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Thoughts on Drew?

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Mar 8, 2005
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Just wondering, what do people think of May's main recurring rival in the show?

Do you think he's too much of a Gary clone? Too much of a pretty boy? Or do you think he's a great character?

Next, how long do you see Drew lasting in the show? Will Drew be written out of the show once May beats him in a Grand Festival, much like Gary was once Ash beat him? Will Drew be here region after region?

Mild spoilers below:

As for the current Battle Frontier season, why do you think Harley is stealing Drew's thunder and appearing more frequently than he is?

Basically, what are your thoughts on Drew as a whole? Like him? Dislike him? Or are you completely indifferent? Answering some of the questions above would be helpful. :)
Now, I haven't seen very much of AG. I've seen a couple of the English episodes on WB, and I've watched a few of the Japanese raw episodes before I got behind. So I haven't seen every single episode with Drew in it.

However, I hate him. He pisses me off. I like to throw stuff pokemon at the screen whenever I see him. There is a deep loathing I have for him. All dislike I may have ever had for May was completely overshadowed by my dislike for Drew. Heck, I'll even wholeheartedly cheer for Ash when he's against Drew, and I'm no Ash fan.

Haven't seen any Harley actually, so no say there. Though seeing as he seems to rival Drew, I may just like him by default.

I'm not even sure why I hate him so much. It's unexplainable. Gary was always a bit of a jerk, but he was just enough of a jerk for him to be my absolute favorite character on the show. I'm one of the biggest Gary fangirls around, despite my cobweb covered fansite. Drew just doesn't have that special jerkness. Leaving him just being a jerk.

Since I haven't seen every episode with him in it, I can't really judge his longevity.

So in short, I loathe that green haired dweeb.
I pretty much feel the same way about Harley that Joey feels about Drew ^_^;

Anyways, I'm kinda neutral on him. I actually think it's kinda funny that he keeps giving May roses.
He's cute, but being 16, I'm supposed to feel guilty for saying that (CRADLE ROBBER!)
Meh, I like Harley more. He's as hatable a dick as Gary was, but at least he's HAWT.
He's okay, I liked him because of what he did to May when they first met because part of me finds May too overrated and 00ber annoying.
However, I'm beginning to like Harley a tad better because he's more unique, more hot and just has something sugar sweet about him.
They're both good, it's just that Drew's too young for me.
Well at first he seemed a bit too Gary-ish but he doesn't seem like that at all to me anymore, be maybe arrogant but he doesn't seem as arrogant as Gary ever was and I seem to remember he has actually given May advice in his own way.

So in my opinion, I like Drew, I have no complaints against him really, but out of May's two main rivals I do like Harley a lot more, his personality is much more intresting so I'm kinda glad he seems to be getting focused on more during the Battle Frontier saga.
Just wondering, what do people think of May's main recurring rival in the show?

I think he ROX. But you won't be surprised to hear that from me. ;) He's kinda like Gary except prettier and much camper, which is all I ask for in a rival character, really.

Next, how long do you see Drew lasting in the show?

I think he'll last past the Battle Frontier, but I'm less sure that he'll stick around past D/P. Of course, if the writers plan on making him a permanent rival for May, that'd be super. ;)

As for the current Battle Frontier season, why do you think Harley is stealing Drew's thunder and appearing more frequently than he is?

I think it's because the writers want to stall with May/Drew and keep spinning out the rivalry for another region or two. Making Harley more prominent is a good way to do that.
Harley is gay. He's not interested in the boobs and the vagina, something May possesses with great abundance.

If anything, Harley would be hitting on Drew. In fact, Harley already does flirt with him in the GF.
^ That is of course, assuming Drew is torn between Harley and May. (which I doubt, cause Drew doesn't seem to be into guys)

And this also assumes that May would actually bother getting involved in an angle with Drew getting taken away by a gay guy. In all reality, I'd doubt she'd care too much. She doesn't seem phased throughout most of the show when other girls drool over Drew. After all Drew isn't the only guy she interacts with in the show. ;)
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There was a Drew-May-Harley love triangle in canon - it was just all in Drew's head. Well, I guess you could argue that May had a tiny crush on Harley, I suppose, but realistically, Drew was just being paranoid.

Which in and of itself seems to suggest that Drew is, shockingly, straight as an arrow, because what even vaguely bi-curious male could possibly fail to realise that Harley is no threat as far as girls are concerned? (As a Drew/everyone shipper, this upsets me. :p)

I would LOVE to see May's reaction to Drew/Harley, though. Hmmm, maybe in fanfic.
Kasumi-san said:
Drew seems more interested in himself than in girls or guys. XD *cough* big ego *cough*
Well, there are the roses he gives to May. Wait, those are for her Beautifly. :rolleyes:

Yeah, and Misty only followed Ash around because of her bike. :lol:
Dark one

I think I read something before about thoes two becoming a item (may/Drew)
ContestShipping is followed by a number of fans, but it isn't canon.
Indeed, no main character ships are confirmed. Since Drew is just a newer version of Gary, I have a feeling he'll go out the same way.
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