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Tomb Raider/Kamen Rider Crossover (Godzillawolf & Master Mew)

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Master Mew

Level 7
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score

The rumble of thunder carried down the dark corridors of Croft Manor, the once still night air outside the window now a blur as rain and violent winds strained pelted the glass, the courtyard only momentarily illuminated by brief flashes of lightning before all would turn to black again, Lara's reflection now clearly visible against the surface of her bedroom window.

Awoken by the storm, the young archaeologist now stood at her bedroom window, scanning the grounds of Croft Manor. Something was wrong. She couldn't explain it, but she could sense she wasn't alone. Without switching on the lights, she slipped silently across the room, retrieving her trademark dual pistols from an oak cabinet next to her bed.


Within sight of Croft Manor, a white Mercedes Benz pulled off to the side of the road. As the door opened, a blonde-haired woman in dark business attire that seemed entirely alien to her surroundings emerged, a seemingly innocent figure as she strode calmly toward the gates leading into Croft Manor, her black stiletto heels clicking amid the deep rumblings of thunder.

A cruel sneer belied the otherwise formal mannerisms of Jacqueline Natla as she drew nearer than ever to her goal.
A mishapen creature stood next to her. It had a skull like head with a strange belt buckle like a snake eating its own tail. It was purple in color with tubes connecting it's body, including a hose to it's right arm, which was a gun in place of it's hand while a sword replaced it's left arm. This was Trial H. "Destroy Lara Croft..." it said in a sinthasized voice. "Aid Jacqueline Natla..." it said, repeating those same two frazes every few minutes, as if reminding itself of it's goals.


Kenzaki set under a park bench, wearing shabby clothes he'd gotten from no where in particular. "Stormy day..." he muttered, looking up. He suddenly sensed something in the night. "It can't be...Undead..." he muttered, getting out of his hiding place. Knowing he had to be fast, he summoned a blue buckle and took out a card. "Henshin..." he said, running it through his belt.

"Mach..." it announced, his body becoming covered in a strange grey liquid which burst off to reveal the form of the Jaguar Undead. He ran off at high speeds into the night.

OOC: Got to go, sorry. Bed time...
Natla paused in front of the wrought iron gate, rain pelting the surface of her umbrella above her head as she turned to face her companion, an intensely focused look in her eyes as she spoke in a quiet, crisp tone, "Remember, we don't kill her - until after we find the Scion... she's hidden it somewhere, and we wouldn't want that secret dying with her." With that, she glanced around quickly, then unfurled two previously concealed red wings from behind her back, thrusting herself up and over the gate. As she landed on the other side she concealed her wings once more in one fluid motion, then glanced back toward Trial H.
Trial H leapt over the gate. "Understood..." it stated, looking around the area. "Do not kill Lara Croft until Scion is obtained..." it stated, looking around and cocking the gun arm. "Lead the way, master," it replied, ready to follow her, as it was programed to do. "I shall detain first..." it stated, slowly approaching further. Traps didn't scare it, as most human weapons couldn't kill him.

OOC: Sorry for the shorter post, since Trial H is a simpleminded monster, not much to do with it alone.
Suddenly an alarm began blaring as an irritated but otherwise unsurprised Natla turned to her companion, "Clearly subtlety has been lost as an option, time is of the essence, breach as you please. I will follow." A decidedly predatory smile which seemed alien to her professional demeanor now adorning her lips.

OOC: Not a problem at all, mine was even shorter. ;-)
"Breach mansion defenses..." said Trial H, pointing it's gun at the door and openning fire to blast it's lock off it's hinges, then slamming through it. "Searching..." it stated, looking around slowly. It located security cameras and blasted them with it's gun fire, clearing the room of them. "Camera systems, disabled..." he said, continuing in and scanning the room. He then moved forwards, slashing through a door with it's sword hand and moving forwards, targeting any cameras it found to keep Natla's prescence hidden for the time being.
Thrusting her pistols out around the corner ahead of her, Lara dove out the bedroom door and sprinted down the hall. As she rounded the corner she paused, reaching up to a portrait of her parents, Richard and Amelia Croft. Brushing the frame to the side, she pulled forcefully down on a black switch as the house grew silent once more, the blaring alarm having been silenced. Whoever her trespasser was, she wanted to hear them coming. She warily approached the second floor balcony over the main hall, pausing as she noticed a brief shaft of light on the floor across from the door as the storm raged outside - the door had dropped off its hinges. Cautiously she stepped back away from the banister, stopping abruptly as something crunched beneath her feet - a shattered security camera lens. Sensing the adeptness of her intruder, Lara retreated once more into the East Corridor, ducking into a small, seemingly insignificant linen closet. Buried beneath a decidedly dull set of beige bed sheets, she retrieved a pair of Uzis, which she secured hurriedly to her back; she would take no chances.


