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Wanted: Dark Pulse Deino


Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
Really want a Male Deino that knows Dark Pulse! I don't have anything too great to offer, some leftover IV bred Adamant Gible (31 IVs in attack) or an Extremespeed Dratini, or maybe even a Dream World female depending on which one you want (I have a list of ones I can breed in my signature)
I might be able to get you one. I have to get my Seviper from my Platinum game then I have to breed it with my Deino. Will take some time. I'll PM you when I have it if you're interested
Definitely interested. Anything you want back in return?
Alright, well I'll just take whichever one of you guys has it the quickest / whichever is more convenient when the time comes to trade. Both of you just VM or PM me whenever you're ready to trade :)
I've already got the Seviper and it already knows Dark Pulse, just need to move it to White so I can breed it with my Deino. It should only take me a couple of hours at max
Alright, well it's 10 and I have school tomorrow, so the trade will have to be tomorrow. I thought you were saying you still had to transfer it and it would take days xD
Nah I'm at the PokeTransfer now and all I have to do is send the Seviper over which I'm doing right now.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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