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Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (Update: 6th Feb - See "What's New?" section)

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what is your spaghetti policy here?
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
- Don't offer/trade me hacks. I don't want anything with the ribbon from Pokecheck either.
- I use an Action Reply to clone, fast hatch and IV/EV check.
- The majority of everything here is RNG'd.
- Everything I offer in this thread is my own and is legitimate.
- Give me credit if you add them to your thread.
- If I agree to a trade please post your FC.
- My FC for Black is: 5071-3141-9155. I will most likely be using that for all Gen V trades.
- My SS FC is: 3095-8004-7795. I will be most likely be using this for any Gen IV trades.

- Everything here is Fully-Redist. meaning I don't care who you trade it to (just don't tamper with it/edit it using programs and cause it to become hacked).
- If you want a nickname tell me before we trade.

Trade Times:
- Don't hassle me to trade, because I can currently only trade when I'm using the PC and not the laptop. Which means that just because I'm online, that doesn't necessarily mean I can trade.
- I will usually be able to trade in the evenings (but not always) GMT +1 or whatever it currently is, but if you cannot trade during that time, then we will have to arrange a time to trade, so I can get the PC booted up and my router settings changed. Just don't hassle me with VMs/PMs about when I can trade.
- If you post in the shop/tag me when I'm online, and I don't reply, that means I cannot trade. I'm not ignoring you, I just don't feel the need to keep repeating myself saying that I "cannot currently trade".

- I can offer RNG'ing services on 5th Gen. Shiny or non-shiny. Captured or hatched. With specific Hidden Powers/natures/abilities/IVs. The abilities must be legitimate of course (it mentions this below). Or if you just want a random shiny, I can do those aswell.

However, just because you post a request doesn't mean I will take it on. I will only take on a project if:
a) I haven't already done it
b) it is actually legitimate to do (no wondertomb shit)
c) it interests me
d) I can actually do it (I can't do roamers like the genies yet)
I can and will refuse a project for any reason I deem fit. But the most likely reason will be that it doesn't fall under one or more of the categories above.
- I can also do egg move breeding with up to four egg moves, in legitimate combinations (duh).
- I have all DW Females released so far. I will list them later in the thread.

- Pokemon with good natures, IVs and egg moves. Shiny or non-shiny. (Gen V)
- EV training. See section below.
- Egg Moves. See section below.
- People who can poketransfer (NOT USING POKECHECK OR OTHER PROGRAMS).
- People who can breed me (good) egg moves on 4th Gen.
-Type resist berries (dark, electric, bug, water, ONLY. And I only need ONE of each)
- Heart Scales

EV Training:
- EV trainers. If no EV'd version is listed, then it needs training.
- If you know nothing of EV training then don't ask to do it.
- If you mess up on the training then I will abort our trade (at least until you correct it).
- I will add any of the pokemon, and their spreads, with the people who are EV training them just below here, so people know which ones are currently taken for training.

Currently being trained:


Egg Moves:
- If people would like to breed me egg moves I will post which ones I currently want here. Note that I may end up breeding them myself, so I won't wait for someone to post and accept the job.
- I will only accept Male pokemon with these egg moves. Females are useless because they cannot pass on the moves.

Bidoof: Sleep Talk / Quick Attack / Rollout / Doulbe-Edge.
Breed from a Smeargle.
Kecleon: Recover / Disable / Trick / Magic Coat.
Smeargle again.
Piplup: Yawn / Agility / FeatherDance / Icy Wind.
Smeargle again.
Heatmor: Sucker Punch / Body Slam / Pursuit / Curse.
Snivy: Glare / Magical Leaf / Twister / Mirror Coat.
Spheal: Stockpile / Yawn / Curse / Sleep Talk.
Snorunt: Hex / Fake Tears / Disable.
Breed Fake Tears onto Yamask. Yamask learns Hex and Disable via level-up.
Curse / Yawn / Avalanche / Double-Edge.
Gen IV. Breed Curse onto Bulbasaur. Learn Double-Edge via level-up. Breed both onto Snorlax. Learn Yawn via level-up. Breed all three onto a Mudkip. Evolve into Swampert and TM it Avalanche. Transfer.
Treecko #1: Leech Seed / Synthesis / Worry Seed / Endeavor.
Gen IV. Bulba learns Leech, Worry and Synthesis through level-up. Breed onto Treecko. Tutor Endeavor. Transfer.
Treecko #2: Crunch / Crush Claw / Synthesis / Endeavor.
Gen IV. Sketch Crush Claw and Crunch onto a Smeargle. Breed both onto a Rhyhorn then from Rhyhorn to Treecko. Tutor Synthesis and Endeavor to the Treecko. Transfer.
Surskit: Foresight / Psybeam / Aqua Jet / Hydro Pump.
Breed Psybeam onto a Psyduck. Psy/Golduck learn the other three moves through level-up.
Slakoth: Pursuit / Curse / Body Slam / Night Slash.
Shuckle: Acupressure / Knock Off / Mud Slap / Helping Hand.
Gen IV. Breed Acupressure onto Shuckle (from Skorupi). Then tutor the other three moves. Transfer.
Whismur: Circle Throw / Extrasensory / Hammer Arm / Endeavor.
Electrike: Electro Ball / Switcheroo / Uproar / Flame Burst

☆ = non shiny
★ = shiny
Greyed out IV = not needed IV
Type 70 = Hidden Power type + strength

Click for a link to the post.

What's New?
Egg Moves
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)

What's New?:


Careful | Cloud Nine | 31-31-31-16-31-31
Body Slam / Zen Headbutt / Curse / Sleep Talk


Relaxed | Sturdy | 31-31-31-26-31-0
Revenge / Stealth Rock / Counter / Flail


Rash | Simple | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Body Slam / Iron Head / Yawn / Howl



Modest | Levitate | 30-7-30-31-30-30
Rock 70

Modest | Levitate
| 31-31-30-31-30-30
Earth Power / Signal Beam / Pain Split / Stealth Rock
Rock 70


Timid | Natural Cure | 31-22-31-30-31-30
Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Synthesis / Sleep Powder

Fire 70


Calm | Natural Cure | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Giga Drain / Spikes / Synthesis / Cotton Spore


Jolly | Levitate | 31-31-31-21-31-31
Sleep Powder / Stun Spore / Leech Seed / Giga Drain



Timid | Limber | 31-21-30-30-31-30
Fire 68



Timid | Shell Armor | 30-7-30-31-30-30
Rock 70


Modest | Shell Armor | 30-7-30-31-30-30
Rock 70



Naive | Regenerator | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)


Bold | Torrent | 31-21-31-31-31-31
Muddy Water / Foresight / Yawn / Refresh

Timid | Run Away | 31-6-31-30-30-31
Ground 70

Jolly | Shield Dust | 31-31-31-9-31-31

Jolly | Sniper | 31-31-31-24-31-31
Quick Attack / Faint Attack / FeatherDance / Whirlwind

Adamant | Intimidate | 31-31-31-9-31-31
Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Switcheroo / Disable

Adamant | Shed Skin | 31-31-31-15-31-31
Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Switcheroo / Disable

