Copied from my post at PocketNews:
What I'm currently working on is having a central user system [which I really wish I could plug into a forum... but it seems I can't... unless I use phpBB?] which is used on all the sites. This also means I have to get a "Ban from Category" hack, but that's nothing.
I just bought a domain - - which is what everything is gonna run off of. I have the forums, the blogs, the 'times, the dex, the 'news, everything. And the updates will all be powered by
And I got people working on it all
Just wondering if anyone has suggestions for new projects that I could incorporate, or would be wanting to help out with anything?
Now, did you -really- think that we would be content with just pwning the Pokemon news industry? Nah, this is me you're talking about.
And therefore, I'm glad to annouce the birth of The Pocket Network. What is it? The Pocket Network (TPN) is going to be a ring of Pokemon related sites, all focusing on a unique thing. The main goal of the network is: Bring the Pokemon World to the fans.
And how do we plan on doing this?
1) PocketTimes - Another news site, but this time written like a newspaper. Headed up between myself and PokeJungle, it's object is to be an online newspaper, with articles featuring the latest news, as if it was written by those in the Pokemon World. We're planning on weekly issues, the first one coming this Friday. More on that later.
2) PocketGuide - You've seen it. The episode came out 2 months ago, and your favorite site STILL doesn't have -any- information on it. That's why we're making PocketGuide. Although the site is open, we only have an episode list so far. What we will eventually have is a page for each episode with a decent summary, as well as naming and numbering information. There may eventually be more on it, but we haven't quite got it all worked out. ^_^ The site is being headed by mainly myself and bgtfamily (the guider).
3) PocketForums - Open already, it's to bring the network together. The highlight of the forum is our Pokemon World forum, where all our users are encouraged to discuss the functions of the Pokemon world.
4) PocketBlogs - In the near future, there will be a team of users that will help to create authentic blogs that document the Anime [and possibly Game?] characters of the Pokemon world. The project is still on the blackboard.
5) PocketDex - Let's create a dex that has information that people actually care about, shall we? It won't be focused on all the game stuff like more traditional dexes, and this will also be deeply tied in with PocketGuide.
And with this post, I officially invite all users to check out our extended influence!
What I'm currently working on is having a central user system [which I really wish I could plug into a forum... but it seems I can't... unless I use phpBB?] which is used on all the sites. This also means I have to get a "Ban from Category" hack, but that's nothing.
I just bought a domain - - which is what everything is gonna run off of. I have the forums, the blogs, the 'times, the dex, the 'news, everything. And the updates will all be powered by
And I got people working on it all
Just wondering if anyone has suggestions for new projects that I could incorporate, or would be wanting to help out with anything?