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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
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Well, given how big an event the launch of OotP is likely to be, we're going to have our official thread for it. I'm going to keep it sticky for the first few days, too.

So. ALL HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX SPOILERY DISCUSSION GO HERE. If you want to talk about what happened in the book, post it here, and keep all spoilers here.

Only what's been released in official summaries, Rowling interviews and the like can go outside here.

Everyone understand me? :)
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Bah... the book is coming out tommorrow Damian, confirm by the end of next week everyone who wants HP on this board would get it. (I'm getting mine on Wednesday only, but its free - birthday present from my eldest brother!)

Though I can confirm (as in the other thread) that on amazon.com there was a reading out of a passage that included something about Harry being expelled (For at least a month) and Dementors are involved in some strange situation. Oh, and Dumbledore is agreeing to Harry's expulsion too...

And of course someone, as has been repeated tirelessly, is going to die and it's a painful death which JKR even cried over (and that incident has been devoured by the stupid media of course, that make it a big issue...) and that person is on Harry's side apparently. My bet is on Lupin or Hagrid.
Agreed - though I think it's Hagrid/Madame Maxime after something Robbie Coltrane gave away in an interview.
Yeah, when asked if he would be in all the movies, Robbie Coltrane said "Sort of", which leads me to believe Hagrid's gonna be the one to die. Either him or one of the Weasleys, I think. And I've heard we'll find out more about Snape! *Grin* I'm excited because Severus Snape is actually my favorite character, slightly more like by me than Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger who are second and third, respectively.
*Twitches* Suspense! I wanted to loiter around our 24 hour a day Wal-mart since we have no real bookstore, but my mom won't let me. She went instead :p . My mom also thinks it's Hagrid who'll die. My plan when I receive the book is to read it all night, until Pokemon comes on at nine in the morning, then continue reading. Which probably means I'll have to get some sleep in now.
Yeah, I'm thinking Hagrid too, but it would be very interesting were it to be Dumbledore...

EDIT--just found out who it is. Heh. Heheheheh. Heeheeheehee...Man, we were *way* off.
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*sobs* I'm DEVASTATED! He's my FAVOURITE! And it's a bloody waste, too - he was by far the best.

You know guys, running around on the fact of who bits the bucket is not going to make him come back in any way ;-). And this IS a spoiler thread.

So yeah. I'd tend to agree with you Kaz - Sirius, now was a waste of plotting devices. He should have been kept to bite it later. And am I the only one who think that Dumbledore's "it was my fault" are just a WEE bit...well, irrealist? It was, plain and simple, Harry's fault. He did rush in to play the hero without seriously thinking, and instead of saving Sirius wound up getting him killed.

Rowling did a good job on keeping us on the edge of our seats with that one about the key character, too. Reading the book - think of how many key character had close brushes with death in that one, or appeared? McGonnagal, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Neville, Ginny (nice scene, too, when Harry thought he was being possessed by Voldie..."Perhaps you should talk to the only one of us who has been possessed by him for a fact.")

Seriously, though, I'd have liked for the whole Dumbledore's army thing to get further (and I hope we'll hear from that again). Sure, it eventually lead to the six of them (nice to see Ginny and Neville joining the trio, too, though Luna...dunno about her. Though I'm pretty sure we're not done hearing from her...Rowling's not writing a new character in such an important role for just one book) fighting together, but the idea of a group of student gathering under Harry to arm themselves for the fight against Voldemort was a really nice change from the usual pace. And seriously, consider all the DADA teachers so far...Harry would certainly be a fine pick.

Talking about that...who's your money on for DADA #6?

And how much more do you think we'll see of Luna?

Very interesting stuff on Petunia, too. She certainly understood what dementors and Voldie meant - nice to see she admits they are real and menaces.
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Bah, Sirius shouldn't have died this early. Although I DID call that he had a better chance of dying than Lupin did, I didn't exactly want him out of the picture so damn soon. Real waste of time, the only thing it does is fuel Harry's anger to high levels...

And the way he dies is sort of vanilla. Blasted by a curse? My god, talk about boring. If there was a death in this story, given how Rowling reportedly "cried" writing it, I was expecting something a lot more dramatic and heroic. Oh wait, didn't she cry writing Cedric dying? Oh well...
He'll come back, though - Luna was right about the horses and stuff... the veil thing wouldn't be in there if it wasn't serious.

Evil Ghost Sirius perhaps?

I'm still pissed at the utterly cheap way he died. And the fact that nobody retrieved his body. And the fact that he was the best out of the Marauders. James was a twat, Peter a sneak, Lupin is lovely - but too lovely... Sirius was the only one who seemed to be actually realistic...

