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Trading thread

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Hidden Legends:
Snow-cloud Castform
Sunny Castform
Golbat RH
Igglybuff RH
Lanturn RH
Meditite 65/101 RH
Meditite 66/101 RH
Snorunt RH
Island Cave RH

Fire Red & Leaf Green:
Lickitung RH
Nidoran Male RH

Team Rocket Returns:
Dark Marowak
Dark Sandslash x 2
Furret x 2
Megby x 2
Mantine RH
Skiploom RH
Horsea RH
Houndour RH
Mareep RH
Rattata RH
Zubat RH

Plusle RH
Koffing RH
Natu RH

Unseen Forces:
Electabuzz x 2
Clefable RH
Croconaw RH
Snubbull RH
Totodile RH
Energy Recycle System RH

Delta Species:
Mightyena x 2
Rain Castform
Starmie 30/113 x 2
Sunny Castform
Weezing x 2
Holon Energy GL x 2
Ditto 37/113 RH
Metang RH
Rapidash RH
Beldum RH
Ditto 63/113 RH
Dratini RH
Slowpoke RH
Zubat RH

Urgent wants marked in bold
RH is preferred for all wants
Items in italics are wanted only if in RH

Delta Species:
Starmie 15/113 (Metal Navigation)
Holon Mentor
Holon Research Tower

1 (2) Ancient TM Rock
2 Bill's Mantainance
2 (4) Celio's Network
4 Rare Candy
2 (4) Rocket's Admin

2 Metal Energy (DS for preference, but any is fine)
3 Psychic Energy (preferably the holo versions from RS, rather than the matrix versions from EM, but either will do)
I have about 30-some Promo Beldum cards that I got from a nice lady who ran a Pokemon League that we used to have at Toys 'R Us.

She gave me like all the extra ones they had from the league, and I don't know what I'm gonna do with them all (lol).
hey Archaic, i do have a gardivoir, but its not delta spec.i always wanted a rayquaza,and this was my chance.whaaaaaaaaa!!! maybe.......i'll check you with the celio's network.
hi...again Archaic. i have got the energys you wanted, was it.....3 psychic and 2 metals??? contact me and i'll try and trade?
Archaic dont need these cards anymore and his post is outdated but I am very sure that he need the Metal Energy so he can have EM,UF,DS and HP metal energies in his deck. At the moment he got RS one as the 4th.
I have a non holo promo lugia from pokemon rocks.....Trade me anything for expect for energys.lol
Anyone up for an old school trade?^^

I am willing to trade any of the following Promos:

#7 Jigglypuff
#21 Moltres
#22 Articuno
#23 Zapdos
#29 Marill
#34 Entei

For any of the following Promos:

#2 Electabuzz
#3 Mewtwo
#4 Pikachu
#5 Dragonite
#6 Arcanine
#9 Mew
#10 Meowth
#11 Eevee
#12 Mewtwo
#13 Venusaur
#15 Cool Porygon
#16 Computer Error
#17 Dark Persian
#19 Sabrina's Abra
#24 ____'s Pikachu
#25 Flying Pikachu
#27 Pikachu
#33 Scizor
#35 Pikachu Activity
#36 Igglybuff
#39 Misdreavus
#40 PKMN Center
#41 Lucky Stadium
#42 PKMN Tower
#43 Machamp
#44 Magmar
#45 Scyther
#47 Mew
#48 Articuno
#49 Snorlax

[Note: All my Promos are in MINT condition, some of them are newly bought. I expect the same of yours. And I only trade within the continental US!]
these are my haves/wants
My Rules:
1. Anyone from a foreign county must send first no matter what.
2. Only Fair Trades
3. All of my cards are mint unless stated otherwise.
4. Anyone with fewer or more refs than me i'll either send at the same time, 2nd, or not at all.
5. I won't trade with you if you have a bad rep.
6. I will expect for u to send first if it's for my ex's
7. Everyone have fun!

