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The sky's the limit!

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Lord Fedora

Master of Hats and Ponies
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Basically, this RP is about your story in your made up region using your made up pokemon. Essentialy, your beginning your quest to become a pokemon master. You'll invent the Gym Leaders, thethe towns, the countries, and of course the Pokemon. Evolutions and pre-evolutions of already existing pokemon are allowed, but your starter must be completely original. You can even decide the cycle. Here are your options for stater cycle: Water, fire, grass; Psychic, fighting, dark; Flying, ground (yes I know it's not SE, but it is NE), rock. So let loose. Here's the sign-up.

Name: Okay, this should be obvious by now.
Age: Don't include. You will always be 10.
Region: Make it up. Please be original. And please don't copy others. You can add new types too, but make sure to give them strengths and weaknesses. No super types. You can copy other peoples types.
Appearance: At least three lines please.
Personality: Ditto (not the pokemon)
Sample Pokemon: Put the starters here for approval. Make no mistake, I won't except every Uber that passes through here. Speaking of which, also put one Legendary on here for approval. You may have two if they are in a set that makes sense.

Name: Nate
Region: Anzoray: Light- strengths: Dark, Fighting. Weaknesses: Psychic. Resistant: Light. Immune: Fighting. Steel is immune. Dino- Strengths: Rock, Ground, Steel. Weaknesses: Fire, Ice. Resistant: Rock, Ground, Steel.
Version name: Pokemon Life and Pokemon Death

Appearance: Nate has short spiky black hair, and dark brown, almost red eyes. He wears a white jacket over a black shirt with black jeans. He wears his pokeballs on a white strap around his chest, and has a black backpack. The only other things he wears is a pair of black gloves, and a pair of white boots. His Pokedex hangs from a stap on his belt.

Personality: Nate is a laid-back and carefree soul. He always finds something to laugh at, even in the bleakest of situations. His judgement is kind of clouded by his optimism. In a battle, Nate is almost the exact opposite. He becomes incredibly serious, and his judgement is as clear as the sky is blue.

Sample Pokemon: Fire- Burnpup: A reddish-brown wolf cub. It's evolutions are: Burnwolf, a Fire/Dark brown wolf, and Alphaburn, a Fire/Dark gray wolf.
Water- Polaris. A polar bear cub. Evolves into: Poladon. A Water/Ice Polar bear, and Polastar. A larger Water/Ice Polar Bear
Grass: Shruburtle: A turtle inside of a shrub. Evos: Turbush, a Grass/Psychic turtle and Tortedge, a Grass/Psychic hedge tortoise.

Legendaries: Dereap (Dark, looks like a giant floating grim reaper w/out the skeleton. Legendary Pokemon of Death)
Birangle (Light, looks like an angle, but with huge wings, and a body similar to Gardevoir, meaning the robe is part of the body, and the head is shaped like a fox head. The Legendary Pokemon of Birth)
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Name: Haley
Region: Sunstone (Peruikun has no Gym Leaders anyway)
Appearance: she has straight hair, blue eyes. She wears a long t-shirt, a vest and shorts. She has her Pokeballs in her belt, an her Poke-dex is the pocket of her short (the vest covers it all)
Personality: she is very sweet, but sometimes stubborn. She's generous, too. She can't stand the rights of Team Rocket.

Sample Pokemon: (get ready for this)
Fire: Proodfire (a red poodle, looks like a Flareon) evos: Goldenfire( looks like a golden Flareon), Lavapood (a poodle with the size of dripping lava
Water: Waterbee (Water/ Bug blue bee, a smaller version of Beedrill without those drills) evos.: Waterfly (an azure-colored Butterfree with blue eyes and blue-striped) , Divehive (is a butterfly with a bee's sting, Water/Poison)
Grass: Vinesat evos.: Lilyleaf, Geragi

