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Things on the internet that piss you off.

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Dec 29, 2002
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I think we may have had a thread like this once... anyway...

-People who try to act tough.

-People who assume that elitists are social rejects in real life. Admit it, if someone was a social reject in real life, they probably would care what people think about them on the internet, whereas an apathetic person like an elitist probably does have better things in life.

-People who type/have username LiKe ThIs.

-People who take the internet too seriously like it's all work and no play and try and make sure everyone they talk to acts their age.

-Otaku wannabes.

-People who think that because they enjoy anime, they're obsessive (I'm referring to those who don't like it).

-AIM punters.

-People who always use the Japanese names of even the RBY Pokemon, and pretend it's "force of habit". Admit it, unless you've lived in Japan since 1999, you most likely originally got into Pokemon as a fad in ENGLISH SPEAKING society. And you're more used to talking about Squirtle, Charizard, and Meowth... not Zenigame, Lizardon, and... Nyarth.

-People who say "why waste your time arguing over something like this" whenever they lose an arguement.

-People whothink pretending to be racist on the internet is cool. THOSE, I would call social rejects. Whereas elitists at least have some degree of intelligence even though they're assholes.


-People who actually GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AGE on the INTERNET.

I think I'm done...

Oh... and if you say "Zak", consider your lame attempt at a joke ruined. :) I'd expect a lot of you to at least be more creative, hehe...

* People who get frustrated when I use the Japanese names of Pokémon. It's not my fault you're too lazy/stubborn to learn them.

* Obsessive anime fans who proudly call themselves otaku. Sorry, that's not a good thing.

* People who can't be bothered to use correct grammar and spelling.

I'm sure I will have more later.
Methinks, many self-declared otaku... aren't. And many who don't... are.
~People who sign in on instant messengers, say hi and stop speaking. If you don't have anything to say, then don't say anything at all.

~People who are talking to me and they go away without saying a word.

~When people treat others like crap and they forget there is a human being at the other side of the net.

And probably some other stuff I can't remember right now.
~People who get pissy at people who choose to use Pokemon's Japanese names.
Self-proclaimed defender of Middle East peace who show their support of "peace" by waving an Israeli flag in their sig :p
I should damn well think I'm too lazy to learn the Japanese Pokemon names. :p If I'm going to waste my time, I'd like to at least waste it on something fun.

Anyway, here's my very dull list:

- netspeak.

- complete strangers who nag you incessantly to finish a fic.

- elitist dub-bashers.

- people who sneer at fans of certain characters or ships.

- people who make lofty, patronising statements about how stupid everyone who supports ships involving main characters are, because "hardly anyone in real life ends up with the person they liked when they were eleven!". They think talking like this makes them sound sophisticated and worldly, but all it actually does is demonstrate their lack of comprehension when it comes to stories. Hint: we are not going to get an epilogue that goes, "and Ash and Misty got together when they were nineteen, but broke up two years later. Now Ash is married to a nice woman called Hilary that he met in his late twenties ..."

- slashers who accuse anyone who doesn't like their personal OTP of being homophobic, while making bigoted remarks about het ships. Newsflash, fanbrats, prejudice doesn't magically become acceptable when you slag off a majority.

- people who act as though supporting uncommon/highly unlikely ships makes you a smarter, better, more imaginative fan.

- misogynists. Especially female misogynists, a phenomon that genuinely upsets me.
I know all the Japanese names of the Pokemon, and of the characters, and probably even the attacks. rofl, it's not about being too lazy to learn them in my case, unlike in most cases. Hell, I even use them sometimes, when I'm talking about a certain episode I just watched in Japanese featuring an RBY Pokemon, it's hard not to use its Japanese name.

The main reason... it's not exactly annoying, it's just awkward. I'm not really as irritated by it as I sounded in the above post. In fact, "irritated", might not even describe it. "Interested in your reason for it" is more fitting. It's more of a personal thing, here. It makes one look just as bad as a self-proclaimed otaku. I'm just interested in yout reason for using them. Are you trying to show off/brag about the fact that you memorized them?