Adamant | Sand Veil | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Night Slash / Chip Away / Metal Claw / Counter

Bold | Hustle | 31-30-31-31-31-31
Pursuit / Charm / Disable / Counter

Timid | Hustle | 31-25-31-31-31-31
Head Smash / Sucker Punch / Counter / Disable

Timid | Drought | 31-6-30-30-30-30
Extransensory / Hex / Disable / Hypnosis
Fight 70

Calm | Run Away | 31-30-31-30-31-30
Razor Leaf / Synthesis
Fire 70

Bold | Run Away | 31-4-31-31-31-31
Razor Leaf / Secret Power / Charm / Synthesis

Careful | Dry Skin | 31-31-31-16-31-31
Leech Seed / Pursuit / Sweet Scent

Timid | Swift Swim | 31-26-31-30-31-31
Encore / Hypnosis / Yawn / Refresh

Jolly | Defiant | 31-31-31-17-31-31
Close Combat / Focus Punch / Encore / Foresight

Adamant | Flash Fire | 31-31-31-8-31-31
Flare Blitz / Close Combat / Body Slam / Morning Sun

Timid | Swift Swim | 30-18-31-30-31-31
Encore / Haze / Mist
Grass 70

Timid | Magic Guard | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Knock Off / Encore / Barrier / Guard Swap

Adamant | No Guard | 31-31-31-17-31-31
Close Combat / Ice Punch / ThunderPunch / Bullet Punch

Calm | Rain Dish | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Rapid Spin / Knock Off

Jolly | Flash Fire | 31-31-31-6-31-31
Double-Edge / Low Kick / Hypnosis / Morning Sun

Bold | Regenerator | 31-15-31-31-31-31
Zen Headbutt / Sleep Talk / Block / Belly Drum

Calm | Regenerator | 31-14-31-31-31-31
Zen Headbutt / Sleep Talk / Block / Belly Drum

Bold | Magnet Pull | 31-10-30-31-31-31
Ice 70

Jolly | Defiant | 31-31-31-18-31-31
Leaf Blade / Revenge / Quick Attack / Roost

Naive | Skill Link | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Rock Blast / Rapid Spin / Screech
Electric 70

Adamant | Sheer Force | 31-31-31-22-31-31
Agility / Ancientpower / Knock Off

Careful | Cloud Nine | 31-31-31-16-31-31
Body Slam / Zen Headbutt / Curse / Sleep Talk

Adamant | Rock Head | 31-31-31-13-31-31
Dragon Rush / Crunch / Crush Claw / Curse

Impish | Regenerator | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Endeavor / Leech Seed

Adamant | Scrappy | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Focus Punch / Double-Edge / Hammer Arm / Endeavor

Bold | Sniper | 31-21-31-31-31-31
Water Pulse / Signal Beam / Disable

Lonely | Lightningrod | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Haze / Signal Beam / Hydro Pump / Aqua Tail

Jolly Mold | Breaker | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Close Combat / Bug Bite / Feint / Flail

Adamant | Rattled | 31-31-31-18-31-31

Timid | Anticipation | 31-6-30-30-30-30
Stored Power / Curse / Yawn / Wish
Fight 70

Bold | Run Away | 31-24-31-31-31-31
Wish / Charm / Yawn / Fake Tears

Calm | Adaptability | 31-5-31-31-31-31
Wish / Charm / Yawn / Fake Tears

Bold | Trace | 31-27-31-31-31-31

Modest | Download | 31-25-31-31-31-31

Adamant | Marvel Scale | 31-31-31-10-31-31
ExtremeSpeed / Dragon Dance
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)


Adamant | Torrent | 31-31-31-11-31-31
Hydro Pump / Ice Punch / Aqua Jet / Metal Claw

Adamant | Rattled | 31-31-31-23-31-31
Focus Punch / Drain Punch / Knock Off / Encore

Adamant | Insomnia | 31-31-31-3-31-31
Twineedle / Pursuit / Toxic Spikes / Baton Pass

Modest | Volt Absorb | 31-2-31-31-31-31
Brine / Shock Wave / Psybeam / Agility

Hasty | Lightningrod | 30-31-30-31-31-31
Wish / Encore / Fake Out / Reversal
Ice 70

Hasty | Lightningrod | 30-31-30-31-31-31
Volt Tackle / Wish / Encore / Reversal
Ice 70

Brave | Hustle | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Nasty Plot / Psycho Shift / Mirror Move / Secret Power

Impish | Magic Bounce | 31-31-31-28-31-31
Zen Headbutt / Sucker Punch / Roost / FeatherDance

Timid | Static | 31-30-31-30-31-31
Agility / Body Slam / Flatter / Charge
Grass 70

Jolly | Infiltrator | 31-31-31-23-31-31
Seed Bomb / Encore / Aromatherapy / Helping Hand

Jolly | Run Away | 31-31-31-29-31-31
Fake Out / Pursuit / Bounce / Switcheroo

Timid | Speed Boost | 31-6-31-30-30-31
Double-Edge / Silver Wind / Leech Life / Whirlwind

Careful | Unaware | 31-31-31-10-31-31
Encore / Stockpile / Curse / Recover

Adamant | Prankster | 31-31-31-9-31-31
Brave Bird / Roost / Confuse Ray / Whirlwind

Timid | Sap Sipper | 31-31-31-31-31-30
Wish / Magic Coat / Mean Look / Skill Swap
Ice 70

Relaxed | Sturdy | 31-31-31-26-31-0
Revenge / Stealth Rock / Counter / Flail

Impish | Immunity | 31-31-31-4-31-31

Impish | Intimidate | 31-31-31-6-31-31
Haze / Poison Jab / Signal Beam / Flail

Jolly | Quick Feet | 31-31-31-8-31-31
Double-Edge / Close Combat / Crunch / Yawn

Adamant | Snow Cloak | 31-31-31-4-31-31
Icicle Crash / Double-Edge / Stealth Rock / Curse

Bold | Regenerator | 31-19-31-31-31-31
Ingrain / Confuse Ray / Barrier / Amnesia

Jolly | Hustle | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Ice Punch / Ice Shard / Fake Out / Rapid Spin

Adamant | Weak Armor | 31-31-31-17-31-31
Brave Bird / Curse

Hasty | Flash Fire | 30-31-31-30-31-31
Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Reversal / Counter
Grass 70

Adamant | Pickup/Sturdy | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Head Smash / Body Slam / Heavy Slam / Ice Shard

Jolly | Sap Sipper | 31-31-31-18-31-31
Thrash / Megahorn / Zen Headbutt / Disable

Adamant | Steadfast | 31-31-31-27-31-31
Hi Jump Kick / Mach Punch / Bullet Punch / Mind Reader

Impish | Guts | 31-31-31-21-31-31
Hi Jump Kick / Mach Punch / Bullet Punch / Mind Reader

Timid | Hydration | 31-15-31-30-30-31
Nasty Plot / Fake Out / Wake-Up Slap / Meditate
Ground 70

Jolly | Static | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Cross Chop / Ice Punch / Fire Punch / Focus Punch

