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The Wormhole (Semi-Pokemon)

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Pata pata pata pata pata!
Mar 26, 2011
Reaction score
This is just an idea I had a couple days ago. You take your favorite roleplay character (of your creation) ever, copy/paste the SU here, and they're all in one RP, no matter what type of roleplay they originated from. Put their original RP and its franchise/genre (i.e Pokemon, superhero) into the SU. The villain (and thus the plot) will be determined based on what kind of character the majority are. (i.e If a majority are Pokemon Trainers, the villain will be a new "team" and the Trainers would be the de facto leaders of the group.)

1. No godmodding, bunnying, etc
2. Try not to break the 4th wall
3. No brand-new characters
4. Have fun!

My SU will be up later.
Real Name: Sol Glissant

Alias: Disarray

Affinity: Supervillain

Citizenship: American, of French descent. Pretends to speak French to impress women.

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Appearance: http://cosplay.com.hk/images/character/mini/578_1cdf83ed797a1a2730fd14bf4ffa3b81.jpg
Usually wears nice suits that he steals when he's not being a villain.

Superpowers: None.

Talents: He's incredibly good at math, and knows lots of sciencey stuff. His skill at physics is so good, that assuming he knows most of the factors, he can predict the exact movement of an object in less than a second. So, provided he knows stuff like wind speed and what kind of bullets the opponent is using, he can dodge bullets fairly easily, and has excellent marksmanship. He specializes in energy based technologies, such as lasers and flamethrowers, though he dabbles in most other fields. He also plays volleyball in his spare time to keep in shape, so while not amazing as far as physical fitness goes, is definitely above average.

Equipment: He has a suit he wears that allows him to turn invisible. He can pull the collar over most of his face to disguise his identity, and it's made of a special material that absorbs force fairly well, and, if he flexes his muscles just right, allows him to adhere to most surfaces. He also carries around grenades, each one translucent and about the size of a ping-pong ball. He has a pair of contacts that make his eyes look like white orbs with red rings instead of pupils, but they also allow him to control when his grenades explode. By winking, he can explode all of them at will. Otherwise, he can set them to explode on impact. He has two types: Plasma grenades which ionize the air around them on detonation, essentially turning it into lightning, or stun grenades, which release a gas, that, when breathed in, paralyzes the subject for about 30 seconds. Both varieties stick to most surfaces unless he sets them to explode on impact.

Origin/Backstory: Sol was a math prodigy in his youth, and even got to skip second grade, for which his parents were immensely pleased. He soared through high-school, joining the swim team, chess club, bowling team, and Dungeons and Dragons club. This left him kind of tired, so he slept through college, and got through his first year only by winning a bet with the dean that he could beat him in Pokemon. This got him addicted to video games, so he dropped out of college to compete in video game tournaments. He won a few, then invested all his money in a hugely successful company, and lived off of the stocks, using his prowess at math to buy and sell them extremely efficiently. This was all changed when the company headquarters were hit with a meteor. His stock values plummeted, and he lost all his money. Depressed, he decided to turn to a life of crime to restore his old fortune.


Name: Eliot Nadel
Alias: The Dashing Gunslinger. (Note: Only he calls himself that.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: At exactly six feet two, Eliot's a little tall for his age. He has fairly long blue hair, mostly because he hates the barber's shop (He's worried about getting his ears chopped off.) He usually dresses in formal styles, usually wearing a tuxedo vest, button up shirt, tie, slacks, and dress shoes. He always wears a pair of pink heart-shaped sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat.

Personality: Eliot is a hedonist to the core. He loves women (Whom he shamelessly flirts with), money (Which he spends lavishly), and candy (Which he eats little but.) However, he can be genuinely nice, and even selfless at times. He is extremely spirited and outgoing too, and likes to make friends with everyone. He also loves kittens, and is truly dedicated to spreading love throughout the world. Finally, he has an extremely poetic manner of speaking, inspired by the flowery text in the mythology book he uses as his gospel.

Alignment: Hero, though can be selfish sometimes.

History (I figured I should add it to explain his powers and personality): Eliot was born to a pair of water merchants, people who collect water using machines that condense vapor from the air, and sell it. He was orphaned when, at four, bandits attacked the caravan for the moisture condensing machines. He hid under a table while his parents were killed. Eliot hid under the table for a day, in shock, even after the ruffians left. He then wandered out, and looking for shelter, found an abandoned library. Hungry, he ate some mushrooms he found growing on the floor. When he got bored read some books on Norse Mythology, and watched some of the westerns they had in the video section. He eventually went to sleep, and through the mushrooms, movies, trauma of losing his parents, and mythology texts, he had an extremely vivid dream, in which Freya, Norse Goddess of love and war, teleported him to the moon, where she told him that he had to spread love and honor throughout the land, and take up the title of Gunslinger. He took this as a sign, and ever since, he has traveled the land, preaching love and joy, and practicing fighting.