Holo Haves
Pokmeon Ex's

1x Politoed ex (hard 2 get off me)
1x Shiftry ex (very hard 2 get off me)
1x Scizor ex (hard 2 get off me)
1x Sceptile ex tmta (not hard 2 get off me)
1x Flygon ex (not hard to get off me)
1x Medicham ex (hard 2 get off me)

I can trade all of these
1x Blastoise CG #4
2x Shedinja DX
1x Gyarados HP
2x Crawdaunt DX
1x Dusclops DX
2x Ludicolo DX
1x Machamp LM
1x Aerodactyl LM
1x Delcatty LM
1x Wailord LM
1x Aggron LM
1x Cradily "d" HP
1x Hypno DS
3x Kabutops LM (one has gold lettering)
1x Charizard "d" CG
1x Typhlosion UF (gold lettering)
1x Blaziken EM (bent slightly, but is not shown on the back.)
4x Vileplume "d" HP
2x Pidgeot FRLG
1x Poliwrath UF
1x Marowak DS
3x Shiftry LM (One has gold lettering)
1x Flygon HP
1x Gengar LM
1x Mewtwo DS
1x Muk LM (gold lettering)
1x Golem LM
1x Lanturn LM (gold lettering)
1x Sunny-Castform DS
1x Banette CG
1x Torkoal HP
1x Deoxys EM (Swift)
1x Starmie "d" DS
1x Umbreon "d" DS
1x Snow Cloud Castform DS
1x Regirock HP
1x Latios "d" HP
1x Crobat "d" DS
1x Porygon2 UF
1x Victreebel LM
1x Magneton LM
1x Cradily LM
1x Swampert EM
2x Mightyena DX

1x Scramble Energy
6x Darkness Energy (one is holo)
4x Metal Energy (one is holo)
2x warp Energy
1x boost energy
5x react energy
1x holon energy wp
1x holon energy gl

3x Cozmo's Discovery
4x Rare Candy
4x Holon Adventurer
3x Wally's
4-12x Energy Search
3x Power Tree
4x Full Flame
2x Giant Stump
2x Proffesor Birch
1x Low Pressure system
1x high pressure system
4-10x switch
4-15x pokeball
4-15x potion
4-10x claw fossil
4-10x root fossil
4-10x mysterious fossil
2x fieldworker
2x pokemon Reversal
4-9x Energy Removal2
2x Scott
2x great Ball
2x Energy Switch
2x Strange Cave
4x Super scoop up
2x warp point
2-3x Holon farmer
1x Dual Ball
2x Holon Research Tower
1x Sitrus berry
1x cursed stone
2x holon researcher
2x pokenav
1x Ancient tomb
1x magnetic storm
2x energy root
2x mysterious shard
1x fluffy berry
4x master ball
1x steven's advice
1x proffesor oaks research
1x holon fossil
3x bill's maintance
6x holon lakes
1x holon ruins
1x winstorm
3x life herb
2x lanette's search

PM me if you need anything

I need (EM-on)
x2Cacturn ex (R. Holo)
x2Medicham ex (R. Holo)
x2Milotic ex (R. Holo)
x4Double Rainbow Energy
x3Darkness Energy
x4Wally's Training
x3Espeon ex
x2Feraligatr ex
x2Scizor ex
x2Meganium ex
x2Unown B
x2Unown M
x2Shiftry (Holofoil)
x2Victreebel (Holofoil)
x2Arcanine ex (Reverse Holo)
x2Dustox ex (Reverse Holo)
x1Mew ex (Reverse Holo)
x2Walrien ex (Holofoil)
x4Curse Powder
x5Mary's Request
x4Professor Elm's Training Method
x4Boost Energy
x2Kingdra (Holofoil)
x2Raichu (Holofoil)
x3Vileplume (Holofoil)
x4Crawdaunt-ex (Reverse Holo)
x3Mightyena-ex (Reverse Holo)
Cards I'am willing to trade:
Just name some and i'll reply with yes,
no, and maybe