"Where are you, old friend...?" Natla sneered quietly as she strode through the Main Hall and up the stairs, occasionally tipping vases and turning potted plants, running her long-nailed fingers along the walls, feeling every brick for a hidden lever, pressure plate, switch, anything Lara might have employed to keep her from her prize.
Kenzaki ran up to the Lara's home in his Jaguar Undead form. Unfortunately, he only had two forms on him, the Jaguar which he'd kept for speed, and his "true" form of the Joker. "There's an Undead in there...but how..." he asked, looking in. He slowly walked in, looking around to try and find out where it was.


The Trial H continued scanning rooms. It looked at a nearby wall, pulling it's sword arm back and driving it through. He pulled his arm out to reveal the wall was hallow. "Secret passage detected," he stated, slowly backing away before blowing the wall away with his gun arm, revealing a hidden passage way. "Shall I stand guard here?"
"Excellent work," Natla replied curtly, "Yes, remain here and ensure I am not disturbed." With that, Natla strode briskly into the newly revealed passageway, following a long, dark hallway with a slight slope, it seemed to fit neatly inside a particularly thick wall of the mansion, leading down into a hidden basement. As she rounded another of many corners, a glint of light became visible in the distance, pouring in from a decidedly well-illuminated room - Lara's secret vault. A smirk crept across Natla's face in the dim light.


Lara's twisted around with a start as she heard gunfire in the West Corridor. She didn't like where this was going; sprinting down the hall she kicked off the wall as she rounded the corner toward the second floor banister once more. In her usual disregard for priceless, antique light-fixtures, Lara vaulted over the banister taking a flying leap toward the crystalline chandelier hanging down from the arched ceiling. Crystal shards showered the marble floor below as she swung across the Main Hall, landing with a thud on the opposing banister. Wasting no time, she sprinted down the West Corridor toward the Drawing Room, where the racket seemed to have came from. Readying her pistols, she kicked open the door.
The Trial H slowly looked over towards her. "Subject: Lara Croft..." he stated. "Programing directive...engage in combat..." he siad, slowly approaching Lara. "...Detain..." it stated, cocking it's gun and openning fire, aiming for her legs.


Kenzaki heard the gun fire. "Gun fire..." he said, wondering which side it came from. He then started for the area. After all, he didn't want any humans getting hurt on his watch. Kenzaki had been an Undead for years, but that hadn't changed his love for humanity.


Meanwhile, in Japan, Tachibana set at his desk at the new BOARD HQ, which he headed. Suddenly, the door flew open. "Tachibana-san. We've located an Undead singal," he explained. "It's a Joker!"

Tachibana gasped. "Joker..." he said. "Get me Hajime on the phone...I need to check to see where he is," he stated, as the only way Hajime had to defend himself outside normal human ability was his Joker form, since they'd left him with only the Catagory 2 Human card.
Lara analyzed the peculiar creature approaching her, then, as Trial H cocked its gun, she leapt up forcefully, kicking off the wall as she propelled herself to the right and out of the line of fire, smacking the floor sideways with a 'thud' as she pushed off, thrusting herself across the floor and behind a coffee table, from which she opened fire on the unwelcome intruder.


Natla gazed enthralled around the treasure trove she had uncovered, the relics from all of Lara Croft's exploits were displayed here. On a small pedestal near the center of the room sat the Iris, a peculiar artifact which appeared to float slightly above the display's surface, a combination of multiple semispherical shells rotating around each other, occasionally revealing a glimpse of a glowing red orb in the center.

Only momentarily stalled by the artifact's beauty, Natla turned once more to searching for her prize.
The bullets hit Trial H, but it did little to slow the creature down. It took careful observation of her actions for record. "Detain..." it said, smashing the coffee table out of it's way and trying to strike her with it's gun arm.


Hajime smiled as he gave a meal to a customer. "Amane," he said, turning to a now teenaged girl. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, Hajime-san," said Amane, taking a customer's money and putting it in the regestor.

Hajime's phone rang and he looked, seeing Tachibana's name. He went aside and answered. "Tachibana-san, it's been a long time."

"Yeah, it has," said Tachibana. "Hajime, have you become the Joker recently?"

Hajime blinked in confusion. "No, I haven't become Joker in years...why?"

"Because we just detected a Joker's signature," said Tachibana. "And if it's not you, it must be-"

"Kenzaki..." said Hajime, eyes widening. A few minutes later, he was heading out the door. "Amane, I'll be gone for a little bit. We finally found Kenzaki...I have to see if he's alright, ok?"

Amane nodded slowly, giving him a hug. "Alright, Hajime-san...but come back, ok?"

Hajime nodded with a smile. "I promise," he said, before getting on his motorcycle and taking off for BOARD HQ.
Swiftly rolling out of the way, Lara thrust the heel of her combat boot upward, propelling a shattered corner of the coffee table toward her assailant's face while her other foot simultaneously slammed into the ground, propelling her backward into a roll as she stood upright to face Trial H.
Trial H recieved a minor gash on the forehead, green blood oozing out. It slowly approached, only for Kenzaki to tackle it aside. He slashed it several times, only to be slashed and throw off.

