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The year that was

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
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So, another year behind us.

It was, to be sure, not the most restful of years. When it wasn't something BURNING (Paris), there was generally some corner of the world DROWNING isntead (New Orleans, South Asia), when it was neither, it was generally something COLLAPSING instead (Pakistan), and when for a change NATURE got quiet, well, you could trust these pesky terrorists to blow stuff up to make sure we didn't get bored. (Egypt, Jordan, England...)

And when, miracle of miracles, NONE of these were happening, well, you could always count on good old Dubya to find new and innovative ways to forget about the constitution.

So, what are your thoughts on this year that we (finally) left behind? What events did you find particularly marking - whether local events or international stuff? Who will you miss after this year? What do you think were the best news of 2005? The worst?

IN short - what was 2005, to you?
A lot of karma was dished out, and i liked it.
After 2005, nobody can tell me that global warming is a myth. The hurricane season, as I write this, is still going on (thanks to T.S. Zeta) a full month after it should've ended. I've forgotten most of the named storms of the past year, but the trifecta of Katrina, Rita, and Wilma is enough to remember.
You forgot the two skanks. One that died, and the other that should die. The parents of Terry Schiavo were idiots for thinking she'd get better. If she hadn't gotten better during those 15 years, there's no way she ever would. And the one that I think should die is that anti-American bitch named Cindy Sheehan. Her son gets killed and she bitches and moans about the war in Iraq. She got her 15 minutes of fame, now it's time for her to stay the hell off TV. She hasn't got it through her thick head that her son knew the risks before he enlisted and accepted them after he signed the dotted line.
2005 gave us the last of Star Wars, two servings of Harry Potter (one a new book and the other a new movie), and for once a lot of good stuff happened for me, which hasn't happened since at least 2002. Nature seems to be plenty angry, though. We were thrown every manner of disaster except for maybe a...volcano. o.o It was a good year for me, but thankfully, none of those hurricanes did much to us. 2006 is a number that is giving a mixed vibe for me, like something horrible is going to happen, but maybe it won't affect us so much. For those that are superstitious, I warn of June 6. You know of what I speak.
From Wikipedia: Skank or skanky is a slang term, and is an adjective or noun referring to one who is undesirable for unacceptable behavior. Most often this behavior relates to drug use, sexual practices, and/or personal hygiene and style. Recent usage of the term in the United States has been to describe a particular kind of female behavior, characterized by wanton selfishness, repeated self-detrimental behavior, flirting and sexual promiscuity.

Wtf makes you think Terri Schiavo is a skank? Seriously, use the term on the appropriate person, like Paris Hilton.
No Zelda and no Diamond and Pearl.

Worst. Year. Ever.

The most memorable part of 2005 for me has to be that first week in July. Live 8 followed by England winning the Olympic Bid followed the next day by the G8 summit, which began with the terrorist attack on the London Underground.

In Pokémon, this year has also been eventful. Pokémon Chronicles began with "The Legend of Thunder" finally being dubbed, and the outcry that followed was such a contrast to my own opinions of it. Pokémon Emerald got its European release five months after it was released in the US. Thankfully, the great game that is Pokémon XD didn't take nearly as long.
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