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Wanted: Female Pickpocket Sneasel


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hoping to make a cool beatup combo.

Offering DW females

Oddish Bashful/Runaway
Hoppip Lonely/Infiltrator
Bidoof Modest/Moody
Exeggcute Lonely/Harvest
Tangela Docile/Regenerator
Bidoof Laxy/Moody
Aerodactyl Relaxed/Unnerve
Pidgey Timid/Big Pecks
Pidgey Relaxed/Big Pecks
Igglybuff Timid/Friend Guard
Hoppip Modest/Infiltrator

Also offering Jirachi's and legendaries from my other threads in my sig.
It hasn't been released yet. So if you want one, it will be hacked. :/

Edit: Just to clarify; if someone offers you/trades you one it will be a hack. Not that I will hack one for you, because I don't/won't do that.
I'm in need of the DW Aero, so would you be willing to trade it for any of these DW Females that I can offer?:

DW Females:

Drought Vulpix
Swift Swim Poliwag
Regenerator Tangela
Regenerator Slowpoke
Harvest Exeggcute
Marvel Scale Dratini
Immunity Gligar
Speed Boost Carvanha
Magic Bounce Natu
Prankster Murkrow
Flare Boost Drifloon
Justified Growlithe
Moody Bidoof
Rattled Magikarp
Hustle Nidoran
Frisk Sentret
Inner Focus Kangaskhan
Cloud Nine Swablu
Storm Drain Lileep
Cloud Nine Liciktung
Sap Sipper Stantler
Run Away Oddish
Rattled Poochyena
Friend Guard Igglybuff
Guts Shinx
Sand Force Shellos
Early Bird Sunkern
Scrappy Taillow
Defiant Farfetch'd
Sniper Spearow
Infiltrator Hoppip
Own Tempo Lotad
Infiltrator Zubat
Sap Sipper Girafarig
Sheer Force Krabby
Adaptability Corphish
Big Pecks Pidgey
Gluttony Bellsprout
Reckless Staravia
Lightningrod Goldeen
Hydration Lapras
Harvest Tropius
Hustle Rattatta
Unaware Wooper
Run Away Caterpie
Quick Feet Zigzagoon
Rain Dish Surskit
Rattled Clamperl
Rain Dish Wingull
Tinted Lens Hoothoot
Regenerator Corsola
Swift Swim Anorith
Analytic Staryu--technically not Female (or Male) but appears to be breedable.
Moody Remoraid
Sap Sipper Miltank
Hydration Barboach
Intimidate Qwilfish

If you're only looking for the Sneasel, then no worries, I just realised I don't have the Aero, yet. :]
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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