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The "Which evil team does the person above you like best" game.

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Johtoman 2

New Member
Dec 3, 2006
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EDIT from Hallow♥: This thread has been closed due to age, post numbers, and inactivity.

Well, that's a long title. Basically you post in and say which evil team the person above you likes most. (You may post back to say if they were right or wrong). Please post in about me.
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So...just guess what evil team you like? I'm going to guess Team Magma, then, because you apparently like Charmander a lot.
Let me see...it's on the tip of my tongue...dare I say...Team Rocket?
I know for a fact he doesn't like Team Rocket (Jesse or James atleast).

I don't think he cares for any of them.
I actually do like Team Magma best because they (and Team Aqua) never actually do anything really dispicable (unlike Rocket killing and mistreating pokemon). I'd say, due to your avatar, you like Team Rocket.
Er....they steal, threaten, and basically try too destroy life as we know it. 0.o

Yeah Demon of Light, Rocket all the way for me!
Let me see...it's on the tip of my tongue...dare I say...Team Rocket?

You are correct, sir. Rocket is the only Team for me. <3 *points to avatar*

And I'll guess Team Rocket for Habunake, because in the above post Habunake *says* that Team Rocket is his favorite. ^o^ j/k. So I guess you can only really play this game once, huh?
Team Rocket. Not just because you said it, but because I've known this forever.

Take a wild guess.... (PS: If you say "PMC" I will hunt you down and set Sneasel on you)
Hmmmmm I'm Going to take a wild guess here.........is it Team Rocket???
(You just gave it away so I cant get it wrong)
*Pumels you till you are nothing more than a scrap of DNA which his MEW anihalates!!!*

Who can guess mine??? (it is not TR)
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