Pokemon cards? Uk only here if you want! ^__^

Deoxys EX - ( symbal black star with a small line buy it ) SCAN IF WANTED.
Erikas Dratini AND erikas dragonair - ONLY GOING IN THE SET - Gym heroes.
SET DEAL , TWO diffrent treeckos - One groyvle and ONE sceptile. None holo .
Kanghaskan - Jungle - HOLO
Dragonite - Pokemon the first movie promotional
Muk - Fossil- ( SLIGHT damage )
Golduck - NO IDEA, - E-CARD
lt.Surges fearow - Gym heores ( HOLO )
Pinser - Jungle[/CODE]
Pikachu - Black star promo - Second movie
Blissey - NEO revalation ( HOLO )
Umbreon - NEO discovery ( VERY RARE )
Mudkip (*) - Icon a small "R" - I KNOW HOW MUCH THIS GOES FOR, I will NOT take little for it.
Moltres - Fossil ( NOT holo )
Slight Bents and a couple of marks - PIKACHU - pokemon the first movie ( WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING, Becuase of its damage )
Nintenales - Original set? ( holo ) - Bent on the top, willing to trade for little
Meowth - E-CARD promo tin ( holo )
Pikachu - E-CARD promo tin ( holo )
Vaporeon - Holo - Jungle
Raichu - Fossel -NON HOLO
Meowth - Pokemon tradeing card promo - Holo

I DO take a while to send, as I need to get stuff talking with my mother " etc " . The good ol' times of asking for stamps. As im not paying.
I ALWAYS go on second class delivery, dont expect me to be all "high" class pay, EXCEPT I may if I get to know you better. OR if Its a card im after.
I would scan my cards, but I have a digital camera for posting images of them. And if I Get a acception, I shall ask to see your card in offear, as in, See it.
Thank you.
Just to note, I DO send out cards. There ALL official and none faked. But I am willing to show you my cards before hand. Much thanks. And happy trading!

I have alot more, just ask.

All I want are eevee /eeveelutions, and Sandslash Cards ^_~
Brocks sandslash - Gym Chalange
Sandslash - HOLO FOIL - EX Sandstorm
Eevee - Aquapolis
Eevee - The black star promotional one from a while back.
I´ve got a german Legend Maker Deck and Mew ex is my best card!
After only 2 boosters I got it with Omastar!

Look. It´s a Water-Physic Deck!
Last edited:
Selling cards

I have a lot of pokemon cards all the way back from the begining, and including japanese cards. some are rare and some are not. i will sell all of them for $200 negotiable. invdividual prices will be posted after in quotations.
Pricing is based upon Pojo.com

E-mail me at [email protected] if your interested in any or all

x5 1st edition base. (Or 20 for all 4)

x1 Venusaur "10"
x1 Mewtwo "8"
x1 Machamp
x1 Poliwrath "5"
x1 Ninetales

x32 Base (or $20 for all)

x1 Alakazam "3"
x1 Beedrill
x1 Clefairy
x3 Dugtrio
x1 Dragonair
x2 Electabuzz
x2 Electrode
x1 Gyrados "3"
x2 Magneton
x1 Nidoking "3"
x2 Pidgeotto
x2 Devolution Spray
x3 Pokemon Trader
x1 Pokemon Breeder
x1 Item Finder
x1 Imposter Professor Oak
x1 Pokemon Flute
x1 Scoop Up
x1 Computer Search
x1 Celfairy Dol
x2 Super energy removal

x5 Jungle 1st Edition ($15 for all)

x2 Mr. Mime(f) "3" ($5 for both)
x1 Flareon(f) "5"
x1 Snorlax(f) "5"
x1 Venemoth(non foil)

x13 Jungle (20 for all)

x1 Clefable(foil) "3"
x2 Electrode(foil) "3" (5 for both)
x1 Jolteon(foil) "3"
x1 Kangaskhan(foil) "3"
x1 Pidgeot(non foil)
x1 Pinsir (foil) "3"
x2 Snorlax (foil) "3" (5 for both)
x2 Snorlax(nonfoil)
x1 victreebel(non foil)
x1 Vileplume(non foil)

