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Upcoming Pokémon Center campaign announced

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Mar 14, 2005
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I have taken the liberty of incorporating some newsworthy content on the official Japanese site into a Bulbanews article. I personally feel that it is time some emphasis was put on the vast privileges the Japanese players are fortunate to have, if only to give us English players a good impression of what the future could very well entail.

I would be glad to answer any questions regarding this particular campaign, or more generally, the history of promotions in Japan revolving the RPG Pokémon games.
And even if not, I think we can trust you to write articles which don't need to be reviewed first.
I'm assuming that you have proficient Japanese translation skills. I hate to have everyone replying to this topic pounce on you, but your level of expertise is what Bulbanews needs most. If you're interested in contributing more, let me know.
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