DW tauros (male)
DW buneary (female)
DW zigzagoon (female)
DW chatot (female)
DW giragarig (female)
DW relicanth (female)
DW qwilfish (female)
caterpie (run away)
pidgey (pig peacks)
rattata (hustle)
spearow (sniper)
nidoran female (hustle)
nidoran male (hustle)
vulpix (drought)
zubat (infiltrator)
oddish (run away)
psyduck (swift swim)
growlithe (justified)
poliwag (swift swim)
bellsprout (Gluttony)
tentacool (rain dish)
ponita (flame body)
slowpoke (regenerator)
farfetch'd (defiant)
Dodou (tangled feet)
krabby (sheer force)
exeggcute ( harvest)
lickitung (cloud nine)
tangela (regenerator)
kangaskhan (inner focus)
horsea (damp)
goldeen (lightningrod)
staryu (analytic)- since staryu us a genderless i'll clone it before trdae
scyther (steadfast)
magikarp ( rattled)
lapras (hydration)
omanyte (weak armor)
kabuto (weak armor)
aerodactyl (unnerve)
dratini (marvel scale)
sentret (frisk)
hoothoot (tinted lens)
ledyba (rattled)
igglybuff (friend guard)
natu (magic bounce)
mareep (plus)
marill (sap sipper)
sudowoodo (rattled)
hoppip (infiltrator)
sunkern (early bird)
yanma (frisk)
wooper (unaware)
murkrow (prankster)
gligar (immunity)
corsola (regenerator)
renoraid (moody)
delibird (insomnia)
mantine (water veil)
skarmory (weak armor)
stantler (sap sipper)
elekid (vital spirit)
miltank (sap sipper)
poochyena (rattled)
lotad (own tempo)
taillow (scrappy)
wingull (rain dish)
surskit (rain dish)
azurill (sap sipper)
skitty (wonder skin)
electrike (minus)
carvanha (speed boost)
wailmer (pressure)
swablu (cloud nine)
barboach (hydration)
corphish (adaptability)
lileep (storm drain)
anorith (swift swim)
feebas (adaptability)
castform [(forecast)move: water pulse] since castform is a male one i'll clone before trading him.
tropius (harvest)
clamperl (rattled)
relicanth (sturdy)
luvdisc (hydration)
staravia (reckless) [evolved from starly to make sure they have their dw ability]
bidoof (moody)
shinx (guts)
pachirisu (volt absorb)
buizel (water veil)
shellos (sand force)
drifloon (flare boost)
glameow (keen eye)
bonsly (rattled)
chatot (big pecks)
finneon (water veil)
mantyke (water veil)
munna (telepathy)
darumaka (inner focus)
DW tauros (male)
DW zigzagoon (female)
DW giragarig (female)
DW qwilfish (female)
caterpie (run away)
pidgey (pig peacks)
rattata (hustle)
spearow (sniper)
nidoran female (hustle)
nidoran male (hustle)
vulpix (drought)
zubat (infiltrator)
oddish (run away)
psyduck (swift swim)
growlithe (justified)
poliwag (swift swim)
bellsprout (Gluttony)
tentacool (rain dish)
ponita (flame body)
slowpoke (regenerator)
farfetch'd (defiant)
Dodou (tangled feet)
krabby (sheer force)
exeggcute ( harvest)
lickitung (cloud nine)
tangela (regenerator)
kangaskhan (inner focus)
horsea (damp)
goldeen (lightningrod)
staryu (analytic)- since staryu us a genderless i'll clone it before trdae
scyther (steadfast)
magikarp ( rattled)
lapras (hydration)
omanyte (weak armor)
kabuto (weak armor)
aerodactyl (unnerve)
dratini (marvel scale)
sentret (frisk)
hoothoot (tinted lens)
ledyba (rattled)
igglybuff (friend guard)
natu (magic bounce)
mareep (plus)
marill (sap sipper)
sudowoodo (rattled)
hoppip (infiltrator)
sunkern (early bird)
yanma (frisk)
wooper (unaware)
murkrow (prankster)
gligar (immunity)
corsola (regenerator)
renoraid (moody)
delibird (insomnia)
mantine (water veil)
skarmory (weak armor)
stantler (sap sipper)
elekid (vital spirit)
miltank (sap sipper)
poochyena (rattled)
lotad (own tempo)
taillow (scrappy)
wingull (rain dish)
surskit (rain dish)
azurill (sap sipper)
skitty (wonder skin)
electrike (minus)
carvanha (speed boost)
wailmer (pressure)
swablu (cloud nine)
barboach (hydration)
corphish (adaptability)
lileep (storm drain)
anorith (swift swim)
feebas (adaptability)
castform [(forecast)move: water pulse] since castform is a male one i'll clone before trading him.
tropius (harvest)
clamperl (rattled)
relicanth (sturdy)
luvdisc (hydration)
staravia (reckless) [evolved from starly to make sure they have their dw ability]
bidoof (moody)
shinx (guts)
pachirisu (volt absorb)
buizel (water veil)
shellos (sand force)
drifloon (flare boost)
glameow (keen eye)
bonsly (rattled)
chatot (big pecks)
finneon (water veil)
mantyke (water veil)
munna (telepathy)
darumaka (inner focus)
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