Fossil 1st edition

x1 Kabutops (non foil)

x6 Fossil (10 for all)

x1 Aerodactyl(foil) "3"
x1 Haunter(foil) "3"
x1 Hypno(foil)
x1 Lapras(foil) "3"
x1 Muk(foil) "3"
x1 Magneton(foil)
x1 Zapdos(nonfoil)

x6 Base(japanese) (20 for all)

x1 Blastoise "10"
x1 Electrode
x1 Hitmonchan "5"
x1 Magneton "5"
x1 Nidoking "5"
x1 Pidegeotto

x12 Junlge(Jp) (40 for all)

x1 Clefable "5"
x1 Electrode "5"
x1 Flareon "10"
x1 Jolteon "5"
x1 Kangaskhan "5"
x1 Nidoqueen "5"
x1 Pinsir "8"
x1 Scyther "10"
x1 Vaporeon "5"
x1 Vileplume "5"
x1 Vitreebel "5"
x1 Wigglytuff "5"

Fossil(Jp) (40 for all)

x1 Gengar "5"
x1 Hitmonlee "5"
x1 Hypno "5"
x1 Kabutops "5"
x1 Lapras "5"
x1 Magneton "5"
x1 Mew "25"
x1 Moltres "5"

x43 Gym(Jp) (w/o Chansey, charizard, doduo: $50) ($80 for all)

x1 (Your names) Chansey "20"
x1 Blaine's Arcanine "5"
x1 Blaine's Charizard "20"
x1 Blaine's Kangaskhan
x1 Blaine's Moltres "5"
x1 Blaine's Nintales
x1 Brock's Golem
x1 Brock's Dugtrio
x1 Brock's Nintales "5"
x1 Erika's Clefable "5"
x1 Erika's Dragonair "5"
x1 Erika's Vileplume "5"
x1 Erika's Victreebel
x1 Erika's Venasaur "5"
x1 Giovanni's Machamp "5"
x1 Giovanni's Nidoking
x1 Giovanni's Persian "5"
x1 Imakuni's Doduo "10"
x1 Koga's Arbok
x1 Koga's Ditto "5"
x2 Koga's Pidgeotto
x1 Misty's Golduck "5"
x1 Misty's Gyrados "5"
x1 Rocket's Hitmonchan "5"
x1 Rocket's Mewtwo "5"
x1 Rocket's Scyther "5"
x1 Rocket's Snorlax
x1 Sabrina's Gengar "5"
x1 Sabrina's Golduck
x1 Sabrina's Venemoth
x1 Surge's Electabuzz "5"
x1 Surge's Fearow "5"
x1 Surge's Raichu "5"
x1 Giovanni, Sabrina, Surge, Misty(foil) "3 each"
x1 Erika, Blaine, Rocket, Koga, Brock, Surge "5" (for all)
My trading post

Hi all! I'm new here, so I hope you guys (or girls if any) can correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways, here's my trading thread (or in this case, trading post) from anyother forum. I just copy and paste to avoid wasting time going through my cards again. It all the same.

1) Only trade within Malaysia. I don't trade overseas.
2) Ref. Rules apply. Bad trader send first no matter what.
3) Send by Pos Express to ensure the cards reach safely. I always do.
4) We can also have an arrangement to trade face-to-face if you want to save postage fee.
5) Ask me about the conditions of the cards first because I sometimes forget to tell you. Also tell me if your cards are in bad condition.
6) I sell. I don't buy. So don't ask me to buy your cards.
7) Hope you have a good time tradin' and buyin'.

