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The Isle. Will you survive?

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Game Completionist
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
You sit, shivering, in your cage as the first rays of sun come through the window. You never miss this moment. None of the pokemon in this horrible place does. For most here, seeing that light, knowing that another day has come, is the only hope they will ever find. They cling to it, savor it for as long as they can until the time comes that they know that no hope is left. An old vaporeon known as Sezzak comes and tells you a story you know all too well. "The Isle, that's all it's called. No fancy name, no beautiful postcards of lush rain forests, not even a spot on a map.There are no tourists on the isle, then again, who would ever want to go there? The only human to set foot on the island is my trainer, Zachonil, to drop off his cargo, or so it's been said. Even the youngest of pokemon know to dread the inside of that crate as it comes to take you away to that dreaded island. Stories say that humans became greedy, something every pokemon has suffered for, and began to take all they had for granted. This angered Arceus, and he decided to take away the one thing that had given humans their meaning since the beginning of time. Pokemon. At first, pokemon hunted the humans, giving them reason to fight. After that, an alliance was form and humans and pokemon became partners, allowing them to grow stronger than ever before. This became easy for Arcues, as a steady stream of pokemon were dropped on the isle. Where were these pokemon from?" Sezzak sighed. "I don't need to tell you. You already know that. After several years of mistreatment, most pokemon lost all trust for humans, and taught their children the same. Us pokemon began to fight back, attacking any human that seemed to be a threat. My trainer decided to open, a pound, he called it, but it is more like a prison. As you already know, this place is the pound. As soon as a pokemon was seen, it was taken here. trainer's pokemon became scarce, wild ones even rarer. Too keep room in the pound, Zachonil bagan to ship pokemon off to a deserted island. He would make a shipments once a week carrying as many pokemon as he could. Sometimes a pokemon that still has trust for humans gets adopted and lives happily for the rest of its life, but that rarely happens. The rest are sent to the Isle. This island, soon to be known among pokemon as a place of dread, was Arcues' secret island. The only humans that can find their way there are those he deems fit. This island has every habitat you can think of, Except harsher. Conditions are often set to extremes while Arcues has fun with his victims. He usually lets his minions, the other legendaries, do his dirty work for him. Occasionally, though, he spirits a pokemon away to his chambers to deal with them himself. Those pokemon never come back. Escape is impossible whether you fly or swim, or even teleport." Suddenly, a strong hand grabs you and roughly shoves you into a wooden crate. It's time for your trip to the Isle.

You've been sent to the isle, a place of no return for pokemon. Conditions on the Isle are much harsher than those of the rest of the world, and the environment tends to change. Your goal is to survive and try to convince Arceus to not destroy pokemon. Good luck!

*Follow all BMGF rules.
*PM forms to me.
*I play arceus and his minions, as well as a few other pokemon. He and his minions (The legendary pokemon) control temperature, weather, and climate. Don't play Minni-god.
*OOC needs to be Confined into ().
*Secret image is :banana: .
*Respect others.
*Have fun!
*I'll allow multiple characters as long as you can handle all of them.
*Ask me before you evolve or learn a tm/hm/tutor move.
*Please wait until your character has been accepted and your crate has been placed before you post.

Black list
These are people that have broken the rules in one of my RPs. I will not allow these people to be in any of my RPs, not just this one.

None. Now let's keep it like that.

Moves:Tail Whip, Tackle, water Gun
Personality:He's nearly scared of everything. Sometimes he really wants to battle, but if he sees that the opponent is big, he mostly trys to let someone else battle for him.
Other:His weapon is his Scall Chop. He will defend it with his life.

Pokemon: Ralts
Nickname: Venny (Short for Venerable)
Ability: Trace
Gender: Male
Moves: Growl, Confusion, Confuse Ray (Egg Move)
Level: 8
Personality: Ralts is extremely smart, but he is also very weak. He is easily frightened. He admires any act of valor and bravery and he only wants to become stronger and evolve into a Gallade, thus overcoming that fear of his. He is shy and prefers to keep to himself but is ready to help any of his friends in need.

Username: -Gray-
Pokemon: Metang (Shiny, but it's not like that matters)
Nickname: 317
Ability: Clear Body
Gender: Male
Moves: Magnet Rise, Metal Claw, Confusion, Scary Face
Level: 30
Personality: 317 is more intelligent than most Metagross, as when he was created he was injected with all the intelligence of a supercomputer. He is strategic and yes, sometimes manipulative. 317 knows how to use most anything to his advantage, and knows more than any wild Pokemon about stats, Evs, Ivs, and other strategic abilities.
However, 317 has relatively no sense of humor or mercy, as he was created specifically for testing the mental abilities of his kind.
Other: 317 was created by scientists in a lab, if it wasn't obvious from his personality.

