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Unova: The New Adventure begains [PG-13]

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Wrath Reign

Magical Beast Hunter
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Plot:Your one of the 6 new trainers.Your allowed to get any starter you want (that means any of the starters,only starters)to start your journey.You will all travel through reigain your starter is from.The day you go to pick your starter,while your eatting breakfast the tv goes to a important news cast.It says Team Rocket,Team Galactic,Team Aqua,Team Magma,and Team Plasma have joined together to make Team Dimond.After the news cast goes off,you go to the lab and get your starter.


1.No Godmoding,Bunnying,whatever you want to call it.

2.If your fighting a real person (a different user) no auto-hitting

3.I deside if you catch a pokemon,I'm not that hard on people,trust me.

4.No killing or anything of that sort

5.I want cussing to either a minimum or NONE at all,preferably NONE

6.All Bulbagarden rules apply

Team Dimond Sign up:

Username: (your user name)

Name:(first and last,middle optional)



(Hair,eyes,clothing.Team Dimond just wears whatever they normally wear,because they stay undercover)


(what are they like?)


(what has their life been like?Only the really important events,and it must include why they joined Team Dimond)


(anything else?)

Trainer Sign Up:

Username: (your user name)

Name: (first and last,middle is optional)

Age: (12-18)




(what are they like?)


(What has their life been like?Only important events.)


(Pokemon Master,Breeder,Gym Leader,Elite Four,ect)

Other:Anything else?

Note:Whatever age you are is whatever

Team Dimond info:

They can be trainers too,and they can catch pokemon too,and beens their under cover,they can blend in around others.Team Dimond's goal is:

To get all of the trainers to relese their pokemon.They however DON'T relese theirs.They make profits by making and selling normal idems (like stuff you'd see in real life and video games and stuff) to make money to make machines to destroy pokeballs and buy them all to get rid of them.Then they plan to take over the world and make all of the humans and all of the pokemon wild and still captured their slaves as well.The reason their called Team Diamond?Because Diamonds are supposably the strongest of jewels!

My Sign up: (Trainer)

User:N's Offical Princess

Name:Ariana Casscada Serestial



Her hair is Candy apple red and goes to her waist.She has blue eyes.Her skin is perfectly tanned.She has a model's body and her nails are painted Scarlet (red).She wears a tank top thats Rosso corsa (red) and blue jean shorts.Her traveling flip flops are also Rosso corsa.Sometimes she wears a Rosso corsa (again red) baseball cap to keep the sun out of her eyes.Her backpack is candy apple red and the zippers are gold colored (not real gold).


Ariana is one of the most cheerful people.She loves cheering others up and helping out.She loves sunshine and she was a cheerleader at her school.She wears bright and cheery colors to fit her personality."Sunny,cloudy,snow or rain,I'm cheerful just the same" is her motto.She cares truthfully for anybody,she'll even help those who are evil if they really really need it.


Ever sence Ariana was 4 years old she's wanted to be a trainer.She lives life to the fullest no matter what.She always wanted Oshawott,and when someone made fun of it she defending Oshawott intill the fight was ended.When she was 12 she was on the cheersquad.The school colors were red and white.When she was 16 she was fianally able to be a trainer.She was born in Numeva town.

Other:Her boyfriend is N.In this RP Toyuo or whatever her name is NEVER existed,and its a differnt sorry line.He still doesn't know about the bad things he's doing.

Okay 1 person per starter

Untaken Waters: Squirtal,Totidile,Mudkip,Piplup

Untaken Fires: Charmander,Cindiquil,Torchic,Chimchar,Tepig

Untaken Grass: Bulbasaur,Chikirita,Treeko,Tertwig,Snivy

Taken pokemon

Water: Oshawott,Mudkip

Fire: Torchic

Grass: Treecko
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Username: Calvin127

Name: Calvin O'Brien

Age: 16

Appearance: Fair skin, golden-brown spiky hair, hollow, cold blue eyes, blue hat with gray Pokeball symbol, blue sleeveless 6 pocket vest, gray long sleeve undershirt, blue gloves with gray fingers, blue cargo jeans, blue and gray backpack, and blue shoes with gray trim. Stands at 5'9" with an average build. His right leg is two inches longer than his left, so he will either lean to his left side, or stand straight and balance on his right leg. He also wears a size 14 shoe, and coincidentally, his shoe size goes up every year, as does his height by 6 inches.

