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Registered User
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone have a card they wanna trade, or
wanna SHOW OFF?
I've got a Charizard and Blastoise both 1st edition...
I will give you a Charizard ex for the 1st edition Charizard.

You send first, no exceptions.
Jade said:
I will give you a Charizard ex for the 1st edition Charizard.

You send first, no exceptions.

hey do yo have a have/want list jade? what cards do you want?
Misty said:
Guys I have a first edition Mewthree limited edition that I will trade for a Magikarp, plz help

what magikarp? hey what else you need heres a link to my have list. please look.
hey you can e-mail me if ur interested in any at [email protected]
I have
Venasaur EX
Cradily EX
Rockets Persion EX x2
Scyther EX
Electrode EX
Wigglytuff EX
and Rockets zapdos EX
Also Have

Legend Maker
Magmar RH

Unseen Forces
Dark Energy RH
Unown Z
Unown D
unown K
unown T
unown N
unown G
unown J

Delta Species

Magcargo RH

Camerupt R/S
Magneton fossil
Muk x2 fossil
dark arbok
slowking GENesis
Machamp base
Dark gyarados
hypno fossil 1st ed not mint
kangeskhan jungle
clefairy base2
haunter fossil
ditto fossil not mint
azumarill genesis
aerodactyl fossil NM
dark alakazam
poliwrath base
ninetales x2 base
gyarados x2 base
magneton base
hitmonchan NM base
raichu base
scyther base2
and tons of Rares

Lugia 1st ED
Charizard base set 1st ED
Charizard base 2 set 1st ED
EX cards FRLG and up
Crystal Lugia
Boost packs of FRLG and up
Does anyone have a Flygon ex or a Blaziken ex because I need them.

And I have plenty of cards to trade for them. Just name them and I'll see if I have them.
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