Powers/ skills/ trainings: After his vision, he trained night and day, making sacrifices to the moon to get a sign from Freya. Coincidentally, all the incense he burned and runes he drew gave him a connection to the stars, allowing him to use the Celestial Shot. By harnessing the power of the cosmos, mixing in a tiny bit of his Ki, and focusing them with a silver weapon, he can imbue the weapon, and any ammunition it shoots, with the power of the stars, making it fire faster and hit harder. To mantain this ability, he spends a few minutes every day meditating and drinking tea. Even without the Celestial Shot, he's still a competent marksman, though he has little actual combat experience, often using his great speed to run away. He also found the 'Infinite Ammo' cheat, which gives him infinite ammo.

Gear/weapons: His gun, Silver Thorn. It's a silver beretta, with roses engraved on the handle. It allows him to use his power.



Name: Evan Nates

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Evan's appearance reflects his devotion to his work, in that he's willing to sacrifice it for his studies He stays up late every night studying magic, so he has dark rings under his eyes from lack of sleep. He hasn't cut his blonde hair, almost white, in over a year, so it goes down to his shoulders. He tends to dress in a black cloak with gold trim, along with a red tunic underneath and white pants. He usually goes barefoot, only wearing sandals for formal occasions.

Element: Dark

Class: Shaman

HP 4

Simplified stats: HP: 12, Might: 6, Hit 3, Attack speed: 4, Avoid: 4.5, Defense: 0, Resistance: 0

Items/gold: Flux Tome, 15g
Skills: Arcanium

Backstory: Evan was born in Kioryu to a highly religious family, and joined a small sect of shamans to rebel against them. They weren't the smartest sect, however, being mostly composed of teeny bopper posers, and shortly after he joined, their chapel was burned by religious fanatics while Evan was out getting snacks for them. Evan, learning this, swore revenge on the Cathedriel of Saints, and started to learn true elder magic. He recently learned of the tournament for guild leader, and decided to go and compete in it, disguising it from his parents as a pilgrimage. He doesn't think he'll win, but has decided he doesn't have anything to lose, and if he wins, he gets to lead all the guilds in the nation. He hasn't decided whether he wants to make the world a theocracy or just make it so religion has no power, but he plans to figure it out at some point.

Question, if I have one strength, would Arcanium round up and still add one point to my magic? If so, I'll edit it to switch my point of strength to an additional point in luck.

This is my first character. He probably won't appear much.