I have the right to edit the rules as I see fit.

I'm 90% player and 10% collector, so I sometimes accept slightly played cards like white edges or a few bends here and there. What I collect is Mudkips (Pop 4). I have 1 at the moment. So if we trade and you want to throw in or just trade for any of the commons from my haves, just let me know. Others that I collect are Flygons and some other Dragon-type Pokemon. (Salamence, Dragonite etc)

Before I list my cards, here are some keys:
AH = Alternate holo/Reverse holo

All the cards listed are for trading. I did not list all my common and uncommons, I just listed the AH and good ones. I have a lot especially Dragon Frontiers ones, so just ask and I'll see if I have what you asked for. I can also sell to you, but you offer a price. (Malaysia currency only) I prefer to sell commons and uncommons, here's the pricing:

RM1 for commons
RM1.50 for AH commons
RM2 for uncommon basic
RM2.50 for uncommon stage 1
RM3.00 for uncommon AH (both basic and stage 1)

Exs and Stars
1x Flareon ex (DS)
1x Lugia ex (UF)
1x Mightyena ex (HP)
1x Deoxys ex (Energy Burst, DX)
1x Regirock*
1x Celebi*

EX Dragon Frontiers
1x Snorlax d (AH)
1x Heracross d
1x Ninetails d
1x Nidoking d
2x Pinsir d
2x Ampharos d (1 AH)
3x Typhlosion d (1 AH)

1x Jynx d
1x Tropius d
1x Quagsire d
1x Gligar d
2x Dewgong d
2x Ledian d
2x Lickitung d
2x Xatu d (1 AH)
3x Seadra d (Smokescreen)
3x Mantine d
3x Vibrava d
3x Arbok d (1 AH)
5x Cloyster d (1 AH)

1x Dragonair d (AH)
1x Smeargle d (AH)
1x Bayleaf d (AH)
2x Electabuzz d
2x Seadra d
3x Swellow d (1 AH)

Commons (all AH)
1x Wooper d
1x Smoochum d
1x Vulpix d
1x Seel d
1x Dratini d
1x Horsea d
1x Ledyba d
1x Cyndaquil d

1x Holon Mentor
1x Old Rod (AH)
1x Holon Legacy (AH)
2x TV Reporter
2x Mr. Stone's Project (1 AH)
2x Strength Charm (1 AH)
3x Buffer Piece (1 AH)
3x Switch (1 AH)
2x Holon Energy GL
3x Holon Energy FF
4x Holon Energy WP (1 AH)
4x Boost Energy (1 AH)
5x Scramble Energy (1 AH)

EX Crystal Guardians
1x Wigglytuff
1x Ludicolo d
2x Mawile
2x Dugtrio
2x Banette (1 AH)
2x Camerupt (1 AH)
3x Macnetric (1 AH)

1x Kingler d
1x Medicham
1x Venusaur
1x Grovlye d
2x Igglybuff
2x Swampert
2x Grumpig
3x Cacturne d (1 AH)

1x Nuzleaf
1x Combusken
1x Charmeleon d
1x Charmeleon
1x Ivysaur
2x Grovlye

Commons (all AH)
1x Wingull
1x Charmander
1x Squirtle

1x Double Full Heal
1x Dual Ball
1x Poke Ball (AH)
1x Crystal Shard (AH)
2x Mysterious Shard
3x Cessation Crstal (1 AH)

EX Holon Phantoms
1x Gyarados d
1x Deoxys d (AH)
1x Kabutops d
2x Vileplume d (1 AH)
2x Fighting Energy
5x Water Energy

1x Blaziken
1x Relicanth
1x Sableye
1x Regice
1x Registeel
1x Regirock
1x Torkoal
1x Rayquaza d
1x Nosepass

