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Unofficial Star Trek Club

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Jessiebelle pwns you
Aug 22, 2005
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Yes I know, like Pkmn Trainer Lisa's Futurama Club, it's not an anime and it's not a cartoon, but I came up with this unofficial club is because I love Star Trek. We can talk about the TV series, movies, novels, fan fiction, fan film, and fan art. We can also talk about Trek XI, and Enhanced TOS. We can also talk about crossovers. And we can also talk about Mirror Universes and Parallels.
Oh and you dont have to ask me if you can join but no bashing.
Who gets to go first?
Hmm I don't like aspects of Trek, I like TNG, Voyager and Enterprise I guess.. oh and the last four movies ^_^ I'd better not talk about fanfiction here cos I'll just talk about FV lol.

Carry on
Oh, I will definitely join this club! I grew up on Trek and have seen every episode and every movie that's been made. Hell, I was one of the many fans that got TOS renewed after its second season.

My list of favorite shows from top to bottom: TOS, DS9, TNG, Voyager, and Enterprise.

My list of favorite movies from top to botton: IV, II, VI, First Contact, III, I, Insurrection, Generations, V, Nemesis.
Hey, what do you think about J. J. Abrams reviving the Star Trek franchise?
*communicator sound* Beam me up, Scotty.

I love seeing TOS after so long. I had forgotten what it was like. Been watching too many TNG reruns. I lost interest somewhere in DS9 and I only saw a few Voyager eps. I only saw a couple or so of Enterprise and that was it for me. I like movie IV the best, too. I have not seen all of the movies, though. I am not one of those people that have to know all the details or even remember episodes by name.

If I could get a costume, I would probably want either a TOS uniform or the movie one. I can't decide.
Boo Star Wars prequels! Hooray Star Trek!

I'll join up! I grew up on TNG, and as such it will always hold a very special place in my heart. I haven't seen all the series in full, but I'm working on it, having recently finished the first season of Enterprise. My favorite series are TNG and TOS, about equally--and I haven't seen enough of the others to make an educated call. What little I've seen of Voyager was long ago during its first run, and I don't recall a thing about it. DS9 has never been able to hold my interest long, but I'm going to try watching the whole series through in order and see if that helps. :)

My list of favorite films reads thusly: I, II, IV, V, First Contact, VI, Generations, III, Nemesis, Insurrection. Yes, V is supposed to be where it is, and no, Nemesis ISN'T last. Both for very good reason. Shocker.

Hey, what do you think about J. J. Abrams reviving the Star Trek franchise?

It worries me, is what I think. Although I WOULD put him in charge of Trek XI before some Star Trek fanboy. But the prequel premise already has me expecting the worst. I suppose that means it can only turn out better, right? ;-)
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I'm surprised this thread was resurrected! Good for you, NX-01.

Hey, what do you think about J. J. Abrams reviving the Star Trek franchise?

If the rumors are true that it will be a prequel about Kirk and Spock in Starfleet Academy, then I'm really doubtful it will turn out well. First, I think there will be many violations of canon. Second, since TOS is being aired again, there will be new fans who will inevitably compare the original actors to the ones in the movie and I think whoever they cast in the movie will fail in comparison.

I think the best thing for Trek would be for it to go completely away for five or better yet, ten years. The old fans would be replaced by new fans with no preconceived ideas. (Of course, we Trekkers from the very beginning in 1966 would watch too!)

That's largely the formula that worked so well for the movies. As I recall, the first movie came out 13 years after TOS. A couple of more movies and the audience was primed to receive TNG, which went on to garner huge ratings even though it wasn't aired on a major network.

Unfortunately, Paramount went to the well too many times to milk the franchise for as much money as it could get. Too many movies and too many television series with diminishing quality killed the franchise. The franchise needs a good, long rest to recover its energy and come up with compelling ideas to attract new viewers.

BTW, does anyone know if the animated series is available on DVD?
I think the best thing for Trek would be for it to go completely away for five or better yet, ten years. The old fans would be replaced by new fans with no preconceived ideas.

I wholeheartedly agree that it's in the best interest of Trek to go on hiatus for longer than three years (time between end of Enterprise and Trek XI's release). There IS such thing as too much of a good thing. People need to WANT Star Trek again; right now too many still have the bitter taste of Enterprise and Nemesis in their mouths. I kept hoping that the rumors of an eleventh movie that started surfacing a couple years ago would turn out to be just rumors, but alas.

