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What is your FireRed/LeafGreen team?


New Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Hello, you want to know what is your FireRed/LeafGreen Team. Write with this thread today.
My FireRed team:
Charizard, Kingdra, Raichu, Flareon, Persian & Arcanine(all of them at Lv 100)

My LeafGreen Team:
Blastoise, Butterfree, Pikachu, Nidoqueen, Dragonite & Articuno(same as above)
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This team is all L:81 just like my Ruby team. I train them both on FR.

@Miracle Seed
-Sludge Bomb
-Sleep Powder
-Razor Leaf

-Steel Wing
-Aerial Ace

-Brick Break
-Iron Tail

@Hard Stone
Ability: Sturdy
-Rock Slide

Ability: Flash Fire

@Mystic Water
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball

Normally, I let my two teams share their hold items.
Kasumi-san said:
Merged the threads into one. Also, it's not good to steal other site's bandwidth so I removed all those sprites.
The sprites from the Pokemon Elite 2000 website. Thanks for removing them away, Kasumi-san. Yeah it is not good to steal other site's sprites.
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MY firered team is to sacred for your eyes D=
It owned my whole school
God said:
MY firered team is to sacred for your eyes D=
It owned my whole school

Thats pointless to put tings like that unless their important and is related to the topic....:bash:

Persian LvL 66 (Shiny), Dragonite LvL 60, Typhloshin LvL 67, Feraligator LvL 58, Linone LvL 64, Shedninja LvL 65

I also have another team but I'm to lazy to post it!! ^.^
Sneasel Lv.71
Houndoom Lv.70
Blaziken Lv.70
Shedinja Lv.68
Dragonite Lv.69
Kingdra Lv.69
My team was a favorite team. Ah, I cannot wait for Sneasel's evolution. Espeon (My favorite Pokémon), Togetic, Sneasel, Charizard, Dragonite, Ampharos. Right now I'm trying to work on a team that centers around Espeon's CM/ Baton Pass. It's taking a while for me to make it really effective...
Its my Leaf Green Team:

Starmie - ^_^

I have a Dragonite because I didn't have better idea for 6th pokemon.
Lets see... I have Fire Red and I have 5 badges, so my team will likely change a lot before I'm finished, but that's okay. This is what I have now:

Evan (Eevee) Lv. 33
Peter (Pikachu) Lv. 34
Darien (Onix) Lv. 34
Rodney (Pidgeotto) Lv. 34
Kyle (Charizard) Lv. 37
Alex (Kadabra) Lv. 40

Oh gosh! I just realized that they're all boys! I don't usually do that. I like to have some of each gender on the team- just to keep things balanced. Oh well. I like them as they are, so I'll leave it for the time being.
Fire Red:

Shouri:Charizard F Lv.54
Eclair: Raichu F Lv. 53
Umi: Vaporeon F Lv.54
Saikoubi: Arcanine F Lv.53
Hana: Vileplume F Lv.52
Terra: Nidoqueen Lv.54

Soon,I'll have a Houndoom on my team and maybe an Espeon.I plan to raise all of these to level 100,but I've been playing Emerald instead of Fire Red,so the leveling up will have to wait.
*checks my team* Basically... My Team only has 3 Pokemon at it.. XD Cause I only use Legendaries for Fly... Surf... Strength.... XD I hate (not HATE... but dont like using) legendaries.

My team:

Lvl. 100

Sunny Day

Lvl. 94

Lovely Kiss
Ice Beam
Calm Mind

Lvl 92

Magical Leaf

(My LG Team [Tropius was traded to LG, then put in Daycare, and hatched into current Tropius])
Flareon, Dewgong, Venusaur, Pidgeot, Raticate, and the final slot goes to whoever is my HM user for my situation (Eevee if I'm using none). This team of 6 (actualy 7, but the 7th was a fan-made poke) is the team of my fan-fic I wrote.
My old Firered team was;

They were all lvl 100. Before I acquired most of these I used Nidoking, Dewgong and Kadabra.
I'm planning on getting Venusaur, Fearow, Raichu, Meowth, Flareon, and Lapras.

I choose not to evolve Meowth for two reasons
1. to keep the pick up ability
2. I don't like Persian as much as Meowth
Haha, it's kinda boring, but here:

Pokemon FireRed Version
PKMN Trainer Leaf's final Team:
Ryuu the Charizard M
Tsubasa the Pidgeot F
Nezumi the Raticate F
Rui the Gyarados F
Kazushime the Gengar F
Kimyoh the Vileplume

...I first played FR when I was in my "super kawaii desu" phase and used Japanese words for everything. Don't judge me. D: -hides-
The most recent LG team that I can remember is:

- Blastoise
- Persian
- Hitmonlee
- Jolteon
- Kabutops
- Snorlax
Current team, (third re-start)

Blastoise is my starter. Venesaur was my starter from my 2nd run-through, (the Charizard from my first ended up in FireRed). Kingdra is from this re-start, evolved from a Horsea, but the rest of the team is all from the 1st.

Not planning on re-starting anymore. Would be nice to have a Charmander, but its too much effort. So this is bascially my final team
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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