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Unexpected Journey Art

Seadra Reef

Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
"Now that UJ is back from the dead, I'm actually getting an artist's rendition of characters or action-packed sequences from the real story! Yes, I present to you the wonderful work of the talented and beautiful Seadra Reef! Most of you know her, some of you don't, but by the time my epic epic is praised and read by many, none of you will go without hearing her name.

"In other news, what Seadra's doing after releasing this batch of kawaii, fangirl-attracting pictures is drawing one picture per chapter. Sometimes, the picture may only be of a character or two, sometimes it will feature a picture of (like I said above) an action-packed sequence or maybe just a gaze between two lovers or such. You get the idea. I advise everyone to do the following:

Praise Seadra for her wonderful work
Praise me for such a wonderful story
Eagerly anticipate the next installment of UJ: Kanto

"And finally, when the chapter and picture come out, look at the picture first before reading the chapter. It makes for a better reading of the chapter, when you go, "Aha! That's who the picture is drawn of!" or "Oho! I vividly recall seeing a picture of this action-packed sequence! It's like I'm actually there!"

"Well, I think I've said my piece and probably a little more, as well.

~Rocky "That's what I get for posting whilst writing UJ chapter 7. I can't stop writing." Cliffs"




.... Don't mind Rocky. The art sucks. The first two pictures are a year old. X_X; .... And as for big action shots... Haha, you wish. XP
P.S. In the first picture I have a flaming crotch. It's true.

~Rocky "Envy me." Cliffs
Wow. Those are drawn great! I'm impressed. They look so real, I feel like I can reach out and touch them *tries to touch cute Pichu and slams hand into screen* Ouch... Pain... Haha, great job, those are awesome, I'm impressed.
Those are some cute pics, SeadraReef! I love the cuteness of that Oddish and the Charmander ^_^. The only thing that bothers me a little is that Pichu looks very small on the second pic and a bit bigger than it is supposed to be in the last pic. But all of your drawings are very nice, nonetheless.

By the way, welcome back to the forums to the both of you! ^_^

Kasumi "I missed you, Seadra and Rocky Cliffs" Chan Xd
Oh, I dragged Seadra back. She didn't want to return, but I made her. Glad to see you remembered me! I remembered you!

~Rocky "Sleep. Tired." Cliffs
Wow Seadra Reef, those are excellent drawings! I really like the charmander in the first picture, it looks amazing! And the trainers looks really good too. Although, I think that the pichu would look better if it's head was a bit bigger, but other then that, excellent. :)
Rocky Cliffs said:
Oh, I dragged Seadra back. She didn't want to return, but I made her.

INDEED! Because of you I keep coming back to this scary place! Rar! *gnaws on your sleeve* X3

As for the Pichu's size... Ha. In the first picture with Pichu, Rocky complained that it was too small. That, and this drawing was done over a year ago. The other picture with Pichu was actually drawn yesterday. =O! And, remembering his comments from A YEAR AGO I remembered to make it bigger. =O!!! ..... Yes. The old pictures must burn.
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Wow, that's some darn good art!
I love the expressions, and the sketchy look. (Happens to love sketchy looks)
Nice done!

*continues to gnaw on Rocky's sleeve* X3
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