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Tranquill, Scraggy, Swadloon, Palpitoad or Boldore? Which do you prefer with Ash?

Which do you prefer with Ash?

  • Tranquill and Scraggy

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • Tranquill and Swadloon

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Tranquill and Palpitoad

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Tranquill and Boldore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scraggy and Swadloon

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Scraggy and Palpitoad

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Scraggy and Boldore

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Swadloon and Palpitoad

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Swadloon and Boldore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Palpitoad and Bolbore

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
Reaction score
These are the Pokemon we've called Ash's reserves (despite us knowing that he sends the starters to juniper from BW050)
And yes I do count Scraggy as a reserve, he may be the most developed but his appearance count is still way low with up to 12 episodes difference.
Indeed Scraggy, along with Tranquill and Palpitoad have a second class appearance rate to the starters and both Swadloon and Roggenrola/Boldore can easily be forrgotten, but who is the best character? Who has the most potential?

And if Ash was going to have only 6 Pokemon this series as usual, which two of these would you like him to have alongside Pikachu, Oshawott, Tepig and Snivy?
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Scraggy is clearly the most important and it's developed similar to Gliscor, Glalie and Donphan. Palpitoad is fine.

The bird and bug are a waste. After Swellow and Stâraptor Ash didn't need another generic bird. The bug is pointless.

After how badly developed Ash's Johto team was I never thought we'd see a team handled even worse but here we are. And I thought things couldn't possibly get worse than the way the Johto team was handled a decade ago.
I would have stuck with Tranquill and Scraggy, mabye Boldore, you'd hope if it was only a team of 6 they'd all get more equal screentime and development.

By the way I added a poll.
Scraggy is easily the best of the bunch. Pretty much ties with Snivy as the best overall of the BW team.

Palpitoad has earned some merit as of late, so I guess I'll choose it even though I'm not really sure if it's an ideal species for Ash to have. Anything bulky is suspect to me because Ash looooooves his glass cannons.

... And really, to hell with all the others.
I would all of them exchange with the starters! These Pokes are so much better and can develop so much more than the starters!
Okay we all love Oshawott and Snivy(indiferent to Tepig, maybe be better whenm it evolves)!
But do we remember how Sewaddle was sweet when it first was captured, he was a keeper right away!
Scraggy is such a cool Poke and is one of these clumsy sweeties which catches Ur heart right away! And Scraggy was one of my strongest Pokes(in the games) beside the starter and Liligant!
Tranquill isn't my favorite Poke I would rather see Washibon is Ash's team! But it is a counter to Trip's and I hope it kicks Trips Tranquills Ass!
Palpitoad! Is just a keeper! This dark eyes, dangerous smile and attitude is so much more than Tepig has! And by the way it has amazing moves!
Boldore is a tough Poke and showed real power through this few episodes it appeared! and who can't ove a ONE-EYED ROCK!???

But I choose Swadloon and Palpitoad as my favs!
Hatohbo, Zurrug or Gamagaru for me. The first one because it showed signs of comedy before being shelved, the second because it's interesting, funny and has good interactions with Satoshi and Kibago and the latter because it actually does things, unlike Kurumayu and Dangoro, who haven't shown anything interesting at all in my opinion.
Tranquil and Boldore are the only ones I don't really care for. The former, because it's largely redundant and overall has very little to offer in terms of differentiating itself from it's predecessors. The latter, because it's a mon line I just don't like, full stop. Both of these could do nothing for the entire series and I honestly wouldn't be bothered.

Swadloon I'm somewhat indecisive about. I really want to like this guy, because hell, I actually love it's evolution line, and think that it has a lot to offer, despite the fact that Snivy is quashing it's options. Unfortunately, they're not doing anything with it, which is really disappointing. I know I'm not the only one who finds Swadloon to be a hilarious looking pokemon, nor do I believe I'm the only one who thinks a perpetually depressed/cynical/dour pokemon could've been a lot of laughs.

Palpitoad I'm good with. Cool move set, cool pokemon. The only thing missing here is the personallity he displayed in his debut episode, but as a battler, he's a solid choice.

Scraggy I really like personality-wise, and don't want to see him benched any time soon. I appreciate the fact that when he shows up, there's usually some good characterisation to go along with it. And despite the fact that it may only be sparring with Kibago, it's pretty much the only pokemon that we've seen growing stronger on a consistent basis.
That said...why is he almost 60 episodes into the series with only have 2 real moves?