Username: Nytie
Pokemon: Woobat
Nickname: Mao
Ability: Unaware
Gender: Male
Moves: Confusion, Odor Sleuth, Gust
Level: 8
Personality: Mao is optimistic and friendly, but he has bad ideas and terrible advice; if he were human, people could most likely get arrested for going along with his ideas. He is clumsy and bumps into things often.
Other: Because strong friendship with a trainer is needed for Woobat to evolve into Swoobat, Mao doesn't ever expect to evolve.

Username: TFSpock
Pokemon: Drilbur
Nickname: Slider
Ability: Sand Force
Gender: Male
Moves: Dig, Hone Claws, Rock Slide, and Metal Claw.
Level: 29
Personality: Slider is a very friendly and jolly Pokémon, willing to help his friends no matter what. He sees himself as larger than he really is, causing him to end up in many tight situations because of that ego. He prefers to work alone, as he sees himself superior to everyone around him, but if generally easy-going. Unless you hurt his ego.
Secret image:
Other: Slider originally had a brother, an Excadrill, but Excadrill was kidnapped, and never seen again. Nowadays, Drilbur is very suspicious of humans, but goes along with them anyway.


Pokemon: Cubone
Ability: Battle armor
Gender: Male
Moves: (only four?)
Focus energy
False swipe
Personality: Cube is serious, to an extent, and a glutton for battle. He wields his bone proudly as his weapon and while he is all too aware of his strengths, he's ignorant of all his non-terrain related weaknesses. He knows for example, that a flying type can be the end of him if he doesn't focus, and that he cant hope to defeat a water pokémon underwater, but beside that he thinks himself pretty much allpowerful. His speed does help with that, as it's on par with most flying types' speed, causing him to be a very agile bone-thrower.
Secret image:
Other: He refused evolution by force of will, and is teamed up with my second entry

Pokemon: Ninjask
Nickname: Flash
Ability: Speed boost
Gender: Male
Sand attack
Double team
Fury Cutter
Swords dance
Personality:Serious like Cube, though more quiet and tactical. Where Cube rushes in for a battle, Flash stays behind and observes the enemy, scanning for a critical point to hit with it's amazing speed. Flash is hard to taunt, as it's too serious to take anything to heart, and the only two things that can cause it to act in blind rage or fear would be death\critical injuring of Cube, and the appearance of Shedinja.
Secret image:
Other: Teamed up with cube and fearful for\looking for it's counterpart shedinja.

Current Climate:Mountain island
A tall mountain island with a jungle in the middle and a beach in the middle.

Weather is currently sunny
Temperature is currently 85

Plants:somewhat plentiful (Jungle)
Fruit/berries:somewhat plentiful (Jungle)
Water:somewhat plentiful
Terrain:sand(Beach) Soil (Jungle) Rock (Mountaintop)

Common pokemon


Uncommon pokemon



Rare Pokémon




Credits goes to FirePower of GTS
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Sorry for double posts, but i must open this with a little information.

It was sunny on the Isle. the waves were colliding against the rocks on the beach. Out of the blue waves, two crates washed up. one contained a Oshawott, and the other one contained a Ralts.


"Hmm... The first two crates have arrived. the Oshawott and the Ralts seem to suffer. Lugia..." After some time, a big whirlpool opened in the cave. Lugia came out. "Yes, master Arceus." He said. "Bring these crates to the jungle, near the cliffs." Arceus said. "As you will..." Lugia dived in the water. He appeared near the beach. With his claws he picked up the crates, and flew towards the jungle. He lost grip, and the crates fell. They shattered and the Pokémon rolled out. Lugia only thought: That's done.


Mijumaru was trying to break out of the crate. He heard something coming at great speed. Out of nowhere, three claws broke through the top of the crate. He suddenly felt weightless. They were probably flying. After a time of flying, he suddenly flew against the roof. the crates were falling! The crate hit the ground, and it burst open. Mijumaru suffered of pain.
Venny the Ralts entered a deep state of meditation the moment he was locked up in a dark crate. He tended to do that in order to isolate himself from the outer world especially when he was frightened such as now. However, his meditative state did not go on for long. Soon, a giant bird of some sort had pierced the crate and light was allowed to enter for a brief moment. That was enough for him to snap out of the meditative state. He then felt himself falling and before he knew it--Boom! The crate landed hard on the ground causing it to break. Thus, Venny the Ralts was free but he felt a lot of pain covering all of his body.

