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The Ultimate D/P Club

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New Member
Jul 12, 2006
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Yep! This club is 4 all ppl who want to discuss the new D/P series

rules:no spamming, trolling, flaming, and so forth


The first 3 to join will become co-owners. So post away!



*When I, the owner, is not hear u ppl will have to listen to my co-owners, and still obey the rules, got it?
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I keep very close tabs on all that is D/P. I even investigate some reliable Japanese sources myself. I even know the official site. On Pokemon Garden, I am MJH24. I also keep an active journal documenting all information we recieve on D/P. I would be honored if I could join an organize of those that appreciate D/P as well as I do.
I am the master of disata, the D/P Guru so to speak!

And I wanna be a co-owner!
Both of u r co-owners hooray to the first 2 members!!!


Hey Sceptyle726, u can be our journal boy that fills us in on all the biggest scoops!
Lets pick some stuff to discuss about D/P, like if the D/P male hero will replace Ash. Okay, we'll go with that.
I'm not certain of what's going to happen in the D/P anime. No one is. I sincerely do not think that Ash's saga is not going to end in 3 eps.
And do yall think the D/P male hero will be in anime or just in games? That is the confusing part, that male character.
We are not certain of that, either. Brendan, the male main character of Ru/Sa/E, has only showed up twice in minor appearances. If Hikari is indeed alone in her quest, then the male D/P hero is more likely to have a more major role, but in any other instance, I am afraid he will be just as shafted as the last one.
Sceptile726 said:
We are not certain of that, either. Brendan, the male main character of Ru/Sa/E, has only showed up twice in minor appearances. If Hikari is indeed alone in her quest, then the male D/P hero is more likely to have a more major role, but in any other instance, I am afraid he will be just as shafted as the last one.

I see ur point. There is just no way of knowing.
Yall start posting threads asking ppl to join this club. I've already started one in garden grotto.
Archaic. He doesn't come on often, though. I have put an advertisement in my sig, I hope that is satisfactory.
I cant see anyone's sig 4 some strange reason!
You know, u guys can take over when im not hear, but make sure everyone follows the rules.
I'll be sure to remember that. In your UserCP, there should be a link labeled Edit Options. Under there, you need to check the box that says to show signatures.
booman, don't double/triple post or advertise this club outside of your sig/user profile, okay? I don't want the owner getting banned.
I only did it once thats all. Wait....if i DID get banned would the club still be hear and u 2 looking after it?
Yeah, it would still be here and we would continue it, ku ku ku....

Just try not to get banned, plz?
Habunake said:
Yeah, it would still be here and we would continue it, ku ku ku....

Just try not to get banned, plz?

Well that didnt quite work out 4 me on serebii...lol! I'll do my best....as u woukd say......ku ku ku ku ....
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