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Wanted: Old DOS "Uno" Game

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Former Staff Member
Dec 30, 2002
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So I'm digging through my external hard drive at random today and I stumbled across a folder full of some old DOS games I used to love. (Where the value of 'full' == 3)

I found the old 1985 Monopoly I had (which is unmatched by any newer version I've played) as well as Kong and 3-Demon.

However, I apparently did not make a backup of the old Uno game I had. It was definitely made before 1990, but that's about all I can say about it.


This page may have had it (I vaguely recall wondering at 4 years old why the names of the colors were listed on the cards), but the link is dead and has been for a long time it seems.

Does anyone have a copy of this ancient DOS game? Or know where to download it?

Thanks in advance. Any help would be most appreciated.

- Trip
The link works fine.

EDIT: Oh wow, they don't work. Never mind. ^^
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