upside down. He'd like to take a moment so, just sit right there, he'll tell you how he became the fresh prince of a town called Pallet. In west Kanoko Town he was born and raised, on the playground spendin' most of his days. Catchin' some Pokemon, Catchin' some mons when a couple of Team Plasma Grunts who were up to no good, started makin' trouble in his neighborhood, He got in one little fight and his mom got scared she said "Yo movin' wit yo uncle and yo aunty in Pallet Town.... AND.... SCENE!
Other: Bayleef (Sucks) is teh best
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Denied. Add a little more the personality. And, can you change it so that he didn't ever live in Kanoko Town?
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Justin Gaines
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: Justin is about 4ft 9in and he has short blond hair and green eyes. He wears brown cargo shorts and a red Hawaiian print shirt over a white tshirt.
Personality: Justin is rather mellow and he's quite adventurous as well. He is rather friendly towards others and he's quite easy to get along with, however if you're rude and don't know how to treat Pokemon, he'll definatley have a problem. He can be a bit hot headed at times, though.
History: Justin grew up in Ecruteak City as the son of the gym leader Morty, and a famous chef Rosalina. He has studied Pokemon and learned by watching his father face challengers.
Other: Bayleaf is the best
Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

Name: Jakku Ebansu
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: About five foot 8, tall, gangly physique, with brown hair and glasses. He has green eyes, and tends to wear a hooded top, along with a t-shirt underneath, and skinny jeans, because they make him look taller. He carries a satchel with a Mamoswine print on the side, and wears baseball boots. He also wears a bandana around his neck, as it has many uses.
Personality: Jakku can act sarcastic, is immature and can get really angry over stupid things. Jakku loves food, especially ramen. He can distracted easily, but always tries to focus on his main goal of becoming a Champion trainer. He's very energetic, and when in doubt, he runs somewhere, or fights someone.
Other: Bayleef is not the best, but near enough to Jakku to be considered great.

Sinnoh, btw. Or Hoenn, if Sinnoh is unavailable.
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Re: The Fantastic Fifteen

After thinking about it for a while, and deciding all of Unova's starters are dumb, and seeing as I'm not as familiar with it's dex as the others, can I switch to Hoenn?
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