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Wanted: Diglett, Teddiursa, Slugma and Magby.


what is your spaghetti policy here?
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Natures/genders/abilities do no matter. I DO NOT want hacks, though.

I want:

Diglett (TFSpock)
Teddiursa (TFSpock)
Slugma (Kastigar)
Magby (Kastigar)

I can offer DW Females in return, or, if there's something else you need just ask, and I may have it.

DW Females I can offer in return:

I will use an AR to clone these, so if you don't like that, then don't post, please.

Drought Vulpix
Swift Swim Poliwag
Regenerator Tangela
Regenerator Slowpoke
Harvest Exeggcute
Marvel Scale Dratini
Justified Growlithe
Rattled Magikarp
Hustle Nidoran
Inner Focus Kangaskhan
Cloud Nine Liciktung
Run Away Oddish
Defiant Farfetch'd
Sniper Spearow
Infiltrator Zubat
Sheer Force Krabby
Big Pecks Pidgey
Gluttony Bellsprout
Lightningrod Goldeen
Hydration Lapras
Hustle Rattatta
Run Away Caterpie
Swift Swim Psyduck
Anticipation Eevee
Flame Body Ponyta
Tangled Feet Doduo
Unnerve Aerodactyl
Damp Horsea
Rain Dish Tentacool
Weak Armor Kabuto
Weak Armor Omanyte

Immunity Gligar
Magic Bounce Natu
Prankster Murkrow
Frisk Sentret
Sap Sipper Stantler
Friend Guard Igglybuff
Early Bird Sunkern
Infiltrator Hoppip
Sap Sipper Girafarig
Unaware Wooper
Tinted Lens Hoothoot
Regenerator Corsola
Intimidate Qwilfish
Sap Sipper Marill
Rattled Sudowoodo
Weak Armor Skarmory
Vital Spirit Elekid
Frisk Yanma
Plus Mareep
Moody Remoraid
Sap Sipper Miltank
Insomnia Delibird
Moody Smeargle

Speed Boost Carvanha
Cloud Nine Swablu
Storm Drain Lileep
Rattled Poochyena
Scrappy Taillow
Own Tempo Lotad
Adaptability Corphish
Harvest Tropius
Quick Feet Zigzagoon
Rain Dish Surskit
Rattled Clamperl
Rain Dish Wingull
Hydration Barboach
Wonder Skin Skitty
Sturdy Relicanth
Swift Swim Anorith
Adaptability Feebas
Minus Electrike
Hydration Luvdisc
Pressure Wailmer

Guts Shinx
Sand Force Shellos
Reckless Staravia
Flare Boost Drifloon
Moody Bidoof
Limber Buneary
Overcoat Burmy
Water Veil Finneon
Keen Eye Glameow
Water Veil Buizel
Volt Absorb Pachirisu
Big Pecks Chatot

Telepathy Munna
Inner Focus Darumakka
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Re: Wanted: Diglett, Venonat, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

I can offer Diglett and Teddiursa, in return I'd like Drought Vulpix and Sap Sipper Marill, if that's okay with you. :)
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Venonat, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Sure, that's fine. When would you like to trade?
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Venonat, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

I'll give a Venonat for Hustle Nidoran.
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Venonat, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

That'd be great. When would you like to trade?
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Venonat, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

I can trade anytime, I just need to get and hatch the egg first.
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Venonat, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Alright, no worries. Just VM me whenever you're ready, then. :]

E: I just got your VM. I'll head in now.
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Oooo. I won't be online then. I'll be around tomorrow, though. So just hit me up whenever you want. :]
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Oh, okay, I'll be free tomorrow.
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

I can get you a magby and slugma. Im on my phone atm so I'll check your list when I'm back at my desk.
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

I can get you meditate and aipom for moody smeragle.. :)
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

@Kastigar: Alright, just let me know what you want when you see the list. I spoilered it because it's very long.

@Kaguya: Just the Moody Smeargle? Are you sure you wouldn't like something else to make it a 2:2 trade? :]
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Nope, good enough.. Two pokes for DW poke.. :) Will get them breed now..
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Well, alright, if you're sure. I'll give you something nice anyway. Just VM me whenever you're ready. :3
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

HHmmm could I get Vulpix and Growlithe?
Re: Wanted: Diglett, Aipom, Teddiursa, Slugma, Magby and Meditite.

Sure. When would you like to trade?
Ill hatch fresh ut pokes for both. So 10 mins or so from now sound ok?
Sure. Just VM me whenever you're ready. :]
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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