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TEEN: - Ongoing The Star Dragon


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
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This is my first time doing this so tell me your comments.
In ancient Japan there once lived dragons, these dragons and the humans lived in peace. One day a man named ZERO went to the Dragon's Den and told them the humans were planing to seal the dragons in their den. Then the dragons were furious with the humans, so they waged a full fledged war on the humans. After days of battling with the humans the last 10 dragons fled to the Dragon's Den, then the humans closed the cave and the dragons never bothered them again. All the humans thought the dragons died.....until now.
Chapter 1:
"Mister Kida, WAKE UP" yelled the teacher.

"wake up Toshiro"said Rai.

"whaa I am still in class damn it"said Toshiro.

"well mister Kida since u think you are so smart that you can sleep in my class solve this.how do u make 2 wit 7 4s?"asked the teacher.

"ummmm (4/4+4//4)/4/4/4"said Toshiro.

"grrr correct mister Kida again"said the teacher.Then the bell rang as loud as Big Ben."class dismissed, GO"yelled the teacher.

"hey do you want some pictures from the legendary Kouta Hiwigima"said the man who stated to be Kouta.

"hmmmmmm what is more important sexy girl pictures or food, give me those pictures"yelled Rai.

"no no no don't go stealing you have to buy them which are 5000 yen per picture"said Kouta.

"fine here you go now give me them"said Rai while giving Kouta the money and taking the pictures.Then a hand came out and burned the pictures and toke some of Kouta's money.

"hey give that back, I got that fair and square"said Kouta.

"awww i was going to put those on my wall"said Rai then Toshiro and Kouta turned to him.

"you have a wall for girl pictures"Toshiro and Kouta said in unison.

"any how I am doing this as my fee"said Toshiro.

"what fee"said Kouta and Rai.

"my fee for not turning you in Kouta for taking girl pictures and Rai for buying them"said Toshiro.

"he wont...."said Kouta.

"he will if i tell him I trapped the phantom of the girl's locker room and who is out of school when the phantom appears every time Kouta, don't bother lying it is on record so i bid you two a good afternoon"Toshiro said confidently.

"darn it he toke most pf my profits"said Kouta and meanwhile with Toshiro.

"hey dad I'm home,hello anybody"yelled Toshiro while he walked into his house.

"hello son"said Attics Kida.

"hey dad why are we in the dark"asked Toshiro then the lights turned on to reveal seven pathways each with an orb in front of it.

"Toshiro it is time for your dragon's trial"said Attics sadly.
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