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What is your favorite Pokemon?


PokePwn Webmaster
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
What is you favorite Pokemon from

Overall three favorites:

Please explain in detail.

Mine would be R,B,Y: Rapidash. It's majestic. Like royal. It runs towards the wind fast and gracefully.
G,S,C: Misdreavus. It's like a dark Celebi. It always is powerful and coolike. It's dark and mysterious, and also kind of weird.
R,S,E: Rayquaza. This is my favorite pokemon overall. It is also the only one of my the three favorite pokemon i listed so far, on my team. Rayquaza seems that it can get through anything and it is all powerful. It can always turn things around and is a peacemaker.
my overall three favorite are: Rayquaza, which i listed, Kyogre, because it seems to control all water and everything so weirdly. And my third favorite is Blaziken, Blazikens like a cool fighting chicken that cant be beaten. my 4th favorite is Rapidash, then Dragonite, then Misdreavus then down from there.
R/B/Y: Charizard :lx006: I began pokemon with Yellow, and I chose Venusaur as my starter in FR.

G/S/C: Typhlosion :lx157:

Ru/Sa/E: Sceptile :254:

My favorite poke is of course Sceptile. I cannot say for certain what is second or third.
R/B/Y: Dewgong. And interesting enough the only versons that Dewgong actualy had any use what so ever.
G/S/C: Espeon, cuz I just plain like it (poor Dewgong, it lost 80 Special Attack when it goes G/S/C and beyond)...
Ru/Sa/E: Milotic. Beauty Queen + power house.

Overall: Dewgong. Despite that it's a very under powered poke beyond R/B/Y, I still like it.
I've got a lot of favorites.

RBY: Raichu, Electabuzz, Mr. Mime, Poliwrath, Haunter, and Rattata.
- Raichu: Raichu was my original favorite because who can say no to something that cute? Then, I started using one on my RBY teams, and I've realized that it was pretty darn powerful. (This is before I realized there were alternatives, but whatever.) Since then, it's remained on my list for nostalgic reasons.
- Electabuzz: Not only because of power but also because of usefulness. I have one in FrLg as well as in my ASB team on another board, and Electabuzz has never let me down.
- Mr. Mime: Same reason as Electabuzz.
- Poliwrath: Usefulness and nostalgia.
- Haunter: Not only because of in-game usefulness and nostalgia but also because of its anime episodes, in which it was only slightly annoying but overall awesome.
- Rattata: Not only because it's cute but also because it's pretty useful in-game. Hyper Fang owns.

GSC: Heracross and Crobat
- Heracross: I've always loved Ash's Heracross. Something about the design and the entertainment factor of the bug just drew me to it. (Poor Bulbasaur.)
- Crobat: In-game usefulness. It's quick and gets the job done faster than my other Pokemon, making it one of my key players.

RS: Gardevoir, Medicham, and Kecleon
- Gardevoir: As soon as I saw it, I fell in love with its design. Then, I put it on my Sapphire teams, and my love for it grew. It's graceful, beautiful, and powerful, especially with Trace and Calm Mind helping it out.
- Medicham: I didn't even like this guy until I put one on my team. After that, I realized that it was pretty powerful itself, and it was often reliable and versatile. And then I started to like that unique design of its. It really comes off as a steady Pokemon. (Ironically, the same can't be said for that chimp it calls a preevolution.)
- Kecleon: Two words -- Color Change. Not to mention it's awesome for ASBing, in my opinion.

Overall: Gardevoir wins, with everyone else pretty close behind.

- Pikachu, it's the cutest Pokemon ever. And I love the fact that it's a mouse that can use electricity. Pikachu is also an icon or mascot and is used on basically everything Pokemon related. This is another huge reason why I love it so much. ^_^

- Mew, I never had one in R/B/Y before, but I always wanted one mainly because it's cute, powerful, and very rare.

- Mewtwo, it's just really cool and powerful.


- Espeon, it's really fast and powerful. It also learns cool attacks.

- Umbreon, for the same reasons as Espeon.


- Sceptile, it's one of the strongest Pokemon I have, and it also has very powerful attacks.

- Swellow, in my opinion, it's definitely one of the strongest Flying types there is, and it's also really cool.