As he got up, he looked around and saw another Pokemon. It was an Oshawott and from the looks of it it had been inside another crate just like his own. With his body aching, he walked up to the Oshawott and weakly introduced himself: "He--Hello. My name is Venny. What's your name?"
Mijumaru woke up, and looked around. He saw a Ralts named Venny. "H-hey. I'm Mijumaru. Did you also crash like me?"


"What did you do?! These Pokémon should have stayed in the crates! If they now get to the lake, together with many more Pokémon, they will defeat us. Didn't you even think about what you did!" The Lugia was in the cave, together with Arceus. "Well... No... But don't worry. I will defeat them." Lugia said. He flew off out the cave, and dived in the lake. He appeared near the beach, where he flew off to where the Pokémon fell. He watched them as they seemed to introduce each other. He spied on them. A big, black bird appeared. "Commander Swallow. Send your warriors at them. they are a big threat. Finish them off. Now!" He said. "Ok, of course, Master Lugia. Troops... attack them!"


Mijumaru stood off, and gave Venny a hand. He heard something. He looked behind him. A lot of Swellows came and attacked them.
As Venny stretched his hand towards Mjumaru's hand, he too sensed the sound that Mjumaru apparently sensed as well. Thus, in synchronized motion with Mjumaru he too turned his head, only to see a lot of Swellow coming toward them. His initial instinct was to run, but he could not leave the newly met Oshawott as Mjumaru could turn out to be his only friend in this place. So, he grabbed Mjumaru's hand and jumped behind a shrub.
From behind the shrub, Mijumaru watched as the Swellows attacked. "I'm not going to sit and do nothing!" Mijumaru jumped out of the shrub, and a big burst of water [Water gun] was shot against the leading Swellow. His wing seemed damaged and it fell down. He used Water gun several times, and the first Swellow attacked seemed to fail. suddenly, another big crowd of Swellow came. They attacked with their wings, that were shining with a grey light [steel wing]. They hitted Mijumaru. After the first three attacks, he could react fast enough to get his Scall Sword. He defendid itself, and fired another water blast [Water gun] that hitted several Swellow. "Venny, come help me!"


"This isn't going like planned..." Lugia was spying the battle. He havane't thought of a counter attack by such a little Pokémon. "commander, sent more Swellow. I'l go back to Arceus and report." He flew away, towards the sea, where he vanished in a gigantic whirlpool.
Venny, though frightened by the Swellows' size and number knew he had to help Mjumaru. Thus, he jumped out from behind the shrub and as he focused his psychic powers his eyes began to glow. Soon, he sent a ray of light towards the Swellow. It was a Confuse Ray attack! He managed to confuse to Swellow and then got Mjumaru away from there. He knew that at his level the confusion wouldn't last long but at least it would buy him the time to save Mjumaru from their grasp.
"We must run!" Mijumaru said. "Run, Venny, run!" they ran through the jungle. A few Swellow came after them. Mijumaru used Water Gun, and blasted them back. "We must run faster!" He ran faster, over a ledge that worked like a bridge over a big river. "come on, Venny! Run!" He waited till Venny was over the ledge.
Mjumaru went ahead of Venny and as Venny stood behind the ledge with Mjumaru across the ledge, he turned around and faced the few Swellow that remained. Before jumping over the ledge his eyes lit up in a light blue color and the Swellow began to glow as well. He lifted his hands and then lowered his hands. The Swellow first rose and then fell to the ground. Venny had used his Confusion attack. He then crossed ledge and met up with Mjumaru. They could finally catch their breath as the Swellow had taken a lot of beating from the Water Gun, Confusion and Confuse Ray attacks.

(OOC: Are others going to jump in to the RP once they send their SU's to you and you approve them?)
"Ok... Were save for now..." Mijumaru looked around. He climbed in a tree. He was in there for a few minutes. He jumped out, and climbed up another tree. he jumped out and walked to Venny. He gave him some berries. "Here, a few Sitrus berries I found." He ate them all in one go. "I'm going to scout around." He jumped in a bush, and looked around everywhere to see if more wild Pokémon would attack them.


"Your ruining everything!" Arceus shouted angry. "You should have sent all the wild Pokémon at them! Mesprit, Uxie, azelf. Come here at once." The three elf Pokémon came. "I want you to make the red chain in a special way, so i can see what their doing. It shouldn't take long before more crates may come! and about you, Lugia. Go to the HQ. Guard that place. If they reach the top of the mountain, they can enter it if they have a ship or can swim! Make sure they can't pass!"
Venny was glad that he was not alone in this place. He was thankful that he had Mjumaru to partner up with him. Two was always better than one. He thanked Mjumaru for the berries and as he watched Mjumaru look around, he ate the berries. The last confusion attack had tired him out especially when tied along with all the running but when Mjumaru was strong, he had to be strong as well. So, as soon as he finished the berries, he jumped into the bush alongside Mjumaru and decided to help him look out as well. He also felt that a little bit of conversation would be good.