Besides needing a hiatus, I think the prequel premise--which is all the rage in Hollywood now--is counter-productive for Star Trek. Is it any wonder that Enterprise was short-lived? Besides messing with prior canon, it was looking back, toward the past (relative, of course, to the other series' timelines)--not forward, and the future is Star Trek's core. Reviving the TNG/DS9/Voyager timeline in another series would yield just as stagnant results. Star Trek needs the freshness that would be found by warping the timeline of a hypothetical new series forward into say, at least the 25th century. It needs new ideas, new writers, and above all, new producers. All who appreciate Roddenberry's vision, but who also appreciate pushing boundaries (in the spirit of TOS) and above all, have something new for us to ponder (when Star Trek is at its best). THAT'S what I'd like to see 10 or 15 years from now.

BTW, does anyone know if the animated series is available on DVD?

Yep, it is, as of last week. I just saw it in Target the other night, too, so it's out there!
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I think the prequel premise--which is all the rage in Hollywood now--is counter-productive for Star Trek. Is it any wonder that Enterprise was short-lived? Besides messing with prior canon, it was looking back, toward the past (relative, of course, to the other series' timelines)--not forward, and the future is Star Trek's core.

"Enteprise" failed because the writers didn't know what they were doing, not because it was a prequel. Not only did the very first episode introduce the idea of time travel--always the crutch of writers who don't know what else to do--it began with a Klingon being chased by Sulibans (new aliens we'd never heard of before) and moved on to the Xindi (whose attack on Earth seems to have been overlooked in everything shown before), all the while showing familiar aliens like the Vulcans in ways we'd never expect to see them. Oh yeah, Archer by himself corrects things to the ways we've seen things.

And how did the series end? As a TNG holodeck episode where Riker watched the final moments leading to the formation of the Federation to help him decide if he wanted to be a captain of a starship. Plus, all we got to see was a far away shot of Archer on some dais signing the treaty? I mean, we've put up with 4 years of really bad writing and we don't even get to see the Federation born?
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Hey, I was reading the fanfic HyperWarp(Shown here at The Trek BBS: HyperWarp) and This would make a great TNG Miniseries, it about the Enterprise-E is Retrofitted with Voyager, Kilngon, Romulan, Tholian, Gorn, and Borg Technologies and a new FTL Propusion drive is actually a combination of Transwarp and Quantum Slipstream called the Hyperwarp Drive, four months before the refit, The United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Tholian Assembly, and Gorn Hegemony has formed the new Federation Alliance. It has Captain Riker and the Crew of the U.S.S. Titan. And before you say something, yes Data has been killed, but there are some possibilities that Data did survive the destruction of the Reman Warbird. But there's also be intresting to the franchise, what if the series was in CGI and officially concidered as canon. And after the miniseries ended, they should have the new series take place in the early 25th Century after the events of Star Trek Online. While taking a break on the Enterprise Legacy, how would you like to see a different Starship with a different name besides Voyager and Defiant? Tell me which class, canon or non-canon, will it be and what Starship name. *phew* So, what do you think?

I would want to see another Voyager related canon thing actually *cough* movie based before they got home, of after to show C/7 only lasted an episode *cough*

Uh.. would anyone like a Voyager fanfic series?? Anyone?? ;)

I would want to see another Voyager related canon thing actually *cough* movie based before they got home, of after to show C/7 only lasted an episode *cough*

Uh.. would anyone like a Voyager fanfic series?? Anyone?? ;)

Sure, um... which Voyager, Fifth Voyager or Post-Nemesis Voyager?
Hey, how would you like to see the novel Star Trek: Titan turned into a TV series?
Not really, I never read it but no.

FV should be a TV show *snigger*, I could do with some cash that isn't tainted by doing nightshifts that make me miss it's anniversary today ¬_¬ Happy sixth FV, sigh.
the gadfly, how about you, would you like to see Star Trek: Titan as a TV series?
I haven't read the novel. Is that one where Riker is the captain?
Yep I think that's the ship he takes over right after Nemesis takes place.
Hyperwarp Updated

Here's the Updated version of Hyperwarp
Oh, on Hyperwarp, Do you think that J. J. Abrams create the Miniseries based on it?
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