Naive | Vital Spirit | 30-31-31-30-31-31
Cross Chop / Dynamicpunch / Belly Drum / Focus Energy
Grass 70

Timid | Pressure | 27-12-31-30-31-30
Fire 68
Net Ball

Sassy | Guts | 31-31-31-31-31-0
Iron Head / Pursuit / Curse / Stealth Rock
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)

Adamant | Rattled | 31-31-31-9-31-31
Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Thunder Fang / Yawn

Jolly | Guts | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Brave Bird / Pursuit / Roost / Whirlwind

Bold | Rain Dish | 31-27-31-31-31-31
Agility / Roost / Knock Off / Brine

Adamant | Telepathy | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Shadow Sneak / Memento / Grudge / Confuse Ray

Impish | Poison Heal | 31-31-31-25-31-31
Focus Punch / Seed Bomb / Drain Punch / Bullet Seed

Adamant | Guts | 30-31-28-7-31-31
Ice Punch / Thunder Punch / Bullet Punch / Sleep Talk

Calm | Magnet Pull | 31-5-31-31-31-31
Stealth Rock / Double-Edge / Rollout / Magnitude

Jolly | Wonder Skin | 31-31-31-13-31-31
Wish / Sucker Punch / Tickle / Baton Pass

Careful | Prankster | 31-31-31-14-31-31
Sucker Punch / Recover / Trick / Captivate

Adamant | Sheer Force | 31-31-31-13-31-31
Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Thunder Fang / Metal Burst

Adamant | Rock Head | 31-31-31-28-31-31
Head Smash / Superpower / Curse / Stealth Rock

Adamant | Pure Power | 31-31-31-10-31-31
Drain Punch / Psycho Cut / Fake Out / Baton Pass

Bold | Prankster | 31-2-31-31-31-31
Seismic Toss / Trick / Encore / Baton Pass

Bold | Prankster | 31-2-31-31-31-31
Encore / Baton Pass

Adamant | Speed Boost | 31-31-31-13-31-31
Hydro Pump / Double-Edge / AncientPower

Rash | Simple | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Body Slam / Iron Head / Yawn / Howl

Calm | Thick Fat | 31-25-31-31-31-31
Trick / Whirlwind / Mirror Coat / Amnesia

Rash | Hyper Cutter | 31-31-31-31-31-31

Adamant | Water Absorb | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Seed Bomb / Dynamicpunch / Low Kick / Counter

Modest | Natural Cure | 31-10-31-31-31-31
Roost / Haze / FeatherDance / Power Swap

Jolly | Immunity | 31-31-30-3-31-31
Great Ball

Jolly | Immunity | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Premier Ball

Jolly | Shed Skin | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Ultra Ball

Modest | Levitate | 30-7-30-31-30-30
Rock 70
Dive Ball

Modest | Levitate | 31-31-30-31-30-30
Earth Power / Signal Beam / Pain Split / Stealth Rock
Rock 70

Adamant | Hydration | 31-31-31-6-31-31
Dragon Dance / Hydro Pump / Thrash / Whirlpool

Adamant | Adaptability | 31-31-31-24-31-31
Dragon Dance / Superpower

Relaxed | Levitate | 30-31-31-31-31-11
Stealth Rock / Trick / Magic Coat / Gravity

Impish | Storm Drain | 31-31-31-13-31-0
Recover / Barrier / Stealth Rock / Mirror Coat

Adamant | Battle Armor | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Rapid Spin / Knock Off / Screech

Bold | Swift Swim | 31-11-30-30-31-31
Grass 70
Premier Ball

Impish | Levitate | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Pain Split / Memento / Destiny Bond / Dark Pulse

Jolly | Justified | 31-31-31-8-31-31
Megahorn / Double-Edge / Zen Headbutt / Baton Pass

Jolly | Inner Focus | 31-31-31-8-31-31
Avalanche / Rollout / Block / Spikes

Adamant | Shell Armor | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Net Ball

Modest | Shell Armor | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Electric 70
Heal Ball

Calm | Shell Armor | 30-30-31-30-31-31
Grass 70
Heal Ball

Adamant | Rock Head | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Aqua Tail / Zen Headbutt / Sleep Talk / Amnesia

Naive | Sheer Force | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Hydro Pump / Dragon Dance / Thrash / Twister
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)


Adamant | Overgrow | 31-31-31-8-31-31
Seed Bomb / Superpower / Body Slam / Stockpile

Jolly | Keen Eye | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Double-Edge / Steel Wing / Roost

Adamant | Guts | 31-31-31-13-31-31
Quick Attack / Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Double Kick

Timid | Natural Cure | 31-22-31-30-31-30
Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Synthesis / Sleep Powder

Fire 70

Calm | Natural Cure | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Giga Drain / Spikes / Synthesis / Cotton Spore

Careful | Sturdy | 31-31-31-2-31-31
Rock Blast / Stealth Rock / Counter / Curse

Modest | Overcoat | 31-31-31-30-30-31
Ground 70

Jolly | Water Veil | 31-31-31-26-31-31
Aqua Tail / Tail Slap / Switcheroo / Baton Pass

Adamant | Chlorophyll | 31-31-31-15-31-31
Seed Bomb / Nature Power / Aromatherapy / GrassWhistle

Sassy | Sand Force | 31-31-31-31-31-0
Curse / Yawn / Memento / Amnesia

Jolly | Klutz | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Circle Throw / Fake Out / Switcheroo / Encore

Bold | Levitate | 31-28-31-31-31-31
Recover / Future Sight / Skill Swap

Bold | Levitate | 31-10-31-31-31-31
Wish / Hypnosis / Disable / Stored Power

Impish | Rock Head | 31-31-31-11-31-31
Rollout / Stealth Rock / Curse / Selfdestruct

Mime Jr.
Timid | Technician | 31-26-31-28-31-30
Icy Wind / Nasty Plot / Fake Out / Confuse Ray
Fire 59

Jolly | Sand Veil | 31-31-31-20-31-31
Outrage / Double-Edge / Body Slam / Iron Head

Impish | Sand Stream | 28-31-31-1-31-23
Stealth Rock / Stockpile / Curse / Slack Off

Careful | Battle Armor | 31-31-31-19-31-31
Night Slash / Pursuit / Whirlwind / Screech

Adamant | Dry Skin | 31-31-31-21-31-31
Drain Punch / Fake Out / Acupressure / Meditate

Jolly | Levitate | 31-31-31-21-31-31
Sleep Powder / Stun Spore / Leech Seed / Giga Drain

Sassy | Snow Warning | 31-31-31-31-31-31
Seed Bomb / Double-Edge / Leech Seed / Growth
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)


Adamant | Victory Star | 31-31-31-4-31-31
V-create / Fusion Flare / Fusion Bolt / Searing Shot

Jolly | Overgrow | 31-31-31-4-31-31
Pursuit / Glare / Mean Look / Mirror Coat

Adamant | Blaze | 31-31-31-27-31-31
Superpower / Curse / Yawn / Sleep Talk

Modest | Blaze | 31-22-30-31-31-31
Superpower / Curse / Yawn / Sleep Talk
Ice 70

Adamant | Torrent | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Night Slash / Air Slash / Trump Card / Screech