DADA#6? Harry or Lupin. Probably Lupin. Or Dumbledore.

I don't blame Harry entirely. I think that he should have told Kreacher to shove it... but... there you go...

The pace of the book threw me a bit - it seemed to go really slow and then banged at the end... =/
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot....

Anyone else who was overjoyed to see the Malfoy openly revealed as Death Eaters to the wizarding world? :).

I'll also note that it's interesting to see the Marauders cast in a completely new light that makes them looks more like the Malfoy/Crabbe/Goyle (or Dudley) of their times rather than like the heroes we've seen them as so far...
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Originally posted by ShadowDino
And the way he dies is sort of vanilla. Blasted by a curse? My god, talk about boring.

Originally posted by Kaz
I'm still pissed at the utterly cheap way he died. And the fact that nobody retrieved his body.

SD, it wasn't the curse that did him in. After reading that scene a few times, it's fairly clear that he was still quite alive... up until the instant he fell through the veil between life and death. Going through that archway is a one-way trip. And Kaz, that's also why his body could not be retrieved.

I liked the canon version of the Department of Mysteries, far better than any of the fanfic versions I've read. A department devoted to the great Mysteries of existence. Thought, Time, Death... I wonder what the other doors lead to.

My favorite parts of the book? The spectacular exits.

Favorite quote: "Who's Cedric - your boyfriend?"
Hm. One note...

Think back on book one, the mirror of Erised. When looking in it, Ron saw himself as captain of the quidditch team holding the cup, and as head prefect...both of these desires are now very close to realization, as he won Gryffindor the cup, and is now a prefect...

And Harry saw himself with his family...

I have more and more of a feeling that Harry might bite it at the end of book VII...
I actually havne't read the book

I think the prospect of Harry dying in the end seems pretty great as well... Erised, plus it might seem the best way to end everything... it seems like the book is headed that direction...

I REALLY wish Sirius didn't die, it was a real waste, he was my favourite character, he also was so kickass cool.... It was really sad he was killed that way, and it's so weird, a veil like that... I'll be clinging onto the shred of hope that he might be able to come back alive in the next book or last....

However, Voldemort got dearly pwned when Harry (was it him?) told the pro-Voldie, anti-Mudblood supoprters that Voldy himself was a Mudblood. Hitler, anyone?

As for DADA#6, it appears Fleur is totally otu of the question, I'm placing my money on Dumbledore or Harry, though. Lupin might have to do some other jobs. I don't know, it's just a gut feeling...

I want to know what really happens to Luna later though, I can just see the fanfics sprouting out like that everywhere... I still was hoping for a H/H...
I'm confused at how Harry is a half-blood though...

I know that Lily was a muggle-born, but she was also a witch, and Harry was the result of witch/wizard kinkehness...


I think Harry will become the playa of Griffindor... Luna/Hermione/Parvati [he was staring at her hair...].

Get them all pregnant, then die.

[/random half-asleep theory]
I still wish there was a H/H relationship but... looks like no... :( I think H/R is a little uncomfortable, but, *Sigh*

Harry's not half blood really, he's more 3/4 wizard... His mum's a mudblood, maybe that's why....

Or if you look at it from a grandparents kind of view, 2 of his grandparents are wizards, 2 are muggles. That's half, in a way.
Another note...

I thought once someone threw Avada at you, it was final, fatal, the end?

Yet (thanks to Dumbledore's intervention), we now know there are some ways to deflect Avada Kedavra (as Dumbledore used one to protect Harry).

Oh, and Harry used a forbidden curse! Send him to Azkaban! >=D

New favorite quote...

"I expect what you are not aware of would fill several books, Dursley." - Mad-eye Moody, to Vernon.
Nooo - favourite bit [can't be bothered checking the proper quote] is about Fred and George's sparklers spelling "POO" in the corridors.
wow ive read the book in 1 1/2 day,it was the longest book,but it took the least time to read it,probably cause i was up all night =P

well anyway,you wrre right, sirius shouldnt have died so early,and i loved it when harry used crucio on bellatrix.and the ministry are jackasses.and that umbridge woman is...scary...

my favorite part was when fred and george ditch school
Originally posted by Damian Silverblade
I thought once someone threw Avada at you, it was final, fatal, the end?

Yet (thanks to Dumbledore's intervention), we now know there are some ways to deflect Avada Kedavra (as Dumbledore used one to protect Harry).

IIRC, we already knew from Harry's fight with Voldie in GoF that A-K could be blocked by a sufficiently solid object. There is, however, no known shield spell, ward, charm, hex, or other form of magic which can block or deflect it.
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