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WANT: Dream World Torchic


New Member
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hey all,

I'm lookin for a Dream World Torchic. Not sure if that's even possible in North America... But I've got plenty of things to trade for it.

Everything I have to offer was caught legitimately:
I've got Pokerus, female Dream World Poliwags, Event Darkrai, Event Shaymin, Event Arceus, Regice, Regirock, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Manaphy, Dark Pulse Deinos, Focus Punch Shroomishes, Rare Candies, and almost any item anybody could want... If you got one, just make an offer and I'll see what I have. I'm just gettin desperate for one.

I don't really care what nature it is.

Please message me, or respond in this thread if you've got one for trade. I'd really appreciate it!! Thanks. :)

My friend code is 1807 3320 8271
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ive got one its near flawless and male (dw torchics cant be female) have you got any events shinies or flawlesses
Ohhh, I see! I've updated my post, then.

Uhhmmm... What do you mean by flawless? And no, I'm afraid I don't own any shinies except a shiny geodude...

I have a legit Arceus, Darkrai, Regice, Regirock, Ho-oh, Lugia, Groudon, Kyogre, Legendary birds, Red Gyarados, and Zoroark.

And I can give pokerus to anything I have. The pokerus is also legit. Got it from fourth gen.
flawless means its got perfect ivs near fllawless means near perfect ivs anyway whats the ot and id of the darkrai
The OT is from my Platinum game. I got it using the Member Card event. The ID is 14402. I also have a legit Shaymin that activates the Gracidea flower in White/Black. :O

I am still seeking a Dream World Torchic! I have lots of things to offer, and i'm desperately trying to find one. :O
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i got a hacked DW Torchic ^_^ (anyway, that's the only way to get one, as of now)

if you want it, i can trade right now here's my fc 4727 9278 7280
Yea dude, I'll trade ya! Anything specific you'd like? Just toss me a message next time you're on.
I am still seeking this torchic, and I'm gonna be online for the next few hours :D Please respond to the thread if you have one, and I'm sure we can come to an arrangement
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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