Adamant | Pickup | 31-31-31-15-31-31
Pursuit / Howl / Yawn / Charm

Timid | Limber | 31-21-30-30-31-30
Fire 68
Premier Ball

Timid | Limber | 31-10-31-30-31-30
Encore / Yawn / Fake Tears / Charm
Fire 70

Timid | Gluttony | 31-5-30-31-30-30
Leaf Storm / Graswhistle / Nasty Plot / Role Play
Rock 68

Timid | Gluttony | 31-27-30-31-30-30
Heat Wave / Nasty Plot / Sleep Talk / Role Play
Rock 70

Timid | Gluttony | 31-10-31-30-31-31
Hydro Pump / Low Kick / Nasty Plot / Role Play
Grass 70

Bold | Synchronize | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Dive Ball

Modest | Synchronize | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Heal Ball

Jolly | Super Luck | 31-31-31-3-31-31
Hypnosis / Uproar / Steel Wing

Jolly | Super Luck | 31-31-31-0-31-31
Wish / Morning Sun / Bestow / Lucky Chant

Naive | Lightningrod | 30-31-31-30-31-31
Double-Edge / Double Kick / Me First / Screech
Grass 70

Adamant | Sturdy | 31-31-30-21-30-31
Dive Ball

Timid | Unaware | 31-18-30-30-30-30
Stored Power / Knock Off / Roost / Fake Tears
Fight 70

Jolly | Unaware | 31-31-30-7-31-31
Repeat Ball

Jolly | Sand Rush | 31-31-31-10-31-31
Skull Bash / Submission / Crush Claw / Iron Defence

Adamant | Sand Rush | 31-31-31-4-31-31
Premier Ball

Calm | Regenerator | 31-1-31-31-31-31
Heal Bell / Wish / Encore / Yawn

Careful | Regenerator | 31-31-31-11-31-31
Heal Ball

Brave | Guts | 31-31-31-13-31-0
Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Detect / Counter

Adamant | Sturdy | 25-31-31-0-31-31
Dive Ball

Jolly | Chlorophyll | 31-30-31-2-31-31
Nest Ball

Jolly | Swarm | 31-31-31-12-31-31
Toxic Spikes / Spikes

Jolly | Moxie | 31-31-31-19-31-31
Double-Edge / Pursuit / Fire Fang / Thunder Fang

Adamant | Hustle | 30-31-30-8-31-31
Heal and Premier Balls

Jolly | Moxie | 31-31-31-6-31-31
Drain Punch / Dragon Dance / Ice Punch / Zen Headbutt

Timid | Magic Guard | 31-10-31-31-31-31
Stored Power / Psycho Shift / Roost

Bold | Mummy | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Heal Ball

Modest | Mummy | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Master Ball

Calm | Mummy | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Premier Ball

Jolly | Solid Rock | 31-31-31-15-31-31
Water Pulse / Body Slam / Knock Off / Iron Defence

Naive | Defeatist | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Earth Power / Dragon Pulse / Steel Wing / Bite
Ice 70

Jolly | Sticky Hold | 31-31-31-2-31-31
Spikes / Rollout / Curse / Selfdestruct

Hasty | Illusion | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Dark Pulse / Sucker Punch / Extrasensory / Counter
Ice 70

Modest | Illusion | 31-6-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Premier Ball

Timid | Illusion | 31-6-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Luxury Ball

Jolly | Technician | 31-31-31-11-31-31
Iron Tail / Aqua Tail / Knock Off / Sleep Talk

Bold | Frisk | 31-10-26-30-30-30
Fight 70
Heal Ball

Bold | Magic Guard | 31-5-31-31-31-31
Trick / Confuse Ray / Night Shade / Astonish

Timid | Keen Eye | 31-7-31-30-30-31
Ground 70
Dive Ball

Timid | Ice Body | 31-3-31-30-30-31
Ground 70
Heal Ball

Modest | Ice Body | 31-27-31-30-30-31
Automotize / Magnet Rise / Natural Gift
Ground 70

Adamant | Chlorophyll | 31-31-30-31-28-31
Repeat Ball

Timid | Static | 31-26-31-30-31-31
Air Slash / Roost / Baton Pass / Charm
Grass 70

Timid | Static | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Ultra Ball

Adamant | Swarm | 31-31-31-6-31-31
Megahorn / Bug Bite / Pursuit / Screech

Brave | Swarm | 31-31-31-25-31-0
Megahorn / Bug Bite / Pursuit / Screech

Bold | Effect Spore | 31-15-31-31-31-31
Gastro Acid / Stun Spore / Poisonpowder / Growth

Bold | Water Absorb | 31-27-31-30-31-31
Recover / Acid Armor / Confuse Ray / Pain Split
Electric 70

Bold | Water Absorb | 31-10-31-31-31-31
Heal Ball

Bold | Cursed Body | 31-11-31-30-31-31
Recover / Acid Armor / Confuse Ray / Pain Split
Electric 70

Bold | Water Absorb | 31-5-31-30-31-31
Electric 68
Dive and Dusk Balls

Impish | Hydration | 31-31-31-16-31-31
Haze / Mirror Coat / Refresh

Impish | Hydration | 31-31-31-11-31-31
Heal Ball

Careful | Hydration | 31-31-31-11-31-31
Dive Ball

Timid | Compoundeyes | 31-26-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Quick Ball

Timid | Compoundeyes | 31-30-31-30-31-30
Fire 70
Quick Ball

Timid | Compoundeyes | 31-22-30-30-31-31
Water 70
Quick Ball

Relaxed | Iron Barbs | 31-31-31-31-31-0
Leech Seed / Stealth Rock

Relaxed | Iron Barbs | 31-31-31-19-31-0
Leech Seed / Spikes

Brave | Iron Barbs | 31-31-31-6-31-0
Nest Ball

Adamant | Plus | 30-31-30-8-31-31
Nest Ball

Careful | Levitate | 31-31-23-25-31-31
Nest Ball

Quiet | Synchronize | 31-11-31-31-31-0
Nasty Plot / Barrier / Guard Swap / Disable

Timid | Flash Fire | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Luxury Ball

Modest | Flash Fire | 30-10-31-30-30-30
Fight 70
Premier Ball

Adamant | Mold Breaker | 31-31-31-25-31-30
Premier Ball

Adamant | Snow Cloak | 31-31-31-9-31-31
Focus Punch / Avalanche / Night Slash / Yawn

Calm | Levitate | 30-4-31-30-31-30
Fire 68
Quick Ball

Calm | Levitate | 31-27-31-31-31-31
Dive Ball


Timid | Shell Armor | 30-7-30-31-30-30
Rock 70
Repeat Ball

Modest | Shell Armor | 30-7-30-31-30-30
Rock 70
Ultra Ball

Hasty | Shell Armor | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Double-Edge / Pursuit / Spikes / Baton Pass
Ice 70

Bold | Static | 31-8-31-31-31-31
Earth Power / Yawn / Sleep Talk / Pain Split

Naive | Regenerator | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Heal Ball

