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What do you hope DOESN'T happen in the Best Wishes series?


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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^Exactly what the title says. I hope that Iris doesn't get obsessed with Musicals, just like May and Dawn got obsessed with Contests. That would ruin the whole anime for me. For me, Musicals and Contests are the worst thing in the entire franchise. It is so pointless. I could be battling and catching em' all instead of that crap.
Hi, I moved your thread to the main Anime section as it didn't fit into a debating category, or a poll category. Should it be judged as popular enough, we'll move it back to Live Caster.
Ten reasons unranked

1. I hope Ash doesn't lose to any other gym leaders.
2. I don't want special battle field to be forgotten.
3. I don't want more filler.
4. I don't want Dento knowing team rocket in the ghost episode to go unexplained.
5. I don't want filler to pile up cause it stopped being fun.
6. I don't want Iris to be completely successful.
7. I don't want Ash to have aesop amnesia.
8. I don't want Ash to have his 11th birthday cause then they can't recon Ash being ten (seriously he was closer to 11 than ten when the show started).
9. I don't want this series to come and go without a lasting effect at the very least get rid of one team rocket member maybe meowth gets caught by someone.
10. I don't want legendaries to continue to lose their godly ness by multiples and caught ones appearing.
Yeah a lot can go wrong.
Why in the world would Iris take up Musicals anyway? They're not going to introduce a secondary quest more than 40 episodes into a saga. Likewise they would be more up Cilan's alley, anyway.

I hope Ash doesn't lose the league for once, let's see.
Ten reasons unranked

9. I don't want this series to come and go without a lasting effect at the very least get rid of one team rocket member maybe meowth gets caught by someone.

Meowth already has a trainer, he said so on the episode Island of the Giant Pokemon.
I don't want the TR vs TP special to be cancelled or edited to an unrecognisable point. I don't want this series to have no overall impact on Team Rocket the Organisation's role in the show (what I WANT is some kind of closure for Team Rocket - all of its members, not just the TRio).
I DON'T want to see Dawn make an appearance in the Best Wishes! series, that'd just make me really, really mad!
I'm sick and tired of her and her contests, they were such a pain to watch, and I don't want see her visit the Unova region to say ''Hi'' to Ash, and never want to see her again!

Then, I also don't want Iris to become a gym leader. I really love Iris, but I want her to continue working on becoming a Dragon Master when her journey with Ash and Cilan is over, but I have a feeling that after some more interaction with Drayden she might end up being a gym leader.
I don't want that to happen, I don't want her to end up like Misty.
for team rocket to suddenly switch personalities and become their old self in the past. it'd be too confusing.
I do not want to see yet another episode focusing on how a Pokemon doesn't want to evolve. Ever. Again.
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I don't know...if we say what we don't want, there's a chance it will happen, but if the denials will come true, then...

- I hope that Ash don't leave his extra Pokemon behind in terms of development.
- I hope that Team Rocket doesn't go to the full end of either comedy or seriousness and be balanced.

If these will happen even I don't hope it will happen, then in a (I think it's called) reverse psychology fashion...

- I don't want previous occurring characters to reappear, particularly Barry.
- I don't want to see Ash's old Pokemon reappearing.

That's it for now.
A. For Oshawott to stop being cute.
B. While losing a tournament's okay (it's only expected), don't repeat DP's performance.
-Catch anymore Pokemon till the ones he has now are trained and given more screen time particularly Kurumayu, Gamagaru, and Hatooboh.
-For Iris to not not catch a Monozu, she needs more Dragons.
-For old Pokemon to not not appear again, the Unova Pokemon are great. But they can't rely just on them for the whole sage. Of course I may be over thinking things, but that's probably me wanting Iris to get a Miniryu.
-I don't want for there to not to be anymore specials.
-I don't want anyone to have another disobedient Pokemon, it's getting overused.
-Team Rocket to go completely serious or almost completely Comedic.
-For Mijumaru's crush on Emonga to not go anywhere.
-For Pokemon to suck later on like Buoysel and Torterra did.
-Them to get boring.
-Old characters to not show up or cameo.
-Iris to become the gym leader, that idea is too predictable.
-N to not show up early.
-TPCi better not go back to their old ways, no way in hell. They never should go back to their oldselves.
Ash and co to have pokemon with flat personalities, now there is more mons in the cast it would be a real shame if some were ignored and got little development.

Filler arcs

Team rocket going back to their loser selves

A god mode sue winning the pokemon league

Poor handling of team plasma if they even do anything latter.

Leaving out important themes and events from black and white (N and his relationship with pokemon and Ghetis)

And most importantly Ash going to the next region even dumber than a guy who gets curbstomped by a newbie.
- I hope Ash never gives away another Pokèmon for incredibly stupid reasons.
- For the anime creators to learn what character development means, and not have another Pokèmon change its personality completely just because it evolves. (Goes hand in hand with a previously friendly loving Pokèmon suddenly becoming disobedient like Swinub and Charmander).
- Electric type moves working on ground types for any reason.
- Ash ordering Pikachu to use an electric type move on a ground type and be shocked when it doesn't work.
- "Insert plot of a previous episode with Unova-Pokèmon here". If they've run out of ideas why not just cancel the show and start airing reruns for the kids? I'm serious, some of these are REALLY obvious. (Electric Shock Showdown= Pika and Goliath (its even the same Pokèmon and the previous episode is mentioned...WHAT THE?) and Bulbasaur's Secret Garden VS Turtwig's introduction.)
I hope the Rocket trio doesn't stay their boring selves for the rest of the series. I'm sure they will, but it'd be nice if they went back to being in-character again.

Adamant said:
We know he met them in BW26, and there's a 99% possibility he met them in BW23/24. How is that "unexplained"?

He also met them in BW 006.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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