1x Chimencho d (I may have more)
1x Wobbuffet
1x Persian d
1x Aerodactlye d
1x Donphan
2x Whiscash
1x Camerupt (AH)
1x Primeape d

Commons (all AH)
1x Oddish d

1x Mysterious Fossil
2x Root Fossil
2x Claw Fossil
3x Holon Fossil
1x Metal Energy
3x Darkness Energy

EX Legend Maker
1x Kabutops
1x Muk
1x Aggron (AH)
1x Machamp
1x Shiftry (AH)
1x Aerodactyle
1x Gengar
1x Cradily

1x Wobuffet
1x Spinda
1x Girafarig
1x Magneton (AH)
2x Lunatone (1 AH)
2x Solrock
2x Omastar
4x Huntail

1x Electrode
1x Vibrava (AH)
2x Dunsparce

1x Full Flame
1x Strange Cave
1x Giant Stump
1x Cursed Stone (AH)
2x Claw Fossil
2x Mysterious Fossil
2x Root Fossil
2x React Energy

EX Delta Species
*Sorry, not tradin'

1x Hypno
1x Azurill
1x Slowking (AH)
1x Starmie d (AH)
1x Weezing
1x Rain Castform

1x Hariyama
2x Persian

Commons (all AH)
1x Marill

1x Holon Research Tower
1x Switch
1x Master Ball
1x Holon Researcher
1x Holon Energy FF
1x Holon Energy GL
2x Metal Energy

EX Unseen Forces
1x Houndoom
1x Forretress

1x Tyrougue
1x Hitmontop
1x Hitmonlee (AH)
1x Murkrow
1x Lugia
1x Ho-Oh (AH)
2x Smoochum
3x Jynx

1x Clefable

1x Fluffy Berry
1x Protective Orb
1x Energy Search
1x Energy Removal 2
1x Poke Ball
1x Mary's Request
1x Pokemon Reversal (AH)
1x Metal Energy
1x Cyclone Energy
2x Darkness Energy

EX Emerald
1x Deoxys (AH)

1x Groudon
1x Relicanth

1x Electrode (AH)

1x Lum Berry
1x Mr. Stone's Project (AH)
1x Darkness Energy (AH)

EX Deoxys
1x Breloom
1x Ninjask
2x Claydol

1x Tropius
1x Magcargo
1x Whiscash
1x Mightyena (AH)
1x Seaking (AH)
1x Lunatone

1x Manetric (AH)

1x Space Center
1x Meteor Falls
1x Energy Charge (AH)
1x Crystal Shard (AH)
2x Scramble Energy

Well, that's my haves for trading. Now is my Wants.

1x Espeon ex (UF)
1x Jolteon ex (DS)
Xx Holon's Castform (HP)
2x Pyschic Holo Energy (HP)
2x Warp Point (Any set accepted, prefer CG)
3x Eevee d (DS)
3x Flygon d (HP)

Most likely I'll only trade for my wants. But if your offer is good and I need the cards you offer, I might trade.

Long eh? Took me around 50 minutes to type.
charizard EX (firered/leafgreen)

staraptor holo 16/130 (diamond/pearl)
mantyke reverse 55/130 (diamond/pearl
luxio (pre-release) 52/130 (diamond/pearl
crawdaunt non holo 13/97 (EX dragon)
arcanine non-holo 18/112 (firered/leafgreen)
moltres promo 21 non-holo
skarmory non-holo 21/97 (EX dragon)
articuno 22 promo non-holo X2
zapdos 23 promo non holo X2 (one is almost destroyed)
dugtrio non-holo 22/112 (firered/leafgreen)
kingler 26/112 non holo (firered/leafgreen)
raichu 24/62 non-holo (fossil)
computer search trainer 71/102 (base set)
darkness energy 103/113 non--holo (delta species)

if your intrested pm me (must be willing to post to UK)

shinx stuff priority!!!

haves..... a hell of a lot, i bought a box for mysterious tresures, secret wonders and great encounters
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