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Valkyria's Pixels


New Member
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Valkyria's Pixels

I figured I'd post a thread showcasing all the pixel art I've ever done. I'm not the greatest spriter, hell I probably can't call myself good, but I figured I'd post my work here. Enjoy.



Slime Magcargo [old]


An animated revamp of the Chikorita appearing in the title screen of Pokemon Puzle Challenge.


A revamp of the Lanturn from GSC


MOAR REVAMPS. Mugshots from Puzzle Challenge for the GBC.


Old B/W overworld edits. They're supposed to be part of an evil team ~_~



Skardian, a Rock/Dragon pseudolegendary I made, alongside a trainer.


Animated Fighting Type bull-thing and trainer.


Some fakemon overworlds with the bad version of Skardian


Grass type gym leader comprised of many HGSS trainers.

Scratch Sprites:


Old overworlds. While the dinosaur may look like Meganium, I only used it as a reference, whilst spriting it. The trainer overworlds were done on bases, but everything else was scratched.


Conkeldurr overworld.
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OMG I haven't attempted spriting in years and you know it. v_v

You really need to make all of your images transparent and .png.

The slime Magcargo has an interesting palette but you have to pay key attention to the outlines. Change the dark red outline to a dark purple, as well as adjusting the outline on its rock shell. Don't be lazy about the outlines. :p

Your revamps are fine. My only criticisms would be to add some shine to Murkrow's eye, fix Crobat's head, and make Totodile less scary, haha. The trainers are fine. I'd like to see you expand on Skardian.

I am impressed by your scratched sprites since I can hardly scratch myself. Just be sure to work on the shading. Keep spriting, mate!
Liked your sprites,and as TB said,look out for the outlines,and ...

do you have normal sprites for the fakemon you have?
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