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Unbelievable facts that most people don't know

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Jan 24, 2005
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The town of Los Angeles, California: according to Spanish Wikipedia, the original name was "Nuestra Señora Reina de los Ángeles", then "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula", then "El Pueblo de la Reina de los Ángeles", then the actual name, which is the one we use today.

9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison was the one who invented the lightbulb. This isn't true; it was really Joseph Swan.

The largest living thing on the face of the Earth is a mushroom underground in Oregon, it measures three and a half miles in diameter.

Most people believe it's the blue whale.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.

The average penis length is 5.5 inches.

The average vaginal depth is 8 inches.

Assuming that the population of Earth is 6 billion (and that's a very conservative estimate), that leaves you with 3 billion women.

If every women is losing two inches of possible penetration, that means that there are 7.5 billion wasted inches of vagina, aka:

625,000,000 feet, or 118,371 miles of wasted vagina.

This does not take into account lesbians.
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Here's a few more:

The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
Roses Ablaze said:
How long can the average toungue stick out of the mouth?

About 4-5 minutes before it goes all dry and icky.

MistyIRC said:
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

The world may never know.
I've got a few more...

A dime always has 118 ridges.

Every portion of air you breath is breathed by someone else less than a second later.

The most common name is Mohammed (a lot of you probably knew that).

A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

Butterflies taste with their feet.

Cats have 32 muscles in each ear.

Bert and Ernie of Sesame are named after Bert the cop and Ernie the driver in "It's a Wonderful Life".

All fifty states' names are hidden in a 5 dollar bill.

Zak said:
Bert and Ernie of Sesame are named after Bert the cop and Ernie the driver in "It's a Wonderful Life".
That's a rumor, not a fact. "Characters named Bert and Ernie appear in the film It's a Wonderful Life as a cop and a taxi driver, respectively, though the use of the names by Henson is said to be a coincidence."

I quote the Wikipedia, but my source of knowing this is Sesame Street Unpaved, the official behind-the-scenes Sesame Street book, which I own and have read cover to cover. *such a dork*
Sesame Street Unpaved

I have to find this book. Sesame Street was such a huge part of my childhood. And Ernie was one of my favorite characters.
You do! It's a good book.

One of my particular favorite tidbits from the book is that the Count is a player: He has two girlfriends, Countess Dahling von Dahling and Countess von Backwards.
kiyone said:

The town of Los Angeles, California: according to Spanish Wikipedia, the original name was "Nuestra Señora Reina de los Ángeles", then "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula", then "El Pueblo de la Reina de los Ángeles", then the actual name, which is the one we use today.

According to the Guinneus book, the second one is still the name.
Helen Keller was a socialist.
Nicola Tesla invented the telephone.
Lizzie Borden didn't do it.
Go Ask Alice is a work of fiction.
Barb said:
The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

Don't worry, I'm sure that someone will be able to copyright the word. But what is it? :p (j/k)

- Trip
Fun facts about the human body:

A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph.

A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.

A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.

A healthy individual releases 3.5 oz. of gas in a single flatulent emission, or about 17 oz. in a day.

A human being loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair a day.

A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.

A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 mph.

According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week.

According to the Kinsey Institute, the biggest erect penis on record measures 13 inches. The smallest tops off at 1 3/4 inches.

After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear pink.

An average human drinks about 16, 000 gallons of water in a lifetime.

An average human scalp has 100,000 hairs.

An average person uses the bathroom 6 times per day.

An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.

Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood we have only 206 in our bodies.

Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime.

Blondes have more hair than dark-haired people.
10 things you really didn't want to know....

1. During an hours swimming at a public pool you will ingest 1/12 litre of urine.

2. In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles etc.)

3. An average persons yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.

4. In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects -while you slept!

5. Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

6. Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

7. In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of you dirty linen basket.

8. At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests.

9. Daily you will breath in 1 litre of other peoples' anal gases.

10. Sharing a bag of crisps with a friend gives you a 10% chance of ingesting a small amount of their faeces.
Here's one: There are TWO sets of 10 Commandments listed in the Bible. The ONLY thing they share is the whole "thou shalt worship no other God."

I'm just curious as to why I've never heard of that before.
Just to point out, Sharpshooter, a while back on sppf, someone had that exact same list in their siggy. Dont know why I remember. Then there's the new Trapinch, 3d nintendo character trend goin' on now.
I get around
oh yeah, I have just one
Did you know the highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado? *finds it hard to believe*
Crystal Clair said:
Just to point out, Sharpshooter, a while back on sppf, someone had that exact same list in their siggy. Dont know why I remember.

Indeed I remember and I'll give you one guess who that might've been :-D
How big is a million?

  • To make a million marks with a pencil at one mark a second, it would take you 278 hours of nonstop writing, or 11 days and 14 hours.
  • A common housefly is only 3/10ths of an inch long. If it were a million times bigger, it would be 25,000 feet--almost 5 miles--long.
  • A human hair multiplied by a million would be wider than a city block.
  • A 6-foot man whose height was multiplied by a million would be approximately 1136 miles tall (lying down, he'd stretch from Chicago, IL, to Galveston, TX).
  • If you spend $1000 a day, it would take you 2-3/4 years to spend a million dollars.
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