Legendary Pokemon:
Pokevant (9-type extremely powerful Pokemon, a bigger bluer version of Blissey.)
Pegadaph (has 3 evolutions: Uniwing, Unigust, Cornfly and is the all-type Pokemon, is the Pokemon all the Sunstone Gym Leaders use. Is a Unicorn-Pegasus Pokemon. Pegadaph is the winged-version)
Better now?
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Name: Eric
Region: Nijen
Appearance: He wears mostly red, blue, and green. His pants are red, his shirt is blue, and his hat is green. He has big yellow shoes, also.
Personality: He strongly dislikes Nijen's notorious Team Element. He can also be hot tempered, but otherwise is a good person.
Sample Pokemon:
Grass Starter: Eagreen (Grass/Flying Hawk)->Hawkrove (Grass/Flying Falcon)->Falcoresto (Grass/Flying Eagle)
Fire Starter: Fithon (Fire Boa constrcitor)->Boaburn (Fire Python)-> Axelonda (Fire/Psychic Anaconda)
Water Starter: Hippot (Water Hippo/Shark)->Rhinosea (Water/Ground Rhino/Dolphin)->Elemarine (Water/Ground Elephant/Sea Dragon)
Turbo: I love the way you mixed up different animals for your water starter. Gyrados Girl: I need to know what your starter are. And by that I mean as in, what kind of animals or objects are they based on. Your both in if GG will do that for me, and also give me a legendary or two please. I forgot it myself, but I'll edit it right now. I'm also adding two more things to the sign-up. Give me a version name, and, if you want, new types.
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Name: Simon (surprise! Surprise! no Sparrow)
Region: Morean (Mor-ee-an)
Appearance: Simon is small (for his age) and wears Blue goggles with a leaf design on the straps, a red T-shirt with a water design on the arms and Green trousers witha fiery design on the bottoms. He wears brown trainers (no design). All his poke-needs (phone, pokedex, pokeballs, lunch) are stored in a red bag on his back.
Personality: A talkative trainer with a happy past, somehow he has become involved with the plans of Team Kiome (kee-oh-may) who wish to capture the legendary Ferrowroar and use it to unleash the spirits of Torment from ages gone onto this world.
Version Name(s): Pokemon Rush and Pokemon Flow

Starters: Fire, Embergrey-Fire (a grey hedgehog with red stripes down it's body)
Flaregrey-Fire (a grey fox with red swirls down it's body),
Greyblast-Fire/dark (a red wolf/bear hybrid with grey celtic runes down it's body)

water, Aquatle-Water (a blue grub with large features),
Aqualy-Water/flying (a blue/grey fly with scrawny wings)
Aquanifico-Water/flying ( a beautiful aquamarine moth with huge wings, from ugly to magnificent)

grass, Chigrass-Grass (a small green chick that is lovable and welcoming)
Chiflow-Grass/psychic (a cute, purple and green chicken with leafy wings)
Chimean-Grass/Dark (a tough, sturdy crow that is Jade green with a Jet black underbelly)

Ferrowroar-Dark/Dragon (a huge, black dragon with leathery wings that have a grey skin)
Woolpsy-Psychic/Steel (a small purple sheep with grey horns that has somehow battled Ferrowroar and kept it under control for eons, until now...)
Charmander, your ACCEPTED.

Gyrados Girl, excellent remake. You're ACCEPTED. Feel free to start at any time.

Nate rose from his bed, incredibly excited. Today was the day that he would begin his journey. He rushed to Prof. Drift's lab. There, he found... no one. Eager to start his journey, Nate rushed to the table, and grabbed a random pokeball. He then left the lab, and headed for route A1.
Haley was just rising excitedly in her home in Santoki Town, getting ready to have her starter.
She was off to Prof. Cedar's lab. There was a short line.
After 15 minutes, she was there second to the last one. She received the last Vinesat. When she reached the professor there was a frown in his face
"I'm sorry, but I believe we ran out of starters." he said
"Huh?" Haley frowned
"Hmmm... I'll see what I can do."
He filed through the all the filled Pokeballs, only one was available.
"Hmm... will this, Waterbee surprise you?"
"Yes, thank you!"
He gave her the Pokeballs and 5 empty Pokeballs and a Sunstone Pokedex.
"Good luck on your journey!" he waved
((did I mention Sunstone has 20 badges to win?))
"First stop, Gust Town!" she said to herself
When he reached Route A1, Nate released hiis new pokemon, which turned out to be the turtle, Shruburtle. It seemed cute enough, but when Nate reached over to touch it it flinched. "Well, no matter. You'll learn to love me." He said, smiling. They began to walk down the road, towards the Hidden Grove forest, whicch led into Hidden Grove City.
As Haley took her Waterbee it refused to go to its Pokeball.
"Oh, c'mon! Waterbee! Hmm... 'Waterbee' doesn't fit you... How 'bout Aqua?" she said
It nodded.
"Okay, Aqua, could you help me catch a Skyflyer..." she stopped
she saw a lot of Skyflyer
Her Waterbee used its Hydro Canon it fell off one Skyflyer.
"Okay, now, Pokeball, go!" Haley yelled.
The Pokeball caught the Skyflyer.
Haley cheered and picked up the Pokeball and hugged her adorable Pokemon
((My Waterbee's cuter than Beedrill!))
"Beee! Waaaterbee!" it yelled happily
Nate and his Shruburtle were in a heated battle with some punk who had insulted Shruburtle.
"Shruburtle, use Razor Leaf."
"Vinestone, Rock Smash." The attacks collided in mid-air, resulting in a very sliced up rock.