- Gardevoir, it's just a really powerful Psychic Pokemon that I like.

- Linoone, it's pretty good in battle and can learn a wide range of attacks.


- Pikachu, because it's always been my favorite Pokemon. I really wish I had one in real life, because it's so cute and has powerful Electric attacks.

Runner Up/Second Favorite

- Mew, because like Pikachu, it's really cute, and it's very powerful. Of course, unlike Pikachu, Mew is also a very rare and unique Pokemon.
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LAPRAS - I love it because its jolly and intelligent. Lapras is friendly, cares about others and is very pretty. It has sweet voice and is mysterious. I love his colour, so blue! I like to watch Orange Saga because Lapras is in almost every episode!
CHIKORITA - I like her personality. In the anime she is very jealous and sometimes is meanie =P She is tought and very stubborn. I remember that I liked relations between her and Ash. She kicked Pikachu a lot.
MAREEP - awwww.... Mareeps have soft wool and are very friendly. they are clever and have sweet voice. I would like to hug them^^ They are very warm.
LATIAS - she is cute! Probably you know what I mean.
TROPIUS - oh, this magneficent pokemon is great. Proud, and so calm. It isn't good in the game but in the anime its really ok.

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Raichu and Vaporeon have been my favorites since I first saw them.There is no Pokemon that could replace them as my favorites.In second place however,is Aracanine.It's always been a favorite of mine as well.

R/B/Y Favorites:

Raichu: I love it simply because it's just so darn cute.Also there was a Raichu in the little Pikachu cartoon before Mewtwo Strikes Back.I thought it was a cute,sassy,and cool little Pokemon.I've loved it ever since.Besides,Lt.Surge's Raichu kicked Pikachu's butt the first time they battled.I don't like Pikachu really,so I was really happy when Raichu beat it,but then in the rematch,Pikachu won -_-;

Vaporeon: When I first saw it,I thought it was the most beautiful Pokemon ever.I still think that,but there are other Pokemon I think are beautiful too.I also thought it was pretty cool that it could melt into water.It was my favorite of the Eeveelutions and it still is.Whenever I get an Eevee on the games,I immediately buy a water stone and evolve it.

Arcanine: Another beautiful Pokemon.I love canines,especially foxes and wolves.Arcanine is like a very big,furry,multi-colored wolf XD


Houndoom: I thought it looked really cool.It was another canine Pokemon,so I immediately liked it.I love how it's a dark and fire type.It's just over all a cool Pokemon XD


Mightyena,Manectric,Gardevoir,and Milotic: Another dark canine and an electric one too.Mightyena is kind of weak,but I like it anyway.I don't care how strong a Pokemon is, if it's one of my favorites,then I'll use it.If I cared about strength,I would raise a team of legendaries,but what's the fun in that? Anyway,I like Gardevoir too.I thought it was really pretty and it was adorable as a Ralts ^^ So I had to catch one.Milotic is just plain beautiful.I wanted one as soon as I saw a picture of it,but it was really hard to get one on the game.I eventually got one though and I love it.
R/B/Y: Mew. It's cute.. it's powerful... Did I mention it's cute?

G/S/C: Umbreon. *points to avatar*

Ru/Sa/Em: Flygon, I guess. I also like Swalot.
OK. For Me...

R/B/Y/G: Rapidash and Jynx

Rapidash- It is one of the fastest Pokemon which makes it great at first-strike battling, plus it can learn a variety of attacks other than fire. Including Normal, Grass and Even Flying!

Jynx: It may be bacd with Attack and Defense, but It's awesome with Spec. Att. and Spec. Def.. Also knowing that it has Lovely Kiss, plus a large number of powerful moves helps a lot in battle.

G/S/C: Err... I'd have to say Stantler.. It's probably the strongest base normal types there is. Er.. plus I like four-legged animals. xD

R/S/E: Tropius, Milotic and Swellow

Tropius: Why the bleep do people use it as an HM slave?! It can be really great in battle, it can fly, plus in the Anime it put a pretty good fight... I'm really against HM slaves... >_>

Milotic: THE strongest Water Type ever. It's stronger than Kyogre. It's Sp. A and Sp. D are awesome, plus Marvel Sacle helps a bunch.