Jolly | Regenerator | 31-31-30-30-31-31
Heal Ball

Adamant | Iron Fist | 30-31-30-8-31-31
Nest Ball

Adamant | Defiant | 31-31-31-8-31-31
Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Headbutt / Revenge

Adamant | Reckless | 31-31-30-21-30-31
Luxury Ball

Adamant | Sheer Force | 31-31-31-8-31-31

Jolly | Sheer Force | 31-31-31-3-31-31
Premier Ball

Careful | Overcoat | 31-31-31-20-31-31
Roost / Steel Wing / Mean Look

Jolly | Hustle | 31-31-31-21-31-31
Thunder Fang / Faint Attack / Baton Pass / Screech

Modest | Hustle | 31-10-31-31-31-31
Dusk Ball

Adamant | Hustle | 31-31-31-30-31-31
Dark Pulse / Fire Fang / Thunder Fang / Ice Fang

Timid | Flame Body | 31-30-30-31-30-30
Morning Sun / Zen Headbutt
Rock 70

Timid | Flame Body | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Luxury Ball

Naive | Justified | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Dive Ball

Hasty | Justified | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Heal Ball

Jolly | Teravolt | 31-31-31-1-31-31
Luxury Ball

Naive | Sand Force | 31-30-30-31-31-31
Ice 70
Repeat Ball

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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)

Egg Moves:


Charmander: Focus Punch / Outrage / Crunch / Dragon Dance
Squirtle: Muddy Water / Foresight / Yawn / Refresh
Spearow: Quick Attack / Faint Attack / FeatherDance / Whirlwind

Ekans: Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Switcheroo / Disable
Sandshrew: Night Slash / Chip Away / Metal Claw / Counter
Nidoran: Head Smash / Sucker Punch / Disable / Counter
Vulpix: Hypnosis / Disable / Hex / Extrasensory
Oddish: Charm / Synthesis / Razor Leaf / Secret Power

Paras: Leech Seed / Pursuit / Sweet Scent
Psyduck: Encore / Yawn / Hypnosis / Refresh
Mankey: Close Combat / Focus Punch / Encore / Foresight
Growlithe #1: Close Combat / Flare Blitz / Howl / Morning Sun
Growlithe #2: Close Combat / Flare Blitz / Body Slam / Morning Sun
Poliwag: Haze / Encore / Mist
Abra: Encore / Barrier / Knock Off / Guard Swap
Machop: Close Combat / Ice Punch / ThunderPunch / Bullet Punch
Tentacool: Rapid Spin / Knock Off
Ponyta: Double-Edge / Low Kick / Hypnosis / Morning Sun
Slowpoke: Zen Headbutt / Block / Belly Drum / Sleep Talk
Farfetch'd: Leaf Blade / Quick Attack / Revenge Roost
Shellder: Rock Blast / Rapid Spin / Screech
Krabby: Agility / Ancientpower / Knock Off

Rhyhorn #1: Dragon Rush / Crunch / Crush Claw / Curse
Rhyhorn #2: Crunch / Ice Fang / Fire Fang / Thunder Fang
Tangela: Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Leech Seed / Endeavor
Horsea: Disable / Water Pulse / Signal Beam
Goldeen: Hydro Pump / Aqua Tail / Signal Beam / Haze
Mr.Mime: Nasty Plot / Icy Wind / Fake Out / Confuse Ray

Pinsir: Close Combat / Bug Bite / Feint / Flail
Lapras: Dragon Dance
Eevee #1: Wish / Stored Power / Curse / Yawn
Eevee #2: Wish / Yawn / Charm / Curse
Eevee #3: Wish / Yawn / Charm / Fake Tears


Chikorita #1: Leaf Storm / Ancientpower / Leech Seed / Grasswhistle
Chikorita #2: Counter / Ancientpower / Leech Seed / Ingrain
Totodile: Hydro Pump / Ice Punch / Metal Claw / Aqua Jet
Ledyba: Focus Punch / Drain Punch / Knock Off / Encore
Spinarak: Pursuit / Toxic Spikes / Baton Pass / Twineedle
Chinchou: Agility / Brine / Shock Wave / Psybeam

Pichu: Reversal / Wish / Encore / Fake Out
Togepi: Secret Power / Nasty Plot / Psycho Shift / Mirror Move
Natu #1: Sucker Punch / Zen Headbutt / Roost / FeatherDance
Natu #2: Roost / FeatherDance / Haze / Refresh
Mareep: Agility / Charge / Flatter / Body Slam

Aipom: Fake Out / Pursuit / Bounce / Switcheroo
Hoppip: Seed Bomb / Encore / Aromatherapy / Helping Hand

Yanma: Whirlwind / Double-Edge / Silver Wind / Leech Life
Wooper: Stockpile / Encore / Curse / Recover
Murkrow #1: Brave Bird / Roost / Confuse Ray / Whirlwind
Murkrow #2: Brave Bird / Roost / FeatherDance
Girafarig: Wish / Magic Coat / Mean Look / Skill Swap
Gligar: Baton Pass / Agility / Double-Edge / Poison Tail

Qwilfish: Haze / Signal Beam / Poison Jab / Flail
Teddiursa: Double-Edge / Crunch / Close Combat / Yawn
Corsola: Barrier / Amnesia / Ingrain / Confuse Ray

Swinub: Icicle Crash / Stealth Rock / Double-Edge / Curse
Delibird Ice Punch / Ice Shard / Fake Out / Rapid Spin
Skarmory: Brave Bird / Curse
Houndour: Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Reversal / Counter
Phanpy: Head Smash / Body Slam / Heavy Slam / Ice Shard
Stantler: Megahorn / Zen Headbutt / Disable / Me First
Tyrogue: Hi Jump Kick / Mach Punch / Bullet Punch / Mind Reader
Smoochum: Nasty Plot / Fake Out / Meditate / Wake Up Slap
Elekid: Cross Chop / Fire Punch / Ice Punch / Focus Punch
Magby: Cross Chop / Dynamicpunch / Belly Drum / Focus Energy
Larvitar: Iron Head / Pursuit / Curse / Stealth Rock


Poochyena: Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Thunder Fang / Yawn
Taillow: Brave Bird / Pursuit / Roost / Whirlwind
Wingull: Brine / Knock Off / Roost / Agility
Ralts #1: Shadow Sneak / Memento / Confuse Ray / Destiny Bond
Ralts #2: Shadow Sneak / Memento / Confuse Ray / Grudge
Shroomish: Bullet Seed / Seed Bomb / Focus Punch / Drain Punch
Nosepass: Double-Edge / Stealth Rock / Rollout / Magnitude
Skitty: Wish / Tickle / Sucker Punch / Baton Pass
Sableye #1: Sucker Punch / Recover / Trick / Captivate
Sableye #2: Nasty Plot / Recover
Sableye #3: Sucker Punch / Trick / Nasty Plot / Flatter
Sableye #4 Metal Burst / Sucker Punch / Mean Look
Mawile: Metal Burst / Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Thunder Fang
Aron: Head Smash / Superpower / Curse / Stealth Rock
Meditite: Drain Punch / Psycho Cut / Fake Out / Baton Pass
Volbeat: Trick / Encore / Baton Pass / Seismic Toss
Roselia #1: Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Sleep Powder / Synthesis
Roselia #2: Giga Drain / Spikes / Synthesis / Cotton Spore