Personality: Calvin is generally mellow and hard to provoke. He fights for his friends, and if you cross him, you'll get no sympathy from him. He is a true gentleman, brave, serious, and usually up for a battle, but he can be antisocial at times. If his sister is insulted, or threatened in any way, he may respond violently.

History: Calvin is the youngest in his family, along with his twin sister, Camille. He lived in Twinleaf Town with his family. His older sister and brother, along with their parents, were brutally killed by Team Diamond when the twins were 7. The twins managed to escape with their lives, and fled, ending up in Nacrene City a few days later. They went to Nacrene City, where their aunt lived. She took them in without a second thought, and took care of them unitl they turned 10 and became trainers.

Goal: Pokemon Master


Username: Calvin127

Name: Camille O'Brien

Age: 16

Appearance: Fair skin, long golden-brown straight hair, blue eyes, 5'7", slender hourglass figure, black short-sleeve blouse, white long-sleeve undershirt, black skirt, black leggings, black ballerina shoes.

Personality: Camille is generally mellow, and hard to provoke. She is friendly to everyone she meets. She tends to use her attractiveness to get what she wants. She is eager to learn about new things, and always does her best. When faced with a conversation subject with which she can easily relate, she almost never shuts up.

History: See Calvin's.

Goal: Pokemon Master

Hey thanks for signing up!I've seen you on sevral rps I've looked at and you seem like a really good rper.So your playing both of them right?I'm playing Ariana and N so its good.Thanks again for signing up :) and I'm assuming there boy and girl twins right? (Idk the tecnical term)
Okay I hope the spots get filled up soon,I worked hard for this rp.
Ikr!I made a rp a few weeks ago,still need two more peps.I made a fan fic about around a month ago I think,NOBODY has commented on it!
Really, I have the same problem.(fanfics, I mean.) I have two, and hardly anyone's reviewed. Link me to it.
I sent you a message with it,but the link is also in my signature.I'm going to put the links to this rp and my other rp in it soon.I post on a bunch of stuff,so that'll help give it publicity.
Username: vampiremessiah51

Name: Trill Celdon

Age: 17

Appearence: He's a stoic calm youth who takes his tasks seriously. Relatively pale he wears his hair short and spikey with a black headband (similar to Morty). He also tends to wear dark colors with accents of red or blue. His eyes are an extremely clear blue (almost gray) and he's fairly tall for his age (5'10'').

Personality: Despite his collected and serious personality he has a touch of friendliness about him that shines through when amongst friends. To those that don't know him however he comes across as blank and determined making him hard to read sometimes. His obvious desire to succeed though is hard to miss.

History: A native of Ecruteak city, his parents moved him to Pallet town in Kanto. He's always been a huge fan of Morty and Agatha and hopes to emulate them by becoming a master of Ghost and Dark pokemon. He also made friends with a Gastly near the burned tower, whom he named Spectre, though he couldn't bring his friend to Kanto with him. He hopes someday to return to Johto and meet his friend once again.

Goal: to become a master of Dark/Ghost pokemon
I don't understand. So we are all rping from different regions? If I choose Torchic, I will travel in Hoenn?? Then why is this titled Unova?? Or do we actually ALL travel in 1 region only??
Your accepted vampire.
Cityvillian we're all traveling in Unova,I see how that could be confusing
Name: Cirlu Kynara (first named prnounced Sir-loo)
Appearance: Average size with a nice body. Has thick, black curly hair that stops a few inches past her shoulders. One eye is silver and the other is pink, and she has a small scar under her left, silver eye that looks white compared to her tan, slick skin. She wair a gray baseball cap but backwards and her bangs come out from the small opening of the cap to cover part of her silver eye. Her tanktop is jet-black like her sneakers and she wears a short silver jacket with pink zippers that's always open so her golden( real gold) necklace is visible. Her skinny jeans are pure white with a gold colored belt to hold any pokeballs.

Personality: Faithful, knows martial arts, fit, and ery, very outgoing and funny. She's always taken pride in her survival skill knowledge (such as knowing what plants and berries are edible) and knows a varity of information about pokemon. Always cheerful and a bit obnoxious,those who don't know her just asume she's an average, kind, innocent person. But, those who know her know how strong she really is when it comes to serious and dangerous situations.
All around, she's a loyal, sweet companion who ALWAYS keeps her promises.

