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Wanted - Flawless Foreign Ditto

Green Zubat

Have a pancake.
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
Title says it all, I really need a Ditto hat both has perfect (30-31) in all IVs and would appear "foreign" to a UK/US game cartridge e.g. japanese, german etc. (obviously for masuda methoding). Note the prefix says I want Gen IV but I'll go for a Gen V one too.

Whilst I'd like a legit one, I'm flexible - as long as it won't break my game (all my offers are legit except where specified, btw) I'm also willing to negotiate on the foreign part too but the flawless bit is essential

I have a number of pokemon which you may be interested in, namely:

10ANIV celebi - taught cut but otherwise UT
Japanese Movie10 celebi - UT
Shiny Birth Island Deoxys - nicknamed Chuck but otherwise UT
Non-shiny Japanese Birth Island Deoxys - mostly UT, though its moves are only psychic & superpower (god only knows why)
Faraway Island Mew - UT*
Lv. 100 Faraway Mew
Shiny VGC10 Eevee - UT*
Shiny VGC09 Milotic - UT
MICHINA Arceus (Modest & capable of taking hits)*
ALAMOS Darkrai - docile & very finicky, UT*
Movie 11 Shaymin - Rash & quick to flee, UT*
SMR2010 Jirachi - UT
Lv.100 Latios - calm & often dozes off
Ranger Manaphy - UT
Lv. 17 male Yellow Lickitung - UT
Lv. 11 female Green Zubat - UT
Lv. 1 female Gold Vulpix - nicknamed Mystic but otherwise UT, mild and impetous & silly with egg moves energy ball & extrasensory*
Pikachu-coloured Pichu - UT*
Battle Revolution Magmortar - modest & often lost in thought, female, UT

*Pokemon marked with this symbol indicate ones that I would prefer to trade you so that you could clone your own number of copies and then give the original back as opposed to flat-out trading.

You may choose one or a combination of any of the above if you are interested and have the pokemon I require. All of the pokemon noted above are in Gen IV games but I could easily trade to you for fodder in Gen IV and then receive the Ditto in Gen V.

So, any takers?

P.S. If you're interested and I'm not online then if you tell me when you usually are online I'm sure we can work it out :)
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