Carvanha: Hydro Pump / Double-Edge / AncientPower
Numel: Iron Head / Yawn / Body Slam / Howl

Torkoal: Eruption / Clear Smog / Yawn / Sleep Talk
Spoink: Trick / Whirlwind / Mirror Coat / Amnesia

Cacnea #1: Switcheroo / Nasty Plot / Disable
Cacnea #2: Seed Bomb / Dynamicpunch / Low Kick / Counter
Swablu #1: Roost / Pursuit / Haze / FeatherDance
Swablu #2: Roost / FeatherDance / Haze / Power Swap
Barboach: Dragon Dance / Hydro Pump / Thrash / Whirlpool
Corphish: Dragon Dance / Superpower
Lileep: Stealth Rock / Recover / Barrier / Mirror Coat
Anorith #1: Rapid Spin / Knock Off / Screech
Anorith #2: Cross Poison / Knock Off / Screech / Sand-Attack
Tropius: Nature Power / Leech Seed / Synthesis / Leaf Storm
Duskull: Pain Split / Memento / Dark Pulse / Destiny Bond
Absol: Megahorn / Double-Edge / Zen Headbutt / Baton Pass
Snorunt: Avalanche / Spikes / Rollout / Block

Relicanth: Aqua Tail / Zen Headbutt / Sleep Talk / Amnesia
Bagon: Hydro Pump / Dragon Dance / Twister / Thrash


Turtwig: Seed Bomb / Superpower / Body Slam / Stockpile
Starly: Double-Edge / Steel Wing / Roost
Shinx: Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Quick Attack / Double Kick
Shieldon: Rock Blast / Curse / Stealth Rock / Counter

Pachirisu: Rollout / Defence Curl / Iron Tail / Bite
Buizel: Aqua Tail / Tail Slap / Switcheroo / Baton Pass
Cherubi: Seed Bomb / Nature Power / Aromatherapy / Grasswhistle

Shellos: Curse / Yawn / Memento / Amnesia
Drifloon: Memento / Clear Smog / Body Slam
Buneary: Circle Throw / Fake Out / Switcheroo / Encore
Chingling #1: Recover / Skill Swap / Future Sight
Chingling #2: Wish / Hypnosis / Disable / Stored Power

Stunky: Double-Edge / Crunch / Pursuit / Haze
Gible: Outrage / Iron Head / Double-Edge / Body Slam

Munchlax: Zen Headbutt / Pursuit / Curse / Whirlwind
Bonsly: Rollout / Selfdestruct / Stealth Rock / Curse

Mime Jr.: Healing Wish / Charm / Fake Out
Riolu: Hi Jump Kick / Cross Chop / Blaze Kick / Crunch
Croagunk: Drain Punch / Fake Out / Acupressure / Meditate
Carnivine: Giga Drain / Leech Seed / Sleep Powder / Stun Spore
Snover: Double-Edge / Seed Bomb / Growth / Leech Seed


Snivy: Glare / Mean Look / Pursuit / Mirror Coat
Tepig: Yawn / Sleep Talk / Curse / Superpower
Oshawott: Air Slash / Night Slash / Trump Card / Screech
Lillipup: Pursuit / Howl / Yawn / Charm
Purrloin: Yawn / Encore / Fake Tears / Charm
Pansage: Leaf Storm / Nasty Plot / Grasswhistle / Role Play
Pansear: Heat Wave / Nasty Plot / Sleep Talk / Role Play
Panpour: Nasty Plot / Hydro Pump / Low Kick / Role Play
Munna: Sleep Talk / Baton Pass / Barrier / Magic Coat
Pidove #1: Wish / Morning Sun / Bestow / Lucky Chant
Pidove #2: Hypnosis / Steel Wing / Uproar
Blitzle: Me First / Screech / Double Kick / Double-Edge
Roggenrola #1: Curse / Autotomize / Rock Tomb / Heavy Slam
Roggenrola #2: Gravity / Curse

Woobat: Stored Power / Roost / Knock Off / Fake Tears
Drilbur: Submission / Skull Bash / Crush Claw / Iron Defence
Audino #1: Healing Wish / Wish / Heal Bell / Encore

Audino #2: Wish / Heal Bell / Encore / Yawn
Timburr: Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Detect / Counter
Sewaddle: Baton Pass / Agility / Screech
Venipede: Toxic Spikes / Spikes
Cottonee #1: Encore / Fake Tears / Tickle
Cottonee #2: Encore / Memento / Worry Seed
Sandile: Pursuit / Fire Fang / Thunder Fang / Double-Edge
Darumaka: Yawn / Encore / Focus Punch / Sleep Talk
Dwebble: Spikes / Curse / Iron Defence
Scraggy #1: ThunderPunch / Fire Punch / Ice Punch / Dragon Dance
Scraggy #2: Drain Punch / Dragon Dance / Ice Punch / Zen Headbutt
Sigilyph: Stored Power / Roost / Psycho Shift
Tirtouga: Water Pulse / Body Slam / Knock Off / Iron Defence

Archen: Earth Power / Dragon Pulse / Steel Wing / Bite
Trubbish: Rollout / Spikes / Curse / Selfdestruct
Zorua: Dark Pulse / Extrasensory / Sucker Punch / Counter
Minccino: Iron Tail / Aqua Tail / Knock Off / Sleep Talk
Gothita: Dark Pulse / Mean Look / Captivate
Solosis: Trick / Confuse Ray / Astonish / Night Shade
Vanillite: Autotomize / Magnet Rise / Natural Gift
Deerling: Baton Pass / Agility / Grasswhistle / Synthesis
Emolga: Baton Pass / Roost / Air Slash / Charm
Karrablast: Megahorn / Pursuit / Screech / Bug Bite
Foongus: Stun Spore / Growth / Poisonpowder / Gastro Acid
Frillish: Acid Armor / Confuse Ray / Pain Split / Recover
Alomomola: Mist / Refresh / Mirror Coat
Joltik: Cross Poison / Pursuit / Pin Missile
Ferroseed #1: Leech Seed / Spikes
Ferroseed #2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
Ferroseed #3: Leech Seed / Stealth Rock
Axew: Night Slash / Iron Tail / Razor Wind / Endeavor
Cubchoo: Yawn / Avalanche / Night Slash / Focus Punch
Shelmet: Spikes / Baton Pass / Pursuit / Double-Edge
Stunfisk: Sleep Talk / Earth Power / Yawn / Pain Split
Elgyem: Disable / Barrier / Nasty Plot / Guard Swap
Mienfoo: Baton Pass / Low Kick / Me First / Knock Off
Druddigon: Glare / Sucker Punch / Thunder Fang / Fire Fang
Pawniard: Pursuit / Headbutt / Revenge / Sucker Punch
Bouffalant: Skull Bash / Headbutt / Iron Head / Amnesia
Heatmor: Sucker Punch / Body Slam / Curse / Pursuit
Durant: Thunder Fang / Baton Pass / Screech / Faint Attack
Deino: Dark Pulse / Thunder Fang / Fire Fang / Ice Fang
Larvesta: Morning Sun / Zen Headbutt
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Re: Blitzle's Shop 2.0 (DON'T POST)

OK, I'm gonna go ahead and open now. I was going to add my DW Females in, but I can just add them into the Egg Moves post at a later date (or edit this one). Same goes for anything else I may want to add.

