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wanted: legit Ludicolo or water stone

Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
I have metal coats kings rocks several stones and more pokemon than you can shake a stick at^^ just tell me what you want and ill see what I can do to get it
I can give you lotad holding water stone.
It is male, lv 5,timid and has swift swim and completely untouched.
Wanted:(one of these)
Sorry, can we sort it out tomorrow or saturday? I'm in England, so it's hard to get the right time, so either tomorrow or satuday?
Ok yes my ingame name' s Rutvik(capital R).
And tell me urs atleast.
I live in the indian std time(gmt +5:30) timezone.
So while i write this i guess it will be midnight over there.
I wouldnt mind the venusaur, but it shouldnt be hacked,ok?

EDIT: I didnt see you at all today..(its currently almost 10pm here) I was like waiting for six hours or so
The trade will have to wait till monday because i will be unavailable
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none of my pokemon are hacked and im very sorry but I had a late night I just couldnt get up

by the way my name is malice
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