Valkyria's Pixels
I figured I'd post a thread showcasing all the pixel art I've ever done. I'm not the greatest spriter, hell I probably can't call myself good, but I figured I'd post my work here. Enjoy.
Slime Magcargo [old]
An animated revamp of the Chikorita appearing in the title screen of Pokemon Puzle Challenge.
A revamp of the Lanturn from GSC
MOAR REVAMPS. Mugshots from Puzzle Challenge for the GBC.
Old B/W overworld edits. They're supposed to be part of an evil team ~_~
Skardian, a Rock/Dragon pseudolegendary I made, alongside a trainer.
Animated Fighting Type bull-thing and trainer.
Some fakemon overworlds with the bad version of Skardian
Grass type gym leader comprised of many HGSS trainers.
Scratch Sprites:
Old overworlds. While the dinosaur may look like Meganium, I only used it as a reference, whilst spriting it. The trainer overworlds were done on bases, but everything else was scratched.
Conkeldurr overworld.
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