So this is now open!
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

Oh wow, I was waiting for you to open a shop (again? I heard you had one before XD) and finally :D

#037 Vulpix UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Yuuki
Timid Drought
31-6-30-30-30-30 Fight 70
Extransensory / Hex / Disable / Hypnosis

#043 Oddish UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Hana
Calm Run Away/Effect Spore
31-30-31-30-31-30 Fire 70
Razor Leaf / Synthesis

#172 Pichu UT Lv.1 ★ (female) NN: Chuu
Hasty Lightningrod
30-31-30-31-31-31 Ice 70
Volt Tackle / Wish / Encore / Reversal

#403 Shinx UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Rai
Adamant Guts
Quick Attack / Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Double Kick

#443 Gible UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Ryuu
Jolly Sand Veil
Outrage / Double-Edge / Body Slam / Iron Head

#592 Frillish UT Lv.5 ★ (male) NN: Jellie
Bold Water Absorb
31-5-31-30-31-31 Electric 68
Caught in a Dive Ball

Uh... Yeah I'm shiny obsessed. :"D

What I can offer:
-Help with tradebacks for evolutions
-EV training - with or without Pokerus
-EV reducing berries (think I've got about a good 30 of each for now, growing more)

I know it isn't much but I can do the first two pretty much however many times you need em, I'm still on holidays so got time to kill. :)
My FC's on my siggie, but just in case: 4427 4449 8375

Hope that's fine. :3
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

I am interested in your Excadrill, EV trained Virizion, Conkeldurr, and Escavalier. I can offer several of each EV reduction berry. my fc is 1119-9956-3583.
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

I am quite intersted in the Vulpix with Drought and the Snover listed under your whats new and maybe the bagon with moxie and finally the poliwag with its drizzle ability. I can offer EV Training with Pkerus or with out. Trade backs. Pokemon with good natures and I am currently Breeding on my GEN IV and can help with egg moves from there.
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Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

I'd like this Victini. I wish it could be shiny, but oh well. =(
#494 Victini EV'd Lv.50
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
V-create / Fusion Bolt / U-turn / Brick Break

I can offer a male charmander w/ outrage and dragon pulse for egg moves.
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

@Blitzle. EV reducing berries, type resist berries, Heart Scales, Rare Candies. I will want a few of these (not just one) for one pokemon. - I can offer you any of these in any combination for the below

This is what I have, take whatever you want because I won't use it

3 Kelpsy Berries
1 Qualot Berry
1 Grepa Berry
1 Hondew
4 Tamato Berries
1+ of each of the resist berries (ask which you are interested)
8 Rare Candies
2 Heart Scales
Any Pokemon you want/need

(I have more in the Dream World so let me know what I can get you for the stuff below)

I can also help you with this: -People who can poketransfer (NOT USING POKECHECK OR OTHER PROGRAMS). It has to be two actual DS with actual gamecarts. No ROMs, no Pokecheck, no Flashcarts, no Emulators.
-People willing to help with trade tradeback evolutions, such as Shelmet, Gurdurr, etc.

#186 Politoed EV'd Lv.50 ★
252 Sp.Atk / 4 Sp.Def / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Focus Blast / Ice Beam / HP Grass

#373 Salamence EV'd Lv.50 ★
252 Atk / 4 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Fire Blast / Dragon Dance

#149 Dragonite EV'd Lv.55 ★
252 HP / 44 Atk / 212 Spe
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Roost / Dragon Dance

#233 Porygon 2 EV'd Lv.60 ★
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk
Tri Attack / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Recover

#472 Gliscor EV'd Lv.50 ★
252 HP / 186 Def / 72 Spe
Earthquake / Ice Fang / Swords Dance / Taunt

#609 Chandelure EV'd Lv.50 ★
4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Fire Blast / Shadow Ball / HP Fighting / Substitute

#065 Alakazam EV'd Lv.50 ★
4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Psyshock / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Substitute
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Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

@Blitzle. Hello!
I'd like these Pokemon:

#068 Machamp EV'd Lv.60 ★212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe Dynamicpunch / Stone Edge / Ice Punch / Substitute (is it Adamant?)

#065 Alakazam EV'd Lv.50 ★4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe Psyshock / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Substitute (is it Timid?)

Oh yeah, do you mind if I clone them myself using a flash cart?

I can offer these:
-People willing to help with trade tradeback evolutions, such as Shelmet, Gurdurr, etc.
-People who can breed me (good) egg moves on 4th Gen. I want to start RNG'ing eggs on there, but I cba breeding them myself. I don't mind doing two trades (one on 4th and one on 5th) if you don't.
-EV reducing berries, type resist berries
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

Oh wow, I was waiting for you to open a shop (again? I heard you had one before XD) and finally :D

#037 Vulpix UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Yuuki
Timid Drought
31-6-30-30-30-30 Fight 70
Extransensory / Hex / Disable / Hypnosis

#043 Oddish UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Hana
Calm Run Away/Effect Spore
31-30-31-30-31-30 Fire 70
Razor Leaf / Synthesis

#172 Pichu UT Lv.1 ★ (female) NN: Chuu
Hasty Lightningrod
30-31-30-31-31-31 Ice 70
Volt Tackle / Wish / Encore / Reversal

#403 Shinx UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Rai
Adamant Guts
Quick Attack / Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Double Kick

#443 Gible UT Lv.1 ★ NN: Ryuu
Jolly Sand Veil
Outrage / Double-Edge / Body Slam / Iron Head

#592 Frillish UT Lv.5 ★ (male) NN: Jellie
Bold Water Absorb
31-5-31-30-31-31 Electric 68
Caught in a Dive Ball

Uh... Yeah I'm shiny obsessed. :"D

What I can offer:
-Help with tradebacks for evolutions
-EV training - with or without Pokerus
-EV reducing berries (think I've got about a good 30 of each for now, growing more)

I know it isn't much but I can do the first two pretty much however many times you need em, I'm still on holidays so got time to kill. :)
My FC's on my siggie, but just in case: 4427 4449 8375

Hope that's fine. :3

OK, I currently need help with these tradebacks:
Karrablast, Shelmet, Gurdurr, Machoke, Boldore, Haunter, Feebas, Rhydon and a Magmar. So if you can help with any number of those, that'd be great (it doesn't have to be all).

I am interested in your Excadrill, EV trained Virizion, Conkeldurr, and Escavalier. I can offer several of each EV reduction berry. my fc is 1119-9956-3583.

I'll take two berries for each. You can choose which :p

I am quite intersted in the Vulpix with Drought and the Snover listed under your whats new and maybe the bagon with moxie and finally the poliwag with its drizzle ability. I can offer EV Training with Pkerus or with out. Trade backs. Pokemon with good natures and I am currently Breeding on my GEN IV and can help with egg moves from there.