"So do you believe that we'll ever live to see the day we get off this island? Or we will be devoured by all the wild Pokemon here? If the other Pokemon are anything like those Swellows we'll have a hard time, huh?" he asked Mjumaru.
"I don't think we'll ever escape. The closest shore is around two-thousand feet from the shore. and about the wild Pokémon. we won't survive long here without training. So let's train a lot." Mijumaru ran towards the ledge that they crossed over. He looked down. He jumped, and landed on a flat stone. he jumped several times and got near the shore. He dived in the water, and swam around.
Venny knew Mjumaru was right. He had to practice. He didn't know what Mjumaru was doing exactly in the water, but he guessed that Mjumaru was busy training in the water and honing his water-related skills as a water-type Pokemon. So, Venny decided to practice his psychic abilities. In order to do it, he had to first meditate and focus. So, he tried to clear his mind. After he did so, he located a few berries on the tree that Mjumaru had picked them from and focused his Confusion attack on those berries. Using his hands, he managed to control the berries and he slowly put the berries down. His confusion attack was getting stronger, but a confusion attack and a confuse ray attack would not be enough. He had to train harder.
Mijumaru was training by making big puppets out of seaweed he found. He tried to hit them with different attacks.


"Hmmm.... A few new crates.." the crates washed one. The three crates each had different species of Pokémon. A drlbur, a woobat and a Metang.
317 the Metang sat, bored, in his crate. From what he could tell, it had just washed up on shore. 317 blasted the crate to bits with Confusion and was instantly blinded by the light. When his robotic eyes had adjusted, he began searching for other sign of life on the island.
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OOC: Gray, we already ran through a jungle. You just washed up on the beach. XD

"Hmm... That Metang seems stronger than expected. But he won't form a problem. Magcargo, get from that lazy butts and get over to the beach. That Metang must be eliminated. Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres. Have you already spotted that Oshawott and Ralts?" He said. "Yes, sir." Articuno said. "There near the waterfall" Moltres said. "In the river, we only found the Oshawott. That Ralts must be somewhere near." Zapdos said. "Yes, we heared something shaking near the river." "But it still may be the Swellow, searching for them." "But you'll never know..." They all said. "QUIET! Grab that Oshawott and find that Ralts! NOW!" The three birds flew up, and flew towards the waterfall.
OOC: Edited, sorry.

IC: 317 felt a sense of danger on the beach. He knew he wasn't alone on the island, and that something might be after him. Logically, the only thing to do would be to stay on the beach and hope he was wrong about the danger.
Venny was practicing his psychic attacks, so his mind was extremely strong at the moment and he could sense any slight movement or disturbance. Thus, he sensed the presence of strong beasts coming at them. He could not figure out the Pokemon but he did sense that the Pokemon were extremely strong and that their intentions were not friendly. He went to river bank to warn Mjumaru: "Mjumaru! As I was practicing strengthening my mind and my psychic attacks, I sensed the presence of three powerful Pokemon coming towards us. We have to get out of here!"
"what are you talking a- Whaa!!" Two claws grabbed Mijumaru. A gigantic, yellow bird took him in the air. zapdos used Thunder, and mijumaru was electrified. "Ah, so there you were hiding!" another red bird said. Moltres dashed towards the Ralts. "now, wait Moltres.. Let me go first." The blue bird used a powerful blizzard, and venny was frozen solid. "Moltres, it isn't smart if you carry him. The ice will melt." articuno grabbed the block ice, and took them with. Mijumaru woke up. He used water gun, and the block ice fell. He looked down, and saw that the block broke. Venny was free! He tried to use Water gun on Zapdos, and it worked. Zapdos let him go, and Mijumaru fell down. He landed on a tree, and saw that zapdos and Articuno feel down. moltres went after them. I must search and find Venny!
Mao flapped around inside the crate, butting his head against the sides. He didn't know how long he'd been in there or what it was like outside, but he wanted out! He bumped against the side of the crate, making it rock back and forth. Eventually, he managed to tip the crate over, smashing it against the rocks and breaking it open. He looked around, noticing that he was on a beach, alone. "Hello?" He called, hoping some other pokemon would hear him. Mao hoped he wasn't all alone on this island.
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