The title says it all. I need a Japanese Ditto so that I can get a shiny Oshawott. I can offer an American Ditto, as well as my eternal gratitude. I know it's not much, but... please? I promise all of the leftover Pokemon will go to a good cause!
EDIT: My FC is 2837 9382 1027. I can offer a hacked lvl 1 Shaymin with a strange nickname or a legit lvl 53 Carracosta. I also have:
Cobalion lvl 42
Zoroark lvl 53
Sigilyph lvl 51
Ferrothorn lvl 51
Milotic lvl 56
Chandelure lvl 57
All but the Shaymin are legit.
EDIT: My FC is 2837 9382 1027. I can offer a hacked lvl 1 Shaymin with a strange nickname or a legit lvl 53 Carracosta. I also have:
Cobalion lvl 42
Zoroark lvl 53
Sigilyph lvl 51
Ferrothorn lvl 51
Milotic lvl 56
Chandelure lvl 57
All but the Shaymin are legit.
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