What egg moves are you currently doing on Gen IV?

I'd like this Victini. I wish it could be shiny, but oh well. =(
#494 Victini EV'd Lv.50
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
V-create / Fusion Bolt / U-turn / Brick Break

I can offer a male charmander w/ outrage and dragon pulse for egg moves.

Do you have anything else?

@Blitzle. EV reducing berries, type resist berries, Heart Scales, Rare Candies. I will want a few of these (not just one) for one pokemon. - I can offer you any of these in any combination for the below

This is what I have, take whatever you want because I won't use it

3 Kelpsy Berries
1 Qualot Berry
1 Grepa Berry
1 Hondew
4 Tamato Berries
1+ of each of the resist berries (ask which you are interested)
8 Rare Candies
2 Heart Scales
Any Pokemon you want/need

(I have more in the Dream World so let me know what I can get you for the stuff below)

I can also help you with this: -People who can poketransfer (NOT USING POKECHECK OR OTHER PROGRAMS). It has to be two actual DS with actual gamecarts. No ROMs, no Pokecheck, no Flashcarts, no Emulators.
-People willing to help with trade tradeback evolutions, such as Shelmet, Gurdurr, etc.

#186 Politoed EV'd Lv.50 ★
252 Sp.Atk / 4 Sp.Def / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Focus Blast / Ice Beam / HP Grass

#373 Salamence EV'd Lv.50 ★
252 Atk / 4 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Fire Blast / Dragon Dance

#149 Dragonite EV'd Lv.55 ★
252 HP / 44 Atk / 212 Spe
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Roost / Dragon Dance

#233 Porygon 2 EV'd Lv.60 ★
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk
Tri Attack / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Recover

#472 Gliscor EV'd Lv.50 ★
252 HP / 186 Def / 72 Spe
Earthquake / Ice Fang / Swords Dance / Taunt

#609 Chandelure EV'd Lv.50 ★
4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Fire Blast / Shadow Ball / HP Fighting / Substitute

#065 Alakazam EV'd Lv.50 ★
4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Psyshock / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Substitute

I'll take the two Heart Scales, plus some of the type resist berries, please. I'm not bothered which, just five of those will do.

@Blitzle. Hello!
I'd like these Pokemon:

#068 Machamp EV'd Lv.60 ★212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe Dynamicpunch / Stone Edge / Ice Punch / Substitute (is it Adamant?)

#065 Alakazam EV'd Lv.50 ★4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe Psyshock / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Substitute (is it Timid?)

Oh yeah, do you mind if I clone them myself using a flash cart?

I can offer these:
-People willing to help with trade tradeback evolutions, such as Shelmet, Gurdurr, etc.
-People who can breed me (good) egg moves on 4th Gen. I want to start RNG'ing eggs on there, but I cba breeding them myself. I don't mind doing two trades (one on 4th and one on 5th) if you don't.
-EV reducing berries, type resist berries

What egg moves do you have on Gen IV? I may also need some help with Tradeback evolutions depending on how many Xiera helps with.

I don't mind if you clone using a flashcart, just don't hack them, like editing their name and stuff, because then I'll get a bad rep even though I didn't do it.

ALSO: UPDATE TO THE RULES. IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRADE/ADD THESE IN YOUR OWN THREADS/OTHER FORUMS, PLEASE GIVE ME CREDIT FOR THEM. Nothing worse than people trying to take credit for themselves (not saying you guys are going to, it's just a precaution).
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

OK, I currently need help with these tradebacks:
Karrablast, Shelmet, Gurdurr, Machoke, Boldore, Haunter, Feebas, Rhydon and a Magmar. So if you can help with any number of those, that'd be great (it doesn't have to be all).

I'm more than happy to do all of them if you don't mind (as I know it takes a while to trade and tradeback XD) but yep, defo happy to help with all those tradebacks if you're okay with it. :3
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)


I am interested in the following:

#635 Hydreigon EV'd Lv.70 ★
NN: Hydra
4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Draco Meteor / Fire Blast / Focus Blast / Dragon Pulse
Caught in a Dusk Ball

#579 Reuniclus EV'd Lv.50 ★
NN: (Will be edited in soon)
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Def
Psychic / Focus Blast / Recover / Calm Mind

#534 Conkeldurr EV'd Lv.50 ★
NN: Atlas
120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Sp.Def
Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Payback / Bulk Up

#149 Dragonite EV'd Lv.55 ★
NN: Myth
252 HP / 44 Atk / 212 Spe
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Roost / Dragon Dance

#612 Haxorus EV'd Lv.75 ★
NN: Tusks
36 HP / 248 Atk / 224 Spe
Outrage / Earthquake / Swords Dance / Dragon Dance
Caught in a Premier Ball

In return I can give about 10 Candies and 5 Heart Scales and a random Speed Reducing Berry.
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

What egg moves do you have on Gen IV? I may also need some help with Tradeback evolutions depending on how many Xiera helps with.

I don't mind if you clone using a flashcart, just don't hack them, like editing their name and stuff, because then I'll get a bad rep even though I didn't do it.

ALSO: UPDATE TO THE RULES. IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRADE/ADD THESE IN YOUR OWN THREADS/OTHER FORUMS, PLEASE GIVE ME CREDIT FOR THEM. Nothing worse than people trying to take credit for themselves (not saying you guys are going to, it's just a precaution).
The best one is a Rhyhorn with Crunch and the elemental fangs. I'm planning to RNG that one.
And I won't hack it. Flash carts can use AR codes, but I don't use AR codes.
Re: Thunderbolts and Lightningrods (NOW OPEN)

I'm more than happy to do all of them if you don't mind (as I know it takes a while to trade and tradeback XD) but yep, defo happy to help with all those tradebacks if you're okay with it. :3

That would be perfect! When are you available to tradE?


I am interested in the following:

#635 Hydreigon EV'd Lv.70 ★
NN: Hydra
4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Draco Meteor / Fire Blast / Focus Blast / Dragon Pulse
Caught in a Dusk Ball

#579 Reuniclus EV'd Lv.50 ★
NN: (Will be edited in soon)
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Def
Psychic / Focus Blast / Recover / Calm Mind

#534 Conkeldurr EV'd Lv.50 ★
NN: Atlas
120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Sp.Def
Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Payback / Bulk Up

#149 Dragonite EV'd Lv.55 ★
NN: Myth
252 HP / 44 Atk / 212 Spe
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Roost / Dragon Dance

#612 Haxorus EV'd Lv.75 ★
NN: Tusks
36 HP / 248 Atk / 224 Spe
Outrage / Earthquake / Swords Dance / Dragon Dance
Caught in a Premier Ball

In return I can give about 10 Candies and 5 Heart Scales and a random Speed Reducing Berry.

I'll take the 5 Heart Scales, please. Let me know when you get the nickname for Reuinclus.

The best one is a Rhyhorn with Crunch and the elemental fangs. I'm planning to RNG that one.
And I won't hack it. Flash carts can use AR codes, but I don't use AR codes.

OK, I'll take a Male Rhyhorn in 4th Gen then, and a berry in 5th Gen. Is that alright?
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