History: Her birth unplanned, Cirlu was raised by parents who didn't really want her but used her for chores, to beat her when they were drunk and stressed, and to work jobs for them. Despite all this, at age 13 got the guts to run away from home and snuck on a ship that took her away from Johto and to Kanto.
Living as a street rat with no bright future, she decided to treat everyday with a smile in hope of finding a real reason to. Heard about Team Diamond and decided to join for she longed for company...and pokemon..

Goal: to create a powerful friednship with her to-be pokemon team so that she can become N's princess and N himself's loyal assist!

(did I do this right?)
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Username: Hakua

Name: Evelyn Mist

Age: 14

Appearence: Light reddish-brown hair with tints of blond on the tips, the hair lengths to Evelyn's mid-back. Her eyes are a variety of colours,: green, blue, gray anf smidegs of brown. they change colour during her mood, time of day, and light reflection. Evelyn wears a yellow shirt that has a few sparkles on her chest. She has an ancient silver amulet around her neck, designed like an herb or such wound around her neck. She wears dark skinny jeans and running shoes, though ocassionly she wears boots. Her skin is pale white from being inside so much until her parents decided to let her do as she wished. Evelyn also has a slender body, and she's skinny but not anorexic-like.

Personality: Evelyn is rather shy and timid, but she's easy to make friends with. She's also quite naive, and she may even believe the occasional bad guy because of this. She sees good in everybody, and she can always lift up a person's spirits when they're feeling quite down.

History: Evelyn was born on the date of a natural disaster, a day where a tsunami wave broke out and tore apart half a country. Eveleyn is an only child, growing up with parents highly protective over her because she wasn't really ready to venture out into the world.

Goal: Evelyn aims to help everyone, soothe all Pokemon, and make the world at peace again. She also aims to be a Pokemon Champion.

Other: Evelyn does not tan easily. Evelyn did have a little sister, Maria, but she died young from a posioning in a bottle of water she drank.
Hey very nice sign up.You are accepted.And the accepted would be in bold if the computer I'm on (I'm at my cousin's) wasn't so screwed up.Anyways nice sign up,and try to spread the word about this rp because we only need one more person to start!Also I'm going to make a sign up for a Team Diamond sign up but that won't count for the 6 tainers.
Hey very nice sign up.You are accepted.And the accepted would be in bold if the computer I'm on (I'm at my cousin's) wasn't so screwed up.Anyways nice sign up,and try to spread the word about this rp because we only have 3 people signed up,INCLUDING me!

Oh, okay, thank you. ^^

And sure thing, I'll spread it! :)
Just relised we have 5 people!Haha behind much?So yeah thanks!Can't wait,I have another rp just waiting on one of the reserves till we start.And the 3rd rp I have on here is waiting on another person to sign up.
Okay,thanks.If more than one more person wants to sign up they can,and Team Diamond sign ups will stay open,but yeah.So I'll work on my Team Diamond Sign up where at least one person will be a Team diamond person,or am I behind on that too?Also everyone vm me now the pokemon you want as your starter,I'll tell you if its taken.

Okay here is my Team Diamond Sign Up:

Username: N's Queen Julie

Name: Adriane Snoweana

Age 16


Adriane has Gold blond hair that goes just below her elbows.She wears a red T-shirt with a star on it.She wears a red headband with a star on it.She wears blue jeans that are very loose,and red wedge flip flops.She carries a red purse that goes over her shoulder to the other side of her.


Adriane is kind of cocky and constently uses sarcasim.She never can admit she lost.To her she did not loose,she just didn't win.Or if she looses something,she didn't loose it,she just found that she didn't know where it was.She is still kind of cheerful and is nice to thoes who have earned her friendship.


Adriane grew up in a foster home because her parent's died in a house fire,but they were able to get her out to safty.At some point Adriane snapped and ran away from home.When she was 15 she joined Team Diamond and worked her way up threw promostions.She gained the respect of her boss,and all of the other Team Diamond members.


She's a fast runner and a very quick thinker.She's very smart too,some have even called her a genious.She likes to help those who really really need it,no matter weither their enemy or on her team,freind or foe.


Okay guys I desided were starting with 5 trainers.I'll make the sign up thread and I'll message you all when its ready!
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