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What do YOU guys want?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
The question is simple.

What kind of stuff would you people like to see on this fanfic board? All suggestions are welcome. Which isn't to say we'll use them, but we'll certainly listen to them.
Um, I just got here, so excuse me if you already have this in place.

Is there a "poetry" corner, or just a place where one can submit their stories? I have many non Pokemon poems and stories I'd like reviews on, but I'm under the assumption that one is only allowed to post Pokemon related writings. :(
Nope, you can post anything here, so long as it's not too naughty (yet for some reason violence is OK...go figure)

Non-Pokemon stories, though, you probably want to label as such.
Oh that's great, I'll be sure to submit some things, I want reviews... Haha.
Maybe we can set up a thread where you could apply for a Beta if you wanted one? I'm in the market...
Could we combine the Shipping and regular fanfictions together to make easier acess?
Is it really neccesary to have so many stickies on the front page? Those with smaller screen size (640x800) are gonna have to scroll down to see the fics....
Good point. I'll look at cleaning up some of the outdated stuff.
How about say an awareness topic. Letting writers give showcase their writing a bit by giving summaries and links to their stories. So that they can get better publicity for them. I know I speak for most writers when I say, it's fun to see other people comment on your stories.
Besides the above post, I would like to hear discussions about how a Pokemon fanfic is best written according to different intended goals.
It'd be interesting to have some sort of index, with links to stories that aren't completed but are works in progress, for which authors submit their story title, genre, literary method, and a link to the topic they're writing it on Bulbaboard, as well as the date of their last update. And the person maintaining the list can edit the index when a story is updated (which should be pretty easy to do, as long as the maintainer is active right?) to reset that story's last update time. Well maybe that's probably a bad idea actually, although it would be nice to be able to scroll down for a type of story that you like even if it was written a year ago. And there might have to be either a set list of genre to pick from, or the maintainer would diagnose the genre her/himself. This forum has tables right? There could even be a column for %Talk %Description %Action, like 20% %40 %40. Just an idea anyway.
I like the way you think. However, I think someone other than me will have to do it, as I know nothing about programming.

Unless we do it simply and have each author fill out their own entry and edit as needed.
Actually just earlier today (after I made the suggestion) I clicked "Go Advanced" for the first time on this forum--until then all I'd ever selected to post was "Quick Reply". And I now see that this forum doesn't have tables.

But, tables are simple a don't need programming. You indicate specific 'across' sections and then designate each item in that section, until you have all the rows/columns filled out. For instance,

TR <-- Table Row
TD First Category /TD <-- Table Data
TD Second Category /TD <-- Table Data
TD Third Category /TD <-- Table Data
/TR <-- End Table Row
TR <-- Next Table Row
TD Bulbasaur /TD <-- Table Data
TD Charmander /TD <-- Table Data
TD Squirtle /TD <-- Table Data
/TR <-- End Table Row

Which would come out as:
| First Category | Second Category | Third Category |
| Bulbasaur | Charmander | Squirtle |
except formatted all neat and pretty unlike the text I just tried to make.

Unless you didn't mean making tables when you meant programming. But this board doesn't support tables anyway as I discovered after making that post, so I guess it's not especially relevant.

...Wait, actually, this forum does allow Courier font, I now see. So how about this:

| ID . | TITLE ........... | AUTHOR .................... | GENRE/SUBJECT .......... | CONTENT | CREATION | UPDATED | % Desc | % Action | % Talk |
| #-1 .| Hitmonchan's Diary | Stephen "Huxmonchan" Huxman | Humor, Action, Adventure | PG-13 . | 1998 ... | 1999 .. | 10% .. | 60% .... | 30% . |
| #-2 .| Onix's Garden .... | Stephen "Huxmonchan" Huxman | Sci-Fi, Dark, Action ... | PG-13 . | 1999 ... | 2000 .. | 15% .. | 55% .... | 30% . |
| #-3 .| Skywing .......... | Matt "Pidgeot500" Wallace . | Action, Adventure, Drama | PG .... | 2000 ... | 2000 .. | 45% .. | 35% .... | 20% . |

-1. Hitmonchan's Diary: Humor, Action, Adventure
Experienced college-age trainers travel through Kanto, with never a dull moment,
including plots involving Team Rocket and Xynj the evil Jynx.

-2. Onix's Garden: Sci-Fi, Dark, Action
In a future where Xynj rules Kanto, the League is gone, Stephen Huxman and the Cinnabar Charizard Killers are dead or disappeared,
and Team Vision has ceased to exist, Pokemon gyms are the last holdouts against the new world order. Destiny calls two war-torn teens to
Fuschia City, and on to worlds unknown.... where hope for the future may lie within an egg.

-3. Skywing: Action, Adventure, Drama

A really old, terribly written "Mary Sue"-type fanfic, which I will say was motivated by very powerful and mature feelings/experiences,
although my undeveloped brain/writing was unable to give it literary justice. Features teenage friends traveling and battling.

Hmm, actually Courier New didn't work, so I tried plain Courier which wasn't on the list and that magically worked, so yay.

The former two fics actually exist and I'm going to put them on my site when I finally get my site up and running which will be a while from now considering I'm getting a lot of content together before I finally publish it.

In the completed version of the Index there'd be the table section and then there'd be a numbered title/genre/description paragraphed section after the table for the curious.... with the title of the fic being a link to that fic on this forum. With positive numbers, btw.

Btw, I made the font size 3 because it's a pretty long table. Anyway, how does that look?
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