"New target...Undead?!" asked Trial H, confused.

Kenzaki rose up and leapt on Trial H's shoulder, biting into it before being shot off, green blood spurting from a chest wound. He slowly got up, circling the Trial and placing himself between LAra and it. "I won't let you hurt a human!" he stated, giving a roar and leaping on it, slashing it repeatedly.
Startled, Lara stepped to the side, attempting to get a clear shot as she holstered her pistols and switched to her Uzis. Whatever the second entity was, it appeared to be defending her, so she aimed instead for the first assailant, firing off round in rapid succession whenever there was an opening.


The shattered Scion lay in seven pieces inside a glass display casein the far corner of the room, drawing Natla's attention immediately. Wasting little time, she shattered the glass and gathered the shards, placing them in an inside pocket of her jacket. To mask her intentions, she proceeded to shatter several other display cases, knock over the Iris' pedestal and, almost as an afterthought, removed an ornate dagger from its fastenings, the hilt adorned with the head of a dragon, the blade appearing to emerge from the beast's mouth.
Trial H was buffetted by machine gun fire, distracting it enough for Kenzaki to bite it's neck and throw it back. However, it then counted by stabbing him in the shoulder with it's sword and throwing him backwards.

"It's no good, this form isn't strong enough..." said Kenzaki, bleeding badly. He then roared, glowing blue as his Joker form replaced his Jaguar form.

The Trial staggered back in terror. "You're...Joker!" it exclaimed, clearly afraid of Kenzaki now.

Kenzaki pulled out a serrated battle knife and slashed Trial repeatedly, driving it back and sending a spirt of green blood with each hit, the final hit launching it backwards through a coach. Kenzaki took a battle stance, blue energy flowing into his knife before he leapt at the rising Trial and slashed him, launching him to the ground and triggering a small explosion, the Trial's buckle poping open. "He wasn't sealed..." he said, looking at the defeated monster. "...It must be a Trial..."

OOC: Kenzaki's Joker form is light blue where the original is green and navy blue were the original was black.
Lara now trained her guns on the new arrival, eying Kenzaki suspiciously, "What was that thing?" she demanded, glancing down nervously at Trial H.


Silence had fallen in the Drawing Room above her, and Natla could now hear voices. Her diversion had failed, this would complicate things. Now halfway through her return up the concealed corridor, she planted a small charge on the brick wall, then retreated quickly back to the Vault.
"It's a Trial, an artifical monster..." said Kenzaki, looking to her. He then sensed something. "Look out!" he yelled, jumpping between her and the wall behind her, blocking the explosion with his power to protect Lara. However, in doing so, he expended most of his remaining strength and was thrown back, reverting to human form and losing consciousness, greed blood bleeding from his wounds.

The Trial H's buckle sealed up and it rose once more. "Damage...critical...prime directive, help master..." it said, rushing through the hole in the wall to Natla. "We must escape," he stated, blowing a hole in the wall to the outside for Natla to escape through. It then dissolved into nothingness, vanishing as it returned to it's creator in order to regenerate.
Lara rushed down the ruined corridor, stopping short of the massive hole in the wall, the area now vacant. As the storm raged outside, a flash of lightning revealed a momentary glimpse of a white car pulling away from the curb. Returning to the drawing room, Lara now directed her attention to the man lying unconscious on the floor, a puzzled look on her face.

A hurried knock then came from the door on the opposite end of the room, the muffled voice of Winston, her butler, speaking frantically, "What in the blazes is going on in there?"

"Come in, Winston," Lara replied.

"Who is that?" Winston asked as he entered, seeing the unconscious man on the floor.

"I don't know," Lara replied, "He is badly injured, please tend to his wounds..."


Natla's white Mercedes pulled up gently into her reserved parking spot outside the Natla Technologies complex, Jacqueline Natla emerging and curtly nodding to a passer-by as she strode quickly up the front steps and into the Main Edifice, stepping inside an ornate glass elevator and inserting a key into the control-box, causing an additional, previously concealed button to be illuminated, her private floor. Emerging from the elevator with a smile, Natla strode quickly into her office, the two outer walls constructed entirely glass giving her a panoramic view of the city skyline, as she took a seat behind her black frosted glass desk and placed a call to her most trusted tech, requesting his presence immediately to aid her in a "new project."
Tennoji chuckled, swinging around in a chair nearby, which had been facing a bunch of monitors. "I see the field test of Trial H was a complete success," he said. "And things have happened even better than I dreamed," he explained. "An Undead appeared to face Trial H," he said, showing a black and white picture on the monitor of Kenzaki's Joker form facing off with the Trial H. Without color, it was impossible to tell him apart from either of the other Jokers. "That means our other targets are likely on their way to Lara Croft's home right now to investigate," he said, smiling sinisterly.


Kenzaki groaned about 5 hours later, finding himself bandaged up. "What?" he asked, looking around. "What happened?" he asked, looking himself over. His torn shirt laid nearby, covered with his green, Undead blood. "How did I get to this room?"
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