Name: Ben
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Occupation: Used to be a breeder, giving away pokemon, but became a Trainer to help fight Team Rocket.
Apperance: Standing at 6"1, he looks ridiculous. He has long, cobalt blue hair that goes down to his shoulders, Wears a pink jacket with a bright yellow shirt underneath, a sunset orange scarf around his neck, and shiny silver bell-bottom pants, with bottle green platform shoes on his huge feet.
History: His battle skills, however, are not to be laughed at. He fought in the gym battles in his native Kanto and Hoenn. While that is somewhat impressive, the reason he got invited into the academy is because he would often use a Pokemon that was weak to the opposing type. In his words, he did it because " I wanted a challenge, and I'm just that cool." However, he never beat the Elite Four because he was "Disgusted by their Elitism, not to mention their horrid Fourism as well."
In his native Saffron city, Ben is a local celebrity, and very popular. If asked what they think about him, you're likely to get a litany of praises for him. This is mostlyly due to him singlehandedly freeing Silph Co. from team rocket. Despite them having been disbanded, he still harbors an intense hatred for any ex-member. On this, he is quoted as saying "(I'LL KILL ALL THOSE MOTHER******* IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!" and had to be physically kicked out of the Viridian city Gym for attempting to disembowel the gym leader, Giovanni.
Personality: As said above, he's pretentious and really full of himself. However, he's also extremely kind, giving all the money he doesn't use to pay the bills to various charities. He also loves to doodle an dance, (although he only does the first one well) and eat pizza and ice cream (usually at the same time). Oh, and he's absentminded to the point where he looks for things he's lost for hours, only to realize he lost them, and he often does stange things, such as paint the black top blue and tape paper plates to walls to "see what happens." He practices combat with two swords and playing the electric guitar "Because it's cool."
Pokemon:Flygon, Hypno, Feraligatr, Magnezone, Lopunny, and Pidgeot.
Team: Noon
Name: Luke
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Appearance: Luke wears a long sleeved red t-shirt and jeans. On top of his brown hair is a red baseball cap.
History: Luke was a normal kid...until one day, in 1st grade. He set the top of his desk on fire. His parents just wanted a normal child, and sent him away to an orphanage. When he found out their plans, he ran away. His parents, however, caught up with him. You'd think a first grader could outrun a car or two adults. Seriously. Anyway, in the orphanage, he spent his spare time trying to perfect his special abilities. He had only used and mastered a few abilities when he found out about the PSI Academy. He escaped from a hole in his wall (made from his repeated usage of his PSI moves), and ran off.
Personality: Luke is a calm person. If he gets mad (a SUPER low chance), he immediatly whacks the person that was making him mad with his baseball bat. He is mature, and doesn't do things that he has no idea what the effect will be.
PSI class: PSI Mage
Weapon type: Baseball Bat
PSI powers:
PK Fire
PK Thunder
PK Thunder 2 (rams self into foe using PK Thunder: are any bells ringin'?)
PK Leaf (sharp energy leaves damage the foe)
PK Freeze
Race/Species: Human
Name: Link Hylikiri
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Apperance: Link wears a green tunic. He wears white pants, brown boots, a brown belt, and has blond, messy hair.
History: Link was the age of three when he was lost in the forest (I know there is one...). Unknown how to find a way out, he befriended the Dracos. One day, when he was seven, the Dracos were attacked by the MechaDraco. Link barely escaped. After the MechaDraco left, he carved a wooden sword out of a tree (using tools from a cabin). He trained himself, and, over time, got newer and better swords, but carried one thing in the sword: some amber, in a tear-drop shape. When he was 9, he found the home of his parents. They were unable to recognize him. However, the parents let him stay, since he was parentless. When his parents got the chance to move to New Pork City, Link refused to go. So they left him. Parentless yet again, he went back to the forest where he was raised. He trained himself in various ways, and, via a near-death experience, created the most powerful sword technique. After the world was recreated, and 20 years later after he found his parents (he had then for almost a year), he learned of the PSI Academy, and offered to be a teacher.
Personality: Difficult...Link is a loner, but will be nice if you can get on his 'good side'. Truthfully, Link seeks a companion, because he spent so much of his life without humans, but isn't exactly eager to participate.
PSI Class: Swordsman
Weapon: 'A sword with a purple hit, with 'wings' pointing towards the blade, and a piece of amber shaped like a tear surronded by a wood outline in the hilt, with a long blade. He also kept his first, wooden sword (minus the amber 'tear') for students, and a bigger wooden sword.
PSI: Link doesn't have true PSI, but can enpower his sword for his ultimate technique. He then must rest.
Species: Human

Oh yeah, both of these are from the PSI Academy. (Mother/Earthbound)
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*sly grin*
Tamaki, you need to say their original RP(s) before I can accept you.
El senor BulbyRed is accepted.
Sol Glissant is from Rogue's Gallery, Eliot is from Vigilant, Evan is from The League of Guilds, and Ben is from Pokemon Summer Academy.
Name:Daemon Somera
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
History: Daemon was born into a large middle class family with his two parents, three older sisters, and yonger brother. None with the same shapeshifting powers as him. He loved his powers thinking of them as a gift. He was never open about his powers, but would sometimes slip up and accidentally grow a tail or large fangs. He would use his powers for mischief and mayhem. He often used them for shoplifting and theft. He would often scare his friends with his transformations. After hearing about this school he automatically applied without hesitation.
Appearance: Daemon has straight black hair reaching down to his nose. It is often pushed to the side away from his eyes. His eyes are dark brown and he stands at 5'9" with a medium build. His skin is slighly tanned from his Filipino heritage and days out in the sun. He wears a dark brown zip-up hoody over a thin black shortsleeve t-shirt. He wears dark blue jeans and black and red sneakers. His backpack is black and red with several different pockets.
Personality: Daemon tends to be kind around people he knows, but can be very hot-headed. He is quite a rebel and loves to cause trouble. He can be quite anti-social around people he's never met. He tends to prefer to do thing by himself.
Animal: Black Tundra Wolf
Theme Song: Uprising-Muse
Other: I refuse to say that EF is the master...Wait a minute...DAMMIT!

