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Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted [Still Looking]


Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys.
Lets get down to business. If you have any of the pokes below for trade, please gimme a shout and hopefully we can work something out.

Wanted male : Chimchar, Cacturne, Any poke from <Monster> egg group with stealth rock and pursuit. Preferably both.
Wanted female : Starly, Gible, Scyther, Bagon, Magikarp, Mudkip. (Males will also be considered)
Wanted DW pokes : (Im not sure if they are available yet or if I have anything worthy to offer in trade, but here it goes anyway...) Dratini, Gilgar, Torchik, Politoed
Wanted items : Leftovers.
Generally interested in : Obtaining pokes in OU tier that are impossible to get by playing white solo.

Pokes im offering : Cobalion(Hardy,53), Hydreigon(f,Modest,94), Weavile(f,Adamant,54), Lilligant(f,Timid,53,clorophyll) Excadrill(f,Naughty,61,sandrush)
others include gyrados, dragonite, haxorus, ludicolo, galvantula, tyrantar, emboar, kyurem and generally any pokes that can be obtained in white.

I also have...
level 1 UT female relaxed ferroseed with leech seed (TAKEN - more can be bred)
level 1 UT Jolly + Adamant Axews with mold breaker
level 1 UT Jolly + Adamant Larvitars with dragon dance
level 39 shiny male bold mienfoo (TAKEN)

I'm new to this website and WiFi trading so I imagine the best way to negotiate would be to do this over skype. (my ID : woonyunkim) If you know any better way, you can teach me what to do. Im a fast learner I promise :love:

Thank you.
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Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Dude, take of that hydreigon. A chimchar is not worth that. I'll give you a male chimchar for a solosis, duosion or reniclus
Steps:first off, add my Friend code to your pal pad. It's on my page. 2. Go to a poke center, second floor lady in the midle.
Go in , and when we disIDE a time might be hard because your uk and Canada. Select trade, and seek me out. Vm me if your ok.
Please tell me that you didn't trade yet- not many people would pass up. Lvl 94 hydreigon. For my fc, check my page ( click my user name, or add message to my visitor messages. Or respond to this. DONT TRADE LEGENDS FOR A CHIMCHAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can give you all but the items.
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Haha. What a gentleman you are. I really have no clue about pokemon values at the moment... Im happy to have been schooled.
Im ready for trade anytime. Gimme a shout when you are ready. I have a perfect solosis if you want to build a trick room reuniclus. (+special attack, -speed nature and ofcourse, magic guard :D)

P.s How does one 'vm' someone? Im guessing it stands for voice message right?
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Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Haha. What a gentleman you are. I really have no clue about pokemon values at the moment... Im happy to have been schooled.
Im ready for trade anytime. Gimme a shout when you are ready. I have a perfect solosis if you want to build a trick room reuniclus. (+special attack, -speed nature and ofcourse, magic guard :D)

P.s How does one 'vm' someone? Im guessing it stands for voice message right?
I struggled to figure that one out too...
It's a visitor message actually :O
If you view someone's profile you can leave a message there. I'll leave one on yours to show you :p
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Lol thanks dude. do you happen to want any of the pokes im offering? I really am desperate for some trading action here ;-)
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

They're right you shouldn't be offering valuable Pokemon for something like a Chimchar. :p If you want I can get you all the females you need for the ferroseed. ^^ I'll just have to breed them first though.
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

:eek: thats an awesome deal boss. Il add you now. Ready for trade in 10mins :)
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Hold on there I need to breed them! xD I'll message you when ready. :3
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

I'll take a rufflet if I give you that cacturne. I have to transfer them over, so do you need anything else from gen 4-1?
Also, arcording to my math, you are 5 hrs ahead of me and p. Erin. ( at 1pm for us you would be at 5 pm.)
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Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

How about trading shiny for a shiny. :D I would love to trade shiny version of any of these Starly, Gible, Scyther, Bagon, Magikarp for the bold shiny mienfoo. I'll have to transfer the one you choose from plat to black though so it will take some time ^^
Cool bro. Thanks for your interest. The only problem is that i had to leave my house in a hurry and i am without wifi all of sudden. I did manage to put up my rufflet for cacturne in GTS. Its around level 50 i believe. I hope you can find it. My trainer name is : boram.

Yoshi that is a tempting offer. Even more so if you can specify their nature. Is that possible? Il be in touch in few days. :)
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Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Yoshi that is a tempting offer. Even more so if you can specify their nature. Is that possible? Il be in touch in few days. :)

okie I have a female shiny bagon on black already, but it's timid. XD; The others I would have to breed. ^^

Also you may choose two of the pokemon listed if you want. :3
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Oh sweety thats a very reasonable offer. Would it be possible for me to take shiny gible and shiny magikarp? It would also help very much if they are capable of going pregnant!

Im currently stuck in a family trip because here in Korea, a 'mandatory' national holiday is going on. (Boohoo) I should be back home within 30 hours from now. I hope to get in touch with you and other repliers then.

Thank you to all those who responded so far. :unworthy: I love this forum.
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Oh sweety thats a very reasonable offer. Would it be possible for me to take shiny gible and shiny magikarp? It would also help very much if they are capable of going pregnant!

Im currently stuck in a family trip because here in Korea, a 'mandatory' national holiday is going on. (Boohoo) I should be back home within 30 hours from now. I hope to get in touch with you and other repliers then.

hey np, female shiny gible, and female shiny magicarp. ^^ Also it will still take some time to breed, and get the right gender so I'll vm you when both pokemon are bred, and transferred over to black. :D

Thank you to all those who responded so far. :unworthy: I love this forum.
Re: Various Pre gen 5 pokes wanted

Oh sweety thats a very reasonable offer. Would it be possible for me to take shiny gible and shiny magikarp? It would also help very much if they are capable of going pregnant!

Im currently stuck in a family trip because here in Korea, a 'mandatory' national holiday is going on. (Boohoo) I should be back home within 30 hours from now. I hope to get in touch with you and other repliers then.

hey np, female shiny gible, and female shiny magicarp. ^^ Also it will still take some time to breed, and get the right gender so I'll vm you when both pokemon are bred, and transferred over to black. :D

Thank you to all those who responded so far. :unworthy: I love this forum.
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