In short; Scraggy and Palpitoad are awesome, the rest I could do without.
I like Scraggy, such a likeable pokemon and plus has had some decent development so far. I also like palpitoad since it does have a couple of quick wins under its belt and it has hydro pump! If both evolve those 2 can really be useful for the league.
This is complicated for me.

Hatoboh and Assface need to go, for certain.

But I love Kurumayu as a species, in fact it's one of my favorites of all of Gen 5 (even though i hate its evo and am only lukewarm about its pre-evo). HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THE :< FACE. It's just... Satoshi's is so boring ~_~

I am okay with Gamagaru because it has potential to be interesting, and I'm honestly just waiting for some Muggyo bromance.

Zuruggu is a highlight of Satoshi's team. He's incredibly funny, super cute, and has a very original, lulzy personality. It made me actually like its line, which I thought was absolutely fugs in the games.
Please don't hate me but Swadloon and Boldore are my favorites. Tranquil doesn't have a personality and Scraggy is too much like a Gligar clone. And Palpitoad is a over powerhouse. I love how it spam wins it's battles.
Meh, it honestly doesn't really matter to me which two are on-hand. I just want to see all of them get their share of screentime.
Why is there no option with more than two pokemon? or one for all 4?

Personally, I say Tranquil is the most pointless. I'm tired of the stupid "Ash catches the new generation early game normal/flying type" cliche, and it needs to stop. He doesn't even have the chance to send it out to pop TR's balloons anymore, so why even bother? Why does he need a flying type? All the rest of the reserves are much more interesting and I'd like to see all of them get more screen time. They need to stop pimping out Oshawott and Tepig ><.
Scraggy is easily my first choice, my favourite Pokemon of BW after Snivy. His trouble making ways remind me a little of Ash's Corphish in AG, who I also loved. I worry that he won't prosper under this current incarnation of Ash, who seems to be having trouble training any of his Pokemon, let alone a temperamental baby, but we'll have to wait and see.

Second choice is much more difficult, but I guess I'll have to go with Palpitoad. I haven't seen much of him in action yet, but I like him much more than the others. I hope we get to see him interact with Cilan's Stunfisk; I see them as the gangsters of the group. Plus, since none of the remaining gym leaders use Grass-types, the writers won't be able to troll us and make Ash look like an idiot for using Palpitoad against them. (If he uses Swadloon against Skyla, I swear I'll quit watching)
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Zuruggu is an easy choice, but if Pokabu evolves I can see it getting put on the backburner for a bit. But it has a lot of personality and potential (especially if it evolves) so I'd like to see him stick around.

I'm torn over Gamagaru, Dangoro/Gantle and Hatoboh though.

Gamagaru is a Ground/Water type, but he already has a water type in Mijumaru. However, the immunity to electricity is a nice bonus. Depends what moves it learns, really.

Dangoro/Gantle...I'm assuming it has the Sturdy ability, if that's showcased at all, and again, could come in handy come the league. Rock types are always a nice addition to a team.

Hatoboh...eh. It hasn't done too much so far, and it's just the standard 'Satoshi's Normal/Flying catch'. Again, a Flying type would be a nice addition. But does he NEED a flying type? Not really, no.

In the end, I say Zuruggu and Dangoro/Gantle. We don't know if Pokabu is going to evolve, so a Fighting type will be good to have around, and Dangoro/Gantle would add a nice balance.
I like how the last option says bolbore, because that's exactly what it is.

Scraggy and Palpitoad for sure. I mean, I actually have a soft spot for Tranquil, because I loved using it in the games and the fact that it mirrors Trip's pokemon makes for some possible parallels later, but...she hasn't been living up to her full potential.

Scraggy on the other hand has an excellent personality and is actually getting some focus and development. Plus, it has that bromance thing going with Axew, making that little lizard demon more tolerable.

And Palpitoad is just an awesome pokemon and I hope it evolves and/or marry Stunfisk and lays several eggs or whatever.
Swadloon's cute, but it has no personality. At least Scraggy and Palpitoad have more potential to be interesting. Scraggy in particular, I was surprised that it hasn't got more screen-time.
Palpitoad and Scraggy for sure. Scraggy has had pretty good development, and both Pokémon have much more personality than the other three. Those two just have the most potential.
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