Animal I've Become: School for the Gifted


Name:Logan Bacalzo

Appearance:Logan has golden blonde hair with jet black roots. His eyes are dark brown and his skin is tan from his Filipino heritage and long days in the sun. He stands at 5'6" with a medium build. When relaxing or just hanging around he usually wears a yellow shortsleeve t-shirt, sometimes over a brown longsleeve t-shirt, dark blue jeans, black converses, black fingerless gloves, and a small silver chain around aneck ending with a small golden sun pendant. When training, battling, or going on a quest he usually wears a dark red skintight jumpsuit with sleeves down to the begining of his elbows, bronze breastplate armor, bronze greaves, and the same gloves and converses as his casual outfit.

Personality:Logan tends to be a kind person and always helps people in need, but only if he knows them personally. He does have a slight short temper and can hold grudges but this rarely happens. When frustrated he often replies with sarcasm. He can easily start to like a girl and is often very nervous around them the first few times he talks to them.
Background:Logan was born into a small middle class family. He grew up thinking he was the eldest child of two loving parents, but that was obviously not the matter. At the age of thirteen he began to realise that he barely resembled his supposed father at all, unlike his two younger siblings. He asked his mother about his suspicions and she began to explain, but during the explanation a dracanae burst through the wall of is house and began to attack. His father, Apollo, shot down from the sky in his chariot and easily destroyed the monster saving his son. His father told him to travel to Camp Half Blood where he would be safe and accepted. He soon went on his way getting there in just over a day.

Godly parent:Apollo
Abilities: Logan can control the sunlight using it in several ways: for healing purposes, when attacking, and a few more. When using the sunlight for battle he often absorbs its energy and releases it from his palms. He can also use his music for mind controlling purposes. As he plays he can gain temporary control over someone. He gains more control from people the weaker they are. He has no control over gods, children of Athena, and extremely powerful monsters. He has partial control over demi-gods and medium strength monsters. He has complete control over normal humans and extremely weak monsters.

Weapons:Logan carries around a golden bow and a quiver holding several arrows, both carried around on straps going across his chest. He also carries around a celestial bronze dagger with an imperial gold sheath and hilt.

Blaze-A shining white pegasi given to him during his first week at Camp Half Blood. He was bred from Apollo's pegasi guiding his chariot.

Theme song: An Awful Lot of Running - Chameleon Circuit

Demigods ands the Hands of the Fates (Percy Jackson and the Olympans RP)


Name: Kyou Kamiya
digivice: red
hair color: realy dark brown
other info: He is the descendant of Tai and is the leader of the team.

Digimon-The Next Generation (Digimon Adventure RP. My first RP and the first one I made. When using him I'll likely try to recreate my really crappy old writing style.)
Your characters are accepted, Bpj. Yup, I recognize them BulbyRed. What franchise is Vigilant from, Tamaki?
Franchise? What do you mean? It's an original setting, I believe, though it does have some similarities with Fallout, though more supernatural stuff.
Ah. I thought it was based on a game or something. Your guys are accepted.
I honestly think that you should just come up with an original plot that doesn't involve how many people are in one series.
Right now, we'd be...well I don't know...Earthbound...?
Right, right...can't think of one though.
Awesome idea! I'll let it flesh itself out in my head a bit more and we can start.
My SU, originally from my first RP, Kingdom Hearts: Children of The Stars. Oh, the nostalgia.

Name: Kyle (He can't remember his last name)

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Description: He is tall for his young age, and has fiery red hair that he keeps long in the back. He wears a black jacket and a white shirt with silky black pants and red running shoes. He wears a belt with a scabbard for the sword mentioned below.

Personality: He is always ready to fight the darkness and has a strong sense of justice. He will always try to help his friends, no matter how incapable he is. He has a habit of biting off more than he can chew and rushing into battle unprepared. He hates being treated as the little kid all the time.

Weapon: Small, battle-worn sword given to him by his "Grandpa". He wishes he could get a newer sword, but doesn't have enough munny yet.

Bio: When his home was destroyed by a heartless attack, he ecaped and woke up with amnesia in another world. All he could remember was his first name, and the dark monsters that had destroyed his home. He was taken in by an old man named Eran (Kyle calls him Grandpa Eran). "Grandpa" Eran respects Kyle's wishes, so when Kyle asked to leave and seek revenge on the heartless, Eran readily agrees and gives Kyle his old sword.
So, I'm guessing that you're automatically accepted since you're the GM?
Who's The Master? Master Hand? Master Mewtwo? Master Yoda?
So, I'm guessing that you're automatically accepted since you're the GM?
Who's The Master? Master Hand? Master Mewtwo? Master Yoda?
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