Self-proclaimed otakus are mainly disliked because they try to sound like they know alot when in fact they show it off by randomly using Japanese interjections like "OMG KAWAII" and whatever... *shrug* this just seems the same. But what the heck. I actually don't care as much as people who haven't memorized them. Hell... sometimes I like to purposely mess with other people who bitch by using them ONLY in conversations with them/replying to their posts. XD I guess I'll start myself...

Like I said I'm not really irritated, just interested in your reason for doing so.

Oh yeah, a few more.

-People who have trouble understanding simple concepts and getting hints.

-People who underestimate my intelligence.

-People who block you and throw huge fits about you because of political leanings. XD people like that ar actually more pathetic than annoying.

-People who call themselves mature, then make a chatroom just so they can watch people verbally abuse someone from all four sides, then calling that person "low" for inviting a friend.

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Ooooh, I've just thought what's even more annoying. People who use the Japanese names and write them out in a very exact, phonetical style. Like calling Flygon 'Furaigon', or Heracross, 'Herukuros' or however it's spelled. Gaaaag me. I know not everyone who does this is a pretentious twit, but I suspect a large number are.
~ debates that are nothing more than a series of ad hominem attacks
~ people who underestimate me
~ people who disrespect me
~ people who, when given constructive criticism over a fic, respond: "Don't like it, don't read it!"
~ fantwits who refer to Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, as "Ronny" in their fanfics
Jo-Jo said:
Ooooh, I've just thought what's even more annoying. People who use the Japanese names and write them out in a very exact, phonetical style. Like calling Flygon 'Furaigon', or Heracross, 'Herukuros' or however it's spelled. Gaaaag me. I know not everyone who does this is a pretentious twit, but I suspect a large number are.

XD yes, it's especially them. The others, I couldn't care less. Even though it's obvious they're just trying to impress.

When I was a newbie with how Japanese works and their names, I used to prounounce Bulbasaur's name "Foo-shiggy-dain" instead of "-da-nay". Same with other ones. Haha...

Prozak said:
-People who type/have username LiKe ThIs.

Kasumi-san said:
~People who sign in on instant messengers, say hi and stop speaking. If you don't have anything to say, then don't say anything at all.
Yeah that annoys me, too. Even worse is, when they add a "sup". I mean, in most cases I AM the one to say that if the other one starts the conversation.
Argy said:
* People who get frustrated when I use the Japanese names of Pokémon. It's not my fault you're too lazy/stubborn to learn them.
Ketsuban said:
~People who get pissy at people who choose to use Pokemon's Japanese names.
I agree. It's no reason to get annoyed. But sometimes it can be confusing. :S
Damian Silverblade said:
Self-proclaimed defender of Middle East peace who show their support of "peace" by waving an Israeli flag in their sig :p
Even if you were just being sarcastic, I think you're quite right. How does a guy in Massachusetts defend a country in Middle East?

Hmm I'm sure there are things that annoy me on the internet but I don't remember those things until someone or something actually annoys me. And then when I think about it like I'm doing now I usually forgot about it again. o.o" Well, the next time something annoys me I'll try to write it down and post it or so o.op
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Jo-Jo said:
Ooooh, I've just thought what's even more annoying. People who use the Japanese names and write them out in a very exact, phonetical style. Like calling Flygon 'Furaigon', or Heracross, 'Herukuros' or however it's spelled. Gaaaag me. I know not everyone who does this is a pretentious twit, but I suspect a large number are.

I am also annoyed at this.

