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Viola's Blog

Blog Update - Both homes are sold - 27 September 2024
Both my homes in Florida are sold now.

I would have given anything to keep the home I lived in but I couldn't do anything to stop the sale.

My dad's house was already sold on 5 September, so it was already sold when I was down in South Florida to back up belongings from that house last week but my other home, the home I lived in my entire life pretty much, had its sale close yesterday.

In both cases, the homes sold for more money than we were asking.

My dad's house was listed for $285k and sold for $335k and my childhood home was listed for $299k and sold for $390k.

So, y'know, IDK how much money is going into the trust after taxes but at least I will have an income now.

In fact, I'm already getting an income since I already got (and spent some of) my first check from the trust for September.

Wish I didn't have to get them as checks because then we either gotta go to the credit union to deposit them OR use the mobile app but either way, you have to wait a few days for the check to clear and for the full amount from the check to be deposited into my account, but I have to since the trust has to send them as checks, they can't do direct deposits.
Blog Update - KITTENS - 30 September 2024




They are so cute!!!! I was outside earlier (also because the weather was nice and our internet was out...which turns out it was out because it had gotten unplugged, we were fuckin bored all day until like 5pm for nothing) and yes I did pet them gently (NOT WHEN THEY WERE NURSING, of course) but when they were just crawling around and exploring, I would give them little scritches. I also had to pick up the orange one (their name is Marmalade) because they fell on the other side of the steps and were crawling around and looking for their siblings so I had to pick them up and bring them to their siblings.

Yes they started meowing because they are a baby and did not know what was going on.
Blog Update - IT'S BACK - 23 November 2024 New
I try to boot into Windows 11 for the first time since the 15th of the month and I get a BSOD and a BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO error.

Startup repair doesn't fix it and when I try bootrec /rebuildbcd in cmd, it says there's no Windows installs found.


I friggin hate Windows and I really can't be arsed to figure this shit out right now. It's probably possible for me to fix this and, if I can't, I can always just reinstall Windows but I also hate installing Windows, it sucks ass. Just like Windows itself.

If I can't fix this shit and have to completely format and do a fresh install of Windows on this SSD, it'll be annoying but I don't think I'll have lost any major data. Most of my shit is either stored on a separate 2 TB SATA SSD I got installed in my laptop or on my 1 TB external HDD. Think at worst I'd have lost the last few months of my Sims 4 saves and CC (so RIP my beautiful Cape Cod-style home that I started this thread out by posting, if that is the case) and that's it really.

I'd probably be freaking out more and not be like 'Ugh, this is fuckin annoying' if I didn't dualboot and hadn't been using Linux Mint consistently since the 16th.

Linux needs to take over btw.
hello hi remember this bullshit?

well i never got windows fixed and i don't give two shits either because windows fucking sucks and linux needs to take over


there was another issue, on my windows drive, i had a onedrive folder and that folder would give me access to whatever local files i had on my windows install - including my sims 4 saves. but for some reason, that folder became a broken symbolic link on linux and would not open anymore.

whenever i'd do searches for the error online, i'd get results telling me stuff like 'this is because your onedrive folder was connected to your online onedrive account, you need to boot into windows and make it local-only' but two problems:
1. making my onedrive folder local-only with no online backup was the first thing i did back when i was using windows

2. i very much cannot boot into windows anymore

well then i did some more research and i found out about ntfs-3g-onedrive, a plugin for NTFS-3G (an open-source implementation of the NTFS file system, which is microsoft's proprietary and default file system for windows that allows linux and other OSes to read/write to drives formatted as NTFS) that will fix the broken reparsing points for the onedrive folder and gives access your local onedrive folder from linux

except...i couldn't get it to work, it just wouldn't work. i'd always get an error of some sort no matter what i tried.

but yesterday, i decided to try again and if it didn't work, i'd make a github account and ask for assistance on the github page.

and well...i didn't need to do that. it fuckin worked this time and i now have access to that accursed onedrive folder and you know what that means


11-23-24_12-50-51 AM.png

fresh screengrab of my sim!self in her cape cod home!!!

but also lemme say getting the sims 4 installed was...okay well getting the sims 4 installed wasn't a problem but installing the fuckin EA launcher was complete fuckin BULLSHIT

like the EA launcher is only available on windows and macOS so i would have to install it through lutris (a FOSS game manager for linux that also allows the adding of launchers as a sources for your games - like if you have a steam account you can login to it and it'll be like 'ooh okay here are your steam games' and manage/install/launch them through it) and i tried to install it via lutris and lutris would say 'yeah we downloaded it' and i could sometimes get to the login screen and login and it'd show the games i have on my account...BUT THEN WHEN I TRIED TO LAUNCH IT it would never launch and give me an error saying that the EADesktop.exe file was not found

i tried to get that shit installed like three or so times and i just could not get it to work, it'd be the same error each time telling me that the file '/home/viola/Games/ea-app/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EADesktop.exe' was not found

so then i look it up one last time to try and find a solution (the other 'solutions' i find did not work) and i find a post (i think it may have been on the lutris forums) saying that after you let lutris download the EA app (and create the wine prefix for the EA app), you then go to EA's website for the EA launcher, download the windows installer for the launcher, then right-click the EA launcher in lutris and open the config and change the .exe from the EADesktop.exe to the installer .exe file and then run it, which will then actually finish the installation and then change it back to the EADesktop.exe that it originally wanted and you'll be able to actually use the damn launcher through wine on linux

and yeah, i did that and i downloaded and got the sims 4 running through the GE-proton compatibility layer (although i was wondering at first why it was only running at like 30-40 fps until i realized it was set to run through my laptop's integrated graphics and not my dedicated RTX 4050, once i got that fixed it's running totally fine and with no performance issues compared to windows

it rocks
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