Swellow: Other than Pidgeot, strongest Flying/Normal type ever. The fact that it can LEARN Aerial Ace is awesome, Endeavor works great. And It's REALLY Speedy.

But What I hate seeing overall... are people who use Pokemon as HM slaves, or hate them the way they look or treated. Like Jynx. As well as when People call them "cool". Jeez I've never used that word in my LIFE.In my opinion, one of the stupidest words ever created. I dont like Pokemon for how cute they are, or how strong they are, or how "cool" they are.. I like them for their abilites and stengths. (Strengths NOT the same as how strong they are.)
R,B,Y: Eevee. Just... super cute. I was known as the world's biggest Eevee fan at the Pokemon League they had here... actually, when it ended, they gave away cupcakes... I was at the back of the line, but was called up first to make sure I got a cupcake with Eevee on it. <3

I also like all of its evolutions... it's fun to train Eevee and make it stronger, but it's also fun to see it evolve into so many different things.

Ninetales as well, because it's beautiful and pretty powerful. <3
G,S,C: Espeon and Umbreon. Heh. I'm an eevee whore.... but I really love Espeon to battle with. It's got statistics to rival Mewtwo, and it's pretty. I'm never without one. And Umbreon got extra points for being the only fully Dark type at the time.

Chikorita is my favorite outside of the Eevees. I like its personality. XD And it's a challenge to begin the game with Chikorita, since you have problems using it at pretty much all of the gyms. You absolutely MUST train it to full potential and raise a full team of Pokemon. It's fun!

R,S,E: Skitty, Skitty, SKITTY. I don't even think I can give my reasons for this because I like everything about it. o_O It's cute, good in contests, fun to make battle strategies with.... yeeeah. I love Skitty.

Overall three favorites: Skitty, Skitty and Skitty?

Okay, uh.... Skitty is my overall favorite, but I still also like Eevee and Espeon. <3
I'll do this from my main Generation NB teams at the moment, as I often change favourites.

RBY: Persian OR dugtrio

Tauros was getting really boring, as it is on like every RBY team. So I decided I would try out Persian and have loved it ever since. And Dugtrio is just cool.

GSC: Nidoking

Got to love this thing. Has saved my ass so many times because of people not realising it has counter.

RuSa: Forretress

I've loved this thing on my current team ever since I was in a battle with a guy who chd my weezing with a salamence, proceeded to set up 6 dds (because I was playing fucking stupid) and HP Flying'd my near full HP Forry, only for it to survive with like 10 HP and counter for the OHKO.

Overall my favourite out of these right now is probably forry.
There is only Eevee. It's cute, it can evolve FIVE ways now, and each of those evolutions are useful. I run a team of five eevees and a Skarmory, and it's very useful and covers all the bases.
R/B/Y: Charizard, mostly because I love dragons.
G/S/C: Sudowoodo. Seriously, in my Gold version this thing was unstoppable once it learned Rock Smash. A close second would be my perennial cute favorite Pikachu.
Ru/Sa: Latias. She's difficult to catch, but she's a great fighter.
RBY:Jigglypuff. Just because it's cute.
GSC:-Octillery. It's an octopus. And it learns Flamethrower!
-Dunsparce. Awwwwww........
-Wobbuffet. Absurd, obnoxious, and unique.
RSE:-Sceptile. I love dinosaurs. And green lizards.
-Flygon. The only Pokemon that is both kickass and adorably cute.
Kater said:
What is you favorite Pokemon from

R,B,Y: Raichu
G,S,C: Raichu
R,S,E: Raichu

Overall three favorites:
Raichu - I can't really explain it, but I have been completely enthralled with this PKMN ever since I first saw Machisu's Raichu. Every time I buy a new PKMN cart, I always catch a couple Pikachu and raise them up to become my new Raichu. Though, I don't care for Pikachu, so the sooner I can get around to it, the better.

Eevee - Outside of the cuteness factor, I have always loved this PKMN because it represents, to me, possibilities. Most PKMN can only evolve in a set path, its destiny is decided before you even capture it. Not Eevee, it can jump in any direction you want it to become and that has always appealed to me.