About the Japanese names... It's not like I sit down and purposely try to memorize the names. I don't have that kind of time to waste. It's just that I only watch the Japanese version of the anime unless I have to watch the dub, I get a lot of my information off Japanese websites, and I look for a lot of Japanese products online. It's more practical for me to use the Japanese names because I see them more. I know that if I were talking to someone in real life, I would probably use the English names just because people who aren't very involved in the fandom wouldn't know that different names even exist. I suppose I should stop assuming that everyone online knows the names.
i hate n00bs who don't know their place. i also hate people who talxz likez thiz yo! LOL ROFLAMO! uber kewl d00d! ugh i take them aside and rake their sorry arses over the coals.
Having been seeing things on the Net since 1998, I have a very shall we say extensive list. Gather close and put some coffee on cuz ol' LX got a long list of beef. And don't worry, Zak..no zings at you. Yet. =P

1.) Booters in Yahoo Chat Rooms, AIM
2.) People who hassle a friend in a chat because they're female and are sexist.
3.) Mass IM spammers.
4.) People who lie and Stab you in the back too.
5.) E-mail hackers
6.) People who insist they want to cyber with someone
7.) People who try to act cool by pretending to be tough.
8.) People who aren't themselves.
9.) Art thieves
10.) Story thieves
11.) Crazy people who think they're trying to help but end up making things worse.
12.) People who behave immaturely. Yes the Net can be fun but you have to know how. You can't go willy nilly and insult someone. Which brings me too..
13.) Inconsiderate lowlifes who insult someone joke or not, they need to realize there's someone on the other end and not joke about things like "I'm gonna rape you!". ESPECIALLY TO A FRIGGIN' WOMAN!
*gets looks, shifts eyes and clears throat*
14.) Chain e-mail/Spam/Viagra ads
15.) E-mails that tear at your heartstrings but you know they're false.
16.) PMs asking me to look at them naked on webcam.
17.) So-called elite people.
18.) Brats who think they know everything.
19.) People on voice chat who just say "hello" and nothing else.
20.) People who are just plain rude and gang up on someone like a target.

I have more but that's my top 20.

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1) Viagra
2) n00bs (Not newbies, n00bs)
3) ppl who can tlk nrmly but refuse 2, instd typng liek this trying 2 impress other ppl
4) People that refuse to accept the fact that they are wrong
5) Elitist cliches
Personally, I could care less if people type names in Japanese or English. They can type them in German for all I care. However, don't expect that when you say "I love [insert Pokémon Japanese/French/German name here]", I'll know who you're talking about, because I likely won't. Then again, I don't care =P.

~ People who have issues with gender in shippings. Just because you're straight doesn't mean you should support straight shippings only. I'm gay and I like girl-girl and boy-girl shippings. I don't care if you're gay or straight. Get over it. It's the 21st century. And people who think they're right about the shipping (s) they support. Who told you that Ash is straight and thus he should be with Misty/May? You didn't make the character, and thus you didn't decide their sexual preference.

Posted by Barb: ~ people who, when given constructive criticism over a fic, respond: "Don't like it, don't read it!"

I know. I hate people who can't handle good, constructive criticism, yet they like to write. If you can't handle it, don't write fanfics. Not everyone will like your fanfic. Why don't I write fics? Because I don't like criticism. Simple as that :-D.

I'll post more later if I happen to remember any other =P.

EDIT: Can somebody explain what is an elite people/elitist/whatever? *ish more carefree than a Quagsire thus he doesn't know* =P
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More fanfic related stuff:

~ People who beg for reviews along the lines of, "If I don't get "X" of reviews, I'll quit writing!" Write or don't write. Try to separate your ego from the story.

~ People who claim that their spelling/grammar skills are weak, yet refuse to use spellcheck or have a beta-reader proof their story. Take some pride in your work.

~ People who attempt to write about complicated subjects without doing proper research.
Argy said:
I am also annoyed at this.

About the Japanese names... It's not like I sit down and purposely try to memorize the names. I don't have that kind of time to waste. It's just that I only watch the Japanese version of the anime unless I have to watch the dub, I get a lot of my information off Japanese websites, and I look for a lot of Japanese products online. It's more practical for me to use the Japanese names because I see them more. I know that if I were talking to someone in real life, I would probably use the English names just because people who aren't very involved in the fandom wouldn't know that different names even exist. I suppose I should stop assuming that everyone online knows the names.

Oh.. that's cool then. It's mainly the ones that call using the English names a sin that piss me off.
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