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Unova: The New Adventure begains [PG-13]

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Wrath Reign

Magical Beast Hunter
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Okay well I've desided to make the thread early,were doing 5 trainers not 6.Well tecnicly we have 6 trainers because of Calvin127 playing twins,7 including me XD.So yeah.Here yall go! :)

Plot:Your one of the 6 new trainers.Your allowed to get any starter you want (that means any of the starters,only starters)to start your journey.You will all travel through reigain your starter is from.The day you go to pick your starter,while your eatting breakfast the tv goes to a important news cast.It says Team Rocket,Team Galactic,Team Aqua,Team Magma,and Team Plasma have joined together to make Team Dimond.After the news cast goes off,you go to the lab and get your starter.


1.No Godmoding,Bunnying,whatever you want to call it.

2.If your fighting a real person (a different user) no auto-hitting

3.I deside if you catch a pokemon,I'm not that hard on people,trust me.

4.No killing or anything of that sort

5.I want cussing to either a minimum or NONE at all,preferably NONE

6.All Bulbagarden rules apply


Ariana Casscada Serestial Starter: Oshawott
Cirlu Kynara - BlAH BLAH BLAH-Starter:N/A
Evelyn Mist- Hakua Starter:Mudkip
Trill Celdon- vampiremessiah51 Starter:N/A
Calvin O'Brien- Calvin127 Starter: Torchic
Camille O'Brien- Calvin127 Starter: Treecko

Team Diamond Members:

Adriane Snoweana-Team: Zoura,Audino,Emonga,Eevee,Vulpix,Amphoros

Starting Post:

Ariana took a deep breath and walked forward towards the gates of Professer Juniper's lab.The gates were open.She walked to the building and went inside.

"Hello.Which new trainer are you?"Professer Juniper asked.

"Ariana."Ariana stated with a small smile on her face.

"Well Ariana,do you know which starter you want?"Professer Juniper asked.

"Oshawott."Ariana replied.

"Very nice choice."Professer Junieper said.

She walked to the pokeballs on the table and picked up one.She walked over to Ariana and handed her it.

"There you go.Would you like to nickname your pokemon?"Juniper asked.

"Yes,I would like to nickname her Riley."Ariana said.

"Riley it is."Professer Juniper said smiling.

Professer Juniper picked up a bright red backpack and handed it to her.

"It has your pokadex and five empty pokeballs in it."She said.

"Thank you."Ariana said smiling.

Ariana left the building and walked away from it.And now,her journay begains.


Adriane walked into her boss's office.

"I was told you needed me?"She asked.

The chair turned around.There sat Ghensis.

"Yes,I need you Adriane.I need you to go and steal trainer's pokemon.This will be a big task for you,so you are not being sent alone.Your will be going with my son,N.Understood?"Ghensis said.

"Yes sir."Adriane said.

She turned to her right where N was standing,leaning against the wall.

"Hello N."Adriane said.

"Hello Adriane."He replied.

"You both are to leave now."He said."Take the backapacks and scateboards."

He pointed to two scateboards and backpacks.One backpack was tea green,and the other was a goldish color.The scateboreds were the same as the backpacks.N picked up the tea green idems and Adriane picked up the gold idems.They both walked out of his office.They walked to the elivater and went to the bottom floor.They headed out towards Accumula Town.


Okay people it is now started!
Calvin and Camille walked into the lab, looking around expectantly. "Professor Juniper?" They asked in sync.
Evelyn stumbled out of her room, her feet tripping over themselves and her backpack flinging her stuff around.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!" A paper flew away, dancing around on the wind. It flipped over, revealing a drawing of a Swampert.
Evelyn chased after the drawing until it gently dropped down onto someone's fromt porch. She bent down to get it, and the door opened, slamming into her head.

"Ouch!!!" Evelyn yelped, rubbing the spot that was now burning from the hit. The person ran away. Evelyn sighed and picked up her drawing, and placed it in her backpack. She stood up, and she saw not a person's front porch, but the lab where Professor Juniper was. She ran in.
"Professor Juniper, I'm soooooo sorry that I'm late!" She said, rubbing a dirty spot on her jeans. Professor Juniper turned around and waved.

"Oh, hello....you...You're Evelyn, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright, which Pokemon?"

"Mudkip~!" ♥

"Alrighty then, Evelyn."

Juniper gave her the PokeBall holding the Mudkip.

"A nickname?"

"Oh, sure--Can I name her Cyanna?"

"Oh, go ahead. Cyanna it is."

Evelyn smiled an ran out the lab doors, jumping and yelling "Woooohoooo!" as she ran down the road.
Ariana walked on.She saw a girl running from the direction of the lab.Ariana waited for the girl to catch up with her than began running at the same pace.

"You a new trainer too?"She asked.

Clipped on the black belt of Arian's shorts was Riley's pokeball.She was waiting a little bit intill she let Riley out for the first time.

(Ooc:No one liner posts please.)
Evelyn noticed a girl running by her. She stopped, panting, and put her hands on her knees, her back arched.

"Oh....huff....yes, I'm....huff...A new trainer....huff..."
Evelyn wiped her brow and laughed.
"Yes, yes, I'm a new trainer, my name's Evelyn. Whats yours?"
The twins walked over, surveying the Pokemno. Of course, they already knew which ones they wanted.

"You're here for pokemon?"

"Yes, I'd like Torchic."

"I'd like Treecko."

They received their Pokeballs. "Thank you." Te twins said, bowing and leaving. They let out their new Pokemon, who looked at them.
Ariana stopped when the girl did.

