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Wanted: Dreamworld Vulpix


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hiya people~

Starting up a wanted thread for a DW vulpix.
I was going to count on one of my friends to help out with it
But currently he's having trouble obtaining his own desired vulpix

So here are the details

Pokemon ver:White
Dream world vulpix

Gender: Ether (if the vulpix has both nature and move)
Nature: Modest
Moves: Heatwave,???,???,???
Ability: ...well drought... "sits in a corner"

1st time trading/posting here
So please consider this as also a greeting to everyone

Offered pokemon for vulpix:
Japanese zorua (I think its japanese could be wrong
Dream world: ponyta,doduo,kangaskhan,bellsprout,tangela

(Have some other pokemon that I can maybe offer)
But we can go into more details later
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Yeah I know...
If it didn't have the nature (Modest)
I would've asked for a female so I can breed it with a pokemon
that has the nature and heatwave so I can get the modest nature and heatwave
Yes n No
Gender is ether one
If it has the nature and heatwave

I probably should edit it to make it easier to catch on for people
oh hey Vixana XD

I can get you a female DW Vulpix, and i can try to get it modest if you want.

If possible though I really want a Power Anklet :/
A power anklet?? from the battle subway??
I can get that without any problems

But you sure?
ah wait.. sorry, i checked my pc and all i have is:
Male Hasty Flash Fire Ember
Female Modest Flash Fire Ember
Male Hasty DROUGHT Ember :/

but yeah... if you want any of them, a Power Anklet is all i want
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Oh shoot... oh well no harm done

I can give ya the power anklet anyway if you truthfully need it
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you don't want it?

i mean, i don't want to just take the power anklet from you without giving you anything :/
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Its fine.. I don't use the Battle points even if I did its sorta easy to get them back (Tho still working on the super single trains >_<)
u sure? i can give you something at least to help complete your pokedex then?
I'm sure.. I'll send a private message with my info and we'll start the little trade
also, i've got a friend who i'm pretty sure can breed a DW Female Vulpix for you, maybe even Modest too, not sure.

I'm sure.. I'll send a private message with my info and we'll start the little trade

I don't think you can send a pm until you've got a 10-15 posts o.o
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Very well I'm a bad eevee and have been warned for being breaking rules

I'll post my friend code if anyone has the vulpix and for fethiyet
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Sorry about that, my internet crashed, i'll be waiting for you in the wi-fi rooms
Sorry as well I was talking to my grand parents about something
I'll be waiting at the wi-fi room.. hopefully the friend code is right
haha try typing it in again, maybe you put mine wrong

I already re-entered yours to check

So i'm in waiting again, hopefully we both have the Friend Codes correct this time
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Enjoy your power anklet~
If you need any other help just ask
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Haha sorry about that, my net's kinda shaky :/
Thanks for sticking through for the trade though :)

I'll be sure to remind my friend to breed a Female DW Vulpix for you

ahh my friend is online now, if he breeds you one what will you trade him?
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