((Would you like to explain how a low leveled starter knows Hydro Cannon, the water Elemental Hyper Beam?))
((That's how things are in Sunstone!))
"I need a rival." Haley said
She saw a laughing girl coming towards her holding her stubborn-looking Vinesat in her arms.
"I hear you're looking for a rival." she said with another chuckle
"Hi, I'm Alicia, Prof. Cedar told me I'm the right rival for you!"

Haley stopped, she agreed to battle.
"Okay, let's go, Aqua!" Haley called
The blue aquatic bee jumped to the battle.
"Go! Vinesat!" Alicia said
the Vinesat jump narrow-eyed with Aqua.
"Aqua, Body Slam!" Haley said
The bee slammed the Vinesat causing it to lose its health
"Get up! Get up, Vinesat!" Alicia insisted
it got up, and harshly fell down.
"I win! I win!" Haley bragged
"You may have won this time, but I'll catch up!" Alicia said
She ran to the Pokemon Centre sobbing.
"Ya think maybe we hurt her?" Haley asked
the bee nodded
She ran to Alicia,
"Hey, Alicia, we'll still meet each other soon. And maybe, when we'll defeat the Uerikas together."
An idea filled her mind
"hey, why don't we join forces?" she said
Alicia nodded
((You do know that that gives you an unfair advantage, right?))

"Now Shruburtle, use Vine Whip to grab the rock!" Shruburtle grabbed the sliced up stone and pounded it into Vinestones head. Vinestone fell over in pain. "Yes! I win."
"Good win. I'm Eric. I guess this makes us rivals."
"I guess it does, doesn't it." Nate watched Eric walk away. Then he spotted something flying through the air. It appeared to be a baby Pegastar.

((Take it's power down a notch. Somehow I doubt that you could take down you're rivals pokemon with one body slam.))
Simon ran to the professer's house. "Ah, Simon. I have a pokemon just for you. It may not look like much now but wait a while and it'll soon shine." Greeted prof. Nookali, releasing a grub-like pokemon. "Erm...sure prof. I'll take this pokemon" Simon said with a sickened face. "I agree that it is weak now. So to help you how about I give you these two as well?" asked the prof. rhetorically, sending out a chigrass and an embergrey. "Wow, maybe this is a good idea" smirked Sparrow and imediately headed for the road...
The Pegastar swooped down with a clear intention of attacking. It rammed it's wings straight into Shruburtle, dealing massive damage to the poor grass type.
"Shruburtle, use Vine Whip to grab it's wings!" Shruburtle did so, immobolizing the pegasus. "Now use Razor Leaf!" Shruburtle did tons of damage to Pegastar. "Pokeball GO!" Nate's pokeball absorbed Pegastar. It wobbled once...twice...three times... and then beeped.
((Blame my head not me!))
Alicia's Vinesat and Haley's Waterbee started playing,
"Where are you off to?" Alicia asked
"You don't know which Gym we're off to?" Haley replied
"The Gust Town Gym!"
"It's Gym Leader is Felina,"
"Oh-----" they were interrupted by some sort of Cornfly sound.
"Did I hear a Cornfly?" they said altogether.
They saw a girl chasing the Cornfly.
"Cornfly! Get back in your ball! Return!" the girl insisted
"Aw..." Haley pouted
"Hi, I'm Amanda, the.... I just cannot for the moment." she ran
"Wait!" Haley shouted
she turned
Simon headed up the mud trail in front of him only to be jumped by an eager trainer...
((Can we use old pokemon in this as well as new ones))
((Only a few, and only for random trainers. You don't get to catch them.))

"Alright! I caught me a Pegastar!" Nate continued down the road. Once he had crested the annoyingly tall hill he spotted Forest Town.
"Can... you acompany us to Gust Town?" Alicia asked
"Of, course!" Amanda replied
She picked up the Pokeball of her Pegadaph and went away to Route 403, the next route heading to Gust Town.
"I'll tell you my secret if you get your 19th badge." she said
They nodded
The trainer threw out a Leakscratch (like a meowth with Farfetch'd's leek).
"Go Chigrass, use Scratch!!!" Simon yelled. Somehow the Leakscratch dodged,
"Nice one, Leakscratch! Now use Quick Attack!!" Bellowed the trainer. This hit Chigrass full-on but she stood back up to attack. "OK, Use Scratch again!!" Simon hollered. This time the attack hit and Leakscratch collapsed, then stood. "Use Growl, Leakscratch!!!" Yelled the trainer. Chigrass didn't seem to care about this, "Use Scratch NOW!!!!" Shouted Simon. The Leakscratch went down and this time it didn't get back up.
The two trainers shook hands. "Nice work, I'm Simon by the way" Said Simon.
"Thanks for the battle, I'm Mick, Wanna walk to the next town?" The trainer replied. "Sure..."
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Amanda walked gently along the road
Felina... uh-oh, I hope she does not tell my secret... she thought
Later On...
"let's go!" exclaimed Alicia
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