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vb 3.5 needs more mods!


Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Now that you have vB 3.5, we could go mod mad even faster with Plugins, any admin can install them to the forum, and it adds extra functionality in just a few clicks!

Realtime Template Compressor

Saves bandwidth and loads pages faster, it compresses templates in real time and can save 5 to 10 percent more bandwidth even with Gzip enabled!

Reported Post creates new thread

I wonder how many reports you get here a day...but a little "clipboard" in your mod hangout might help!

Lock Post Moderation

I don't know if forbidding people to edit their posts would be useful here but...it might be useful...if you can actually find a use for it here...

Forum Rules Page

The friendlier...the better!
Locking posts instead of entire topics...is that what you not like by saying that?
Forum Rules, Lock Post, and Report Posts are all things we don't tend to have problems with. I'm sure all of it can be instituted, but you have to understand that the rules BMG has are basically unwritten. We never have reported posts, as far as I know. We're a pretty relaxed forum.
Corvair, did you just basically c/p you post from SPPf? This place is a lot different so some of the stuff we don't really need.
Sorry, but those were the only things I could find, I'll find more for your..relaxed atmosphere.
Archaic said:
I've installed a number of plugins on the sly over the past week or so. Members should check their User CP's occasionally, and look out for anything that seems different, as I'll continue to add anything I find useful as soon as I see it.
I checked it, but I didn't see anything o_O
Which plugins did you install?
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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