"Me too.I'm Ariana."She said,then took a few deep breaths.

She took the pokeball off her belt and threw it upwards,letting it land on the ground.It relesed the otter pokemon inside,Oshawott.

"Hello Riley."Ariana said smiling.
The twins started walking, Calvin had his Torchic on his shoulder, and Camille's Treecko was walking next to her, seemingly uncaring.

"Treecko, aren'y you gonna talk to me?" Camille asked. Treecko didn't respond.

"Let him be, Camille. He'll come around." Calvin said.
"Whoa, what a cool Oshawott, Ariana!" Evelyn said, gazing down upon it.

"I have a Mudkip. I think Mudkip are adorable, and they're quite strong in my opinion~" Evelyn released Cyanna.
"Thanks!I just got her like,three minutes ago."Ariana said laughing."Nice Mudkip.I agree,cute pokemon can be very strong,and Mudkips and Oshawotts are very.So I have a question.Would you like to travel together?"

Ariana gave Evelyn a small smile.Riley was looking at Cyanna.Ariana waited for Evelyn's reply.She turned her head back at the pokemon.

"I think they'd get along together very well,them both being water types and stuff."Ariana said.


Adriane and N continued scateboarding forwards.When they reached the town the two stopped there scateboards.

"Well...where do we start?"Adriane asked N.

"I'm not sure."N replied.

Both of them gave a short laugh.
The twins continued walking. Torchic decided t steal Calvin's hat, and ran down the road, teasing him to come and get it. Calvin ran after her, and Camille could only watch. Treecko huffed and looked away.

"Treecko, come on, talk to me." Camille said. Treecko made a "humph' sound, and didn't turn, just kept walking with Camille.
Adriane saw a trainer in the distace use a whip on a Lillipup.

"You stupid usuless pokemon you can't win a battle if your life depended on it!"The trainer shouted at it,hitting it with the whip again.

Adriane felt anger pulse threw her and so did N.Adriane broke out in a run and when she was close enough to the trainer she used her left leg to kick him to knock him over.N grabbed his pokeballs and threw them.After the pokemon were out N crushed the pokeballs.

"Your free."Adriane said.

"What the heck is wrong with you!They're no longer my pokemon now!"The trainer yelled at them.

"Thats the point."Adriane said."Maybe if you wern't such a horrible trainer they'd wait for you to capture them again."

The pokemon ran off.The trainer tried to punch Adriane but N caught his arm and twisted it backwards.

"Stay away from Adriane,understood?"N asked.

"Y-yes."the trainer said.

"Good."N said and he let go of his arm.

The trainer whirled around and raised his leg to kick in but Adriane came up behind him and grabbed his foot in the backswing,making him fall over.

"Your such a idiotic person."Adriane said.

She picked up a heavy rock and hit the trainer upside the head with it,knocking him out.

N and Adriane walked back to where they left their scateboards,picked them up,and walked on as if nothing had happened.
Torchic stopped when it saw that scene. Calvin snuck up, grabbing it and taking his hat back. "Gotcha." He laughed. Torchic laughed as well, jumping on his shoulder. Camille was still lagging behind with Treecko.
Ariana turned around,thinking she heard footsteps.She saw a boy and girl that looked oddly alike.

"Maybe they're those kind of twins that are boy and girl..."Ariana thought.

She walked over to them,Riley fallowed her.

"Hi,I'm Ariana.I'm a new trainer,how about you guys?"Ariana asked.
"We're new, too." They said in perfect sync. "I'm Calvin, and this is Camille." Calvin said. Torchic waved from Calvin's shoulder, and Treecko was still looking away, uninterested.
"Wow,I'm running into all of the other newbies."Ariana said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

"So are you guys twins?"She asked them.

She looked at the treecko and tilted her head to the side slightly.

"I've heard treecko's have a bad attitude,at first anyways."Ariana said before detilting her head.

Ariana picked up Riley.

"I've always loved Oshawotts."She said.
"Yes, we are twins." They said. Camille looked at Treecko. "It barely acknowledges me." She said sadly. Then she got an idea. Sje reached into her bag, and pulled out an apple. Treecko looked at it, then at her, and hesitantly reached out, grabbing it. He mumbled something that may have been interpreted as 'Thank you', and started eating it, looking at Camille for the first time.
"Pokemon can't really help their behaviour if its kind of natural to them."Ariana said,trying to cheer Camile up."Treecko's are really cool though."

Ariana set Riley down and took off her backpack.She found a thing of pokemon food and took some out,putting it in front of Riley.Ariana zipped her backpack up,stood back up,and put her backpack on her back.

"So where are you guys heading too?"She asked.
"We're going to Accumula Town, then Striaton City after that." They said. Torchic removed Calvin's hat, sat on his head, then put his hat on top of her. You couldn't tell she was under here. Treecko finished its apple, then smiled at Camille.
"Same here."Ariana replied.

Ariana noticed Camille's treecko smile at Camille.Ariana turned her head back to Calvin and Camille.

"What kind of pokemon do you guys want to catch?"Ariana asked.

She looked at Oshawott.

"I want to capture all kinds of pokemon.

(Ooc:I forgot to mention some stuff in the plot!All pokemon from all regions are now availible for capture in Unova in this rp.And I forgot to put in the rules if you try to caputure a pokemon leave the ball rocking at the end of your post and I'll deside weither you capture it or not,I'm not ruff,no worries.)
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