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What Monster scares you most?

Still Probably Modio

generally on hiatus now
Aug 14, 2010
Reaction score
As in terrify you so you can't sleep, not "Like Gawly, tha's mighty a scaresome."
And not ghosts or vampires or unoriginal stuffs.

Slender Man here. I mean, geez, he scared me s***less when I read about him. Now I've strenghtened his mental link with me.
Bluh bluh, Slender Man. I don't get what the huge deal is - it's not that scary. The closest I get to being "scared" of any fictitious monster is when I wake up at 3am, have no idea where I am, and have that split second of terror while I look around my room - that's it.
Bluh bluh, Slender Man. I don't get what the huge deal is - it's not that scary. The closest I get to being "scared" of any fictitious monster is when I wake up at 3am, have no idea where I am, and have that split second of terror while I look around my room - that's it.

The reason you wake up is because you are scared.[/sneaky like that]

Black Dogs are also scarifying.
I once dreamed ReDeads from The Legend Of Zelda tried to suck my brains out while screaming. Most horrible dream ever so I don't like Redeads very much. When I cross one in Ocarina Of Time I get goosebumps, I almost look like a plucked chicken.
The Púca can be a ghost, but it also takes the form of a horse who, once you get on, will never let you off. Soon as you get on, it also sets on fire.
If you're talking about monsters that haunt my dreams, well....it's kind of hard to explain....


....yeah. Like I said, hard to explain.

But in all seriousness, the one monster that scares me more than any other would more than likely have to be


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The monster in my mind. It's appetite cannot be quenched; haunting me. In silent isolation I grieve the hallowing thoughts that reverberate.
No, not here. Not now. Not ever. No. Please, let me be, for once.

Let me be.
I once dreamed ReDeads from The Legend Of Zelda tried to suck my brains out while screaming. Most horrible dream ever so I don't like Redeads very much. When I cross one in Ocarina Of Time I get goosebumps, I almost look like a plucked chicken.

I'm exactly the same, I've had countless nightmares about ReDeads. They are without a doubt the most terrifying things I've ever seen in a video game. Dr. Salvador from Resident Evil 4 comes in second, but there's a huge distance between the two. It took me years to complete Ocarina of Time, because I couldn't pluck up the courage to face them, and even when I finally did, I had to mute the sound and know exactly where each one was, so I'd be completely prepared for them. Triforce of Courage, indeed.
I'm exactly the same, I've had countless nightmares about ReDeads. They are without a doubt the most terrifying things I've ever seen in a video game. Dr. Salvador from Resident Evil 4 comes in second, but there's a huge distance between the two. It took me years to complete Ocarina of Time, because I couldn't pluck up the courage to face them, and even when I finally did, I had to mute the sound and know exactly where each one was, so I'd be completely prepared for them. Triforce of Courage, indeed.

Haha, same thing happened to me here... couldn't bear to beat the game because I couldn't even look at the ReDeads. Maybe it's because the concept of a zombie scares me so much. I know the thread said no unoriginal monsters, but I swear it's zombies that scare me the most.
Also, I always though ReDeads had the creepiest name... it's like... redead... like they died twice... or reanimated... I don't know, I found it disturbing. If the name was just "undead" then no problem, but ReDead is disturbing to me, haha
ReDeads for sure. lord have mercy I had more nightmares about those bastards than Freddy, Jason, & Zeke the Plumber combined. & the scream they make when they paralyze you is just icing on the nightmare infested cake of death >.< Gibdos count too.

honorable mention to Twilight Princess Gohma (I'm arachnaphobic) & R/B Golbat
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