Scizor - This is another PKMN that I have liked since I first laid eyes on it. That sleek metallic frame and yellow glare. Unlike Raichu, I also like Scizor's previous form; Strike, and until the Silver and Gold games were released I had always liked that PKMN, but it wasn't a first look thing like with Scizor.

Raichu - Raichu was my very first favourite Pokémon, while everything was all Pikachu, Pikachu, Pikachu I opted to prefer it's evolved form. I just love it's design and it's so cute :3 It's garneted that if I have a Pikachu in a game, I'll evolve it to Raichu eventually ^^ Also I got a holographic Raichu card in my first ever pack of Pokémon cards I bought which I was VERY pleased about and remains one of my favourite cards today! :3

Charmander - My favourite of the R/B starters! <3 Even though it's tough to get by the pewter gym when you choose Charmander as your first pokémon I don't care, I love the little guy~!

Butterfree - Again with the cute factor, but I also love using this guy in my games, mostly for it's confusion attack :3

Eevee - Cute! I also like the fact that it can turn into 5 different things~!

There's a bunch more I like but the only reasons I can give are "Cute" for them I think XD I have a habit of loving the cute Pokémon.


Togepi - Loved this little thing from the time it appeared in the anime and it then became my online name XD It's sickeningly cute but if ya know me you know I like sickeningly cute *lol*

Chikorita - Favourite of the G/S/C starters...again....cute XD

Umbreon - It's design is so cool *__* It's my fav of the Eevee evolutions.


Mudkip - Mudkip is my overall fav hands down, I just fell in love with that bizarre design of a blue little mudfish with strikingly orange gills XD

And just for kicks I'll add D/P for the overall pokémon revealed at this time:


Manene - I list this cos when it was first revealed my impression of it was pretty much along the lines of "What is that thing!?" I wasn't keen on it's design at all, but now it's been in the anime I find it utterly adorable X3
RBY: Dragonair, I didn't really like it much but recently it has grown on me since I aquired one in LG. I just think it's the moast elegant and graceful thing you will ever find, it can never be topped by anything. I could just stare at it's sprite for hours. It also seems to be a very kind and friendly Pokemon. It is shrowded in an aura of mystery and it has beautiful eyes.
GSC: Most definitely Houndoom, the fire dark guardian dog of the underworld. It seems a solitary creature to me which appeals to me, but it would help people in danger. I don't really know why, but the way it looks seems to exude power and authority.
RSE: Don't have a really firm favourite from this generation, but if I had to pick it would be Mudkip and his evolutions. The whole line together makes sense to me. The cute, sweet and innocent looking little Mudkip, who is hiding an immense strength under that exterior. Marshtomp, the transition stage from child to adult, seems kind of awkward and goofy looking, but it is really good in its field, swimming. He seems to be like a teenager in its evolutionary line. Swampert, the adult form. Its very appearance says "don't mess with me or you're in trouble" and like Houndoom, exudes power. I believe that at this stage Swampert would be quite a spiteful and selfish Pokemon that probably wouldn't help people.
RBY: Eevee, as well as its evolutions
Like what MataDogasu has said, its representation of "possibility" is unique throughout the games (unless you count Wurmple too). It being an adorable bundle of fur add bonus, of course.

GSC: The whole Houndour Line
I have this weird obsession with mixed types since the GSC series, and I also have a rather strong fixation on fire types (which I didn't overcome until the introduction of a certain Gym Leader in the later series). The resultant of these two is my almost undying love for Houndour/Houndoom. I don't care of its battle capability, but the appearance and traits ("If you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away.") have my complete attention. The rest's simply history. XD

RSE: Altaria. Hands down.
Yep, you can totally guess the Gym Leader that douse my fixation on Fire types is no other than Nagi/Winona. My obsession with mix types managed to carry through, and I quickly got hooked onto Altaria soon after I glance through the official guides of Emerald (I actually read the guide before I bought the game, this alone explain what a weirdo I am). Ignoring the fact that I'm a sucker for cute things, it being a dragon but not a OU also appeals to me.
My favorite Pokemon is Lapras. I love it how it has a lot of HP, and I think it has very good Special Attack and Special Defense Stats.
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